单词 | 澰 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 澰—full of water澰preposition—troughprep弥—brimming or overflowingExamples:弥漫星云—diffuse nebula
本壶的玻璃胎是乾隆朝典型的亮晶晶,弥漫於气泡的浑浊玻璃。 e-yaji.com | The ground of this bottle is the bright-looking, milky, bubble-suffused ground typical of the Qianlong reign. e-yaji.com |
康涅狄格州Newtown小镇,尚未从上周五Sandy Hook小学枪击案中回复过後,悲痛的情绪仍然弥漫,沉淀在每一个人的心坎中,死者的家属开始为致亲举行葬礼,惨案过後,Sandy Hook小学会否重开,仍属未知之数。 ktsf.com | Shattered by last week’s school shooting Newtown in the US state of Connecticut prepared for its first two funerals on Monday, including the one for the youngest victim, while officials weren’t sure whether the school itself would ever reopen. ktsf.com |
落地半透明玻璃窗将室外的自然光导入,让店子弥漫着和谐气氛。 think-silly.com | Natural light shimmers through the floor length glass windows, the shop is drenched with comfort and harmony. think-silly.com |
本 校的课堂弥漫着浓厚的学习气氛,是学生发挥最大潜能和迎接挑战的好地方。 sfusd.edu | Classrooms are dynamic places where each child is challenged to reach her/his highest potential. sfusd.edu |
L'OCCITANE根据这个传奇故事,以这四种玫瑰揉合鲜果清香,交织出花香弥漫、轻柔清新的优雅气息。 hk.loccitane.com | Each of the Count of Forcalquier's daughters had her favorite rose: the Grasse rose, the Bulgarian rose, the Moroccan rose and the Turkish rose. hk.loccitane.com |
减 少 的 主 要 原 因 为 年 内 提 供 保 养 服 务 及 软 件 租 金 之 收 入 减 少 以 及 全 球 股 票 市 场 及经济气候弥漫各种不明朗因素,令到本集团於二零一二年度内与经纪行新签销售合同之步伐放缓。 hklistco.com | The reasons of decreases were mainly attributed to descend from the provision of maintenance services and software rental income during the year and with various uncertainties under the global stocks market and economic climate clouded which resulted in slowdown of the Group’s new sales contract signed with brokerage firms in the year 2012. hklistco.com |
我们的义工设计了一连串生动有趣的游戏,以及英语教授的环节,让小朋友们能轻松学习英语,并感受当天活动弥漫着的爱与温暖的气氛。 bridges.hk | Through a series of fun games and English teaching sessions designed by our volunteers, the day is full of love and warmth. bridges.hk |
参与所有与奥斯汀时代相关的活动,包括午餐、市集、舞会、戏剧表演、讲座和工作坊,这一切都弥漫着奥斯汀式的经历和体验。 visitbritain.com | Attend lunches, fairs, promenades, theatrical performances, lectures and workshops all related to Austen’s era, and be inundated with Austen-esque facts and experiences. visitbritain.com |
全球经济弥漫悲观气氛,缺乏投资机会,顶级宝石反弹速度超越其他资产类别;收藏家认为,与其投资波动剧烈的股市,或是将现金存入利息微薄的银行,拥抱钻石,不但是另一种安全的通膨避险方式,也比有形资产投资似乎更加安全。 ravenelart.com | Top quality gemstones are rebounding faster than other asset classes since the collapse of Lehman Brothers ravenelart.com |
现场运用大量的金属风格以及战士个人海报,现场烽烟弥漫加上钢铁防护措施,更营造出浓浓的格斗气息,让来到现场观战的民众,一同感受充满刺激、一触即发的紧绷气氛!下午的活动由身高250公分的LED钢铁机器人炫目开场後,更邀请到台湾目前最受瞩目的超人气偶像女星郭雪芙出席担任钢铁女王,与微星科技执行副总暨桌上型平台事业处总经理江胜昌共同启动开幕仪式,并率领网路票选前五名钢铁情人现场进行趣味竞赛,一同为超频战将加油打气。 tw.msi.com | The afternoon session kicked off with a 250cm-tall LED Steel Robot, followed by an official opening ceremony by pop singer and Steel Goddess Puff Guo and MSI Corp. msi.com |