单词 | 澎湖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 澎湖—Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), TaiwanExamples:澎湖县—Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan 澎湖列岛—Pescadores Islands, Taiwan 澎湖岛—Pescadores Islands, Penghu county, Taiwan 澎湖群岛—Penghu or Pescadores, archipelago of 90 islands west of Taiwan See also:澎—sound of waves 湖n—laken lakespl
由於澎湖为中华台北着名之观光景点 人 们往往在假日期间 尤是夏季 造访该岛 因 此 吕总经理也与员工协商 在夏季 旺季 减少休假 在冬季 淡季 则增加休假 另一 方面 吕总经理也指出 他们不仅在公司内部 管理方面努力在地化 在与当地社群的对外连 结 各种影响水族馆营运的外部因素 如物流 等方面亦付出同样的努力 例如 大东山珠宝 适应当地文化 改善当地物流基础设施 藉以 促进成长 助益於当地社群 对於在各处有分 支机构的中小企业来说 将在地化与文化调适 纳入管理考量 可协助中小企业因应不同地区 的文化差异 也能更有效地进行经营管理 apecscmc.org | As a result, Lu has negotiated withher employees to take less day off during summer (peak season), but more during winter (off-season). On the other hand, as Lu indicated, localization efforts are not only made on the internal management but also on the external links with local community as well as some external factors that could affect the operation of the aquarium, such as logistics. apecscmc.org |
另外 吕华苑总经理亦举出大东山珠宝将 触角延伸至不同产业的实例 与我们分享多角 化经营与管理之道 大东山珠宝目前在中华台 北南端的小岛澎湖与政府合作进行一间水族馆 的营运移转 OT 计画1 由於澎湖具不同的 文化及环境 大东山珠宝将管理风格在地化 配合该地的旺季与淡季 apecscmc.org | In order to diversify and extend its reach to different industries, Lucoral & Lupearl is currently cooperating with the government by holding an Operation-Transfer (OT) plan1 at hand of an aquariumin Penghu, a small island located at the south of Chinese Taipei. apecscmc.org |
曾规划南投竹艺博物馆、三义木雕博物馆、台北县陶瓷博物馆、台北市历史民俗博物馆、金门历史民俗博物馆、澎湖生活博物馆等39座;1991-2001年担任世界宗教博物馆筹备处执行顾问,负责建馆筹备工作;并担任台湾传统艺术总处谘询委员、台湾大百科全书总顾问,文化资产总处审议委员;主持台湾民俗文物大系、台湾民俗文物辞类汇编、台湾视觉记忆数位典藏总计画、博物馆行政法人制度、重要无形文化资产研究等计画;艺术教育法、文化资产保存法、博物馆法起草委员;着有传统工艺、博物馆等专着、研究、调查、技术报告百余种并发表论文140余篇。 mwr.org.tw | Mr. Chiang also has been involved in Arts Education law, Cultural Assets Preservation Law, the drafting and amending commissioner of Museum laws, the General Governor and Committee Member, ICH Section, Administration Headquarters of Cultural Heritage, CCA. mwr.org.tw |
汹涌澎湃的尼亚加拉大瀑布距离多伦多约90分钟。 shangri-la.com | Approximately 90 minutes from Toronto is the majestic Niagara Falls. shangri-la.com |
风景如画的欧比恩桥坐落于爱尔兰最长河流沙农河(the River Shannon)的两岸上,这里有两条让人心情澎湃的环路。 discoverireland.com | The picturesque village of O’Briensbridge stands on the banks of the River Shannon, Ireland’s longest river, and is the setting for two awe-inspiring looped walks. discoverireland.com |
结合澎湃的动力,优越的操控感,全新的SL 系列驰骋公路,带来极致驾驶快感。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Powerful while accelerating, effortlessly superior across all speeds, nimble on winding roads – the new SL provides ample driving pleasure. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
使他心情澎湃是他终于要抵达尼亚加拉大瀑布水电站了。 voith.com | What he is really passionate about is getting finally to the power stations at the Niagara Falls. voith.com |
它不仅美化了比例修长适中的引擎罩,而且其後向反光轮廓,隐约透现跑车的澎湃动感。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | It facilitates the long and well-proportioned bonnet and with its rearward light-catching contours it already hints at the roadster’s dynamic qualities. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
从 2010 年 1 月 1 [...] 日开始,该特使所需资源在 特别政治任务经费内拟列,因为秘书长大湖区问题特使的职能及其办公 室的活动更具特别政治任务性质(另见 [...]A/63/746/Add.16,第 48 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Starting on 1 January 2010, the requirements are proposed under the provision for special political [...] missions, as the functions of the Special [...] Envoy forthe GreatLakes Region andactivities [...]of his Office are more closely aligned [...]with those of special political missions (see also A/63/746/Add.16, para. 48). daccess-ods.un.org |
而身处 充满竞争与挑战的金融市场,具勤奋忠诚、创意澎湃并且 有情有义的员工,是集团最宝贵的资产。 htisec.com | In such a competitive and challenging financial market, the Group regards our loyal, hardworking, creative and passionate staffs as the most valuable assets. htisec.com |
此外,还加强了对冲突中和冲突后国家的援助活动(索马里、苏丹、刚果民主共和国和大湖地区)以及调整紧急状态和重建教育计划(PEER)的工作,强调评估建议的执行和项目审计。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Particular stress was in addition placed on the follow-up to cooperation for countries in conflict and post-conflict situations [...] (Somalia, Sudan, Democratic Republic [...] of the Congo, Great Lakes region), andon the [...]restructuring of the PEER programme (Programme [...]of Education for Emergencies and Reconstruction) and implementation of the recommendations of the programme evaluation and audit. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以新古典 / Martial Electronica路线,糅合军鼓、电子音乐及配器,制造急激澎湃或典雅空灵的氛围,跨越音乐和电影的界限。 think-silly.com | In the genre of Neo Classical and Martial Electronica, the band blends military drums and electronic music to upbeat and atmospheric effect, crossing the boundary of music and film. think-silly.com |
美国制定了一项国家政策,确保保护、维护和恢复海洋、沿 海和大湖生态环境和资源的健康,这一政策的核心是一个从生态系统出发的沿海 [...] 和海洋空间规划框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the United States, a national policy was established to ensure the protection, maintenance, [...] and restoration of the health of ocean, [...] coastal,and Great Lakesecosystemsand resources, [...]which had at its heart an ecosystem-based [...]coastal and marine spatial planning framework. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,德国的赛车迷真的对此洋溢着满腔热情,今年也因为Vettel和Nico这2位拥有惊人战绩的车手,我相信车迷们将会更加兴奋澎湃。 oris.ch | The German fans are really passionate, but I think this year they will be more so because of Vettel and Nico who are doing a great job. oris.ch |
工作主要集中在协助在佛得角普拉亚设立西非研究所,就地区一体化和社会变革开展 国际研究,并在金沙萨的大湖区建立妇女、性别及和平建设地区研究和文献中心,并使这些 [...] 中心开始运作,并制定其行动计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Efforts concentrated on assisting the establishment of the West Africa Institute in Praia, Cape Verde, for international research on regional integration and social transformation and of the Regional Research and Documentation [...] Centre for women, gender and [...] peace-buildingin theGreatLakes Region, in Kinshasa, [...]these centres to become operational [...]and to develop their plan of action. unesdoc.unesco.org |
赛道试驾区分为轿车体验区及越野车体验区,邀请来宾深切体验Lexus车辆澎湃动力及无往不前的越野能力。 lexus.com.cn | The Test Drive Track was divided into a Sedan Experience Zone and a SUV Experience Zone, with both zones providing first-hand experience of the raw power and dynamic performance of the cross-country Lexus line-up. lexus.com.cn |
来吧,齐来踏上加拿大歌手KlôPelgag(魁北克/独立民谣)那梦幻旋律的音乐之旅,让Junior Tshaka(瑞士/摇摆、hip-hop与reggae)既诗意又极具社会参与感的reggae音乐,Les Mauvaises Langues (法国/摇滚歌)热情澎湃的摇滚音乐,以及比利时歌手Benjamin Schoos& Sophie Galet(比利时瓦隆—布鲁塞尔代表团/流行音乐)清新的流行音乐为你带来惊喜。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Travel with the dreamy melodies of Klô Pelgag (Québec/Canada, indie folk), be amazed by the poetic and socially-committed reggae of Junior Tshaka (Switzerland, groove, hip-hop, reggae), the powerful rock of Mauvaise langues (France, rock songs) or the pop sweetness of Benjamin Schoos & Sophie Galet (Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels Delegation, French pop): do not miss "Mars en Folie"! consulfrance-hongkong.org |
不涌时是一弘清澈见底、明净如镜、池底由地下喷出的含硅物质凝结成的五彩缤纷或蔚蓝或橙红的底面;涌泉开始喷涌前,先从池底冉冉轻烟飘渺而上,犹如美女的面纱,渐渐地池中喷出水泡,池面掀起涟漪,轻烟也渐成浓雾,直至池水达到沸点,突然水声澎湃、水花乱溅,几十道晶莹漱艳的水柱,此起彼落地射向崆穹,如银色的烟花,在空中不断爆炸,令人叹为观止! onsmu.com | Philip Chung is not crystal clear when, bright and clean as a mirror, the bottom of the silicon material ejected from the ground condenses into a colorful or blue or orange-red underside; springs start spewing before the start on the bottom and slowly smoke misty as if the veil of beauty, spray pool gradually blisters, pool deck set off ripples, smoke gradually became thick [...] fog, until the water reached boiling point, [...] a sudden soundof surgingwater, [...]spray splashing chaos, dozens of brilliant [...]crystal clear rinse water column, after another to fired Kong Mountain dome, such as silver fireworks exploded in the air constantly, amazing! onsmu.com |