单词 | 澉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 澉—place name泻—diarrheaAEless common: laxative flow out swiftly a torrent 泻noun—diarrhoeaBEnExamples:泄泻—diarrheaAE 山泥倾泻—a landslide 泻药—laxative
Katanga每年均捐赠治疗疟疾以及腹泻、咳 嗽及发烧等其他常见疾病的药物。 glencore.com | Katanga donates pharmaceuticals for malaria and other common diseases, such as diarrhoea, coughs and fever. glencore.com |
在米切尔高原(Mitchell Plateau)上远足,观赏壮丽的米切尔瀑布(Mitchell Falls)- 这是四个连续瀑布,水流顺着层峦叠嶂飞泻而下,落入深潭。 danpacplus.hk | Trek Mitchell Plateau and see the majestic Mitchell Falls ¡V a series of four waterfalls - cascade over layers of rock into a deep pool. danpacplus.hk |
抗生素治疗不能减轻腹泻的严重性或缩短腹泻的时间,亦不能减少大肠杆菌O157:H7型患者腹泻的时间。 hsbc.com.hk | Antibiotic treatment does not alter the severity or duration of diarrhea, or shorten the period of time someone has E. Coli O157:H7 in his/her stool. hsbc.com.hk |
很多传染病(如旅游者腹泻、A型肝炎和伤寒)都是因为 吃了污染的食物或喝了污染的水而患上。 nyc.gov | Many infectious diseases such as travelers’ diarrhea, hepatitis A and typhoid fever are caused by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. nyc.gov |
由於在分 目 5001BX 下的防止山泥倾泻计划主要是修复未符合安全标准而可能影 响发展地区的旧人造斜坡,2004-05 和 2005-06 年度并无预留拨款作修复 这些天然山坡之用。 devb.gov.hk | Since the Landslip Preventive Measures Programme funded under Subhead 5001BX is mainly meant to rectify old substandard man-made slopes affecting developments, no provision has been made in 2004-05 and 2005-06 for restoration of these natural hillsides. devb.gov.hk |
如孩童感染流感,更会出现肠道感染的病徵,如恶心、呕吐及腹泻等情况,但此 等病徵在成年的患病者将较少出现。 qhms.com | Children can have additional gastro-intestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, but these symptoms are uncommon in adults. qhms.com |
感染小量中华肝吸 虫可能全无症状或只出现轻微症状,但感染大量中华肝吸虫则会令患者受到长期严重感 染,引致食慾不振、腹泻和发烧,亦会造成胆管梗阻和肝硬化,严重者可造成慢性黄疸, 继而较容易出现胆管癌(由胆管细胞引致的癌症)。 cfs.gov.hk | Light infections might cause mild or no symptoms while infection of large numbers would cause intense infection for long duration and result in loss of appetite, diarrhoea and fever. cfs.gov.hk |
延长保修证书,predstavlennnyj 保险公司泻临港",为您提供一项免费的服务,如果不保证故障或事故,已造成产品损坏。 magazin-mikrolana.g-sochi.ru | Extended warranty Certificate, predstavlennnyj insurance company Rinko ", provides you with a free service, if not the guarantee of a breakdown or accident, has caused damage to the product. magazin-mikrolana.g-sochi.ru |
39 香港将出现更多异常的极端天气,酷热、暴雨、水 浸、山泥倾泻以至乾旱将会更形频密。 procommons.org.hk | Extreme weathers are more likely to happen in Hong Kong ranging from heat wave, heavy rains, flooding, landslides to droughts. procommons.org.hk |
问题: 有关 5001BX「防止山泥倾泻计划」及 5101CX「为工务计划丁级工程项目进 行土木工程、研究及勘测工作」的整体拨款项目中,请详列那些位於观塘区 及黄大仙区的工程项目。 devb.gov.hk | Question: Please provide details of works in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin districts under Subheads 5001BX 'Landslip preventive measures' and 5101CX 'Civil engineering works, studies and investigations for items in Category D of the Public Works Programme'. devb.gov.hk |
当您打开电视时,萤幕上的电子布幕向两侧缓缓开启,画面慢慢浮现,同时声音也倾泻流出。 bang-olufsen.com | When you turn it on, the picture is slowly unveiled beneath a moving curtain, as the sound glides in. bang-olufsen.com |
如果你的孩子出现持续性呕吐或腹泻、耳痛、癫痫、头 痛、皮肤出疹、喉咙疼痛、胃痛、呼吸困难、丧失知觉 或腹痛,就应该直接去看急诊。 cbwchc.org | Seek emergency care if your child has constant vomiting or diarrhea, earache, seizures, headache, skin rash, sore throat, stomach pain, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, abdominal pain, or seizure. cbwchc.org |
透过联合国儿童基金会网站展开的匹配捐助活动以及老挝1000天项目等计划,有关合作旨在传播锌及其他微量元素的益处,以预防慢性腹泻造成的死亡,以及在儿童早期发育阶段微量元素缺乏带来的终身影响。 minmetalsresources.com | Through a matched giving campaign via the UNICEF website, and programs such as the Lao 1000 Day project, the partnership aims to distribute the benefits of zinc and other micronutrients to prevent the deaths associated with chronic diarrhea and the life-long impacts of micronutrient deficiencies in early childhood development. minmetalsresources.com |
缺乏服众的领导核心,自然不能筑堤堵泻。 hkupop.hku.hk | Without a leadership core which commands respect from the people, the mechanism to plug holes and intercept crisis in our society naturally fails. hkupop.hku.hk |
症状包括发高烧、头痛、腹泻、便秘 、食慾不振和红点皮疹。 nyc.gov | Symptoms include high fever, headache, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite and a rash of rose-colored spots. nyc.gov |
部分患者 可能会流鼻水、喉咙痛、作呕、呕吐及腹泻。 www6.cityu.edu.hk | Some people infected with swine flu may also have a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. www6.cityu.edu.hk |
儿童接触大 量金属水银会出现中毒症状﹕ 牙龈红肿、唾液增多、体重下降、腹泻及/或胃痛,四肢痉挛。 hcphes.org | Kids exposed to high levels of metallic mercury can exhibit symptoms of poisoning: swollen red gums, increased saliva, weight loss, diarrhea and/or stomach pain, cramping in both legs and arms. hcphes.org |
宝珊山泥倾泻防治工程为创新的地下水排放系统,透过多条排水竖管和两条排水隧道,以及实时的监控仪器,协助解决半山区宝珊地段的高地下水位问题,以减低发生大型滑坡的风险。 hkie-engineeringweek.hk | Po Shan Landslide Preventive Works is an innovative groundwater drainage system. Using various drainage standpipes and two drainage tunnels, as well as real-time monitoring equipment, the system assisted in resolving the high water table issue in the Po Shan area at the Mid-Levels, thus reducing the chance of having a large-scale landslide. hkie-engineeringweek.hk |
发生於 1961 年(昭和 36 年),地点在新泻县阿贺川流域,污染源为昭和电工会社鹿濑 工场,致命物质同样是汞(水银化合物),受害者症状大体上与熊本水俣病相似,另有 关节痛、末梢神经症状等。 hkahe.com | The pollutant again was mercury. Its symptoms were quite similar to the Kumamoto Minamata Disease, plus other symptoms such as arthrodynia and peripheral nerve syndromes. hkahe.com |
全 险 保 障, 范 围 包 括 因 爆 炸、 火 灾、 爆 水 管、 盗 窃、 恶 意 破 坏、 水 浸、 台 风、 山 泥 倾 泻、 下 陷 及 其 他 意 外 而 导 致 的 家 居 财 物 损 毁。 bank.hangseng.com | All risks coverage including damage to household contents due to explosion, fire, burst of water pipe, theft, malicious damage, flood, typhoon, landslide, subsidence and other accidental damage bank.hangseng.com |
及後,香港地质调查组的主要工作包括山泥倾泻勘察、隧道地质、区域地球化学调查、地质谘询服务及土地用途规划。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | By then, HKGS activities incorporated geological mapping of major landslides, tunnel geology, regional geochemical surveys, concrete petrography, a geological advisory service, and geological input into land use planning. hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
受感染而出现腹泻或未能控制大便习惯的患者,特别是在日间护理中心的儿童及在护养院的人士,应加以隔离,直至症状消失为止。 hsbc.com.hk | Infected persons with diarrhea and those who are unable to control their bowel habits, particularly those children in day care centers and individuals in nursing homes, should be isolated until symptoms have resolved. hsbc.com.hk |
病徵包括恶心和呕吐 ( 例如由金黄葡萄球菌引致) 、腹泻和脱水( 由沙门氏菌類和弯曲菌類引 致 );在罕見的肉毒中毒个案中,病人甚至会瘫痪和死亡。 cfs.gov.hk | The symptoms of food poisoning vary from nausea and vomiting (e.g. caused by S. aureus), through diarrhoea and dehydration (Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. cfs.gov.hk |
其 後 , 为 了 平 息 国 内 一 些 针 对 着 这 次 让 步 的 批 评 , 他 又 加 强 了 沿 海 的 军 事 防 务 , 控 制 未 获 授 权 的 外 国 贸 易 , 及 加 强 政 府 对 浦 贺 ( Uraga ) 及 新 泻 ( Niigata) 这 些 沿 海 城 市 的 管 制 。 hkahe.com | Then, to pacify domestic critics who protested that concession, he took steps to strengthen coastal defenses, control unauthorized foreign trade, and strengthen Shogunate control of the port towns of Uraga and Niigata. hkahe.com |
18 在世界上最贫穷的几个国家,有关食因性疾病爆发的资料很少,而有 关食用不安全肉類引起的病例资料则更少。据 WHO 估计,每年有逾 15 亿名五岁以下儿 童由於摄入被污染的食物及水而出现腹泻,其中逾 300 万死亡。 wspa.org.cn | WHO estimates that more than 1.5 billion episodes of diarrhoea occur each year in children under the age of five, from ingesting tainted food and water, leading to more than 3 million deaths. wspa.se |
主治 脾 胃 虚 寒 、 脘 腹 疼 痛 、 泄 泻 清 稀 、 呕 吐 不 渴 、 腹 满 食 少 、 舌 淡 苔 白 、 脉 沈 或 迟 缓、 或 阳 虚 失 血 、 及 小 儿 慢 惊 风 、 病 後 喜 唾 涎 沫 、 以 及 胸 痹 等 症 , 由 中 焦 虚 寒 而 致 者。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Deficiency cold in spleen and stomach manifesting as upper abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, vomiting without thirst, abdominal fullness, poor appetite with white fur on pale tongue and sunken or slow pulse; loss of blood and Yang deficiency; chronic infantile convulsion, frequent drooling and spitting after episodes, pain and oppression in the chest induced by deficiency cold in the middle energizer. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
根据医学历史记载:当时对抗疗法所采用的医疗方法有三种:(一)以小刀或水蛭来放血〈Leeching〉、(二)以火烧灼病人身体〈cauterizing〉、(三)以毒性极高的药物, 如水银、砒霜等给病人服用,作用是要使病人肚泻〈purging〉。 homeopathyhongkong.org | According to history of the medicine, the Allopathic at that time were carried out in three ways: (a) using knife or leech to bleed, i.e. leeching, (b) burning the patient's body with fire, i.e. cauterizing, (c) using highly toxic drugs, such as mercury, arsenic, etc. to treat a patient in order to cause his/her diarrhea, i.e. purging. homeopathyhongkong.org |
本地调查指出,有7-41%的外游居民在行程中或回港後出现因外游引致的健康问题;当中约有六成的健康问题与预防不当有关,包括腹泻、腹痛和作呕。 hksh.com | According to a local survey, around 7-41% of Hong Kong resident travelers experienced health-related problems during travel or after return. Three-fifths of the health-related problems, such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain and nausea, are preventable. hksh.com |