

单词 潼南县

See also:

name of a pass

南南 adj

triangular adj


southern county

External sources (not reviewed)

Scorch then returns back to Planet Baab where he is known as a famous hero, while at BASA his brother, Gary and Gary’s son Kip are.
The hot work piece and hot equipment can cause fires and burns.
因此 在火灾中也不会释放氯化氢等腐蚀性气体,这种气体可能制导致呼 吸道的腐蚀性灼伤。
In the event of fire, no corrosive gasses such as hydrochloric gas are released which might lead to caustic burns of the respiratory tract.
各国议员们从最近的 经济危机中获得了许多知识和真知灼见,国际社会需要议员们的经验协助制订今 后的经济优先事项和战略。
Parliamentarians had gained much knowledge and insight from the recent economic crisis, and the international community needed their experience to inform economic priorities and strategies for the future.
最新的报告显示,湾区买房及租房价格普遍上涨,其 Sa nta Clara升幅最大,而租屋价格则是东湾阿拉米达县上涨最多。
Santa Clara County asking price for homes for sale rose 16.3%, followed by San Mateo County, a 15% increase and Contra Costa County, a 13.8% increase.
於二零零八年三月六日,本集团与独立第三方就位於 省新 工 业园D2-3区的一幅面积为5,000平方米的土地订立分租协议,租期为50年,用於建立 本集团在越南的新生产工厂(「越南新生产工厂」)。
On 6 March 2008, the Group entered into a sublease agreement with an Independent Third Party for renting a parcel of land located at D2-3 Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam with an area of 5,000 square metres for a term of 50 years for establishing the Group’s new production plant (the “New Vietnam Production Plant”) in Vietnam.
根据越南中部树脂的投资证书,越南中部树脂须自二零零九年一月十二日起计 一年内将总部从省顺 工业区2号路迁至 省新 工业园 D2-3区(即产工厂地址)。
According to the investment certificate of Vietnam Centresin, the head office of Vietnam Centresin has to be relocated to
Road No.2, Dong An
[...] Industrial Zone, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province to D2-3, Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam, being the address of the New Vietnam Production [...]
Plant, within one year from 12 January 2009.
聆听如何驾驭技术的力 量推动业务并走向卓越的真知灼见。
Discover crucial insights for harnessing the power of technology to drive the business and achieve a new level of excellence.
希望解决 难民和饥馑问题但不化解基本冲突,无异于试图烧灼 一条木腿。
Wishing to solve the problem of refugees and the hungry without settling the basic conflict could be considered the equivalent of trying to cauterize a wooden leg.
根据越南中部树脂与独立第三方大登建设开发有限公司(「大登」)於二零零八年 三月六日订立的土地分租协议,越南中部树脂向大登租赁位於 省新 工业园D2-3区的一幅土地(「越南分租物业」)。
(“Dai Dang”), an Independent Third Party, Vietnam Centresin rented a piece of land located at D2-3 Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province (the Vietnam Sublease Property”) from Dai Dang.
於 2010 年内,除了向中华煤气收购在遼寧省及浙江省的六个项目外,集团分别在江西省、遼寧省、 山东省和广西壮族自治区共获取八个新项目,包括山东省潍坊市臨 莱阳区,遼寧省 鞍山市工业新区、大連市旅顺经济开发区、朝阳市喀左县,江西省九江市城东港区、抚州市抚北工 业园,以及集团首次於广西壮族自治区投资的一个管道燃气项目。
In 2010, in addition to the six projects acquired from HKCG in Liaoning and Zhejiang Provinces, the Group also secured eight new projects in Jiangxi Province, Liaoning Province, Shandong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, including Linqu County of Weifang City and Nanhai New District of Laiyang City in Shandong Province, the New Industrial District of Anshan City, Lvshun Economic Development Zone of Dalian City and Kazuo County of Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province, Chengdong Harbour District of Jiujiang City and Fubei Industrial Park of Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province, and Lingui New District of Guilin City, being the first piped gas investment project of the Group in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
1884年为止的旧栃木县(栃县南 群马县的一部分)的县厅所在地所留下来的壕沟,被称为县厅堀。
Tochigi was the prefectural capital of the old Tochigi prefecture (the south part of Tochigi Prefecture [...]
and a part of Gunma
Prefecture) until 1884, and its official remnants can be seen in the moats, which are called Kenchobori (moats of the prefectural capital).
於本公告日期,本公司董事会的成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、徐耀祥先生和黄光耀 先生,以及五位独立非执行董事欧肇基先生、张培明先生、劉菱辉先生、丁午寿先生和 余灼强先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of Wheelock and Company Limited comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui and Mr. Ricky K. Y. Wong, together with five Independent Non-executive Directors, namely, Mr. Alexander S. K. Au, Mr. B. M. Chang, Mr. Herald L. F. Lau, Mr. Kenneth W. S. Ting and Mr. Glenn S. Yee.
该土地位於省德 西社,面积为59,991平方米,土地用途为由越 南政府从不同的用途类别中正式指定为用作墓地。
The Land is located in Hoa Khanh Tay
[...] Communes, Duc Hoa County, Long An Province, Vietnam, with [...]
an area of 59,991 square metres
and is formally designated for use as cemetery in the categorization of land for different uses by the Vietnamese government.
本组织已开始建立 信息收集和交流机制,并为此开展了一些活动,例如 2006 年 2 月和 10 月分别在日内瓦、巴黎和北 京举行了磋商会议;利用在线工具进行综合评估;协助开展审查工作;以及向相关的政策讨论会传 递计划执行过程中产生的一些真知灼见。
The Organization started establishing mechanisms for information gathering and exchange, for example through consultation meetings held in February and October 2006, and May 2007 in Geneva, Paris and Beijing; consolidating stocktaking, through online tools; facilitating review processes; and channelling insights gained during the implementation process to the relevant policy forums.
由於案件针对警察州九 方已高度戒备,湾区的公路也有呼吁协助追寻疑犯的显示牌。
Of particular interest at this point in the investigation is a multi-page manifesto in which the suspect has implicated himself in the slayings.
焊接之后,工件、焊头、钨棒、夹具和夹箍可能会很烫,甚至 可能引起灼伤。
After welding, the work piece, weld head, electrode, fixture block, and collets can be extremely hot and may cause burns.
In many people, infection does not cause any symptoms, but in others it can hurt the stomach lining, leading to gastritis (inflammation) and ulcers potentially causing pain or burning in the upper abdomen (the area above the belly button).
对於未必有业权缺陷的各项物业(即(i)位於中国广东省中山市黄圃镇新丰工业区 中心的中山生产工厂;(ii)位於 省顺 工业区2号路的 生产工 厂;及(iii)位於省新 工业园D2-3区面积为5,000平方米的一幅租赁土 地(「越南分租物业」)),本集团已进行及 ╱ 或将进行下列补救措施
Regarding each of the properties that may or may not have defective title, namely (i) the Zhongshan production plant located at Xinfeng Industrial Zone, Huangpu Town, Zhongshan,
Guangdong, the PRC;
[...] (ii) the Existing Vietnam Production Plant located at Road No.2, Dong An Industrial Park, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam; and (iii) [...]
a piece and parcel of
leased land of 5,000 square meters located at D2-3 Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam (“Vietnam Sublease Property”), the Group has taken and/or will take the following rectification actions
(iii) 越南中部树脂对位於省顺 工业区2号路的物业(「 」)的使用权因无法获得平阳工业区管理局的相关租赁证明而受 到不利影响。
(iii) Vietnam Centresin’s rights to use the property situated at Road No. 2, Dong An Industrial Park, Thuan District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam (the “Existing Vietnam Leased Property”) have been adversely affected by reason of failure to have the relevant lease certified by Binh Duong Industrial Zones Authority.
於本公告日期,会德丰的董事会成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、徐耀祥先生和黄光耀 先生,以及五位独立非执行董事欧肇基先生、张培明先生、刘菱辉先生、丁午寿先生和 余灼强先生,而九龙仓的董事会成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、周安桥先生、李玉芳 女士、吴梓源先生和徐耀祥先生,以及六位独立非执行董事陈茂波议员、陈坤耀教授、 钱果丰博士、方刚议员、捷成汉先生和詹康信先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of Wheelock comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui and Mr. Ricky K. Y. Wong, together with five independent non-executive directors, namely, Mr. Alexander S. K. Au, Mr. B. M. Chang, Mr. Herald L. F. Lau, Mr. Kenneth W. S. Ting and Mr. Glenn S. Yee, and the board of directors of Wharf comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Andrew O. K. Chow, Ms. Doreen Y. F. Lee, Mr. T. Y. Ng and Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui, together with six independent non-executive directors, namely, Hon.
於 2012 年内,集团继续扩展业务版图,分别在辽宁省、山东省、江西省、福建省和河北省共取得八个新
[...] 项目,包括辽宁省大连瓦房店市的城市管道燃气项目及中游长输管线项目、阜新市新邱区;山东省招远市 滨海科技产业园、 西省宜春市宜丰县;以及集团在福建省和河北省首个的投资项目— 福 建省龙岩市长汀县和河北省秦皇岛市山海关区临港产业园管道燃气项目。
We continued to expand the geographic extent of our business presence in 2012 with the acquisitions of eight new projects in Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hebei Provinces. These included a piped city gas and a midstream gas pipeline project in Wafangdian City, Dalian, Liaoning Province and piped gas
projects in Xinqiu
[...] District in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province; Binhai Science and Technology Industrial Park in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong [...]
Province; Pingyin
County in Jinan City, Shandong Province; Yifeng County in Yichun City, Jiangxi Province; as well as debut projects in Fujian Province and Hebei Province.
董事会宣布,本公司之全资附属公司天工爱和於 2008 年 11 月 22 日与华林钒业 就本集团拟收购分别位于中国 乡楚凡村及东坪镇黑岩溪的钒 矿采矿权及全部相关资产订立有条件框架协议。
The Board of Directors announced that on 22 November 2008, Tiangong Aihe, a whollyowned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a conditional framework agreement with Hualin Vanadium in respect of a proposed acquisition by the Group of the vanadium mining rights of navajoites located at Chufan Village, Longtang Town and Heiyanxi, Dongping Town, Anhua County, Hunan Province, the PRC, respectively and all related assets.




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