


departed soul

disperse water
name of a river in Hebei Province








External sources (not reviewed)

巫师在宗教和疾病治疗仪式上用灵 藤水(“灵魂之藤”的意思)诊断和治疗疾病、通灵、占卜未来。
The shamans use ayahuasca (which means "vine of the soul") in religious and healing ceremonies to diagnose and treat illnesses, meet with spirits, and divine the future.
旨在增强小组办事处的能力并提供必要资金以及灵活运用当地专业知识的战略应当大 有裨益。
A strategy that strengthens the capacity of cluster offices and provides them with necessary funds and the flexibility to use local expertise should help.
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、信徒 较少的宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a small number of believers and the form of discrimination to be avoided.
在第 XX/15 号决定第 2 段中,《蒙特利尔议定书》缔约方请求执行委员会在审议伊拉克消耗臭氧层物质淘汰项 目时考虑到伊拉克作为新缔约方这一特殊情况,在淘汰附件 A 和附件 B 所列物质的过程中可能会 面临一些困难,因此在审议项目提案时保持灵活性,但不得妨碍缔约方对伊拉克出现的不遵守情事 情况可能展开的审查。
This is particularly in light of paragraph 2 of decision XX/15 through which the Parties to the Montreal Protocol requested the Executive Committee when considering ODS phase-out projects for Iraq to take into account the special situation of this new Party, which may face difficulties in the phase-out of Annexes A and B substances, and to be flexible in considering the project proposals, without prejudice to the possible review of the non-compliance situation of Iraq by the Parties.
其他发言者认为,第 B 条草案中载列的规则不够灵活或过于详细:从这样的要 求看,更是这样:为了驱逐而拘留外国人不得使用关押被判处剥夺自由刑罚的人 的场所;有人还建议,在某些情况下,可能需要拘留非法居留的外国人,以便确 定事实,甚至保护这些人。
According to other speakers, the rules set out in draft article B were not flexible enough or were too detailed: that was particularly the case with the requirement that the detention of an alien pending expulsion must be carried out in a place other than a facility in which persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty were detained.
给予最不发达国家的特别和优惠待遇及政策灵活性 需要根据具体国家所处的发展阶段,按照世界贸易组织及区域和双边协定具体推 行(而不是用时间加以限制),以便最不发达国家采取能够反映他们特定需求和机 会的发展战略。
Special and differential treatment and policy flexibility for LDCs need to be made operational according to a given country’s stage of development (rather than limiting it by time) within the World Trade Organization and regional and bilateral agreements, so that LDCs can adopt development strategies that reflect their specific needs and opportunities.
它具有高度的灵活性,您可以根据工件和生产状态选择加工过程,如用一个主轴进行设置的同时用另一主轴进行加 工。
It is highly flexible that you can choose the processes based on the workpieces and the production status, such as setting up with one spindle when machining with another spindle.
为了对今天快速发展的全球媒体环境有效地 做出反应,并对新交流平台的快速增长所带来的机遇加以利用,秘书处应尤其在灵活性内容的创 建、网络和新媒体管理、媒体制作和营销方面营建一个多语言交流技能基础。
In order to respond effectively in today’s fast moving global media environment, and to exploit the opportunities presented by the exponential growth of new communications platforms, the Secretariat will need to build up a multilingual communications skills base, particularly in flexible content creation, web and new media management, media production, and marketing.
荷兰代表解释说并 不保证这一进程一定成功,目的是使决议草案保持相当大的灵活性。
The representative of the Netherlands explained that there is no guarantee that this process actually works and that the intent was to keep the draft resolution rather flexible.
在这方面,委员会重申对灵活解释一般临时人 员批款使用准则感到关切,因为该批款的目的是用于临时替补请长期病假或产假 的工作人员或在工作量高峰期雇用更多工作人员,而不是为具有连续性质的、事 实上的经常预算员额提供经费(除其他外,见 A/50/7/Add.2)。
In this connection, the Committee reiterates its concern about the flexible interpretation of the guidelines for the use of funds appropriated for general temporary assistance, which are intended to be used for the temporary replacement of staff on extended sick leave or maternity leave or the engagement of additional staff during peak workload periods, and not to finance de facto regular budget posts that are of a continuing nature (see, inter alia, A/50/7/Add.2).
秘书处代表在回答关于灵活运用三年期淘汰计划预测模型的问题时解释说,这一模型 之所以灵活,是因为倘若该模型计算的 ODS 最大剩余数量高于实际可以消费的 ODS,可 不必接受这一模型。
In response to a question on the flexible use of the model three-year phase-out plan, the representative of the Secretariat explained that the model was flexible because the amounts calculated did not have to be accepted if the maximum residual amounts of ODS calculated by the model were higher than the actual eligible ODS consumption.
将估算出的覆盖率百分比与所选术语结合 使用,是一种描述区域中油量的一致且灵活的方法,该方法在描述方面达到的准确度足以满足作 出应对决策的需要。
In combination, the estimate of % coverage together with selected terms, provides a consistent and flexible method of describing the amount of oil in an area to a degree of accuracy sufficient for response decisions to be made.
尽管已在不断发展的全球金融 危机背景下进行了多次审议,尽管经济复苏不均衡、 国际贸易疲软以及对主权债务危机扩散的恐慌等等 问题导致形势充满挑战,但各代表团还是表现出灵 活性与合作精神,促进委员会就决议草案的大部分 内容达成共识。
Although deliberations had been held in the context of an ongoing global financial crisis, with such issues as uneven economic recovery, sluggish international trade and fears of a spreading sovereign debt crisis creating a challenging backdrop, delegations had shown flexibility and a spirit of cooperation that had helped achieve consensus on the vast majority of the draft resolutions.
XOOPS 作为一个成熟的网站建设管理工具,可以方便地建设管理各类网站:内容管理与界面风格分离,便于方便灵活的设计切换不同的表现风格;成熟的功能模块化机制,有各种丰富多样的模块可供选择定制,比如新闻发布、文章管理、论坛、相册、资源下载、广告黄页、电子商务、博客和知识库等;具有完善的权限管理机制,可以针对不同用户群组设置不同的访问、编辑等权限。
XOOPS website as a mature construction management tool , you can easily manage all kinds of construction sites : separation of content management and interface style , designed to facilitate convenient and flexible switch between different styles of performance; Mature functional modular system , a variety of modules to choose from variety of custom , such as press releases, article management , forums , photo albums , resources, downloads , advertising, yellow pages , e-commerce , blog and knowledge base ; with complete authority management mechanism , you can set for different user groups different access and editing rights.
一些代表团还指出,应以灵活的方式在国家一级实施绿色经济政策和 战略,同时亦应认识到每一国家的具体情况,并应避免将之作为实行绿色保 护主义的一个借口。
Some delegations also noted that green economy policies and strategies should be applied in a flexible manner at the national level in recognition of the specific circumstances of each country and should not be used as an excuse for green protectionism.
请订购可单独提供的插头电缆,以享受即插即 用技术的优势以及电动滚筒的灵活预安装服务。
Please order the separately available plug cable to enjoy the advantages of plug and play technology and the flexible preinstallation of your drum motor.
在欧洲社会基金框架内开发人力资源,包括发展一种人人可以利用的教育 体系,确保劳动力灵活性,处理和终身学习,开发人力资源,以增加公司的经济 竞争力,确保劳动力市场机会均等,增强行政管理能力。
The development of human resources within the framework of the ESF includes the development of an education system which is available to everyone and ensures labour force flexibility, coping and lifelong learning, the development of human resources in order to increase economic competitiveness of companies, ensuring equal opportunities on the labour market and increasing administrative capacity.
布鲁塞尔和华盛顿在坚持认为要将放松 制裁措施与改革绑在一起的同时,也坚称愿意采取 灵活措施,但是这两方都没有就这些措施如何在当 今形势下有效地促进改革提供详尽的评估。
Brussels and Washington, while maintaining that an easing of the measures must still be tied to reform, insist they are willing to be flexible in their approach, but neither has presented a thorough assessment of how the measures have or can in current circumstances usefully contribute to reform.
在第十五次缔约方会议之前,马尔代夫呼吁:哥本哈根协议确保通过一个 充足、方便和灵活机制,为易受影响的国家最直接和最紧迫的适应需求,提供资 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳浓度降至不超过百万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 年的全球温室气体排放水平减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。
In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and the Copenhagen agreement to help reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no more than 350 parts per million; implying the need for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050.
只要没有一个政府机构 具有对南海问题的最终决定权,中国政府就能根据 局势变化灵活调整自己的主张。
As long as no agency has the final say on the issue, Beijing has the flexibility to change its positions depending on the situation.
秘书处澄清,目前法典程序具有足够的灵活性,这些组织可以获得 观察员资格,然而迄今没有收到这些组织要求成为法典观察员的申请。
The Secretariat clarified that current Codex procedures were flexible enough and allowed these organizations to obtain observer status, however no requests for granting observer status in Codex had been received from any of these organizations so far.
On the other hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
同时,有必要基于不能“一刀切”的认识,确保灵活性和包容性,因为各国和国 家内的情况多种多样,而对于比如小岛屿发展中国家、森林覆盖率较低的国家和 森林覆盖率较高且毁林率较低的国家,则需要采取有针对性的做法。
At the same time, there is a need to ensure flexibility and inclusiveness based on recognition of the fact that “one size does not fit all”; owing to diversity of national and subnational situations, a tailored approach may be necessary in the case, for example, of small island developing States, low forest cover countries and countries with high forest cover with low rates of deforestation.
该部正在改革所有过时的劳动政策、立 法、机构和管理制度,创造一个逐步完善的商业环境,以便能够:灵活制定工 资;建立稳定的雇佣关系;逐步提高健康和安全标准;改善工人赔偿制度;改进 就业条款和条件;建立迅速有效的冲突解决制度和进行能够提高生产力的善意谈 判。
MLIRE is reforming all outdated labour policies, legislations, institutions and administration systems with the aim of providing a progressive business environment that promotes flexibility in wage setting, stable employment relationships, progressive health and safety standards, better workers compensation system, improved terms and conditions of employment, speedy and effective conflict resolution system and good faith bargaining that will enhance productivity.
立法变得更灵活了:基础学校中有更严重残疾的学生的学年,已经延长到 三年;判分制度也更加灵活,以确保智障学生获得基础教育和在中学水平上深造 的机会。
Legislation has been made more flexible: the school year of pupils with more serious disabilities in basic school has been extended by up to three years; marking system has been made more flexible in order to ensure opportunities for acquiring basic education and for further study on secondary school level for pupils with mental disability.
Support the rich functionality/performance of the custom : with performance and data separation can be applied to multiple single- page menu unlimited level tree , up to 4 flat pattern , style, style definitions clear structure , and so flexible and fine features .
提供最高带宽、最低延迟和最高I/O性能,同时具备广泛的兼容性, 支持SAS扩展器和机架管理;可灵活地安装SAS和SATA硬盘。
Also offers highest bandwidth, lowest latency and highest I/O performance paired with broad compatibility, support for SAS expanders, and enclosure management; flexibility to install SAS and SATA drives.
同时,它突显了当前世界经济和金融危机 对贸易流动产生的深远的负面影响;重申维护公平的 多边贸易体制的重要性,再次呼吁抵制一切保护主义 倾向并纠正已采取的任何此类措施,同时承认发展中 国家有权充分利用世界贸易组织(世贸组织)下的灵 活性;以及强调多哈回合取得平衡、丰硕和注重发展 的成果的重要性,他呼吁所有会员国表现出必要的灵 活性和政治意愿,打破目前的谈判僵局,确保早日结 束谈判。
At the same time, it highlighted the profoundly negative impact on trade flows of the ongoing world economic and financial crisis; reaffirmed the importance of an equitable multilateral trade system, reiterating the call to resist all protectionist tendencies and to rectify any such measures already taken, while recognizing the right of developing countries to make full use of the flexibilities under the World Trade Organization (WTO); and stressed the importance of a balanced, ambitious and development-oriented outcome of the Doha Round, calling on all Member States to show the necessary flexibility and political will to break the current impasse and ensure the early conclusion of the negotiations.
21 保护的对象如此之多,“保护”理由的差异如此之大,一项保护传统知识的包罗万象的单 独适用制度可能过于具体而缺乏灵活性,不能充分考虑当地的需要。
We recognise that there is continuing pressure for the establishment of an international sui generis system, as recently articulated by the G15 Group of developing countries.21 With such a wide range of material to protect and such diverse reasons for “protecting it”, it may be that a single all-encompassing sui generis system of protection for traditional knowledge may be too specific and not flexible enough to accommodate local needs.
鉴于《反腐败公约》中的要求,各国必须具备复议机制和上诉机制,但 《示范法》是灵活的,颁布国可按照本国的法律传统执行其中的规定。
Given the requirements in the Convention against Corruption, States must have both a review and an appeal mechanism, but the Model Law is flexible so that enacting States can implement its provisions in accordance with their legal traditions.




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