单词 | 潢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 灢—muddyless common: thick, muddy water 潢—mount scroll dye paper Examples:室内装潢—interior decorating 装潢n—decorn dressn 断港绝潢—be unable to continue come to a dead end [idiom.] 装潢—mount (a picture) packaging adorn
主要系办公室装潢费、电脑软体成本、票券发行成 本及可转换公司债之发行成本等,采用直线法按二 [...] 年至十五年或合约期间摊提。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Deferred charges, which included [...] interior decoration, computer software, bill issuance costs and issuance costs of bonds [...]are amortized by the straight-line method over 2 to 15 years or contract periods. english.taiwanmobile.com |
实木和大理石也被大量用于内部装潢中, 这些都很好地反映了地中海邮轮对于每一艘邮轮认真的设计和仔细的规划。 msccruises.com.cn | Real wood and marble have been used extensively in the interiors, and the high quality reflects MSC’s commitment to the vessel’s future. msccruises.com.hk |
邮轮的内部和外部装潢,均是由国际知名邮轮设计师De Jorio精心打造。 msccruises.com.cn | Innovations in both exterior and interior designs for the MSC Cruises's fleet have earned prestigious awards for naval architects De Jorio Design International. msccruises.com.hk |
除了呈现更出色的音质外,樱桃木色结合经典设计,能与家中任何内部装潢搭配得相得益彰。 geniusnetusa.com | In addition to providing better sound quality, the cherry wood color combined with a classic design fits perfectly with any interior. geniusnetusa.com |
内部装潢以光 滑玻璃及不锈钢为主,或许是仿效美国曼哈顿的广告公司设计。 thisbigcity.net | The sleek glass and stainless steel interiors modelled on an exclusive Manhattan ad agency perhaps? thisbigcity.net |
我们有责任确保即将举行的会议、特别是 我提及的两次会议不是装潢门面,而是相互补充、具 实质内容和前瞻性的会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is our responsibility to ensure that the upcoming conferences, particularly the two that I mentioned, are not ceremonial — we know that they are not going to be ceremonial — but complementary, substantive and forward-looking. daccess-ods.un.org |
其瞩目的号角别致外型独树一帜,为您的家居装潢增添时尚独特气息。 samsung.com | Its eye-catching Horn Style adds a touch of style to your home’s interior decoration. samsung.com |
Club Aster的装潢融合自然与时尚元素,配合轻松的音乐和舒缓第心的香薰,加上免费提供的茶点和全天然香薰草茶,让您置身完全放松的环境下,暂时忘却日常生活的压力与烦恼,尽情纾解身心和享受憩适的时光。 aster.com.hk | Club Aster decor and fashion fusion of natural elements, with relaxing music and soothing aromatherapy first heart, with free refreshments and all-natural Lavender tea, puts you completely relaxed environment, temporarily forget the daily life stress and worry, enjoy relieve physical and mental fitness and enjoy recreation time. aster.com.hk |
南中国区最顶级豪华的会员制私人会所【红伶】,荟萃前衞时尚与感性撩人的装潢,令人亢奋的世界级娱乐表演节目轮流登场,让贵宾沉醉於奢华的娱乐国度。 yp.mo | Members of southern China’s most luxurious performance lounge will be treated to a series of exhilarating nightly performances when Saulo Sarmiento takes the showroom stage at CHINA ROUGE. yp.mo |
与之相比,2006 年位于 教科文组织正对面的巴黎军事学院的 4 544 [...] 平方米的临时大楼的相同品牌的装潢措施,花费了国防部 675 欧元/平方米。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By way of comparison, the installation, in 2006, of 4,544 m2 of [...] temporary buildings of the same make at the [...] Ecole Militaire de Paris, just opposite [...]UNESCO, cost the Ministry of Defence €675/m2 . unesdoc.unesco.org |
餐室的内部装潢亦一如品牌主张的素雅氛围,纯朴简洁,尽显Sonya对极简主义和天然材质的推崇,让客人感受到一种闲留在家的舒适感觉,全面顾及到日常生活中的细致需要。 think-silly.com | These different menus are changed every so often, and hopes to keep customers feeling fresh with a wide variety of food choices, such as rice ball, sandwich or Paella etc. The interior of the dining room is simple and concise for which the A&S aesthetic has been known for, filled with Sonya’s praising of minimalism and natural materials, which provides customers with a leisure and homey type ambiance, is an all-round consideration on the meticulous needs of daily life. think-silly.com |
DOM Lounge 的名字源自俄语「家」一词,其宏伟入口以富丽堂皇的俄式室内装潢揭开 序幕。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Deriving its name from the Russian word for ‘Home’, DOM Lounge’s grand entrance sets the scene for the venue’s impressive Russian themed interior. marinabaysands.com |
我们的团队有10多年在加拿大与海外的建筑,设计与装潢经验,我们深信设计创造风格,细节体现质量。 homewithtyra.com | Our building team has over 10 years experience in Canada and overseas. we believe design creates style; detail creates quality. homewithtyra.com |
特色的户外空间有着跳飞机与秋千等俏皮玩意与室内工业的装潢成强烈对比,加上LED的屏幕墙,予人无限的视觉惊喜。 ilovelkf.hk | Fly's fun outdoor space with hopscotch and swings sits in contrast to the industrial interiors where a LED wall pulses to the beat. ilovelkf.hk |
香港商业杂志》(Hong Kong Business Magazine)有以下评语:“德事商务中心为企业提供高性价比和灵活多变的解决方案,满足它们对商务空间的要求,其办公室套间、接待处、会议室、研讨会和董事会会议室、共享式办公桌、小组讨论室均装潢时尚、配套齐全。 executivecentre.com.cn | According to Hong Kong Business Magazine, "The Executive Centre provides a cost-effective and flexible solution for companies to meet their workspace requirements and offers stylish and full-furnished office suites, reception, meeting, seminar and board rooms, hotdesks and breakout areas. executivecentre.com.hk |
MX-1300/1500BMY模切压痕机适用于高档彩盒、高档彩箱、纸质商标的模切压痕、冷压凹凸,是包装装潢工业 中最理想的设备。 sino-corrugated.com | Brief introduction MX-1300/1500BMY is applying to die-cutting, creasing and cold embossing for advanced colored boxes, paper boxes and paper labels. sino-corrugated.com |
日後如有需要,只要更换另一个颜色的织片,BeoPlay V1 就能融入新的房间或新的装潢风格。 bang-olufsen.com | And don't worry, you can always change to another colour later, if you want to make BeoPlay V1 fit a new room or a new style. bang-olufsen.com |
黑色压花PVC软板:产品规格:210mm 产品特点:耐腐蚀、易焊接 、无刺鼻气味产品 能:防滑、耐酸、耐碱、耐油、绝缘等;压花PVC软板可用于宾馆、体育场所、会议厅、机场、港口、船舶、车辆等台面、地面、走道的铺设、装潢等;产品色泽:白色、蓝色、棕色、灰色、黑色;包装方式:编织袋50kg卷、100kg卷或按用户要求长度包装专业生产各种颜色环保型: pvc透明水晶软板 Pvc软板卷材,防静电台垫,PVC板,pvc硬质板。 liaoplas.com | Black Embossed PVC soft board: product specifications: 210mm features: corrosion resistance, easy welding, no pungent odor products: anti-skid, acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance, insulation and so on; embossed PVC soft board can be used in hotel, sports venues, conference halls, airports, ports, ships, vehicles and other table, floor, corridor construction, decoration and other products; color: white, blue, brown, gray, black; packaging bags, 100kg 50kg volume: volume or by user request length packaging specializing in the production of various colors and environmental protection type: PVC transparent crystal soft plate Pvc soft plate coiled material, anti-static Taiwan pad, PVC board, PVC hard board. liaoplas.com |
其瞩目的号角别致外型独树一帜,为您的家居装潢增添时尚独特气息。 samsung.com | The eye-catching Horn Style is chic, sophisticated and will definitely add style and distinction to your home’s interior decoration. samsung.com |
应用领域包 括汽车座椅、室内装潢和寝具泡沫、高性能弹性体、用于 建筑和冷藏货物的各种隔热材料、包装、电气和电子设 备、鞋底、休闲和运动设备、工业和办公设备的辊轮等。 perstorp.ch | These include automotive seating, upholstery and bedding foam, high performance elastomers, various insulation material for buildings and refrigerated goods, packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, shoe soles in footwear, leisure and sports equipment and rollers in industrial and office equipment. perstorp.ch |
酒店内设 649 间装潢典雅的客房及套房,配备舒适的万豪 Revive 品牌床上用品和即插即用连接面板,可轻松连接 iPod 及其他个人电子设备。 marriott.com.cn | Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall is home to 649 elegantly decorated rooms and suites featuring Marriott's trademark "Revive" bedding and connectivity to plug and play iPods and other personal devices. marriott.com.au |
BeoLab 11 超重低音扬声器拥有精致的郁金香造型,结合优异的低频表现与独特优雅的设计,可完美融入各种室内装潢风格。 bang-olufsen.com | With its compact, tulip-shaped design, the BeoLab 11 subwoofer combines excellent bass performance with a unique and elegant design that complements any décor. bang-olufsen.com |
看一眼下面的照片吧!冠以“冲浪天堂”之名的206套房,以其天然的装潢材料 和搭配了日落橙的温馨色调,渗透出真实的Billabong品牌风格。 labbrand.com | Dubbed as a “surfer’s paradise”, Suite 206 exudes true Billabong style, with its use of natural materials and a wash of soothing colors coupled with energetic bursts of sunset orange. labbrand.com |
用心的装潢期望能够提昇客人在店内选购时的自在心情 ﹣ 墙纸为新店特别生产,可清楚看见代表品牌的W字母;摆放於上层用作放置皮革选册的古董木架,从法国空运本港;至於橱窗内的三件鸟儿摆设,更是真实标本而非模型。 think-silly.com | The wallpaper was tailor-made; vintage wooden cabinet (which leather sample book rests on) is handpicked in France; three bird taxidermy art pieces accentuate the window display. think-silly.com |
从此以後,1-800-FLOWERS.COM 已收购 了多个门类的品牌,提供从食品、鲜花到儿 童玩具、家居装潢的全套产品,并设立了一 个专门服务於大需求企业客户的商务礼品服 务部门。 webex.com.hk | The company is an eCommerce pioneer, partnering with AOL in 1994 and establishing an online presence in 1995. 1-800-FLOWERS.COM has since acquired a diverse set of brands offering everything from food and flowers to children’s toys and home décor, with a business gift services division specializing in high-volume corporate accounts. webex.com.hk |
MX-1080A 自动模切压痕机 主要用途和特点 MX-1080A [...] 自动模切压痕机可对单张纸和纸板进行加工,适用于纸盒、纸箱、纸质商标等模切压痕和冷压凹凸,模切方式为“平压平”,是包装、装潢工业最理想的印后设备。 sino-corrugated.com | Introduction: MX-1080A automatic die cutting and creasing machine is mainly used for the die cutting, [...] creasing, cold and hot embossing of cigarette box, drug box, wine box and label in the [...] packing and decorating industries. sino-corrugated.com |
中国近来大力查缉官员舖张豪奢,让许多筵席均转入地下,《南华早报》指出,地方政府将内部食堂装潢为高级餐厅,或是在自家举办奢华晚宴,以避免在公开场合饮酒作乐的画面外流。 thisbigcity.net | Local governments have turned in-house cafeterias into fine restaurants and hosted lavish private dinners in their homes in order to avoid being seen indulging in public, according to South China Morning Post. thisbigcity.net |
建于在1925年的香榭丽舍大道和艺术爱好者,具有广泛的绘画画廊的美国记者最喜爱的酒店几步之遥,此属性结合豪华和精致的装潢。 hotelspreference.com | Built a few steps away from the Champs-Élysées in 1925 and favorite hotel of American journalists featuring an extensive painting gallery for art lovers, this property combines luxury and refined decor. hotelspreference.com |