


External sources (not reviewed)

(h) 叶李杏怡女士、郭谭佩仪女士及黄灏玄先生均对 梁先生的申请予以支持。
(h) Mrs YIP, Mrs KWOK and Mr WONG had all given support for Mr LEUNG's application.
苏先生是灏康(集 团)有限公司的主席兼董事总经理。
Mr. So is the chairman and managing director of Haw Hong (Holdings) Limited.
昨天能源谘询委员会主席梁广灏先生亦以工程学剖释,事实上每5公 里的稀释率大概为三万分之一。
Yesterday Mr LEUNG Kwong-ho, Chairman of the Energy Advisory Committee, explained from an engineering point of view that the diffusion rate of radiation is 1 over 30 000 for every 5 km.
他指 出,俞宗怡女士和黄灏玄先生均向专责委员会表示,他在申请 表内并无漏报任何所需资料。
He pointed out that both Miss Denise YUE and Mr Andrew WONG had told the Select Committee that he had not omitted any information required in the application form.
贵公司已成立独立董事委员会,成员包括独立非执行董事李镜波先生、黄天 佑先生及梁广灏先生,以就新一般授权对独立股东一般而言是否公平合理,以及新 一般授权是否符合 贵公司及独立股东之整体利益为独立股东提供意见。
Lee Kang Bor, Thomas, Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin and Leung Kwong Ho, Edmund, all being independent non-executive Directors, has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders as to whether the New General Mandate is fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders generally are concerned and whether the New General Mandate is in the interests of the Company and the Independent Shareholders in general.
刘展灏先生回应时表示,工总不赞成为失业人 士提供现金资助,但认为当局就若干特定需要发放资助 属可以接受,例如派发交通券。
Mr Stanley LAU responded that FHKI did not support providing general cash subsidy to the unemployed, but subsidies for meeting specific needs, such as transport coupons, were acceptable.
展览之开幕典礼於今晚(12月11日)成功举行,出席嘉宾包括香港特别行政区政务司司长林郑月娥女士, GBS, JP、西九文化区管理局行政总裁连纳智先生, CBE, AM、汇丰私人银行私人汇财策划环球主管环球私人银行北亚区行政总裁韦浩廉先生、香港艺术中心名誉主席及艺术节目委员会主席包陪丽女士, BBS、香港艺术中心监督团主席梁国辉先生、The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre主席李徐子淇女士、客席策展人陈维德先生、香港艺术中心总干事林淑仪女士,及部份参与是次展览的艺术家/代表:N‧S‧哈夏先生、刘建华先生、阿迪提亚‧诺瓦里先生、「垂直潜水艇」创团成员许文绮小姐、草间弥生代表日本东京大田艺廊总监高仓功高仓功先生、吴铤灏先生。
Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, JP, The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Michael Lynch, CBE, AM, Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Mr. Bernard Rennell, CEO North Asia, Global Private Banking, Global Head, Private Wealth Solutions, HSBC Private Bank, Ms. Cissy Pao Pui Lai, BBS, Honorary President and Chairman, Arts Programme Committee, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mr. Nelson Leong, Chairman, Board of Governors, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mrs. Cathy Lee, Chairperson, The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Guest Curator Mr. Eugene Tan, Ms. Connie Lam, Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre, as well as some of the participating artists Mr. NS Harsha, Mr. Liu Jianhua, Mr. Aditya Novali, Ms. Fiona Koh of Vertical Submarine, Representative of Ms. Yayoi Kusama Mr. Isao Takakura, Chief Director of Kusama Studio and Mr. Roy Ng Ting-ho.
裂纹成因调查报告 的结果及建议,已获得九铁委任的独立检讨委员会覆核及认 可,该委员会由工程师梁广灏先生带領。
The findings and the recommendations in the root cause investigation report have been reviewed and endorsed by an Independent Review Panel appointed by KCRC led by Ir.
於本通函日期,董事会成员包括一名执行董事周光晖先生,三名非执行董事黄月良 先生、李佐雄先生及吴伯炎先生,以及三名独立非执行董事李镜波先生、黄天佑先 生及梁广灏先生。
As at the date hereof, the Board comprises an executive director namely Mr. Chow Kwong Fai, Edward, three non-executive directors namely Mr. Wong Yuet Leung, Frankie, Mr. Lee Jor Hung, Dannis and Mr. Goh Pek Yang, Michael and three independent non-executive directors namely Mr. Lee Kang Bor, Thomas, Mr. Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin and Mr. Leung Kwong Ho, Edmund.
该个案文件经由郭谭佩仪女士及黄灏玄先生发出,当中载 有梁先生的资料、其获批准在离职後从事的工作、拟议受雇职 位的详情、政府内部有关各方所作的评审、谘询委员会提供的 意见,以及公务员事务局的最终建议,即该项申请可予批准, 但须受基本工作限制所规限,并须施加4项额外工作限制。
The submission, issued via Mrs Sarah KWOK and Mr Andrew WONG, set out the information on Mr LEUNG, his approved post-service work, details of the prospective employment, the assessment of the relevant parties within the Government, the advice tendered by ACPE, and CSB's final recommendation for approval of the application subject to the standard work restrictions and the imposition of four additional work restrictions.
5.109 至於黄灏玄先生的表现,专责委员会注意到,他表示 在考虑梁先生的申请时,不知悉梁先生曾参与处理红湾半岛事 件,但专责委员会察悉,他在担任行政署长期间,知悉红湾半 岛事件是由当时的房屋及规划地政局负责处理,他亦知道 梁先生是当时的房屋及规划地政局常任秘书长(房屋)/房屋署 署长。
5.109 As regards Mr Andrew WONG's performance, the Select Committee notes that according to Mr WONG, he was not aware of Mr LEUNG's involvement in the Hunghom Peninsula case when considering the application.
主席梁广灏先生表示,发电是造成温室气 体的主要原因。
Mr Edmund LEUNG, Chairman, said that power generation was a major source of green house gas (GHG) emissions.
5.78 就审批梁展文先生的申请而言,当时的副秘书长1 郭谭佩仪女士负责以下工作:确保梁先生的申请按照既定程序 处理,并已向有关各方徵询意见;在公务员事务局常任秘书长 黄灏玄先生授权下,以政务主任职系首长身份对梁先生的申请 作出评审;通过公务员事务局就梁先生的申请提出的初步意见 及建议,以便向谘询委员会徵询意见;以及在最後的个案文件 经由她提交黄先生和公务员事务局局长俞宗怡女士时,就 梁先生的申请向俞女士提供意见。
5.78 In respect of the vetting and approval of Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application, Mrs Sarah KWOK, the then DS(CS)1, was responsible for ensuring that Mr LEUNG's application was processed in accordance with established procedures and all relevant parties had been consulted; providing an assessment of Mr LEUNG's application as the Head of the AO grade under delegated authority by Mr Andrew WONG, PSCS; clearing CSB's proposed preliminary views and recommendations on Mr LEUNG's application for consultation with ACPE; and providing advice to Miss Denise YUE, SCS, on the application when the final submission was routed through her to Mr WONG and Miss YUE.
林议员提述林大辉 中学校友郭灏霆先生在2011年世界场地单车锦标赛赢得男子 15公里捕捉赛金牌的成绩时表示,打造体院成为世界级的训练 中心不再是一个不切实际的目标。
Referring to the achievement of Mr Marco Kwok, an alumnus of Lam Tai Fai College, who had won a gold medal in the Men's 15 kilometres Scratch event in the 2011 UCI Track Cycling World Championships, Dr LAM said that the aim of making HKSI a world-class training centre was no longer unrealistic.
梅灏丰获委任为副总裁及企业监理部主管,专责为 AIA 香港和澳门建立企业监理,强化 有关政策及程序,与集团之方向和策略保持一致,并且符合本地监管机构之要求。
Mr. Kenneth Mui has been appointed Vice President and Head of Compliance of AIA Hong Kong. He will be responsible for developing the compliance framework and for shaping policies and procedures for AIA Hong Kong and Macau in alignment with Group Office direction and strategy as well as local regulatory requirements.
He was conferred an OBE in 1996, appointed Justice of Peace in 1997, and awarded a Silver Bauhinia Star in 2009.
工总的刘展灏先生表示,香港奉行自由经济政 策,工资水平由市场力量决定,而非由个别雇主或商会 决定。
Mr Stanley LAU of FHKI said that as Hong Kong practised free economy, the wage level was determined by market force, and not by individual employers or business associations.
Ir Edmund K H LEUNG is a professional engineer with broad-based experience covering power, manufacturing and construction industries.
在2005年 7 月 8日,政府宣布会由2005年 8月 1日起调 派黄灏玄先生到行政长官办公室,协助督导该办公室的日常运作,直 至当局委任新的行政长官办公室主任。
On 8 July 2005, the Government announced that Mr Andrew WONG Ho-yuen would be deployed to the CE’s Office on 1 August 2005 to help oversee the running and operation of the Office pending the appointment of a new DCEO.
行政 署 长黄灏玄先生曾在 事务委 员会议席 上 清 楚 表 明 这 机 制 一 直 沿 用 , 并 证 明 了回归 前及回归 後 均 有 运 用 此 机 制 。
The Director of Administration, Mr Andrew WONG, said at a meeting of the Panel that the existing honours and awards system had been in use for a very long time, and he also confirmed its operation both before and after the reunification.
刘展灏先生进而表示,工总认为可以着力於消 除贫穷问题的源头,即透过刺激经济增长,创造更多就 业机会,从而解决贫穷问题。
Mr Stanley LAU further said that FHKI considered that the problem of poverty could be tackled at source, i.e. by creating more employment through economic growth.
尤其是陈镇源先生(他在2006年接替梁先生出任房 屋及规划地政局常任秘书长(房屋)/房屋署署长一职)和黄灏玄 先生(他在2000至 2004年曾担任行政署长),他们应从其职位知 悉梁先生曾参与处理红湾半岛事件。
In particular, Mr Thomas CHAN (who took over from Mr LEUNG as PSH/D of H in 2006) and Mr Andrew WONG (who was Director of Administration from 2000 to 2004) should, in their respective posts, have had knowledge of Mr LEUNG's involvement in the Hunghom Peninsula case.
梁 广 灏 年 内 , 本 集 团 并 无 向 任 何 董 事 支 付 薪 金 作 为 加 入 或 於 加 入 本 集 团 时 之 奖 金 或 离 职 补 偿( 二 零零九 年 : 无 )。
No emoluments were paid by the Group to any directors as an inducement to join or upon joining the Group or as compensation for loss of office during the year (2009: Nil).
於本公布日期,董事会包括 四 名执行董事,即是陈为光先生 、萧景年先生 、蔡浩仁先生及苏灏先 生;及三名独立非执行董事,即是焦惠标先生、张钧鸿先生及香志恒先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises four executive Directors, namely, Mr. Chan Wai Kwong, Peter , Mr. Siu King Nin, Peter , Mr. Choi Ho Yan and Mr. So Haw, Herman; and three independent non-executive Directors, namely, Mr. Chiu Wai Piu , Mr. Cheung Kwan Hung, Anthony and Mr. Heung Chee Hang, Eric.
该项研究於二零零四年至二零零七年期间进行,由香港理工大学 应用社会科学系副系主任郑之灏教授及香港大学政策二十一有限公 司总监叶克刚先生领导的研究团负责有关的研究工作。
The study was conducted from 2004 to 2007 by a research team led by Professor Howard CHENG Chi-ho, Associate Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Mr YIP Hak-kwong, Director of Policy 21 Limited, University of Hong Kong.
Vocalist Kelvin Tang recalls, “When the MC announced Michael’s name, he was dumb-struck at the scene because he had always thought he couldn’t play the bass.
6.2 於二零零六年四月,专责小组委托由香港理工大学应用社会科学系 宏利儿童学习潜能发展中心主任黎程正家博士及香港理工大学应用 社会科学系副系主任郑之灏教授带领的研究团,进行一项名为“待业 待学青少年的学习障碍及心理问题研究”。
6.2 A research team led by Professor LAI CHENG Ching-gea, Centre-in-charge of Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities, Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Professor Howard CHENG Chi-ho, Associate Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University was commissioned in April 2006 to conduct a study entitled “Research on Learning and Psychological Difficulties of NEY in Hong Kong”.
九铁公司亦已邀 请 一 批 由前工程 师学会会长 梁 广 灏先生 为 首 的 专 业 人 士 及 学 者检讨调查结果并提供独立专 业意 见 。
KCRC had also commissioned a group of professionals and academics led by former President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Mr Edmund LEUNG to review the results of the investigation and to provide independent professional advice.
高等法院庭上之许家灏聆案官发出命令,原定於二零零八年四月十六日聆讯之中银香港提出之清盘呈请(「呈 请」)进一步押後至二零零九年九月二十三日。
The winding up petition filed by the BOCHK (the “Petition”) originally scheduled to be heard on 16 April 2008 was further adjourned to 23 September 2009 by the order of Master Hui of the High Court in Chamber.
为方便买卖合并股份之碎股,本公司已委聘代理灏天环球投资有限公司以按尽力基准 为买卖股份合并产生之零碎合并股份提供对盘服务。
In order to facilitate the trading of odd lots of the Consolidated Shares, the Company has appointed Glory Sky Global Markets Ltd, as an agent to provide matching service, on a best effort basis, for the sale and purchase of odd lots of Consolidated Shares arising from the Share Consolidation.




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