

单词 潜水者

See also:

潜水 adj

submersible adj

潜水 v

snorkel v


go under water
lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads forum posts but never replies)

External sources (not reviewed)

他们的潜水表不出所料地得到了外界的热切关注−−当然也包括本博客:“Baselworld最佳钟表”和“为真正 潜水者 而 制 造”。
Their divers watch rightfully received a lot of attention – of course also on this watch blog with “Best of
[...] Baselworld” and “Made for Divers not Snorklers“.
因此,Oris在制造潜水腕表时,不仅以其既有的百年工艺悉心打造,更广 潜水者 的 宝 贵意见,以打造一只兼具专业质量与品味风格的潜水腕表。
Oris has used the skills, expertise and feedback of a number of experienced divers to produce technical watches of professional quality with universal appeal.
我从小就对探索洞穴特别感兴趣,能够结合专业与兴趣,成为自 潜水者 , 真 的非常幸运。
I have been interested in speleology since I was a little boy and to combine this with my
[...] profession as a freediver was amazing.
历经18个月的潜心研发与测试,最终呈现出能够量产的深海探秘4000米腕表, 潜水者 一 同探寻海底4000米深处的秘密。
It has taken 18 months of research, development and testing to finally
present the Oceanographic 4000, a watch
[...] which can be worn on dives to depths of 4,000 [...]
metres - exceptional for a mass-produced watch.
只有成熟的过滤技术如BAUER(宝华)的TRIPLEX®-空气净化系统才能赢 潜水者 和 消 防队员的充分信赖,而避免呼吸到不纯净的空气,及可怕的调节器结冰。
A safe and dependable filter technology, such as BAUER's TRIPLEX® filter
[...] system, protects the diver and fire fighter [...]
against inhaling noxious fumes and against the regulator freezing up.
在此注册表,这种可能性的单子是巨大的,因为几乎所有从最小的品牌,最有名的,在他们收集至少有一 潜水 表 名 副其实。
In this registry, the list of possibilities is huge because
almost all brands, from the smallest to the most famous, have in their
[...] collection at least one dive watch worthy of the name.
如果手表拉尔夫技术,仍然只被启动,当然,满足了著名的国际标准化组织,纯粹主 者 将 获 得防水手表,500特别为贝尔和罗斯BRO2,或1000米,设计为保时捷米“ P'6780潜水员“,像的ETERNA”科蒂 潜水 员 “ 有一个密封的中间形成一个保护的一部分房屋的具体情况。
If watches Ralf Tech, still known only to initiates, of course, to meet the famous
ISO, purists will
[...] receive special watches water-resistant to 500 meters as the Bell & Ross BRO2, or 1000 meters as the Porsche Design " P'6780 Diver "which, like Eterna" Kontiki Diver "has a specific [...]
case with a sealed
housing forming part of a middle protection.
这一潜航器是目前仅有的能在各种深度作业的系 统,可以像遥控潜水器一样在较浅处作业,若在较深处,一个小光纤电缆可以让 驾者像传统的遥潜水器一 样对其进行控制。
This vehicle, which is at present the only system currently available that is full ocean depth-capable, can operate in shallower depths as an AUV, but in deeper depths a small fibre-optic cable allows pilots to control it as a traditional ROV.
最不发达国家最大的财富就是其妇女、男子和儿童,必须充分发挥他们作为 发展推动者和受者的潜力。
Least developed countries’ greatest assets are their women, men and children, whose potential as both agents and beneficiaries of development must be fully realized.
许多国家建议,必须大力加强各级科技教育(包括支持青年科学工作者和为建立图书 馆和实验室动潜在的捐资者), 还建议教科文组织应在教育部门与自然科学部门之间扩大 [...]
32 C/5 中的跨部门联合行动。
Many countries suggested that science and technology education at all levels needs to be significantly strengthened (including
support to young scientists and the
[...] mobilization of potential donors for the establishment [...]
of libraries and laboratories) and
that UNESCO should expand the joint intersectoral action of document 32 C/5 between the Education Sector and the Natural Sciences Sector.
近些年来,泰国已经开始向诸如柬埔寨、老挝人民民主共 和国和缅甸等邻国提供技术援助、培训和奖学金,以增强泰国自身作为一 潜 在 捐 助 者 的新 角色。
In recent years, Thailand has been providing its neighbouring countries such as Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar with technical assistance, training and scholarships, enhancing Thailand’s emerging role as a potential donor itself.
项目的例子包括:专用遥潜水器和自动潜航器、海底石油 和天然气建造和生产服务仓、海底石油和天然气井室型歧管、预测设备发送和收 [...]
回过程中船只和有效载荷移动的计算机模拟系统、海洋学和气象学测量浮标系 统、深水海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)以及勘测船仪器和定制。
Examples of projects include: specialized remotely operated
[...] vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles; service [...]
capsules for subsea oil and gas construction
and production; chamber manifold for subsea oil and gas wells; computer modelling system to predict vessel and payload motions during equipment launch and recovery; oceanographic and meteorological measurement buoy systems; deepwater ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system; and survey vessel instrumentation and customization.
(5) 初期分析根据对残存壳体和内部的目测检查,并运用多个来源的各种模 拟和科学方法,迅速设定了 15 种可能造成天安舰沉没的原因(弹药库爆炸;油箱 爆炸;柴油机灾难性故障/失火;燃气轮机灾难性故障/失火;海底水雷;感应锚
[...] 非触发式水雷;中拱/塌陷/焊接故障/材料疲劳破裂;触礁; 潜水 艇 或 其他物 体碰撞);但是,其中 13 [...]
种可能性被排除,焦点转移到外部水下爆炸(感应锚雷 和龙骨下方鱼雷)。
5) Early analysis based on results of visual inspection of the salvage hull and interior as well as various modelling and scientific methodologies from various sources quickly identified 15 possible causes that could have resulted in the sinking of theCheonan (gun magazine(s) explosion; fuel tank explosion; catastrophic diesel engine failure/conflagration; catastrophic gas turbine engine failure/conflagration; bottom mine; moored influence mine; contact mine; under keel torpedo; contact torpedo; surface explosion; ballistic contact; improvised explosive device (IED)/non-contact mine; hogging/sagging/welding failure/material
fatigue failure; grounding; and
[...] collision with submarine or other object); [...]
however, 13 were ruled out and focus shifted to an external
underwater explosion (moored influence mine and under keel torpedo).
以上提示比照地适用于特殊类型的伞齿轮箱、转向齿 轮箱以及垂直者水平驱 动轴的中间轴承。
The above notes shall apply analogously to special design bevel gears and corner gears, as well as to intermediate bearings of the vertical or horizontal drive shaft.
空气中水含量的过高可能造成的调节器结冰,会导 潜水 危 险 系数大增。
If the water content in the air is too
[...] high, the risk of diving accidents due [...]
to the threat of icing of regulator valves is dangerously increased.
瑞士代表团建议将来扩大这一议题,指出为信托基金提供捐助的名单和其他项 目将有助于确定优先重点和激潜在 捐 助 者。
The Delegation of Switzerland proposed to enlarge this agenda item in the future, and noted that a list of contributions for the Trust Fund and other items would help to imply priorities and to motivate potential donors.
蓝色标示的移动显示实潜水深度,而红色标示显 潜水 过 程 中所达到最大深度处。
The blue indicator moves to
[...] show the actual dive depth, while the red one remains static at the maximum depth attained during the dive.
按照会议一些与会者提出的建议,即应如同向塞尔维亚、克罗 地亚及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那提供的支持那样向科索沃提供同样的支持,法庭潜在捐助者进行 了接触,提出了以阿尔巴尼亚文编制有关案件的誊本的提议。
Following the recommendation of several participants at the Conference to provide the same amount of support to Kosovo as that given to Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Tribunal has approached potential donors with a proposal for the production of transcripts in Albanian for relevant cases.
[...] 息,如国家统计机构、国际货币基金组织(基金组织)、世界银行、联合国系统、 投资顾问和信用评级机构,对国内 潜 在 投 资 者 作 出 明智的决定至关重要。
The provision of objective, high-quality information from all sources, including private and public entities, such as national statistical agencies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the United Nations system, investment
advisers and credit-rating agencies, is vital for informed decisions by
[...] potential domestic and foreign investors alike.
2008 年 12 月,当题为《惠及全民的发展:澳大利亚 2009-2014 年援助方案残疾战略》的战略文件发布时,Nongebatu 女士指出,她作为一个残 疾妇女,志愿领导由冲突后国家所罗门群岛的残疾人组成的、为残疾人服务的倡 导组织,至关重要的是要提供针对尤其是少女和妇女的残疾领导人的具体培训, 并且必须充分探讨如何支持女性领 者 和 潜 在 领 导 者。
At the launch of the strategy paper entitled “Development for All: A Disability Strategy for the Australian Aid Programme 2009-2014”, in December 2008, Ms. Nongebatu, stated that as a woman with disability, heading an advocacy organization of and for people with disability in Solomon Islands — a post-conflict nation — on a volunteer basis, it was crucial to provide specific training of leaders with disabilities, especially girls and women, and that support for women leaders and potential leaders must be explored fully.
关于者, 水科学 处陈述说,“自第一份合同起,就已要求在工资级别(副总干事批准)和合同期限 (助理总干事/行政管理部门批准)上实行特例”,以便“使其报酬与联合国其他机构和世界 银行的做法看齐”,考虑到“其惊人的服务能力和资质”。
The Division explained for the first case that, as from the first contract, a waiver was requested for the salary level (approved by the Deputy Director-General (DDG)) and the contract duration (approved by the Assistant Director-General, Sector for Administration (ADG/ADM)), with a view to aligning the fees with those paid by other United Nations agencies and the World Bank, and in the light of the individual’s impressive experience and qualifications.
[...] 问题上,水还可能成为冲突中的一种工具; 者水 可 能 成为冲突的催化剂,会创造内 部政治不稳定性。
In “real” water conflicts, water is the object of the conflict; water can also be an
instrument in a conflict (which occurs over some
[...] other issue); or water can be a catalyst [...]
for conflict and can create internal political instability.
9.A.或 9.D.中所述设备或“软件”可作有人驾驶飞机、卫星、陆上车辆、 航海船只潜水艇或地球物理考查设备等的部件出口,或以此类应用之 更换件适量出口。
D. may be exported as part of a manned aircraft, satellite, land vehicle, marine/submarine vessel or geophysical survey equipment or in quantities appropriate for replacement parts for such applications.
促进生态旅游、游轮旅游、专题活动旅游 潜水 旅 游、扶贫旅游、医疗旅游 和矿泉疗养旅游,这已列入许多小岛屿发展中国家的议程,但在该领域的实际发 [...]
The promotion of ecotourism, cruise tourism,
[...] events tourism, diving tourism, pro-poor [...]
tourism, medical tourism and spa tourism
have been on the agenda of many small island developing States, but actual development in those areas has been generally limited.
这一部队人数应该能使联利特派团继续履行其在该国各地保持稳定和安全的环 境的任务,在选举过程中处潜在 的破 坏 者 和 动乱,以及处理在次区域局势恶化 的情况下可能出现的问题。
That level should allow UNMIL to continue to discharge its mandate of maintaining a stable and secure
environment throughout the country,
[...] deal with potential spoilers and upheavals during [...]
the electoral process and address
possible fallouts, should the subregional situation deteriorate.
在有些情况下,对 于无力支付专利品出售商定价潜在 消 费 者 和 用 户,专利保护就等于剥夺了他们使用发明 [...]
In some cases, protection
[...] means that potential consumers or users, who are [...]
unable to pay the prices charged by IP owners,
are deprived of access to the innovations the IP system is intended to make available.
关于老人,代表指出,人们往往忽视以下情况:老人具有特别需要,但是 也能发挥实际的者潜在的 积极作用;正如休斯顿一家老年公民福利院中的一些 [...]
成员对来访的代表所说,老人是“曾经作出贡献的”前社会积极成员;老人能够 照料幼小的儿童,在洪都拉斯和莫桑比克就有这种情况。
As concerns older persons, the Representative notes that they were often overlooked: as
persons with specific needs but also in
[...] their actual or potential active roles; [...]
as former active members of society having
“paid their dues”, as members of a senior citizens home in Houston put it to the Representative during his visit, or as care-givers for young children as was the case in Honduras and Mozambique.
由于发展中国家在有关资源使用和利益分享的法律制订和实施方面所面临的难题,因此我 们持这样一种观点:发达国家与发展中国家应该做更多的工作以保证它们的知识产权制度
[...] 有助于促进《生物多样性公约》的目标,有助于改善遗传资源提 者 与 使 用 者 之 间 潜 在的 共同利益,这些提供者主要在发展中国家,而使用者主要在发达国家。
Given the understandable difficulties faced by developing countries in formulating and enforcing laws on access and benefit sharing, we take the view that developed and developing countries should do more to ensure their IP systems help to promote the objectives of the CBD, and to promote
the underlying mutuality of interest
[...] that should exist between the providers of genetic resources, [...]
mainly in developing countries,
and the users who are mainly based in developed countries.




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