









External sources (not reviewed)

本集团的整体风险管理计划将焦点集中於金融市场的不可预见事情上,并务求减低对 本集团财务表现所构成利影响。
The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the
unpredictability of financial markets and
[...] seeks to minimise potential adverse effects [...]
on the Group’s financial performance.
除了自身增长外,我们将继续发收购,并且 与营运商和服务供应商缔结策略性夥伴关系,藉此推动业务进一步扩展。
We will continue to explore potential acquisitions [...]
and strategic partnerships with operators and service providers to drive
expansion, alongside organic growth.
[...] 明纳米技术的基本原理;确定纳米技术应用於食物业引起全问题;以及探讨食 物中人工纳米材料的风险评估方法。
The objectives of this RA study were to
present the basic principles of nanotechnology,
[...] to identify potentialsafety implications [...]
associated with the application of
nanotechnology in the food sector and to review the strategies for RA of engineered nanoparticles.
[...] 康护理需要儿童的家长和专业者合作的能力,以帮助儿童充份 发展他们
A statewide system for providing Parent Health Liaison services will enhance the ability of
families of children with special health care needs and professionals work together to help
[...] children reach their potential.
此评估 涉及以下判断:(i)资产日後在商业上可行的可能性及断定其商业上可行的时间;(ii)根据 预测石油及天然气价格计算的日後收益;(iii)日後开发成本及生产开支;(iv)就计算可收回
[...] 价值时将应用於有关收益及成本的折现率;及(v)所获得的任何地质及地理数据对日後勘 探及评估活动值。
This assessment involves judgment as to: (i) the likely future commerciality of the asset and when such commerciality should be determined; (ii) future revenues based on forecasted oil and gas prices; (iii) future development costs and production expenses; (iv) the discount rate to be applied to such revenues and costs
for the purpose of deriving a recoverable
[...] value,and (v) potential value tofuture [...]
E&E activities of any geological and geographical data acquired.
If you’re swimming in a river, creek or dam, always check the water depth first and check for submerged hazards like rocks or logs.
如 本集团的实际矿产及碳氢化合物储量及资源低於目前估计或如本集团无法透过变现已识 别或新的矿 开发其资源基础,则本集团的业务、经营业绩及财务状况或会受到重 [...]
大不 利 影 响。
If the Group’s actual mineral, coal and hydrocarbon reserves and resources are less than current estimates or if the Group fails to develop its resource
base through the realisation of
[...] identified or newmineralpotential,the Group’s business, [...]
results of operations and financial
condition may be materially and adversely affected.
有关证据可能包括可观测数据显示债务 人之支付状况已出现不利变动,以及相关本地经济状况变动导致交易失败险。
This evidence may include observable data indicating that there has been an adverse change in the payment status of the
debtors and the local economic conditions that
[...] correlate with thepotential risk of fallen through [...]
on the transactions.
该等前瞻性陈 述乃反映中芯高级管理层根据最佳判断作出的估计,存在重大已知及未知风险、不确定 性,以及其他可能导致中芯实际业绩、财政状况或经营结果与前瞻性陈述所载资料存在 重大差异的因素,包括(但不限於)与半导体行业周期及市场状况有关的风险、全球经济 衰退及其对中国经济的影响、激烈竞争、中芯客户能否及时接收晶圆産品、能否及时引 进新技术、中芯抓住在中国发展机遇的能力、中芯於加强全面産品组合的能力、半导体 代工服务供需情况、行业産能过剩、设备、零件及原材料短缺、能否有足够的产能,终 端市场的财政稳定、中芯股价将来的变动和将诉讼和索偿。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, the downturn in the global economy and the impact on China’s economy, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to capture growth opportunities in China, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, orders or judgments from pending litigation, availability of manufacturing capacity and financial stability in end markets.
故董事相信,授出一般授权将为资金来源提供灵活性,使 贵公司可及时 把握任会。
The Directors therefore believe that the grant of General Mandate will
provide flexibility in the source of funding and allow the
[...] Company to graspany potentialopportunities in [...]
a timely manner.
其中,下列因素可能导致实际结果与这些前瞻性声明中所描述的结果存在实质性的差异:技术的快速变化或产品停产本上涨,客户订单偏好的改变;半导体行业的激烈竞争以及随之而来的价格下滑压力,对产品的需求与接受程度相关的不确定因素;终端市场的不利条件;正在进行中或已计画的发展或市场推广和宣传所带来的影响,预测未来需求的困难性;预期订单或积压订单无法实现的可能性;产品责任问题,以及现有或预计半导体行业出现其它未能预计 务和经济情况或不利因素;保护专利及其它所有权的困难性和成本,客户的产品认证事宜而引致产品停产或其它困难等。
The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as rapidly
changing technology and
[...] product obsolescence, potential costincreases, variations in customer order preferences, weakness or competitive pricing environment of the marketplace, uncertain demand for and acceptance of the company's products, adverse circumstances in any of our end markets, results of in-process or planned development or marketing and promotional campaigns, difficulties foreseeing future demand, potential non-realization of expected orders or non-realization of backlog, product returns, product liability, and other potential unexpected business [...]
and economic conditions
or adverse changes in current or expected industry conditions, difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights, inventory obsolescence and difficulties regarding customer qualification of products.
由於部分尚未解锁的本公司第一期股权激励计划标的股票额度分别在本报告期和2010年同期形成稀 释通股61,864,408股和69,737,523股,所以稀释每股收益在基本每股收益基础上考虑该因 [...]
As certain Subject Share quotas under the Phase I Share Incentive
Scheme of the Company remaining in lockup
[...] gave riseto potentiallydilutive ordinary [...]
shares of 61,864,408 shares and 69,737,523
shares for the reporting period and the same period of 2010, respectively, diluted earnings per share has been calculated on the basis of basic earnings per share taking into account the said factors, and diluted earnings per share for the same period of 2010 has been restated.
这本新标准不但取代了前述产品类别的原标准,亦为安全标准的发展立下了重要的里程碑 ─ 标准的制定自传统的允收性规范陈述 (Prescriptive Approach),转变为以防险为基础的全新思维,其强调产品在开发前期即应纳入安全设计的概念。
Not only will this new standard replace the current standards for these product categories, it is also an important milestone for safety standards to move from the traditional, prescriptive approach to a new, hazard-based approach that emphasizes safety design in the early product development phase.
虽然权证或牛熊证报可能高於挂鈎资产报,但在最差情况下,权证或牛熊证的价值或会跌至零,而持有人可能损失 其全部投资金额。
Although the potential returnon warrants or CBBCs may be higher than that [...]
on the underlying assets, in the worst case the
value of warrants or CBBCs may fall to zero and holders may lose their entire investment amount.
虽然 贵公司就投资规模方面并无任何实质之计划, 惟 贵公司期望实施更具弹性之措施,使 贵公司在任资机会出现时能 及时筹集资金。
Although the Company does not have any concrete plan in relation to the scale of investment, the Company wishes to put in place more flexible measures which will allow the Company to raise funds in a timely manner when any possible investment opportunities arise.
本 集 团 正 在 评 估 该 等 新 订
[...] 国 际 财 务 报 告 准 则响 , 惟 於 现 阶 段 [...]
未 能 确 定 该 等 准 则 会 否 对 本 集 团 之 财 务 报 表 造 成 任 何 重 大 影 响 。
The Group is in the process of
[...] assessing the potential impactof these [...]
new IFRSs but are not yet in the position to state
whether they would have any material impact on the Group’s financial statements.
[...] 含地价)745,000,000 港元;(b)该地盘的发以及(c)香港物业市场整体市况等因 [...]
The purchase price of the Site was determined after arm’s length negotiations between the Purchaser and the Vendor based on normal commercial terms and taking into consideration (a) a preliminary independent valuation of the Site of HK$745,000,000, inclusive of
the Land Premium, as at 4 June 2010; (b)
[...] the development potentialofthe Site; and [...]
(c) the general market conditions of the property market in Hong Kong.
除了保证回报(以人民币为准)外,该计划将会以保单期满时的人民币汇率计算期满 利益,客户可尽享人民币汇升所带来的财富增值。
In addition to the guaranteed return (in RMB), the maturity value, which is equal to the account value, will be paid based on
the RMB exchange rate at policy maturity, allowing customers to fully
[...] benefitfrom the potentialappreciation of [...]
the RMB.
一名成员建议香港应研究电子学习的市并探讨电子 学习在促进终身学习方面的角色。
One member suggested that Hong Kong should
[...] tap themarketpotential for e-learning [...]
and review its role in facilitating lifelong learning.
Potential risks and uncertainties [...]
include, but are not limited to, such factors as: we may not be able to maintain our current
growth strategy or continue to maintain our current performance, costs and loadings in our manufacturing facilities; risks of domestic and foreign operations, including excessive operation costs, labor shortages, higher tax rates and our joint venture prospects; unfavorable currency exchange rates; our future guidance may be incorrect; the global economic weakness may be more severe or last longer than we currently anticipated; and other information detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
国泰航空公司目前未能就全债作出评估,因此未 能作进一步拨备。
Cathay Pacific Airways is not in a position at the present time to
[...] assess the full potentialliabilities [...]
and cannot therefore make any further provisions.
根 据 这 项 计 划 , 勾 地 表 内 酒 店 用 地 的 售 卖 底 价 , 以 及 选 择 「 限 作 酒 店 发 展 」 的 土 地 契 约 修
订 / 换 地 个 案 的 补 地 价 , 会 按 照 土 地 限 作 酒 店 发 展 评 估 及 徵 收 , 而
[...] 非 该 土 地 的 最 大 许 可 发不 論 酒 店 用 途 是 否 该 [...]
土 地 的 最 佳 发 展 。
Under it, the reserve price of hotel sites on the Application List and the premium for lease modification/land exchange cases opting for "hotel only" development will be assessed and charged on a "hotel only"
basis instead of their maximum
[...] permissible development potential irrespective of whether [...]
hotel use represents the optimal development.
商品行业已趋向於较短期的价格合约期限,部 分原因在於为降低上履约风险,另外则是由於现货市场(如煤、铁矿及相关衍生产品及指数)的发展愈发透明且具流动性所致。
The commodity industry has trended towards shorter fixed
price contract periods, in part to
[...] mitigate against suchpotential performance risk, [...]
but also due to the development of more
transparent and liquid spot markets, e.g. coal and iron ore and associated derivative products and indexes.
每 股 摊 薄 溢 利 调 整 用 於 计 算 每 股 基 本 溢 利 的 数 字 以 计 及 利 息 所 得 税 的 税 後 效 应 及 其 他 与 具 摊 薄通股有关的财务成本,以及假设就具摊薄 通股作无代价发行的股份的加权平均数。
Diluted earnings per share adjusts the figures used in determination of basic earnings per share to take into account the after income tax effect of interest and other
financing costs associated
[...] with dilutive potential ordinary shares and the weighted average number of shares assumed to have been issued for no consideration in relation to dilutive potentialordinary shares.
The author prefers to analyze the strengths of political parties from three different dimensions: first is people's support, which includes the number of party members and the above-mentioned survey figures; second is political strength, which includes the number of seats taken in the
Councils and political impact; and third is
[...] its development potentials, whichinclude [...]
research power and the support from party members.
因 此 , 董 事 认 为 将 不 会 出利 的 法 律 或 财 务 後 果 [...]
; 及 (ii) 据 中 国 法 律 顾 问 告 知 , 除 有 关 土地使 用 权 的 未 解 决 问 题( 包 括 上 述 申 请 上 马
采 矿 土地及 新 尾 矿 库 的 土地使 用 权 )及 申 请 将 若 干 证 书 及 许 可 证 从 上 马 铁 矿 转 让 予 抚 顺 上 马 或 获 得 或 重 续 该 等 证 书 及 许 可 证 之 外 , 抚 顺 上 马 已 取 得 其 中 国 业 务 经 营 活 动 所 需 的 所 有 重 要 权 证 、 证 书 、 批 准 及 许 可 。
Therefore, the Directors believe
[...] that there will be nopotential adverse legal nor [...]
financial consequence; and (ii) as advised
by the PRC legal adviser, except for the outstanding issues relating to land use right (including the abovementioned application for land use rights for the Shangma Mining Land and new tailing pond) and applications for the transfer, obtained or renewal of certain certificates and licenses from Shangma Iron Mine to Fushun Shangma, Fushun Shangma has obtain all the material licenses, certificates, approval and permits which are necessary for its business operation activities in the PRC.
[...] 民和游客的一个自然汇聚之处,加上该处迷人的维港景色,露天广场实有成为本港 另一主要旅游景点的巨
Coupled with the magnificent harbour view, the piazza has
[...] tremendous potential to become another [...]
key tourist attraction.




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