单词 | 潘婷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 潘婷—Pantene (hair products brand)See also:潘—surname Pan Pan, faun in Greek mythology, son of Hermes 婷—graceful 滩—shoal
剧情 首播日期: 2011.10.27 《猛鬼爱情故事》之 课室 淑玲(谢婷婷饰)得到市郊一间中学的代课教职,被编派往中四 E班授课。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2011.10.27 Directors Wong Jing and Patrick Kong are working together for the first time to bring a ghost horror Hong Kong movies. justlatte.com |
晓婷,”她开始说道,“我们需要你明天晚上留 在家里。 sallee.info | Renata," she started, "we [...] need you to be home tomorrow night. sallee.info |
参照 《伊索寓言》,拉方婷的故事包括为人熟知的兔子、蝗虫、蚂蚁、狐狸和其他动物角色。 wdl.org | Patterned after Aesop’s Fables, La Fontaine’s tales involve a familiar cast of rabbits, grasshoppers, ants, foxes, and other animals. wdl.org |
董事(包括独立非执行董事)认为, 敬修堂及潘高寿(本公司的两间非全资附属公司)根据出资额转让建议转让彼等各自於医药公司 的股权、连同增资及成立合营公司,均符合本集团及股东的整体利益,而出资额转让合同的条款 乃属公平合理。 equitynet.com.hk | The Directors, including the independent non-executive Directors, consider that the proposed transfers by Jingxiutang and Pangaoshou, two non-wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company, of their respective equity interests in GP Corp. under the Capital Transfers, together with the Capital Increase and the JV Establishment, are in the interest of the Group and the Shareholders as a whole, and the terms of the Capital Transfer Contract are fair and reasonable. equitynet.com.hk |
法国诗人让·德·拉方婷(1621-1695 年)的代表作为其 243 篇 《寓言集》,这是他在 1668 年和 1694 年的26 年间的呕心沥血之作。 wdl.org | The French poet Jean de La Fontaine (1621-95) is best known for his 243 Fables, which he wrote over a 26-year period between 1668 and 1694. wdl.org |
千年发展目标》的执行和成就以及联合国改革议程成为大会辩论的主要内容,其标志还包括 任命大韩民国前外长潘基文先生为科菲·安南的继任者。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The implementation and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the United Nations reform agenda dominated the debate of the General Assembly, which was also marked by the appointment of Mr Ban Ki-moon, former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, as Mr Kofi Annan’s successor. unesdoc.unesco.org |
支持核不扩散和裁军议员联盟成员参加了不扩散条约审议大会的筹备委员 会第三届会议和 2010 年审议大会(有的作为本国政府代表团成员,有些作为独立 [...] 观察员),在会上组织了一些教育论坛,包括一次有潘基文秘书长参加的主题为 “推进核裁军:议会的力量”的小组讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament participated in the third session of the Preparatory Committee and the 2010 NPT Review Conference, some as members of their Government delegations and others as independent observers, at which they organized a number of educational forums, including [...] a panel on the theme “Advancing nuclear disarmament: the power of parliaments”, featuring [...] Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. daccess-ods.un.org |
徐婷带着我们跑遍了大温,像是西温,北温,本拿比,列治文,高贵林等。 homewithtyra.com | Tyra took usrun all over [...] the Greater Vancouver, like West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam and so on. homewithtyra.com |
荣获市长菲迪婷卡表扬为「最杰出的达义市公民」, 因从事市民和社区工作成就非凡 (特别是为妇女与女孩方 面) 而获表扬. soroptimist.org | Recognized by City Mayor Freddie Tinga as MOST OUTSTANDING CITIZEN AWARDEE OF TAGUIG for exceptional achievement in civic and community work (for women and girls in particular) soroptimist.org |
透过「我与中大早有约」计划,本校德育及公民教育组同学林芷婷(4D-13) , 陈乐施 (4E-1) , 陈乐庭 (4A-2) , 郑颖心 (4D-2)和 蔡铭蓉 (4D-7)於13年2月1日到中大与李沛良教授共享早餐。 cch.edu.hk | Through the scheme of “Our First Encounter with CUHK Professors”, Lam Tsz Ting (4D-13) , Chan Christy (4E-1) , Chan Fernando (4A-2) , Cheng Wing Sum (4D-2) , Choi Ming Yung (4D-7) from MCE have a chance to have a breakfast gathering with professor P.L.Lee. cch.edu.hk |
眼影含矿物质的Lumene优姿婷“北极二重奏”被施加到的眼睛以及,但施加到几乎看不见的单层时,都必须在应用2-3倍。 cn.badgood.info | Eyeshadow [...] with minerals Lumene "Arctic Duet" [...]are applied to the eyes well, but when applied to a single layer of almost [...]invisible, have to be applied 2-3 times. en.badgood.info |
恭喜本学期荣获全勤奖学生,名单如下: 学前 A 班 : 王薇婷,余家柏 clsphoenix.org | Congratulations to the following students who have received this school year's Perfect Attendance Awards. clsphoenix.org |
QTCCC与凯佩婷美发产品公司国际销售副总裁Frank Trittel先生(右二)、易必达国际有限公司总经理陈国强先生(左二)在2006香港亚太区美容展上。 qtccc.com | Mr. Frank Trittel, Vice President International Sales of Hipertin S.A.(second from right) Mr. Simon Chan, General Manager of EPS International Limited (second from left) and QTCCC at Cosmoprof Asia 2006. qtccc.com |
盛大的开幕庆典引得中央大街上万人攒动,当浪琴表全球优雅形象大使林志玲从心月宫殿神秘现身,以极致娉婷的时尚catwalk秀出腕上的心月系列腕表,优雅风采顿时倾倒众生。 longines.cn | The grand opening ceremony attracted tens of thousands of people on the Central Avenue, and when Lin Chi-ling mysteriously appeared from the PrimaLuna palace and showed the PrimaLuna watch on her wrist in extremely dainty fashion catwalk, her elegance conquered the crowd. longines.jp |
十五年後,七名超级杀手开始执行任务,代号「绝色武器」,七人各有伪造的平民身份,分别隐藏於洛杉矶、香港、台湾、东京等各大城市,而隐藏於台湾一大学内就是Phoenix(谢婷婷饰)。 dddhouse.com | Phoenix has now become the top-ranked killer in Madame Rose's organization. dddhouse.com |
实验结果显示,在添加IMEDEEN伊美婷特优紧致配方活性成分的那一组,其真皮层及表皮层结构及素质显然比没有添加的那组来得更好;而在同组中,虽然年轻肌肤及熟龄肌肤替代物都同时显现良好效益,但IMEDEEN伊美婷对成熟皮肤替代物的影响更大,因为结果显示其真皮层的密度增长更大,胶原蛋白及弹性纤维的制造水平更高,表皮层的结构也改善许多。 imedeen.com.cn | Although both the young and the old skin equivalents showed that treatment with Imedeen Prime Renewal improved the quality and structure of both the dermis and epidermis versus the control cultures, the results for the aged skin equivalent were much more impressive than those for the young skin and showed a greater increase in dermal density, higher production levels of both collagen and elastin and an improved epidermal structure. imedeen.co.id |
柯倩婷认为:”媒体依然把个别事件与LGBT群体挂钩,把他们与怪异、丑恶、危险、 犯罪等联系起来,这种报道加深了人们对LGBT人群的污名化想象和刻板印象。 asiacatalyst.org | Ke Qiantingnotes: “the media still associates certain incidents with the LGBT community and link the community with deviance, danger, and crime. asiacatalyst.org |
兆鸿生技董事长徐登先先生说:我们很自豪的告诉世界上所有的消费者,黄金蚬蛋白胶囊( Clam Protein-可兰普婷)是有SNQ的认证,兆鸿生技所关心的正是安全与品质,藉由此证明书,黄金蚬蛋白胶囊( Clam Protein-可兰普婷)在世界的每个角落将不会有任何安全及品质上的疑虑。 aeneas.com.tw | We are proud to tell all the consumers in the world, Clam Protein is qualified by SNQ now, all ZH Biotech have to care is just Safety and Quality, with this certification, Clam Protein will be brought to every corner in the world without any doubt in safety and quality. aeneas.com.tw |
设计基础学系与雅芳婷有限公司合办「i simple 环保床上用品布料图案设计比赛」,让学生借此机会加深认识及推广环保生活,而且亦学习更多有关行业的知识。 hkdi.edu.hk | The Department of Design Foundation Studies co-organised the i [...] simple Eco Bedding Fabric Pattern Design [...] Competition withA-Fontane CoLtd to provide [...]an invaluable chance for students to promote [...]eco life and learn more knowledge about the industry. hkdi.edu.hk |
Vanilla Dew [...] 其设计概念以法国传统品味为主,设计全以简约主义为题,着重表现女性娉婷美态,而颜色方面则以自然为主,从简单配搭渗出丝丝女性魅力,个人优雅品味表露无遗,是21世纪上班女士们必然之选。 sogo.com.hk | Vanilla Dew " design concept of the traditional based of France dominated the whole design [...] to the theme of minimalism, focusing on the [...] performance of the beauty of ladies. [...]The colour aspects of letting nature-based, [...]from the simple combination oozing charm, elegant taste can fully exposed for the ladies of 21st Century. sogo.com.hk |
决赛当日除参赛者精彩的钢琴表演外,更邀请「第65届施坦威青少年钢琴比赛」中国赛区总决赛及第五十五届香港学校音乐节通利琴行奖学金优胜者周乐娉及周乐婷担任表演嘉宾,演奏多首乐曲。 tomleemusic.com | In addition to the keen competition, the winners of The 65th Steinway & Sons International Youth Piano Competition, and 55th HK Schools Music Festival Tom Lee Music Scholarship, Ms. Chow Lok Ping and Chow Lok Ting, were invited as guest performers, who played beautiful music and impressed the audiences deeply in the final. tomleemusic.com |
在颁奖典礼前的新闻发布会上,中山大学副教授柯倩婷老师作为新闻发言 人公布了内陆媒体对LGBT人群报道监测报告(基于LES+今年1-9月的统计数据), [...] 提到共13%的报道突出了LGBT人群的犯罪问题。 asiacatalyst.org | At CRMA's media reception, [...] ProfessorKe Qianting from Sun Yat-Sen [...]University presented a report on the media monitoring [...]of LGBT issues' media coverage (with statistics collected by Les+ from January to September 2012). 13% of these reports emphasize LGBT individuals engaging in criminal activity. asiacatalyst.org |