单词 | 漫无目的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 漫无目的 —aimlessless common: flounder • hit-and-miss See also:漫漫—boundless 炫目—dazzling • blindingly bright 无的 adj—absent adj 目的 n—purpose n • purposes pl • object n • goal n • target n • objective n • intention n • idea n • sake n • point n • end n
随着世界观的崩塌,我们的精神也开 始 漫无目的 地 游 荡。 shanghaibiennale.org | Faced with the collapse of our [...] worldviews, our spirits begin to roam. shanghaibiennale.org |
裁军谈判会议从 1996 年起就 象是一艘没有舵、失去方向、 漫无目的 游 荡 的船只。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference on Disarmament has been a rudderless, directionless [...] ship floating along aimlessly since 1996. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要是在克里米亚 [...] - 确定载体的休息,所以你不要难过了好几天,花 了 漫无目的。 cn.badgood.info | The main thing in the Crimea - to determine the vector of the rest, so you do not be [...] sad for days spent aimlessly. en.badgood.info |
一个Qt的事件是代表了某件另人感兴趣并已经发生的对象;事件与信号的主要区别在于,事件是针对于与我们应用中一个具体目标对象(而这个对象决定了我们如何处理这个事件),而信号发射则是 “ 漫无目的 ”。 qt-project.org | An event in Qt is an object which represents something interesting that happened; the main difference between an event and a signal is that events are targeted to a [...] specific object in our application (which decides what to do with that event), while [...] signals are emitted “in the wild”. qt-project.org |
客户和广告代理因为他的风格和能量选择了Sam参与这个 项 目 , 最后 毫 无 疑 问 的 营 造 了“飘逸长发和炫目阳光”。 ba-repsasia.com | The client and [...] agency chose Sam for the project because of his style and [...]energy, which was decidedly built around “flowing hair and sun flare. ba-repsasia.com |
此外,在这些目无法纪的地区, 仍充斥着初期的反叛运动,冲突结束后各路的流动大 军都集中在这里。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, such lawless areas remain infested by nascent rebellion movements and host to entire roaming armies following the end of a conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据联索政治处 2008 年 10 月的一项报告,在摩迦迪沙叛乱分子与受到 埃塞俄比亚支持 的过渡联邦政府部队持 续经常地发生武 装 冲突,与此同时还有最 近的报告指出针对 AMISOM 军队的有目的的袭击也有所增加,据说这就导致乌干 达 军队漫 无 目 标 地对居 民区发射 炮 弹 来 报 复 。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to an UNPOS report of October 2008, while armed clashes have continued regularly in Mogadishu between insurgents and the Ethiopian backed-TFG forces, there have also been recent reports of an increase in targeted attacks against AMISOM troops, which allegedly led the Ugandan troops to retaliate by indiscriminately firing with artillery against residential neighbourhoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
在受教 育权不断被吸纳入各国国家宪法或法律中 去 的漫 长 进 程中,实现全民教 育 目 标 的 进 程 也会得 到帮助的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the long run embedding the right to education in national constitutions or [...] legislation must help to promote progress towards EFA. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当然目前也有观点认为互联网使得言论多元化自动成为现实,诸如Spiegel.de、bild.de和FAZ-Net这样印刷媒体的网络版下载量非常高,除此之外还有大 量 漫无 头 绪 的 发 布 新闻和言论的网站。 tatsachen-ueber-deutschland.de | In addition to the online versions of print publications with high visitor figures such as Spiegel.de, bild.de and FAZ.NET, there is an unfathomable spectrum of news and opinion sites. tatsachen-ueber-deutschland.de |
炫目的杂技 、大开眼界的冰上舞蹈、梦幻的视觉艺术、激昂的歌剧咏叹调,我们的表演凝聚着原创和才华。 msccruises.com.cn | Where originality [...] meets talent; a dazzling circus extravaganza [...]and a never-before-seen dancing on ice show. msccruises.com.eg |
不過,內地經濟預期復蘇、環球股票市場最近反彈,加上歐美 的經濟氣氛相對改善,看來都是漫長 隧 道盡 頭 的 一 點 曙光,但 是 目 前 的 情況 仍談不上強勁復蘇。 legco.gov.hk | Yet the expected pick-up in the Mainland economy, the recent rebound in global stock markets, the relative improvement in economic sentiment both in the US [...] and Europe, have provided [...] some glimpse of light at the end of a long tunnel, though a strong recovery is not [...]yet in sight. legco.gov.hk |
除了卓爾不群的舞藝,他更擁有俊朗外表及模特 兒 的 標 準 身材,Sarmiento就是完 美 的 化 身 ,讓貴賓於私人娛樂聖殿中 炫 目 迷 醉。 yp.mo | These skills, spiced with a model’s good looks and impressive physical presentation,have helped Saulo take hisroutine to a level of unmatched complexity and beauty. yp.mo |
打击歧视、尊重人权作为一个整体,是一 个 漫 长 的进 程 ,在该进程中,公民社会、监察员、防止歧视专员、政府及其所有机构都有各 自的任务和目标, 《宪法》和其他法律文书对这些任务和目标作了明确规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Combating discrimination and respect for human rights [...] as a whole was a long process, whereby the civil society, the Ombudsman, the commissioner against discrimination, the Government and all its structures had their own tasks and goals, which are [...]clearly specified in [...]the Constitution and other legal acts. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下领域的实地项目:无害环境的基 本 基础设施服务项目(31);30 个国家的获得土地 和住房项目(30);非洲、亚洲/太平洋、拉丁美洲和加勒比区域以及东欧的可持续城 市化(19);10 个国家基本服务准则的修改和执行(10);在塞内加尔、布基纳法索、越 南、哥伦比亚、墨西哥编制和执行权力下放促进基本服务/基础设施地方化国际准则 [...] [...] (5);冲突后和灾后国家的可持续重建项目(22);地方/区域一级的可持续城市化项目 (19);地方/区域一级的可持续城市化项目(8)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (iii) Field projects on environmentally sound basic infrastructure services projects (31); access to land and housing in 30 counties [...] (30); sustainable urbanization [...]in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean regions, and Eastern Europe (19); the adaptation and implementation of the guidelines on basic services in 10 countries (10); developing and implementing the international guidelines on decentralization for localized basic services/infrastructure in Senegal, Burkina Faso, Viet Nam, Colombia, Mexico (5); sustainable reconstruction projects in post-conflict and post-disaster countries (22); sustainable urbanization projects at local/regional levels (19); sustainable urbanization projects at local/regional levels (8). daccess-ods.un.org |
武装 团体在这几轮暴力事件期间继续 漫无目 标 地发射火箭弹、迫击炮和其他弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | Militant groups continued indiscriminate firing of rockets, mortars and other munitions during those rounds of violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
重罪调查组在完成对 1999 [...] 年犯下的另外 120 起重罪案件的调查方面取得进展 案件调查被推迟,因为关键空缺员额(法医人类学家、两 性平等事务干事和协调干事)的征聘过程延长,而且由于 罕见的漫长雨季,某些地点无法进出。 daccess-ods.un.org | Progress towards completion by the Serious Crimes Investigation Team of investigations into an additional 120 cases of serious crimes committed in 1999 The investigation of cases was delayed by the prolonged recruitment process for key vacant posts (forensic anthropologist, gender affairs [...] officer, and coordination [...] officers) and the inaccessibility of certain locations owing to an exceptionally long rainy season. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,有一个会员国认为,鉴于有限 的资源和目前正在开展关于“知识社会”的横向专题(CCT)方 面 的 部 门间 项 目 , 无 需 大 量 增加活动,应当把精力集中在少数具有可衡量和明显实效的主要项目上。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One Member State considered, however, that in view of the limited resources [...] available and the ongoing [...] intersectoral projects pertaining to the cross-cutting theme (CCT) on knowledge societies, there was no need to multiply [...]initiatives but [...]rather to concentrate efforts on a limited number of major projects with measurable and tangible impact. unesdoc.unesco.org |
DM 还声称,它参与处理了由于申请 的研究项目无法纳 入同财政部签订的合同规定的大学战略框架内会员遭到解雇或受到解雇威 胁的案件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | in which members have been dismissed or threatened with dismissal because their research filed did not fit into the strategic framework of their university under its contract with the Ministry. unesdoc.unesco.org |
” 表明,解决争端和监督机构进行评估的权限并不 是 漫无 限 制 的, 只 是同各国给予这些机构的权限相对应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, the phrase “within their respective competences” indicates that the competence of the dispute settlement and monitoring bodies to carry out such an assessment is not unlimited but corresponds to the competences accorded to these bodies by States. daccess-ods.un.org |
不论本规则其他各条如何规定,除非大会另有决定,大会在举 [...] 行紧急特别会议时,只应召开全体会议,直接审议请求召开紧急特 别会议时要求审议的项目,无须先 交总务委员会或任何其他委员会 讨论;紧急特别会议的主席和副主席应分别由大会前一届会议的主 [...] 席和副主席所属各国代表团的团长担任。 unachina.org | Notwithstanding the provisions of any other rule and unless the General Assembly decides otherwise, the Assembly, in case of an emergency special session, shall convene in [...] plenary meeting only and proceed [...] directly to consider the item proposed for consideration [...]in the request for the holding [...]of the session, without previous reference to the General Committee or to any other committee; the President and VicePresidents for such emergency special sessions shall be, respectively, the chairmen of those delegations from which were elected the President and Vice-Presidents of the previous session. unachina.org |
在压力、目无法纪和无家可归的情况 加剧时,妇女 面临更多暴力威胁,会发现更难以养活自己以及她们所照料的儿童、老人、伤员、 [...] 残疾人和其他幸存者。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a time of [...] heightened stress, lawlessness and homelessness, women face [...]an increased threat of violence and will find it [...]harder to support themselves, the children, the elderly, the injured, the disabled and other survivors who are in their care. daccess-ods.un.org |
几何造型的Legend 系列 颈链、项链和手链,由长方形仿水晶元素精心拼砌成太阳光 线 的 图 形 ,将炎炎夏 日 的 热 浪 激情与 炫 目 风 姿展现地淋漓尽致。 brand.swarovski.com | The pleasing geometry of the Legend collier, necklace and bracelets, with their sunray motif of precisely structured rows of baguette crystals, reflects the warmth and brightness of summertime. brand.swarovski.com |
值得一提的是在 2006 年一份来自欧盟外部的评估欧盟与中国合作计划的报告,它 [...] 批评双方在扶贫和气候变化上的考量上缺乏系统 化 的 整 合, 项 目无 法 反 馈到政策对话 里(欧洲委员会, 2007b [...]:附录 3.10)。 eu-china.net | It is noteworthy that in 2006 an external evaluation of the EU’s co-operation programme with China was critical of a lack of systematic integration of considerations on poverty [...] reduction and climate change, and a lack [...] of feedback from the projects into policy dialogues [...](European Commission, 2007b:Annex 3.10). eu-china.net |
但是,有成员指出,包括通货膨胀、劳工成本上升和不 利 的 汇率 在内的若干金融因素正在形成隐患,可能使体制建设 项 目无 法 继 续取得成功,而且需要为 各国国家臭氧机构进一步提供资金,以确保在体制建设方面继续取得进展。 multilateralfund.org | It was stated, however, that a number of financial factors were threatening to compromise the [...] continued success of institutional strengthening projects, including inflation, rising labour costs and disadvantageous [...]exchange rates, and further funding was required for national ozone units to ensure that progress in institutional strengthening was maintained. multilateralfund.org |
她的代表团认为, 一些国家在本国立法中对历史事件妄加解释, 其目 的无非是 为了实现其政治野心和短期目标,这种倾 向会导致其放弃国际人权义务, 并为推销种族主义 至上论制造温床。 daccess-ods.un.org | Her delegation believed that the tendency, in the national legislation of a number of countries, to incorporate an arbitrary interpretation of historical events, designed to benefit political ambitions and short-term goals, would lead to an abandonment of international human rights obligations and create fertile ground for the popularization of theories of racist supremacy. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过细腻而缓慢地图画组合,隐喻了当下上海这座国际大都市里,平淡踏实,充满细节,拥挤而繁密的私人经历的市井生活,更有妙 在 无目的的 心 理活动和私人压抑。 shanghaibiennale.org | The slow and meticulous composition is a microcosm of urban life in the international metropolis of Shanghai, bustling, humdrum and personal. shanghaibiennale.org |
内部— 计时器的正反面为可透视的防炫目蓝 宝 石水晶制成— V4的前卫架构保持不变(钨金属直线形块,成系列的两对发条匣平行设置并以传动带相连),但后处理完全重制:底板涂覆高度耐腐蚀的黑色镀钌涂层,夹板以日内瓦波纹装饰。 hautehorlogerie.org | Inside — and visible through the timepiece’s anti-reflective sapphire crystal front and back — the V4’s avant-garde architecture remains unchanged (tungsten ingot linear mass, two pairs of barrels in series, set in parallel and linked by belts), but the finishes have been completely revisited, with a high-resistance black ruthenium coating on the back plate and the Côtes de Genève decorated bridges. hautehorlogerie.org |
他独具慧眼,积极开创出采用炫目亮 色组 合 的 原 创 概念表设计理念,由此在高级手表业掀起了一场革命性风暴,同时也推动 DeWitt Watches 登上钟表产业链的巅峰,使其在发展道路上所向披靡,成果卓著。 hk.ashford.com | His unique vision of original concept watches in eye popping color combinations took the haute world of watches completely by storm and propelled DeWitt Watches to the top of the proverbial food chain, garnering top awards along the way. ashford.com |