单词 | 漫山遍野 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 漫山遍野—fig. as far as the eye can seeless common: lit. covering the mountains and the plains [idiom.] covering everything omnipresent See also:山野—mountain and fields
芬兰浆果是长满漫山遍野的森林野果,而采摘浆果可以说是芬兰的全国活动。 visitfinland.com | Berry picking is close to a national sport, and the fruit of the forests are aplenty. visitfinland.com |
九峰山以层峦叠嶂的奇峰怪石与奔流湍急的瀑布闻名于世,拥有漫山遍野、种类繁多的动植物资源。 shangri-la.com | Notable for its uniquely shaped jagged rocks and [...] waterfalls, Jiufeng Mountain is also home to [...]an interesting variety of flora and fauna. shangri-la.com |
您可在此攀登澳大利亚最高峰哥斯高山(Mount Kosciuszko),或者在野花遍地的山坡上远足或骑自行车。 australia.com | Here you can climb Mount Kosciuszko, Australia’s highest peak, or go [...] hiking or biking throughwildflower-cloaked slopes. australia.com |
暴力和野蛮事件遍及土着世界的 每一个角落,对象常常是正在扞卫自己的权利和土地、领地和自然资源的土着人 民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of violence and brutality have occurred [...] in every corner of the indigenous world, often perpetrated against indigenous [...]peoples who are defending their rights and their lands, territories and natural resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
旅馆Llullu美洲驼是一个浪漫的山区旅馆,位于厄瓜多尔中部的安第斯山脉。 instantworldbooking.com | Hostal Llullu Llamais a romantic mountain hostal, located [...] in the middle of the Ecuadorian Andes. instantworldbooking.com |
中国赞赏黑山在普遍定期审议期间所表现的真诚和负责的态度,并感谢 它们在 整 个 [...] 进程中提供 合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | China appreciated Montenegro’s sincere and [...] responsible attitude during the UPRand thanked them for their cooperation throughout the whole process. daccess-ods.un.org |
在位于新西兰中心位置的尼尔森植物山(Botanical Hill)悠闲漫步,俯瞰迷人的尼尔森市风景和风光旖旎的塔斯曼湾(Tasman Bay)。 cn.yha.co.nz | Takea stroll upthe Centre of New Zealand walk from Nelson’s Botanical Hill to enjoy stunning [...] views over Nelson city and Tasman Bay. yha.co.nz |
配合 LG Telecom 及 SK Telecom 的 CDMA 网络,南韩漫游服务覆盖率高达 99%,遍及首尔、釜山、大邱、仁川、光州、大田、京畿道、江原道、忠清北道、忠清南道、庆尚北道、庆尚南道、全罗北道、全罗南道、济州道及其他地区。 peoples.com.hk | Together with LG Telecom's and SK Telecom's CDMA networks, [...] the network coverage [...] of ourSouth KoreaRoaming Service reaches 99% of the nation including:Seoul, Pusan, Taegu,Incheon, Kwangju, Taejon, Kyonggi-do, Kangwon-do, Chungchongbuk-do,Chungchongnam-do, [...]Kyongsangbuk-do, [...]Kyongsangnam-do, Chollabuk-do, Chollanam-do, Cheju-do, etc. You can also use KT (3G/4G) and SK Telecom (3G) networks which covers Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju, Ulsan, Seogwipo, Jeju, South Jeju and North Jeju. peoples.com.hk |
对于热爱丛林漫步、冲浪、野生动物、葡萄酒及海鲜、水果、干酪和牛肉等农特产品的人士而言,塔斯马尼亚州绝对是全世界最佳场所之一。 australiachina.com.au | For lovers of bushwalking, surfing,wildlife,wine and fine produce including seafood, fruits, cheese and beef, Tasmania is one of the world’s best locations. australiachina.com.au |
人的权利与义务研究社赞赏黑山对在普遍定期审议工作组框架内所作建 议的答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | Circle of Research into Rights and Duties of the Individual, [...] (CRED) appreciatedMontenegro’s replies to the [...]recommendations made within the framework [...]of the Working Group of the Universal Periodic Review. daccess-ods.un.org |
生态范式让人们对作为测深特征的海山形成了一些普遍认识,认为海山是独特的环境,是生物多样性和地方特性热点,也是极具生态价值的脆弱生态系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ecological paradigms [...] have created a widely held viewof seamounts, which are bathymetric features, [...]as unique environments, [...]hotspots of biodiversity and endemicity and fragile ecosystems of exceptional ecological worth. daccess-ods.un.org |
以赛亚书 11:9 在我圣山的遍处,这一切都不伤人、不害物,因为认识耶和华的知识要充满遍地,好像 [...] 水充满洋海一般。 sallee.info | Isaiah 11:9 They will neither harm nor [...] destroy on all my holy mountain, forthe earth will [...]be full of the knowledge of the L sallee.info |
俄国转为保守﹕这标志着亚历山大一世由浪漫主义过渡到保守﹐最终 转为反动。 hkahe.com | Change of Russia to conservatism: It marked the [...] changing ofAlexander I from romanticto conservative [...]and finally to reactionary. hkahe.com |
哥伦比亚有 28 个岛屿, 上面居住着超过 10 万名居民,海岸线漫长,山地生态系统和世界第二大生物多样性储备使其特别容易 [...] 受到气候变化的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Colombia was particularly vulnerable to climate change, with its 28 [...] islands with more than 100,000 [...] inhabitants, its long coastline, its mountainecosystems and [...]the world’s second largest biodiversity reserve. daccess-ods.un.org |
康塔尔产生一个简单的石头屋的山丘上自由漫步的夏牧场上吃草的奶牛在法国最流行,最便宜的奶酪。 leapfrog-properties.com | Cantal produces one of France’s most popular [...] and cheapest cheeses made in the simple stone huts on [...] the hillswhere the cowsroam freeto graze on [...]the summer pasture. leapfrog-properties.com |
在Lydia的姐妹和父母的陪伴下,夫妻俩观察野生动物,漫步于参天的卡里树森林中,尽享该地区的美食佳酿,从他们的日常工作中“解脱出来”。 australia.com | Accompanied by Lydia’s sisters and parents, the couple met wildlife, walked through towering karri forests, indulged in regional food and wine and generally “broke free” from their daily working routines. australia.com |
18世纪,浪漫主义者游遍欧洲,把他们的印象通过文学恶和绘画表现出来。 swissworld.org | In the 18th century, [...] followers ofthe Romantic movement travelled across Europe, distilling [...]their experiences of the exotic [...]cultures they encountered through works of art and literature. swissworld.org |
不过,这两处山野荒原也是玩山地自行车的好地方;因此,每年夏天的游客数目,不断提升。 visitfinland.com | It is also the destination attracting an increasing amount of summer tourists every year, partly thanks to its excellent mountain biking terrain. visitfinland.com |
山坡,高山的风刮的荒野,山地的草地,有岩石地方,石质土地; 3000-4700米。 flora.ac.cn | Mountainslopes, alpine windswept moorlands, montane grasslands, rocky places, stony soils; 3000–4700 m. C and W Sichuan, S Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India (?Assam, Darjiling), Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim]. flora.ac.cn |