

单词 漫天飞舞

See also:

漫天 adv

everywhere adv




dance in the breeze


flying Apsara (Buddhist art)

External sources (not reviewed)

天晚上,彼得显示温迪小妖精的家“精灵谷”,和他们一起共进 漫 “ 仙 女 舞。
That night, Peter shows Wendy the fairies’ home “Pixie Hollow” and together they share a romantic “fairy dance.
天是花粉飞舞的季 节,花粉附着于眼睛以及鼻 子的粘膜导致身体不适的一种症状。
In spring, pollen flutters about in the air and stick [...]
to mucous membrane of eyes and nose.
反而,他们会欣赏北极光天空中 飞舞 , 或 遥望明亮的星星闪闪发光,在那南方人看不到的景象里,浑然忘我。
It is quite the opposite. Gaze at
[...] the Northern Lights dancing in the sky or the [...]
stars gleaming brightly, shining in a way
you just don’t see in the south, and time stands still.
[...] 的色彩——红色、黑色、金黄色,蓝色——也在这个动感十足的表面上盛开 舞。
The bold, impulsive colours—red, black, goldenrod yellow, blue—are featured on the intensely
[...] kinetic, action-packed dial as well.
百年灵空漫步特技飞行队 (Breitling Wingwalkers)融合了两种特技飞行风格:其一是飞机排成整齐的队列进行飞行表演,其二是两名年轻女士站在上层机翼中心,在飞机进行高空特 飞 行 表 演时同步进 舞 蹈 和 杂技表演。
The Breitling Wingwalkers bring together within a truly stunning show two different types of aerobatics: one with planes flying in formation, and another with two acrobats perched on the center of the upper wing and performing a synchronized choreography - in full flight and in mid-sky.
2004 年 11 月飞漫软件针对嵌入式 GIS 应用的 MGIS 嵌入式地理信息系统软件发布。
In November 2004, FMSoft released the solution of MGIS embedded geography information system, which for the technology of embedded GIS application.
在布奥克斯(Buochs),除了日常特技飞行表演,百年灵空 漫 步 特 技 飞 行 队还带领嘉宾在上层机翼上以185公里左右的时速穿梭于群山中,虽然比起通常的表演少了些刺激的特技体验,却是一种极具独创性且壮观的翱 天 空 的 方式,就像鸟儿一样穿梭于 天 白 云 之间。
In Buochs, in addition to their daily aerobatics
performances, the Breitling
[...] Wingwalkers also take passengers firmly attached to the upper wing of the biplane for flights amid the mountains at speeds of around 185 km/h. A less acrobatic experience than their usual shows - but a nonetheless highly original and spectacular way of cleaving through the air like a bird.
經過天漫長的 辛勞,與情人或同事在擁有海濱景觀和新加坡天際線美景的環境下用餐,觀賞由濱海灣金沙精心安排的雷射 舞 秀 等 娛樂活動,這精采絕倫的夜晚絕對是犒賞自己最佳方式。
After a long day of work dining by the waterfront with a view of the Singapore Skyline and watch entertaining activities such as the Laser & Water show organized by Marina Bay Sands [...]
will be the best evening
to pamper one's self, dine with your love once or business associates.
揭幕仪式开始时,主持人邀请主礼嘉宾上台,聚光灯一同凝聚于舞台上的巨型音乐盒,音乐盒上插着一把系着美高梅金色缎带的钥匙,主礼嘉宾携手解开缎带,钥匙随即转动而八音盒奏起动听旋律,此时,中央巨型圣诞树及四周的灯光随即亮起 漫天 「 雪 花」悄然飘落,优雅的芭 舞 铜 像开始围绕圣诞树缓慢旋转,标志着「澳门美高梅梦幻圣诞」正式开幕!随后,著名唱作歌手方大同及薛凯琪倾情献唱,特意以爵士乐风格为美高梅的嘉宾及宾客献唱圣诞经典名曲 [...] [...]
“Winter Wonderland”,悦耳动听,而是夜的演出亦是他们两人今年首次演唱圣诞歌曲,份外特别。
Top Hong Kong vocalists Khalil Fong and Fiona Sit
greeted guests with a Jazz
[...] version of classic Christmas song, “Winter Wonderland” as they slowly walked down [...]
the grand round stairway
and onto the stage. The duo expressed that this is the first time that they performed a Christmas song in the year 2011, and they have specifically put a Jazzy spin on the classic song for the guests at MGM MACAU.
除西班牙加入的四项联合国外层空间条约及相关的多边国际文书外,西班 牙缔结了关于在空间领域进行合作的许多双边协定,包括:与俄罗斯联邦缔结 的《合作探索及和平利用外层空间协定》,该《协定》于 2006 年 2 月 9 日在马 德里签订,并于 2010 年 3 月 17 日生效;2003 年 1 月 28 日与美利坚合众国缔结 的《科学技术合作协定》,其中规定在西班牙领土上建立一个空间跟踪站;以 及 1991 年 7 月 11 日与美国签订的《空间合作协定》,其中规定在紧急情况下美 国的天飞机可 在西班牙某些机场着陆。
In addition to the four United Nations treaties on outer space and related multilateral international instruments to which it is a party, Spain has concluded a number of bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of space, including: the Agreement on Cooperation in the Exploration and Peaceful Use of Outer Space, concluded with the Russian Federation, which was signed in Madrid on 9 February 2006 and entered into force on 17 March 2010; the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement with the United States of America of 28 January 2003, which provides for the establishment of a space-tracking station on Spanish territory; and the Space Cooperation Agreement, signed on 11 July 1991 with the United States, which provides for the landing of the United States space shuttle at certain Spanish airports in cases of emergency.
大会第六十六届会议回顾大会第 65/271 号决议宣布 4 月 12 日为“载人空间 飞行国际日”;并且通过了《载人 天飞 行 五十周年暨和平利用外层空间委员会 成立五十周年宣言》(第 66/71 号决议及附件)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly recalled that the Assembly, by its resolution 65/271, had
declared 12 April the
[...] International Day of Human Space Flight; and adopted the Declaration on the Fiftieth Anniversary of Human Space Flight and the Fiftieth [...]
Anniversary of
the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (resolution 66/71 and annex).
聚醚硅油和氨基硅油乳液可降低头发表面的静电,避免发丝“ 舞飞 扬 ”
Polyether silicones and amino silicone fluid emulsions reduce electrostatic charging of the hair
[...] surface and so reduce flyaway.
[...] HAS),孩之宝是美国领先的玩具制造商,它十月份称将与当地合作伙伴 飞 动 漫 ( Shenzhen: 002292)建合资企业来开发中国市场。
Lego’s announcement follows a similar one from Hasbro (NYSE: HAS), a leading US toymaker, which said in October
it would form a joint venture with
[...] local partner Alpha Animation (Shenzhen: 002292) [...]
to develop toys for the China market.
马尔达夫在过去一年的表现令人舞 , 虽 然 天 然 气进口 价格陡增,且向传统市场的红酒出口受到干扰,减缓了增长、刺激了通货膨胀并对银 [...]
Moldova’s performance last year has been
[...] encouraging, despite sharp increases in natural gas import prices [...]
and disruptions in wine
exports to traditional markets, which have slowed growth, fuelled inflation, and posed risks to the banking system.
2004 年 7 月飞漫软件 和西安傅立叶建立合作伙伴关系,主攻西部区域嵌入式市场。
In July 2004, FMSoft established a special partnership with Xi'an FFT, aiming at the Western embedded market.
工作组回顾大会第 66/71
[...] 号决议所载由大会通过的《关于载人 天飞 行 五 十 周年与和平利用外层空间委员会成立五十周年的宣言》,强调需要更加认真地审 [...]
视先进的空间研究、探索系统和技术将如何能进一步协助应对包括全球气候变 化等各种挑战并进一步协助解决粮食安全和全球健康问题。
The Working Group recalled that
the Declaration on the Fiftieth Anniversary
[...] of Human Space Flight and the Fiftieth [...]
Anniversary of the Committee on the Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 66/71, stressed the need to look more closely into how advanced space research, exploration systems and technologies could further contribute to meeting challenges, including that of global climate change, and to food security and global health.
2004 年 6 月飞漫软件和博创科技建立合作伙伴关系,主攻长江以北教育行业的嵌入式市场。
In June 2004, FMSoft established a [...]
special partnership with Up-Tech, aiming at the embedded market in the northern education trade.
在这个意义上,我们感 到舞的是,今天通过 的第 1975(2011)号决议纳入强 调必须寻求一项维持科特迪瓦民主与和平和促进全 体科特迪瓦人持久和解的政治解决办法的规定。
In that sense, we
[...] are encouraged by the inclusion in resolution 1975 (2011), adopted today, of provisions [...]
to emphasize the
need to pursue a political solution that preserves democracy and peace in Côte d’Ivoire and promotes lasting reconciliation among all Ivorians.
方剛議員: 主席,本人最近收到商界人士及市民的投訴,指財政
[...] 同行業人士的意見,包括透過大眾媒體如電視及電台播放廣告、派發 刊物如“擁抱明日、信有天”漫畫 冊及“財政司司長邀請你發表意見” 小冊子,以及舉行諮詢會等,但最後公布的預算案的內容與市民及商 [...]
方案,當初的諮詢是否有必要及有意義,他們認為諮詢只是浪費資 源。
MR VINCENT FANG (in Chinese): President, I have recently received complaints from members of the business sector and the public that while the Financial Secretary, before announcing the 2011-2012 Budget, consulted the views of the general public and members of different sectors in a high-profile manner, including broadcasting advertisements via the mass media such as
television and radio, distributing
[...] publications such as the comic book "Embrace the [...]
Future, Believe in the Future" and the
booklet "The Financial Secretary Invites Your Views", as well as conducting consultation forums, yet the content of the Budget eventually announced is a far cry from the views expressed by the public and the business sector.
探索威尼斯、雅典、罗德岛的历史建筑,享受法国、突尼斯的金色沙滩,或是在伊比沙不眠夜 舞 至 天 明。
Discover the architectural and historic beauty of
Venice, Athens or Rhodes, enjoy the golden beaches of
[...] France or Tunisia or dance the night away in the [...]
never sleeping Ibiza.
澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店將於2013年2月22日及23日為澳門首度帶來於日本人氣飆升的新世代搖 舞 樂團 “伎天”( Samurai Rock Orchestra) ,並假金光綜藝館™呈獻只此兩晚的《伎天 『弦光舞影』奇技之旅》。
The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel is bringing one of the hottest performance groups from Japan, Samurai Rock Orchestra, to the CotaiArena™ stage
on February 22 and 23, 2013,
[...] with a two-night-only performance SRO Concert in Macau 2013 that combines rock music, energetic dancing and highly-skilled acrobatics in one extravaganza.
游客还可免费欣赏中央天舞台上 表演的音乐、舞蹈、木偶戏等。
There are
[...] often free music, dance and puppetry performances [...]
on the central outdoor stage.
2010 年 6 月飞漫软件于2010年6月8-9日参加了创业邦举办的“创新中国DEMO [...]
CHINA 2010杭州分赛,最终在二十个参赛企业中获得第五名,成功入围将于今年9月进行的北京总决赛。
June 2010, FMSoft took part in the [...]
business 8-9 state's "innovation DEMO CHINA 2010 China Hangzhou points race final at
the 20 participating companies in fifth place, Successful candidates will be conducted in Beijing in September this year, finals.
2004 年 12 月飞漫软件与信息产业部软件及集成电路促进中心(CSIP)签署培训合作协议 飞漫 软 件 将与 CSIP 在嵌入式 Linux 领域合作开展培训服务,共同推动嵌入式 Linux 技术在国内的应用和普及。
FMSoft would provide the training to CSIP in embedded Linux area and work together with CSIP to push and generalize the application of [...]
Linux technology all over china.
主席,事情如發展至某一程度,令我們真的感到不能阻止投保人 索償,而保險公司提出的保費金額亦不 漫天 要 價,那麼到時應怎麼 辦?
President, if this situation develops to a certain point which makes us feel that there is no way to stop the insured from making compensation claims and insurance companies are not unreasonable in asking for high premiums, then what should be done?
2006年8月,国际领先的半导体供应商 Atmel 公司飞漫软件合作,使用 MiniGUI 为其多款应用于 WiFi 领域的芯片开发 MMI 软件参考设计,进一步加强飞漫软 件在 WiFi 领域的全球领先地位。
In August 2006, FMSoft cooperated with Atmel company, which is an international leading semiconductor supplier, MiniGUI was used to develop MMI reference design for [...]
a wide range of chips in WiFi field.
下村(Dolnja VAS),其中码头周围jugna(天舞池 ) ,乱堆的房屋包含两个突出的建筑:摩天大楼(neboticnik),站在旁边的道路科佩尔Buje,和巴洛克式的房子,可以追溯到1738。
The Lower Village (Dolnja vas), where the
houses on the pier huddle around the
[...] jugna (an open air dancing area), contains two [...]
prominent buildings: the skyscraper
(neboticnik), which stands next to the road Koper-Buje, and the baroque house that dates back to 1738.
天 『弦光舞影』奇技之旅》不僅包含音樂表演,更配合一連串目不暇給的高難度雜技及體操動作,展示表演者非凡的身體平衡力、靈活性和運動協調水準,必定能令這個節目成為本年度最不容錯過的娛樂表演之一。
SRO Concert in Macau 2013 is not just an orchestra performance, but features a range of acts demonstrating the performers’ extraordinary feats of balance, agility and motor coordination, making it an entertainment event not to be missed this year.




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