

单词 演练

演练 verb ()

walkthrough v

See also:

perfect (one's skill)


practiceAE n
drill n

External sources (not reviewed)

在每次发 射前进行大演练,练习进 行这种应对,并确保美国已随时准备好在不太可能 [...]
Numerous exercises are conducted before [...]
every launch to practise this response and ensure that the United States is ready
to react appropriately and promptly in the unlikely event of a launch accident involving nuclear material.
成员国的支助还一直是保障培训计划所不可或缺的,在主办涉及需要核设施 和(或)核材料的实演练的培 训班时尤其如此。
Support from member States has also been
essential to the
[...] safeguards training programme, particularly in hosting courses involving practical exercises requiring nuclear [...]
facilities and/or nuclear material.
演练是创 建独特的全球全面禁试条约核查机制的一个重 要里程碑。
This exercise was an important milestone in the establishment of a unique global CTBT verification mechanism.
这项计划应包含一系列旨在完成社会重返社会 阶段开始之前演练的措 施,还应包含一系列旨在帮助这些被解散的武装集团成 员复员和社会经济重返社会以及在集结地区将妇女和男子分离的措施。
The plan shall also include measures for the rehabilitation and socio-economic reintegration of members of these disbanded groups, and the separation of men and women in assembly areas.
通过互联网和内部网网 站、内部和外部培训、简讯和电子教学、讲习班以及进行业连 演练 等 , 仅仅是 业连管教育得以落实的众多形式中的几个。
Sharing knowledge via internet and intranet sites, internal and external training, newsletters and e-learning, workshops and performance of BCM exercises are just some of the forms in which education on BCM can be delivered.
(e) 为了测试和调整多边行动标准作业程序并使之切实可行,各国政府应 鼓励执法机构利用联络官网络及国际和区域执法实体的平台和协调能力,开展 多边桌演练和实地演练。
(e) In order to test and adjust standard operating procedures for multilateral operations and to make them practically functional, Governments should encourage their law enforcement agencies to conduct multilateral table-top and field exercises using the network of liaison officers and the platform and coordination capacities of international and regional law enforcement entities.
公司通过培训、多形式宣传、应 演练 、 安 全检查评审等多项措施,控制并减少公司内安全事故的发生。
The company controls
[...] and reduces internal safety accidents by means of training, multiple styles of propagation, emergency drills, safety inspection [...]
reviews and other actions.
根据东道国的防火安全立法,每栋大楼每年都要进行至少一次模拟和疏 演练 , 然而, 消防部门空缺职位的冻结进一步违背了东道国服务人员配备的规定。
In accordance with host country fire safety
legislation, simulation
[...] and evacuation exercises will continue to take place at least once a year in each building, however, [...]
the freeze of vacant
posts in the fire safety unit still further deepens the non-compliance of the service staffing with host country regulations.
在可能的情况下,介绍该工 具之后由参加者使用该工具进行起草司法协助请求书的实 演练。
When possible, the introduction to the tool has been followed
[...] by practical exercises in which participants [...]
use the tool to draft a request for mutual legal assistance.
根据“老板”萨巴尔的指示,负责在银行内部作案的 小组在抢银行行动一周前先抢了一个小网吧,算是提演练。
Under “Boss” Sabar’s direction, the inside team did a practice run with a robbery of a small Internet café about a week before the bank robbery took place.
16.3 会计处将在 2010 年中进行一次质量控演练,目 的是避免在年底年度结算时发生意 外,也是为了更好编制最准确和透明并符合国际公共部门会计标准的财务报表,2011 年第 一季度外聘审计员将对这些报表进行审计。
16.3 BOC will undertake a dry run in mid-2010 for quality control to avoid any surprises by the year-end annual closing, and to better prepare the most accurate and transparent IPSAS compliant Financial Statement which will be audited by External Auditor in the first quarter of 2011.
在求职技巧培训模块课程中,您不仅可 演练 求职 面试中可能遇到的各种情景,还可以与教师一起通过影像资 料分析各种求职面试应对策略。
In this module you will not only be practicing different situations that may arise at an interview but also analyzing it afterwards on video with your trainer.
......任何政府部门为了为女王服务都可以创造、使用 演练 和 出售这些受专利保护的发明, 根据本分款所进行的任何行为都不会对有关的专利造成侵害。
any Government Department …may make, use, exercise and vend any patented invention for the services of the Crown and anything done by virtue of this subsection shall not amount to an infringement of the patent concerned.
因 2012 年 1 月 1 日开始采用公共部门会计准则,需要确定期初余额,审计 活动为此进程中开展的库存运演练 提 供 咨询。
This engagement provided advice related to inventory practice runs undertaken as part of the process of establishing the opening balances required for the adoption of IPSAS on 1 January 2012.
在最近于首尔举行的核安全首脑会议上,俄罗斯 联邦总统宣布,俄罗斯计划于 2012 年第三季度在俄 罗斯就遏制核材料和放射源非法流动问题举行打击 核恐怖主义全球倡议所规定演练。
The recent Nuclear Security Summit held in Seoul saw the President of the Russian Federation announce Russia’s plan to hold in Russia, in the third quarter of 2012, exercises under the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism on the theme of curbing the illicit movement of nuclear material and radioactive sources.
同时,它也强调以防万一,即对于可能会发生 的事故,应事先作好应急准备,加强应 演练 , 以确保在未来事故发生时尽可能 减少事故所造成的人身伤害和财产损失。
Meanwhile, it also emphasises preparation for all contingencies, which includes making emergency response preparations for accidents and strengthen of emergency response through rehearsal in order to ensure that personal damage and property loss resulting from accidents are minimized in case of an accident.
2011年12月28日,中国银行业监督管理委员会下发了中国银监会关于印发《商业银行业务连续性监管指引》的通知及《商业银行业务连续性监管指引》(“《指引》”)。《指引》中包含BCM生命周期中涉及的业务连续性组织架构、业务影响分析、业务连续性计划与资源建设、业务连续 演练 与 持 续改进、监督与处置等环节的具体要求。
On 28 December 2011, the China Banking Regulatory Commission issued the notice of "The supervisory guidance on commercial bank business continuity ("Guidance")" which covers the requirements in respect of key links throughout the BCM life cycle, including the business continuity organization structure, business impact analysis, business continuity planning and resource development, business continuity implementation and continuous improvement, monitoring and disposition.
所有的邮轮船员都接受过标准的培训和针对紧急状况下的操 演练 , 这 包括了怎样在紧急情况下疏散邮轮乘客。
Ships crews undertake
[...] extensive training, certification, drills and scenarios [...]
for emergency situations, including the evacuation of a ship.
2011年公司进行了多项创新工作:开展消防安全“四个能力”建设,建立消防安全奖惩制度,将装修、改造 验收结果列入到季度评审范畴,建立消防安全隐患分级预警机制,组织多项专项安全检查,针对日本地震事件开 展全国性应演练及核 辐射防护常识宣传,尝试火灾事故危机管理计划桌 演练 , 开发H&S新的IT管理系统,E化 安全审批流程等。
In 2011, the company carried out a number of safety initiatives including the establishment of fire protection safety regulation, establishment of a potential fire protection early warning mechanism, organization of
a number of special
[...] safety inspections, promotion of national emergency exercises and general knowledge on nuclear radiation protection, [...]
development of fire
crisis management plans using computer software, development of a new IT management system for H&S, and establishment of an electronic safety approval process.
会合信息包括卫星所有者和操作者可能在他们认为必要时用于评价碰 撞风险和规演练的数据。
Conjunction information includes data that may be used
by satellite owners and operators to evaluate the risk of a
[...] collision and plan manoeuvres if they are deemed [...]
已经采取 步骤,通过模拟练习和实演练的方式改善联合军警 合作。
Steps have been taken to improve joint military-police cooperation, in the shape of table-top exercises and rehearsals on the ground.
十月四日, NBA篮球明星,特奥全球形象大使迪肯贝•穆托姆博跟非洲当地NBA教练团队一起开展了篮球技能 演练 训 练 班。
Dikembe Mutombo, NBA superstar and Special
Olympics Global Ambassador, joined
[...] local NBA coaches and brought a little star power to a skills and drills clinic October 4.
因为游戏显示的行为和在非游戏情境下的行为在形式上和结构上都很相似,所以 一些人认为游戏通演练“真 实”世界中所必须的行为而具有适应价值,同样,游戏支持身 体、社会和认知训练。
The traditional emphasis from play studies is largely on the deferred benefits that the individual might accrue. Since play evidences behaviours that are
similar in form and
[...] structure to non-play contexts, some people have presumed that play has adaptive value by rehearsing behaviour that [...]
is required in the ‘real’
world and, as such, play supports physical, social and cognitive training.
在很大 程度上,本届会议是一演练,使 人明白应如何寻找 共同的立场并克服仍然存在的非常严重分歧。
Many of the discussions that took place at our session will spill over into the Review Conference, and to some extent, our session was a sort of training on how to find common positions and to overcome the very serious differences that still remain.
继毒品和犯罪问题办公室支持亚洲法医科学网络在 2008 年成立之后,又为 加强协作、推动区域活动、促进交流信息和专门知识、提供培训机会和科学家 参与有关的研讨会和会议以及鼓励网络的成员实验室积极参与毒品和犯罪问题 办公室国际协演练方案作出了贡献。
Further to UNODC support for the establishment of the Asian Forensic Sciences Network in 2008, contributions have been made towards strengthening collaboration, promoting regional activities, facilitating the exchange of information and expertise, providing training opportunities and for the participation of scientists in relevant workshops and conferences and encouraging active participation of Network member laboratories in the UNODC international collaborative exercise programme.
2013 年的演习将在延期允许停机时间段 (ADW)(2013 年 4 月 20-21 日)进行,参与者将有机会测试 SWIFT 的主 要报文传送服务演练对账 程序,并验证其应对此类不可能情况的就绪状态(通过交易方或在市场基础设施组织的 测试中)。
The 2013 exercise will take place during the extended Allowed Downtime Window (ADW) of 20-21 April 2013 and will provide the opportunity to participants to test again SWIFT’s main messaging services, practice reconciliation procedures and validate readiness for such an unlikely situation (with counterparties or within a Market Infrastructure organised test).
2012 年 CNNIC 继续加强运行管理体系建设工作,并着重提高运行安全管理的科学性与 规范性,提升处理突发运行安全事件的意识和能力,积极开展服务运行安全防护检查、服 务运行安全应演练、注 册安全域改造加固、十八大服务安全专项行动等多种专项工作, 及时向有关单位通报互联网域名安全信息,提高域名服务运行安全预警、防范和应急的专 业化水平,使国家域名服务的持续安全得到可靠保证。
In 2012, CNNIC continued to strengthen the construction of operation and management system, laid emphasis on the scientific and standardized management of operation security, improved its ability to deal with operation emergencies, implemented supervision of the protection measures for the service operation security, emergency drill for service operation security, reform and reinforcement of security domain registration and the special operation for the service operation security for the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, timely reported the information of the security of domain name to relevant entities, and increased the professionalism of pre-alert of service operation security of domain name, prevention of service operation accident and emergent response to accident, in order that the security of national domain name service was continually ensured.
BSI审核小组肯定了赛科有许多显著的管理亮点,如:对不符合项和改进建议总能够及时有效地整改;公司不断引进新的信息管理系统,极大地提高管理效率;公司的应 演练 实 现 常态化管理,具备良好的事故预防和警示效果;运行良好的LIMS系统及质量管理体制,极大地提高了公司质量保证能力和产品的稳定性;公司节能降耗工作突出,取得显著成效等。
BSI Audit Team affirmed that SECCO has a lot of obvious management highlights, such as: rectification can always be carried out in a timely and effective way towards non-conformance items and improvement recommendation; new information management system has been being continuously introduced, which greatly improves management efficiency;
[...] management over emergency drill with good accident prevention and pre-alert effect is achieved; [...]
sound-running LIMS system
and quality management system greatly improves SECCO´ quality assurance capability and stability of products; outstanding results in energy-saving and consumption-reducing has been achieved and etc. There is no non -conformance items found in this audit.




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