单词 | 演奏家 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 演奏家 noun, plural —soloists plExamples:单簧管演奏家 n—clarinettist n See also:演奏 v—play v 演奏—play a musical instrument • perform music 奏—achieve • play music • present a memorial to the emperor (old)
无论声音多低或多高,Dolby Volume 均可保持 [...] 声音的平衡:对话、音乐、声道效果以及音乐唱 片中歌唱家或乐器演奏家的精彩表演。 analog.com | No matter how soft or loud you play it, with Dolby Volume everything is [...] always in balance: dialogue, music, and effects on soundtracks, and [...] vocalists and instrumentalists on music recordings. analog.com |
來自倫敦的英國古樂合奏團是世界優秀的室內樂團之一, 1973年由世界著名大鍵琴演奏家特雷弗. yp.mo | Based in London and created by world-renowned harpsichordist Trevor Pinnock in 1973, The English Concert is among the world’s most distinguished chamber orchestras. yp.mo |
我們很榮幸能夠夥拍這些備受推崇的機構 和 演奏家 , 為 合奏音樂和全球性的協作奠下里程碑。 hkphil.org | We are honored to partner with these venerable organizations and individuals to reach the next milestone for ensemble music and global collaboration. hkphil.org |
由于各 [...] 种设施的现代化,西班牙出现了一些大型音乐周和音乐节,并造就了几代才华横 溢的作曲家和演奏家,这 些人见证了各种形式的音乐是如何成为西班牙人日常生 [...]活的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Encouraged by this modernization, major cycles [...] and festivals have appeared, and [...] several generations of composers and musicians of [...]great intellectual standing have been [...]trained – a reflection of how music in its various forms of expression has become a part of people’s daily lives. daccess-ods.un.org |
Shem-Tov Levy是以色列最负盛名的音乐家之一,他既是作曲家又是长 笛 演奏家 和 歌 唱家。 yugongyishan.com | Shem-Tov Levy, is one of Israel’s leading musicians, having had [...] a varied solo career for many years as a composer, flutist and singer. yugongyishan.com |
中央民族樂團首席琵琶演奏家吳玉霞 的 演 奏 “ 細膩而不做作, 激情而不狂放,情感充沛,個性鮮明”,為琵琶演奏藝術樹立新貌,備受肯定。 yp.mo | Chief pipa [...] player in the Central National Orchestra, Wu Yuxia performs [...]in a way that has been described as “delicate without [...]exaggeration, full of passion but not wild; with plenty of emotion and distinction. yp.mo |
由2008年12月1日起至2009年1月28日,全球各地 的 演奏家 均 可 提交兩段不同的影片,以展示他們演奏的音樂和個人風格,分別為演繹譚盾特別為這項計劃編寫的音樂作品,以及為表現演奏者的音樂才華及天份的自我選材部分。 hkphil.org | From December 1, 2008 through [...] January 28, 2009, musicians from around the [...]world are invited to submit videos showcasing [...]their personal style as they perform two different videos – their interpretation of an original Tan Dun composition, written specifically for this program, and a talent video designed to demonstrate their musical and technical abilities. hkphil.org |
该乐队由挪威的小号演奏家Tine Thing Helseth小姐牵头组建,她本人也是全球古典音乐界一颗正在冉冉升起的新星。 norway.org.cn | The group was formed by the Norwegian trumpeter, Ms. Tine Thing Helseth, a rising star in the classical music world. norway.cn |
他已经发布了当代古典吉他大师大卫Tanenbaum和海柏路(2005)与他的亲密朋友 和 演奏家 电 动 球员STEF伯恩斯的合作经典/钢(2001)。 peppinodagostino.com | He has released the collaborations Classic/Steel (2001) with contemporary [...] classical guitar master David Tanenbaum and Bayshore Road (2005) with his [...] close friend and virtuoso electric player [...]Stef Burns. peppinodagostino.com |
有了 Philips [...] 水晶般清晰的聲音,您可以欣賞細聽每一個聲音細節,享受作 曲 家 或 演奏家 的 最原始的創作!水晶般清晰的聲音忠實再現音源,無論是動作電影、歌劇或是演唱會,絕無失真。 philips.com.hk | With Philips' Crystal Clear Sound, you will now be able to discern and appreciate every [...] sound detail, the way it's meant to be [...] heard and as the artist or director intended! Crystal [...]Clear Sound reproduces the sound [...]source - whether it's an action movie, a musical or a live performance - faithfully, precisely and without any distortion. philips.co.uk |
专辑、艺术家、播放列表、 流派、曲目、作曲家、指挥家、 演奏家 和 最 新的CD可以集体或单 独选定。 naimaudio.com | Albums, Artists, Playlists, Genres, Tracks, [...] Composers, Conductors, Performers, and Newest CDs [...]can be collectively or individually selected. naimaudio.com |
Toshio曾於1985年囊括日本Yamaha電子琴大賽及國際電子琴大賽等獎項,自此成為專 業 演奏家 及 參與不少大型音樂活動,包括Yamaha少年原創音樂會及電子琴演出,充分反映其音樂天份及對音樂的熱誠。 tomleemusic.com.hk | In 1985, Toshio won the championship of Japan Yamaha Electone Festival (YEF) and the International Electone Festival (IEF). Toshio grew to become a professional musician and his talent in keyboard is fully showcased in a numerous musical events, such as Yamaha Junior Original Concert and Electone performance. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在过去10至15年里,专业化水平有所提高,今天的挪威民间音乐界拥有一些正在崭露头角、极为成熟 的 演奏家。 norway.org.cn | During the past 10 to 15 years the level of professionalism has [...] increased, and today the Norwegian folk music community features a number of extremely [...] accomplished emerging performers. norway.or.kr |
Anatoly Kroll當年以年僅15歲之姿,展開其爵士鋼 琴 演奏家 與 指 揮家的生涯。 oris.ch | Anatoly Kroll is a jazz pianist and conductor who started his career at the age of just 15. oris.ch |
曾於音樂廳演出的知名中外樂團、 演奏家 和 演 唱 家包括紐約交響樂團、克里夫蘭樂團、維也納交響樂團、英國皇家管弦樂團、聖彼得堡室樂合唱團、亞蒂密斯弦樂四重奏、薩爾斯堡室樂團、Bee [...] Gees、馬友友、艾錫. cityhall.gov.hk | Famous local and [...] overseas orchestras, instrumentalists and vocalists [...]who had performed in the Concert Hall included New [...]York Philharmonic Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, Artemis Quartet, Camerata Salzburg, Bee Gees, Yo-Yo Ma, Issac Stern, Emanuel Ax, Vienna Boys' Choir, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Marcel Marceau, Stuttgart Ballet, Royal Danish Ballet and People's Liberation Army Comrade Dance Troupe. cityhall.gov.hk |
来到中国!当代世界最卓越的两位爵士音乐家,林肯中心爵士乐团常任小 号 演奏家 R y a n Kisor和鼓手Willie Jones III,无论在音乐上还是技术上都以能力精湛而闻名,他们的音乐受到世界各地爵士音乐家和观众的共同喜爱。 yugongyishan.com | Described as two of the world’s most outstanding jazz musicians today, the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra trumpeter Ryan Kisor and drummer Willie Jones III are both consummate artists known for their rare musical and technical ability, and their music has been the favorite among jazz musicians and audience worldwide. yugongyishan.com |
现年23岁的郎朗是当代最出色的钢琴 演奏家 , 也是联合国儿童基金会所聘请的最年轻的名人,他于2004年5月20日被任命为联合国儿童基金会亲善大使。 unicef.org | Accomplished classical pianist Lang Lang has [...] performed for world leaders and worked with the world’s best orchestras and conductors. unicef.org |
無論是音樂家、作曲家、演奏家或藝人,互動的Pa588都是你的完美音樂伙伴。 tomleemusic.com.hk | For the musician, composer, performer and entertainer, the interactive Pa588 is the perfect musical partner. tomleemusic.com.hk |
女士 Surmelian 已事業有成作為鋼琴演奏家在歐 洲,她給了無數獨奏會,演出獨奏與樂團及室內樂音樂會。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Surmelian has had a distinguished career as [...] a concert pianist in Europe where she has given numerous recitals, solo performances with orchestra [...]and Chamber Music concerts. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
法国作曲家、演奏家、教 育家及鸟类学家奥利维尔·梅西安(1908--1992)以其独创和 独特的风格,在和弦和旋律的节奏、色彩、配器等方面做出了创新。 unesdoc.unesco.org | French composer, performer, [...] teacher and ornithologist, Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), developed an original [...]and unique style which [...]included innovations in harmony and melody in rhythm, colour and orchestration. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有了 Philips 水晶般清晰的聲音,您可以欣賞細聽每一個聲音細節,享受作 曲 家 或 演奏家 的 最原始的創作!水晶般清晰的聲音忠實再現音源,無論是動作電影、歌劇或是演唱會,絕無失真。 philips.com.hk | Crystal Clear Sound reproduces the sound source - whether it's an action movie, a musical or a live performance - faithfully, precisely and without any distortion. philips.ca |
由世纪音乐大专课程毕业的毕业生可以从事音 乐 演奏家 、 老 师、音乐制作人、音乐学家、音乐导师、声乐家、音乐传记写作家、节目导演、音乐评论家、音乐编曲、音乐记者、音乐研究员、乐 团 演奏家 、 指 挥家和音乐教育家。 systematic.edu.my | Graduates of the SEGi Diploma in Music can [...] pursue careers including: Music [...] Instrumentalist, Teachers, Music Producer, Musicologist, Music Supervisor, Vocalist, Music Biographer, Programme Director, Music Critic, Music Arranger, Music Journalist, Music Researcher, Orchestra Performer, and Conductor & Music Educator. systematic.edu.my |
中国钢琴演奏家郎朗被任命为亲善大使 unicef.org | Press release: Chinese piano virtuoso named Goodwill [...] Ambassador unicef.org |
樂隊的曲目主要以著名吉他演奏家Dja ng o Reinhardt 先生, 在30年代的巴黎首創的一些吉普賽爵士音樂(gypsy jazz), 以及更為現代的法國尚頌(french chanson), swing musette, 和美國爵士為主。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The group’s repertoire is centered around the music of Django Reinhardt and the gypsy jazz he pioneered in 1930’s Paris as well as more modern French and American standards. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
不论是结合爵士乐与摇滚乐、融合印地安影响的实验演奏,或是与古典西班牙吉 他 演奏家 P a co de Lucia及Al Di Meola的合作,他确实开启了表达音乐的新道路。 oris.ch | Whether combining jazz and rock, experimenting with Indian influences, or playing in a trio with the classical flamenco guitarists Paco de Lucia and Al Di Meola, he opens up new avenues of expression. oris.ch |
巴哈吹嘴能夠使學生 級的樂器變得好吹許多,使演奏級的樂器得到最好的 [...] 發揮,不論在音量、音色,或是高音域及低音域的轉 換,都能夠輕易控制,而各音域統一性的音色及回壓 反應,使演奏者在演奏的同時,能輕易的控制樂器並 獲得更好的支撐力及演奏水準,這也是為什麼專業的 銅管演奏家都會選擇巴哈吹嘴的原因。 vivezza-windhouse.com | He achieved a worldwide reputation as both a player and teacher and has [...] used his vast [...] experience and knowledge to create mouthpieces and mutes which have become the favourites of brass players all over the world. vivezza-windhouse.com |
以斯拉•帕妮凡莉,1977年生于安卡拉,曾从师于杰出的中提 琴 演奏家 M i k ha il Kugel, 她同时拥有比利时根特皇家音乐学院与荷兰马斯特里赫特音乐学院的高级课程证书及硕士学位证书,并且均以 优异的成绩毕业。 wupromotion.com | Esra Pehlivanli (Ankara, 1977) studied with the eminent Violist Mikhail Kugel and holds diplomas of master degree and advanced studies from the Gent Royal Conservatory in Belgium and the Maastricht Conservatory in the Netherlands, finishing both degrees with the highest distinction. wupromotion.com |
陈曼春,青年钢琴演奏家、教育家,中央音乐学院附中钢琴学科副教授,中央音乐学院附小校长,2002年中国音乐最高奖项“金钟奖”全国钢琴比赛的金奖获得者,文化部 “区永熙”优秀音乐教育奖最年轻的获奖者。 greatwallacademy.org | Man Chun CHEN, youth piano recitalist and pedagogue, associate professor of the middle school affiliated to the Central Conservatory of Music, schoolmaster of the primary school affiliated to the Central Conservatory of Music, recipient of the highest prize of music in China the gold medal of national piano competition of 2002 Chinese Golden Bell Award, and the youngest recipient of the Ministry of Culture “Qu Yong Xi” outstanding music education award. greatwallacademy.org |