单词 | 漏掉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 漏掉verb—missv漏掉—omitless common: leave out slip through be missing be omitted seep away leak out See also:漏—divulge waterclock or hourglass (old) leave out by mistake 掉v—fallv dropv losev turnv reducev 掉—swap swing wag show off lag behind lose (value, weight etc) go missing fall (in prices) shed (hair) 漏v—leakv
即使漏掉了一个音符,也弹奏不出所需要的和弦。 casio.com.tw | Failure to include even a single note may produce a chord that is different from the one you want. support.casio.com |
但是,这或许遗漏掉了游戏的真正本质,其本质总 是儿童主观经验的表达,因此,就无法相信成人对游戏的描述。 ipaworld.org | But perhaps this misses the very essence of play, which is always an expression of children’s subjective experience and thus defies adult representation. ipaworld.org |
如果你觉得谈话内容漏掉了一些你的想法,你可以这样引导你们 之间的谈话“现在我想专门谈谈这个想法…(活动名称)以及我 们如何能实现它。 acd.org.au | If you feel that the discussion is not including some of your ideas, you can direct the conversation by saying “Now I would like to talk about my particular idea …. acd.org.au |
在这种情况下,检 方并未反对合理暂停审判程序,以便姆拉迪奇审阅漏掉的文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the circumstances, the prosecution did not oppose a reasonable adjournment of the trial proceedings so that Mladić could review the omitted documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
至关重要的是,不得漏掉任何的代表团或 者排除任何的提案。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is essential that no delegation be left out or any proposal excluded. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以预期,提高一体化和知名度将为下列活动提供更多途径:(a)向贸易法 委员会法规的终端用户进行宣传,并以更加协调、一致而高效的方式推广这些 文书;(b)与联合国各实地行动方进行更有效的对话,这种对话应当一方面在适 当的情形下(如这些行动方的发展、冲突后重建和法治援助方案)推广贸易法 委员会文书,另一方面将他们在工作中遇到的涉及国际贸易法问题的难题传达 给贸易法委员会;(c)与其他发展援助捐助方合作,不仅在贸易法委员会法规的 应用方面(一些地区已经在这一领域取得了进展),也在协助各国制定发展框架 方面(这些框架往往会漏掉商事法律改革)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Greater integration and increased visibility could be expected to provide more avenues for: (a) outreach to end users of UNCITRAL texts and promotion of those texts in a more coherent, consistent and efficient manner; (b) a more effective dialogue with United Nations operators on the ground that should be expected, on the one hand, to promote UNCITRAL texts in appropriate contexts, such as their development, post-conflict reconstruction and rule of law assistance programmes, and on the other hand, to refer problems concerning international trade law issues that they encounter in their work to UNCITRAL; and (c) work with other development assistance donors, and not only as regards the use of UNCITRAL texts (progress in this field has been achieved in some areas), but also in assisting States to prepare development frameworks (commercial law reforms are often forgotten in those frameworks). daccess-ods.un.org |
儿童基金会同卫生部和近东救济工程处一道开展了一次麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹 达标活动,惠及前几轮活动期间漏掉的117 000 名 7 年级和 9 年级学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the Ministry of Health and UNRWA, UNICEF conducted a catch-up measles, mumps and rubella campaign that reached 117,000 students in grades 7 and 9 who had been missed in earlier rounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,教 科文组织对何为民间社会和私营部门持有的是较为传统的定义,有可能漏掉依赖于国际协议 和民间机构与私营部门之间合作的新的国际合作方式(例如,联合国援助计划-UNITAID)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At present UNESCO holds to relatively traditional definitions as to what constitutes civil society and the private sector that risks missing new modalities of international cooperation that rest on international agreement and cooperation between civil society organizations and the private sector (e.g. UNITAID). unesdoc.unesco.org |
他可建议修正、撤消一项具体规定,或补充一项漏掉的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | He may propose an amendment to a particular provision, the withdrawal thereof or provision of missing regulation. daccess-ods.un.org |
民盟好 几次被禁止使用他们偏爱的公共场所(比如足球 场)进行公众集会;有的巩发党候选人据称做出了 当选后修建道路或学校的不当承诺;选民名单也错 误百出,比如已经身故的人的名字出现在名单中, 一些选民的名字被漏掉了,一些选民的名字出现了 不止一次等。 crisisgroup.org | The NLD was on several occasions denied the use of its preferred public venues, such as football stadiums, for holding rallies; some USDP candidates were alleged to have made improper promises that they would build roads or schools if elected; and many errors were found in voter rolls, such as the inclusion of people who had died, failure to include some voters and inclusion of some people more than once.57 None of these appeared to indicate widespread foul play. crisisgroup.org |
指血血糖监测会漏掉一天中80%的有潜在危险的过高或过低的血糖值,因此并不能提供准确的血糖信息。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Finger-sticks alone do not provide the information you need because they can miss up to 80% of potentially dangerous highs and lows that may occur in a given day. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我们的全球努力不知怎么把他们给漏 掉了。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Papua New Guinea, as elsewhere in our global programmes, we intend to focus on infants with HIV, who somehow have slipped through the cracks in many of our global efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
与之类似,数码硬盘录像机公司可能希 望强调,他们的产品如何能够使观看者更好地享受电视节目的好 处,而不是把重点放在排斥电视上。当数码硬盘录像机观看者错过 [...] 某个节目前几分钟时,他们可以使用数码硬盘录像机来补看漏掉的内容,这样就和其他观众获得了同样的体验。 deloittetmt.com | When DVR viewers miss the first few [...] minutesof a show, theycan use theDVR to [...]catch up and thus have the same experience everyone else is having. deloittetmt.com |
一个拓扑生成器/校正器系统能从矢量线和多边形层中清除几何相关的错误(重叠的多边形、多边形之间的孔、漏掉的线交叉点、晃动的节点……)。 evget.com | ). A topology builder/corrector systematically clears geometry related errors (overlapping polygons, holes between polygons, missed line intersections, dangling nodes...) from vector lineand polygon layers. evget.com |
该决议草案的最后编辑 版本不慎漏掉此句。 daccess-ods.un.org | That phrase had been inadvertently omitted from the final edited version of the draft resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近暴力行为减少的局面为可持续和 平带来的微小机会之窗似乎正从我们指间漏掉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The slight window of opportunity for sustainable peace, created by the recent reduction in violence, appears to be slipping through our fingers. daccess-ods.un.org |
医院里的CGM更完整地描绘了周期性血糖检验可能漏掉的高血糖水平和低血糖水平,因此成为CCU的标准业务,甚至是对于没有糖尿病的患者,因为它改善了预后。 china.hospimedica.com | Hospital-based CGM provides a more complete picture of high and low glucose levels that periodic blood glucose testing mightmiss,and has therefore become a standard practice in CCUs, even in patients that do not have diabetes, because it improves outcomes. hospimedica.com |
如果杂质它们正好在边缘旁 边或者下面,则可能漏掉。 foodproducernews.com | Contaminants could be missed if they are right next to the edge or directly under it. foodproducernews.com |
缅甸国家计划与经济发展部的 2009 年投资数字至少漏 掉了两个大型修建-运营-移交项目:华能集团公司与缅甸 [...] 第一电力部合作的瑞丽江二级电站谅解备忘录,以及大 唐集团与缅甸第一电力部合作的太平江一期水电项目。 crisisgroup.org | At least two major BOT projects were [...] omitted from the Myanmar Ministry of National Planning and Development’s investment [...]figures in 2009: Huaneng Group’s MOU with Myanmar’s Ministry of Electrical Power (I) on the Shweli II hydropower project and Datang Group’s agreement with the same agency on the Taiping River I Hydropower project. crisisgroup.org |
可能有些人最终还是漏掉了杰拉德,但是据我了解他可能9月就会做好战斗准备。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Perhaps some are still missing Gerrard who I heard will be ready for battle by September. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这些PDF文件已经将Postscript文件中所有中西文字体信息和高分辨率图片全部嵌入在一起了,绝对不会因为漏掉页面上的图片或文字信息而浪费菲林或版材。 oapdf.com | These PDF files have all the Central and Western Postscript document text font information and embedded high-resolution picture all together, will never be left out of the picture page or a text message and a waste of film or plates. oapdf.com |
一些情况下,填写表格出现了 错误,没有年度计划,或是漏掉了项目所包括的活动。 multilateralfund.org | In some cases there have been errors in filling the tables, lack of annual plans, or omission of activities included in the project. multilateralfund.org |
首 先 , 他 质 疑 该 陪 审 员 接 收 和 理 解 证 据 的 能 力 , 理 由 是 传 译 员 可 能 在 向 该 陪 审 员 传 达 证 供 时 出 错 ; 如 有 多 於 一 人 同 时 发 言 , 传 译 员 亦 有 可 能会漏 掉一些证 供 。 hkreform.gov.hk | First, he challenges the juror's ability to perceive and understand the evidence on the ground that an interpreter might make mistakes in transmitting the testimony to the juror or might miss certain testimony if more thanone person speaks at a time. hkreform.gov.hk |
例如,漏水的龙头每小时可漏掉10升水,也就是每天漏掉240升。 icrc.org | For example, a thin trickle of [...] waterfrom a leaking tap cancause a loss of around 10litres [...]per hour, that is, 240 litres per day. icrc.org |
因此,我们建议网站应该强调关键或者重要信息并且将他们放在容易识别的位置,使用户不至于漏掉它们。 uigarden.net | Thus, we suggest that sites should [...] highlight or emphasize key or important points [...] and place them into an easily recognized [...]location so that users will not overlook them. uigarden.net |
谈到你过去参与的任务或采取的行动都没有问题,但在当前经济环境中,雇主都希望招聘那些能为公司实现真正业绩的人员,因此切记不要漏掉最重要的东西。 robertwalters.cn | Tasks you did or actions you took are fine, but in the current economic environment, everyone is looking for people who are going to deliver real results to their organisation, so don’t leave that out. robertwalters.cn |
第 59 条第 3 款漏掉了对救济制度的提及(例如见第 61 条第 4㈨款)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In article 59, paragraph 3, a reference to the remedy system (see for example art. 61, para. 4 (ix)) is missing. daccess-ods.un.org |
请注意:如果你提供的Pilot用户名称不正确(例如错误的大小阶、漏掉了空格、标点符号或 特别字符),所计算出的注册号便不能使用。 oldpalm.waterworld.com.hk | Important: An incorrect Pilot user name (e.g., incorrect upper and lower cases, omitted spaces, punctuation marks or special characters) will result in unusable registration code. oldpalm.waterworld.com.hk |
公司公告)但是有时遗漏一些重要信息试图淡化这种事情是很正常的,因为我了解到汽车制造商比亚迪(HKEx: 1211; Shenzhen: 002594)上周发布声明称其一辆电动出租车高速坠毁后着火,但是很方便地就遗漏掉这一事件中三人被烧死的信息。 youngchinabiz.com | (company announcement) But it’s natural to try and downplay this kind of thing and sometimes leave out important information, as I learned last week when car maker BYD (HKEx: 1211; Shenzhen: 002594) released a statement on one of its electric taxis that caught fire after a high speed crash, but conveniently omitted the information that 3 people were burned to death in the accident. youngchinabiz.com |