单词 | 漂亮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 漂亮adjective—beautifuladjless common: niceadj prettieradj 漂亮—pretty漂亮adverb—lovelyadjExamples:爱漂亮—aestheticismBE like looking attractive (usually of girls) See also:漂n—bleachn 漂v—rinsev 漂—float polished 漂adj—elegantadj
该公园拥有漂亮的花园、迷人的小岛以及充满诗情画意的小桥流水。 shangri-la.com | The park shelters beautiful gardens, islets [...] and bridges. shangri-la.com |
情绪的目的是为妇女谁爱漂亮的工作,毫不妥协的品质和对传统的尊重。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Emotion is intended for women [...] who lovethe beautiful work, uncompromising [...]quality and respect for tradition. en.horloger-paris.com |
瓦克的FL色母料以纯正的LR 聚合物为基础,即使添加量极低也能确保成型件不透明,并获得极其漂亮的颜色。 wacker.com | Color Masterbatches FL from WACKER are based on genuine LR polymers, ensure opaque moldings even at extremely low doses and yield stunning colors. wacker.com |
如果重新确定本组织在 国际社会中的作用需要越来越多的由“多面手”组成的长期人员,那么,新的人员配备战略 就不应该仅仅是编写漂亮的文本,还应该切实地落实到人力资源的管理当中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If the redefinition of the Organization’s role in the international community increasingly calls for a permanent staff of “generalists”, the new staffing policy must not be an exercise in drafting good texts, but a real exercise in human resources management. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在冬天,我们高兴你会漂亮安排滑雪场,雪橇幻灯片,运行斜坡,自然和人工溜冰场和夜场。 instantworldbooking.com | In winter we [...] delight you will beautifully arranged ski [...]slopes, toboggan slides, running slopes, natural and artificial skating rink and night skiing. instantworldbooking.com |
美国将尽自己的一份力量,但我们都必 须尽一切力量,向那些戴着漂亮蓝色钢盔的勇敢的男 男女女——每当看到他们,我们就为他们感到自豪— —提供支持,而不只是把他们派去从事一项从一开始 就不可能完成的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States will do its part, but we must all do everything we can so that we are supporting those brave men and women wearing those wonderfullooking blue berets — when we see them we are proud of them — and not just sending them to do a mission that from the very beginning is impossible. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在她是很漂亮,其实对他感兴趣,但他是无法看到过去的回忆,对他的恶作剧,她扮演。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She is now very prettyand actually [...] interested in him, but he is unable to see past the memories of all the practical jokes she played on him. seekcartoon.com |
我们想到新疆的葡萄架,人们在盛夏坐在下面乘凉,在漂亮的地毯上享用美酒与食物;而且雀巢又刚好是食品公司。 chinese-architects.com | We were inspired by the grape trellis of the Xinjiang minorities, where the people enjoy the cool in high summer, sitting on carpets and served food and wine; this links exactly with Nestle as a food company. chinese-architects.com |
各位成员 也许知道,我是一名演员,但是在我扮演的所有角色 和我打败的所有坏人中,有时候是以相当漂亮的武术 动作打败这些坏人的,但从来没有以我代表“确保道 路安全”运动扮演的角色最么重要和令人满足。 daccess-ods.un.org | As members probably know, I am an actress, but of all the roles that I have played and all the villains I have defeated, sometimes withpretty cool martial arts moves, nothing has been as important or fulfilling as the role I have played on behalf of the “Make roads safe” campaign. daccess-ods.un.org |
据说,漂亮的海百合源自土耳其沿海地区,今天在欧洲各地的沙滩上都可以发现它的踪影。 clarinsusa.com | Probably originating from Asia [...] Minor, the beautiful SeaLily can [...]today be found on the sandy shores of Europe. clarinsusa.com |
它首先介绍几个漂亮的方式与引擎之一这一高超的全新的LUC陀飞轮腕表,一只手表,超过一个世纪,制表业的未来的憧憬辉煌的传统。 zh.horloger-paris.com | It begins by [...] presentingseveral beautiful way withthis [...]superb new LUC Engine One Tourbillon, a watch that illustrious tradition [...]more than a century and a vision of the future of watchmaking. en.horloger-paris.com |
据我了解,这主要有三个原因,我们包了一个可能的上升趋势的成分,证实早在与 瓦解 [...] 一个重要的力量,我也遵循以来2011,这是我们的主要股票指数(IBOVESPA)的60千分点,轻松地打破了一个漂亮的上升三角形形成的图形技术分析股票的屏障。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | I understand that, with these three main reasons, our bag had the ingredients for a possible uptrend, confirmed early in the breakup of an important strength that I had followed since 2011, which was the barrier of 60 thousand points [...] in Ibovespa (our main stock index), [...] easily broken in a beautiful ascending triangle [...](forming graphic technical analysis shares). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
项目简介: [...] JChart2d是为那些需要精确的图形报表但可以不注重图形报表漂亮的工程任务所提供的一种工具。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: JChart2d is for those who need [...] accurate graphical reports Graphical reports but can not pay [...] attention tothebeautiful engineering [...]tasks provided by a tool . javakaiyuan.com |
今天的流变修饰剂不仅要在功能方面提供增稠、悬浮和稳定性能,同时还要拥有漂亮的产品外观、优异的流动性和倾倒性、顺滑、轻盈、柔软,并提供宜人的用后感。 cn.lubrizol.com | Today’s rheology modifiers must offer not only the functional aspects of thickening, suspension and stabilization, but must also provide enhanced appearance to the finished product; superior flow and pour properties; a smooth, light, cushiony feel in use and a pleasant after-feel. lubrizol.com |
一组成熟,漂亮的html组件并且可以很方便地切换到其它皮肤。 javakaiyuan.com | A group of mature , beautiful html components [...] and can easily switch to the other skin . javakaiyuan.com |
香水瓶保持了半透明的特点和外形,它的灵感来自经典的水瓶以及漂亮的钻石粉磨砂玻璃。 hk.eternal.hk | The shape and semi-transparency of the bottle are maintained, inspired by classical water bottles with a spectacular diamond powder rough finished glass. hk.eternal.hk |
今次这些漂亮宝贝将首次来到亚洲,於Club Cubic娇比载歌载舞,为观众带来优雅夺目的汇演。 yp.mo | Performing in Asia for the first time, Bluebell Girls will stage at Club Cubic and bring audiences in Macau the most stunning and glamorous from Lido. yp.mo |
在老港绕组的方式,通过网络杂乱无章的街道上站混合的漂亮,高大的房屋,其中包括彩色船体和水边的酒吧和餐馆。 leapfrog-properties.com | In the old port winding your way through a network of haphazard streets stand pretty, tall houses mixed amongst coloured boat hulls and waterside bars and restaurants. leapfrog-properties.com |
这个漂亮的Polis城镇只需片刻去各种的银行、商店和精致的餐厅,同时保留所有的魅力的一个传统的塞浦路斯集镇。 maispa.estatecy.com | The pretty town of Polis is [...] just a few moments away and hosts a wide variety of banks, shops and fine restaurants, whilst [...]retaining all the charm of a traditional Cypriot market town. maispa.estatecy.com |
La Fee漂亮婚礼是法国品牌婚纱,举凡婚纱新人想要寻找婚纱、婚纱礼服、婚纱摄影、婚纱公司、喜饼公司,或须了解台中婚纱行情,婚纱价格,婚纱景点、婚纱外景,或是婚纱摄影地点,拍婚纱须知,以及新娘注重的婚纱造型、婚纱饰品、婚纱彩妆、婚纱造型师,新娘秘书、婚礼规划、婚纱MV,漂亮婚礼婚纱摄影的业务包罗万象。 eservice.seti.com.tw | La Fee beautifulweddingis a Frenchbrand wedding gauze kerchief, all wedding gauze kerchiefrookies want to look for wedding gauze kerchief, wedding gauze kerchief full dress, wedding photo, wedding gauze kerchief company, like the cake company, or must find out about the wedding gauze kerchief quotations of Taizhong, the price of the wedding gauze kerchief, the beauty spot of the wedding gauze kerchief, wedding gauze kerchief exteriors or wedding gauze kerchief Photography place, shoot wedding gauze kerchief notice, and wedding gauze kerchief model, wedding gauze kerchief ornaments, the color make-up of the wedding gauze kerchief, wedding gauze kerchief which the bride pay attention to Model teacher, bride's secretary, wedding planning, wedding gauze kerchief MV, the businessof the wedding photo of beautiful wedding is all-embracing. eservice.seti.com.tw |
使用灵活的主题和触摸友好的控件,您可以轻松地创建现代化,漂亮的WPF风格的应用程序使其直观地与您的最终用户进行交互。 evget.com | With slick looking themes and touch-friendly controls, you can easily create modern, beautifully styled WPF applications that are intuitive and interactive for your end-user. evget.com |
这种漂亮而高大的树木,叶子呈绿色和青铜色,果实像大而圆的苹果,故常作装饰用。 clarinsusa.com | This beautiful, tall tree with [...] green and bronze leaves and fruit that resembles large, perfectly round apples, is often used for decorative purposes. clarinsusa.com |
临近村庄的封闭式房产,占地118.58平方米,很漂亮,有一个450平方米的小花园,可观看到摩纳哥公国和意大利的惊人视野,新近装修,很有特色: 可逆式空调、连接到安全中心的无线警报,双层玻璃窗, 在所有层次上的非对称数字用户环线和卫星。 luxe-immo.com | Gated estate near the village,pretty house of 118.58sqm with small 450sqm garden, breathtaking view of the Principality of Monaco and Italy, newly renovated and with some excellent features: reversible air conditioning, wireless alarm connected to a security centre, double glazing, ADSL and satellite on all levels. luxe-immo.com |
这个城镇四层楼高的红色沙岩造成的克费欧塔(Curfew Tower)是为了禁锢那些游手好闲和喧闹滋事的人,塔楼周围则是漂亮的建筑和一些汩汩流淌的水泉。 discoverireland.com | Here, the town’s four-storey red sandstone Curfew Tower, built “to imprison idlers and rioters” is surrounded by pretty buildings and some convivial watering-holes. discoverireland.com |
在人力资源管理局拟定的有关文件所提到的 12 月份的集思广益会议(即在大巴黎地区 一处漂亮的住所举行的《隔墙无耳》的会议)上,教科文组织工作人员工会(STU)观察员的 意见(以及一些委员的意见)没有得到考虑,人力资源管理局定下了一套绕过正常程序的方 法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the December brainstorming meeting referred to in the document prepared by HRM – an extramural meeting in a first-class residence in the Paris region – the opinion of the STU observer (like that of certain members, moreover) was not taken into account and a methodology to bypass the usual procedures was decided on by HRM. unesdoc.unesco.org |