

单词 滨田靖一

See also:


Hamada (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,有悠久传统的综合田养鱼 系统 一 些 国家正在重新 重点关注复杂稻田生态系统在生物多样性养护中的作用,例 [...]
In addition, some countries with a long
[...] tradition in integrated rice–fish systems are giving renewed [...]
attention to the complex rice ecosystem
with a focus on its role in biodiversity conservation, as in the Japanese satoyama landscape initiative.
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙的自然风景和本土动物;也可以 一 望 无 垠的海滩尽情散步;在大型市场上观看来来往往的人流; 一 流 的 免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地 滨 举 行 的冲浪救生比赛等。
Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer.
到 2002 年 11 月底,国际理论和 应用化学联合会(IUPAC)以及环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE)完成了一套关于环境对内分泌
[...] 活性物质影响的现有知识的用新评估方法进行的综合性评估,并把它提交在日本 滨 举 行的 一个国际研讨会。
By the end of November 2002, the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) had prepared a synthesis and state-of-the-art assessment of existing knowledge on the
environmental implications of endocrine active substances and
[...] submitted it to an international symposium held in Yokohama [...]
日本历届政府官员,包括其首相都继续 参拜供奉在战争中,尤其是在第二次世界大战期间阵 亡士兵靖国神社,一例外
Officials of successive Japanese Governments, including its
Prime Ministers, continue, without
[...] exception, to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated [...]
to soldiers who died in wartime, particularly
those killed in the Second World War.
日本表面上抱着積極 看待歷史的態度,但實際上這些只是“門面工夫”,在兩位日本首相表示歉 意的 10 年間,以日本在二次大戰後的所作所為,包括篡改侵略歷史、參靖國神 社、加強軍事力量、侵佔屬於中國的釣魚台列島及東海水域、侵佔南 韓獨島等,在在表明日本“一套、 做 一 套 ”
It seems that Japan's attitude toward history has been positive, but in reality, all is just "window-dressing". What Japan has been doing over the past 10 years between the apologies of its two Prime Ministers, or, to be precise, what Japan has been doing since the end of World War II, such as the doctoring of its history of aggression, the paying of tribute at the Yasukuni Shrine, military expansion and its unlawful occupation of China's Diaoyutai Islands and East China Sea waters and Korea's Dokdo, are all evidence of the discrepancy between its words and deeds.
联刚特派团的任务根据安理会第 1445(2002)号、第 1468(2003)号和第 1484(2003)号决议一步扩大,增加帮助 设立伊图里靖委员 会和支持该委员会的工作等内容,这项任务于 2004 年完成。
The mandate was further expanded under Council resolutions 1445 (2002), 1468 (2003) and 1484 (2003) to include facilitating the establishment of the Ituri Pacification Commission and supporting the Commission’s work, which was successfully completed in 2004.
一现 象已经到了致使科霍戈地区的地方政府行政官员企图禁止手工开采黄金的地步, 因为黄金开采已导致当地劳动力市场枯竭、 田 荒 芜和环境遭到破坏。
This phenomenon has reached such a level that local Government administrators in the Korhogo area have attempted to ban artisanal gold mining because of its drain on the local labour market and the detrimental environmental impact it is having owing to the neglect of agricultural land.
PPV 在田树由蚜虫一种非持久性方式树播,但是树感染了病毒的植物繁殖材料的携树而树播是 PPV 树距离树播的主要 途径。
PPV is transmitted in the field by aphids in a non-persistent manner, but movement of infected propagative plant material is the main way in which PPV is spread over long distances.
尤其值一提的 是五个中心:(i) 1985 年在芬兰赫尔辛基建立的世界发展经济研究所(UNU-WIDER);(ii) 1990 年在荷兰马 斯特里赫特建立的马斯特里赫特革新与技术问题经济社会研究和培训中心 (UNU-MERIT);(iii)1992 年在中国澳门建立的国际软件技术研究所(UNU-IIST);(iv) 1990 年在加纳阿克拉建立的非洲自然资源研究所(UNU-INRA),该研究所现在喀麦隆、科 特迪瓦、纳米比亚和赞比亚开设了机构;以及(v) 设在日本滨的高 级研究所(UNUIAS),它于 1996 年 4 月开始活动,任务主要是制定原创的、具有前瞻性的解决办法,以解 决社会与自然体系之间的问题。
Mention may be made of five centres in particular: (i) the World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) in Helsinki, Finland, set up in 1985; (ii) the Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) in Maastricht, Netherlands, established in 1990; (iii) the International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST) in Macao, China, created in 1992; (iv) the Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) in Accra, Ghana, established in 1990 and which now has operating units in Cameroon, [...]
Côte d’Ivoire,
Namibia and Zambia; and (v) the Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) in Yokohama, Japan, which inaugurated its activities in April 1996 and whose mission is focused on the development of original, forward-looking solutions to problems at the interface of societal and natural systems.
内陆是大分水岭和高原,肥沃、平整的 田一 路 向 西延伸。
Inland is the Great Dividing Range and the tablelands, fertile areas of
[...] flat agricultural land that run to the west.
东北大学病院癌症中心大内宪明所长(教授),同院 滨田 庸 医 师,同医学系研究科权田幸祐讲师等人的研究团队,开发了世界最高精度解析血管生成机制的光学装置,使用独特的缺血实验鼠模型,进行了分子级别的超高精度生物观察。
A research group led by Professor Noriaki Ohuchi at Tohoku University Hospital Cancer Center, Doctor Yoh Hamada at Tohoku University Hospital, and Senior Assistant Professor Kohsuke Gonda at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has developed an optical system to analyze the mechanism of angiogenesis with the highest spatial accuracy in the world, and has performed in vivo imaging of ischemic mouse model at the molecular level.
中央海滩是典型的许多滨度假 胜地, 滨 酒 吧 和酒店,其余的海滩,因为它向南延伸变得非常深,私营部门和Landes的松树林合并轻轻的令人难以置信的美丽的沙丘,广袤无垠的大西洋(足够的空间,冲浪风冲 一 样 )
The central beach is typical of many seaside
resort with bars and hotels
[...] on the sea-front, the rest of the beach as it extends south becomes very deep, private and with sand dunes, where the Landes pine forest merges gently with the incredible beauty of the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean (plenty of space for surfers & wind surfers alike).
(i) 教科文组织和联合国大学将于 2006 年 8 月 23 日至 24 日在日本的滨联合召开一 次关于全球化问题的大会:科学与技术的挑战与机遇。
(i) On 23 and 24 August 2006, in Yokohama, Japan, UNESCO and the United Nations University will jointly hold a conference on Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Science and Technology.
從這個角度出發,我們會更明白:為甚麼日本的歷任首相,由中曾根康 弘到橋本龍太郎,以至今天的小泉 一 郎 , 都要用盡各種理由來參 靖 國神 社,把祭祀東條英機正常化,並藉着修改憲法,將自衞隊發展成軍隊,用維 護和平的藉口派兵海外?
From this angle, we can better understand why successive Japanese Prime Ministers, from Yasuhiro NAKASONE, Ryutaro HASHIMOTO to the incumbent Junichiro KOIZUMI have exhausted every possible means to homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, turned the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Hideki TOJO into a normal practice, developed its Self-Defence Force (SDF) into an army by amending its constitution, and dispatched troops overseas under the pretext of keeping peace.
在其报告中,驻地协调员兼人道主义协调员 强调,索马里目前的复杂人道主义紧急状况因长时间的激烈战事、治安 靖 、持 续流离失所和缺少雨水导致的粮食无保障问题而恶化。
In his report, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator highlighted the fact that the ongoing complex humanitarian emergency in Somalia had been exacerbated by intense and prolonged fighting, civil insecurity, continued displacement and food insecurity caused by poor rains.
靖到西域尋找霍心,遇上小妖雀兒 (楊冪 飾) 及千年狐妖小唯 (周迅 飾),小唯正要尋找一個自願跟她換心的人,好讓她可以變為有血有肉的凡人,因 一 直 追隨 在 靖 身 邊 等待機會。
However, there is a legend that if a pure human heart is freely offered to a demon, it can become a mortal and experience true life.
稻田养鱼的不同整合(一块田里以及 邻田里的一个系 统的副产品作为另一系统的投入品,或 连片进行)是所有生产系统的变量,目的是增加水、土地 [...]
The different integrations of rice and fish
farming – either on the same
[...] plot, on adjacent plots where by-products of one system are used [...]
as inputs on the other, or consecutively
– are all variations of production systems that aim to increase the productivity of water, land and associated resources while contributing to increased fish production.
Shaymin生存,一个美丽的滨城市 ,它运行到灰凯旋,黎明,Brock和他们的神奇宝贝,造成混乱,同时试图窃取灰的午餐结束了。
Shaymin survives, ending up in a beautiful seaside town where it runs into Ash Ketchum, Dawn, Brock and their Pokémon, causing mayhem whilst trying to steal Ash’s lunch.
如任何石油、天然气或凝析油气田延伸越过 A 线或 B 线,该线一侧的全部 或部分油田从该线另一侧被 开采,两国政府应作出坚定努力,就油气田开 采问题达成协定。
If any oil, gas or condensate field extends across Line A
or Line B and the
[...] part of such field which is situated on one side of the line is exploitable, wholly [...]
or in part, from the
other side of the line, the two Governments shall make determined efforts to reach agreement as to the exploitation of such field.
靖公主 (趙薇 飾) 天生麗質,卻一次打 獵時被熊毀容,要以金面具遮掩傷痕,原本與她兩情相悅的近衛霍心 (陳坤 飾),亦因保護不力而被流放西域。
Even then, lacking a human heart, a demon cannot experience the true pains and passions of existence.
張學明議員: 主席,據報,早前何田一個斜 坡竟在未有天雨之 下發生山泥傾瀉,令人擔心雨季將至,當局對斜坡的管理及維修工作 [...]
MR CHEUNG HOK-MING (in Chinese): President, it has been
reported that a landslide occurred earlier at a
[...] slope in Ho Man Tin although it did [...]
not rain that day, causing people to worry
whether with the approach of the rainy season, the slope management and maintenance work carried out by the authorities is able to reduce the risk of landslides.
國泰航空貨運營業及市務總經理靖 表 示:「內地及香港出口市場農曆新年前並沒有如往年般暢旺,假期間內地工廠休假暫停運作,需求 一 步 減 少。
Cathay Pacific General Manager Cargo Sales & Marketing
James Woodrow said:
[...] "There was no pre-Chinese New Year rush to speak of out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, and what demand there was in the market fell away as China's factories closed.
70 图3-38 客人来到湖 南省武陵山区靖 县的陇木洞村时, 当地居民用音乐和 舞 龙 表 演 表 示 欢 迎。
When guests arrive the inhabitants of longmudong in the Wuling Mountains of Hunan Province like to greet them with music and a dragon dance.
可悲的是9.11事件过去多年后,仍有多起重大恐怖袭击发生,包括2003年8月对联合国驻巴格达总部,2004年3月对马德里的四起通勤列车,2004年5月对沙特阿拉伯铝拜尔西方人的办公室和公寓楼,2005年7月对伦敦地铁,2005年10月对巴厘岛 一 个 海 滨 区 和 购物中心,2008年11月对孟买的多个地点,2009年7月对雅加达万豪和丽思卡尔顿酒店,以及2010年3月对莫斯科地铁等恐怖袭击,这里仅列出了少数几个。
Sadly, major terrorist assaults have continued over the years since 9-11 — including attacks on UN headquarters in Baghdad (August 2003), on four commuter trains in Madrid (March 2004), on an office and an apartment block used by Westerners in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia (May 2004), the London Underground (July 2005), a seaside area and shopping hub in Bali (October 2005), multiple sites in Mumbai (November 2008), the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta (July 2009), and the Moscow Metro (March 2010), to name only a few.
在这里新建了一个公园,将成为城市在 滨的 唯一一块公 共绿地,以满足公众与附近的酒店顾客休闲的需要,特别是在每年秋天品尝大闸蟹的旅游旺季。
As the only public space on the lake shore, a park has been constructed.
(c) 爱尔兰为在联合国促进人权的记录感到自豪,爱尔兰前总统玛丽 · 鲁滨 逊获 得任命,在 1997 至 2002 年期间担任联合国人权事务高级专员,爱尔兰为此 感到荣耀。
(c) Ireland is proud of its record in the promotion of human rights at the United Nations, and was honoured by the appointment of the former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002.
於本公告日期,本公司董事會包括于汝民先生、吳學民先生、戴延先生、鄭道全先生、 王建東博士、白智生先生、張文利先生、孫增印先生、 靖 博 士 、王志勇先生、張永銳 先生*、陳清霞博士*、鄭漢鈞博士**、麥貴榮先生**及伍綺琴女士**。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board of the Company consists of Mr. Yu Rumin, Mr. Wu Xuemin, Mr. Dai Yan, Mr. Zheng Daoquan, Dr. Wang Jiandong, Mr. Bai Zhisheng, Mr. Zhang Wenli, Mr. Sun Zengyin, Dr. Gong Jing, Mr. Wang Zhiyong, Mr. Cheung Wing Yui*, Dr. Eliza Chan Ching Har*, Dr. Cheng Hon Kwan**, Mr. Mak Kwai Wing**, and Ms. Ng Yi Kum, Estella**.




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