

单词 满处

满处 ()

all over the place

External sources (not reviewed)

也用过两个国产铁锅,炒肉还是有点粘,而且要多放油烧热,搞的油烟 满处 , 菜的颜色也不好看。
I have also tried iron stir frying woks.
如果您已使用内部投诉程序而您满 意 投 诉 处 理 结 果,则您可选择向高等教育独 立审裁官办公室提交投诉。
If you have exhausted the internal complaints procedure and
you do not consider that your
[...] complaint has been satisfactorily dealt with, you may [...]
have the option of taking your complaint
to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education.
(b) 登处可以与满足登记处所有条款和条件的人订立协议,让其在登记 处开立用户账户,以便利支付费用。
(b) The registry may enter into an
[...] agreement with a person that satisfies all registry terms and [...]
conditions and establish a registry
user account to facilitate the payment of fees.
但是,当涉及少年犯的案件被延期至被告 满 18 岁时,处以 死刑的危险性就会增加。
When cases involving juvenile offenders are prolonged until the accused reaches 18 years, however, the risk of execution becomes higher.
正如加沙局势要求采取具体行动、有效的应对措 施以及可持续和迅速的解决办法一样,苏丹、刚果民 主共和国、乍得、中非共和国、索马里、格鲁吉亚、 阿富汗、伊拉克以及——遗憾的是——全世界许多其 它地区的难民和流离失所者都要求我们采取全面、认 真、负责任和满勇气的处理办法。
Just as Gaza cries out for concrete action, effective responses and sustainable and rapid solutions, the displaced and the refugees in the Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, the Central African Republic, Somalia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iraq and, unfortunately, many other regions in the world demand from us comprehensive, serious, responsible and courageous treatment.
此 外,他们还强调以下方面的重大挑战:贫困和不平等 满 足 包 括 处 境 最 不利的儿 童在内的所有儿童的需要的有效政策和方案的监测、营养不良、农村地区入学率 低、童工及青少年令人担忧的艾滋病毒新感染率。
In addition, they highlighted major challenges with
regard to poverty and
[...] inequality, monitoring of effective policies and programmes that would address the needs of all children, including the most disadvantaged, [...]
low levels of school attendance in rural areas, child labour and the worrying rate of new infections of HIV among adolescents and young people.
这 4 个指标来自:㈠ 全球工作人员 调查,采用其中报告的工作人员对工作环境满意状况的总体反馈意见;㈡ 执行
平衡计分卡和人力处数据库,采用国际专业人员一级和高级管理人员(D1及以上) 一级的女性工作人员的百分比;㈢
[...] 产品和服务调查,采用工作人员对可利用的 学习和发展机会的质量和范围的总 满 意 程 度;㈣ 人处的数 据库,采用填补 定期任用空缺、包括从候选人才库填补国家主任、副驻地代表、国家副主任和业 [...]
They are drawn from: (i) the Global Staff Survey on overall staff feedback reported therein on staff satisfaction with the work environment; (ii) the executive balanced scorecard and OHR database on the percentage of female staff at the international professional level and the senior management level (D1 and above); (iii) the Products and Services Survey on overall staff satisfaction with the quality and scope of available learning and staff
development opportunities; (iv) and
[...] the database of the OHR on the average time taken to fill [...]
vacant fixed-term appointments,
including those from candidate pools for country directors, deputy resident representatives, deputy country directors and operations managers.
缅甸处一个充满活力的地区的中心 地带,融入该地区将使它有机会赶上邻国的经济发 展,并借鉴它们的成功经验和失败教训。
It sits in the middle of a vibrant region and in integrating with it has the opportunity to catch-up to its neighbours, as well as learn from their successes and failures.
答:十三)约,有两个天使,一边一个:一个写下来的优点,其他的缺点,而Doḳiel,天使长,重量平衡,对每一个其他两种以及另一名,Pyroel(“火天使”),试图用火的人的作品,无论是消费或没有;则属于正义的灵魂得救的人进行的;发现在那些不公正的,谁将 满 足 他们 的 处 罚。
According to the Testament of Abraham (A. xiii.), there are two angels, one on either side: one writes down the merits, the other the demerits, while Doḳiel, the archangel, weighs the two kinds against each other in a balance; and another, Pyroel ("angel of fire"), tries the works of men by fire, whether they are consumed or
not; then the just souls are carried among the saved ones; those found unjust, among
[...] those who will meet their punishment.
政府 认识到他们的情况仍不能令满意, 正在积 处 理 该 问题,并继续推进与他们宽 松对话的微妙途径,以尽量减少对有关社区的生活方式和传统造成破坏的任何做 法。
While it is acknowledged that their
[...] situation is still unsatisfactory, Government is actively seized of the matter [...]
and continues to pursue
the delicate path of accommodative dialogue with them; with a view to minimizing any disruptive approaches to the lifestyle and traditions of the concerned communities.
在办处满意地 看到对其发出长期邀请的 国家数目有所增加时,也继续支持特别程序任务执 行人的工作,但办事处认为大会和人权理事会应鼓 励各国更多地与其机构合作并且更好地执行他们的 建议。
It also continued to support the work of special procedures mandate holders and noted with satisfaction that the number of States that had issued standing invitations to them had increased.
鉴于在各国有效派驻的重要性,一个工 作重点是确保有足够数目的国家办 处 能 满 足 妇 女署内部控制框架的要求,使这 些办事处能有充分授权管理他们的技术支持和方案的优先事项,进而能向国家伙 伴和国家工作队提供高效和有效的支持。
Given the importance of an effective country presence, a priority is placed on assuring that a critical mass of country offices can fulfil the requirements of UN-Women’s Internal Control Framework so that they can have full delegated authority to manage their technical support and programme priorities, which in turn enables high and effective delivery to national partners and the UNCT.
还需要获得稳定的经常预算资源,以确 保处能够适当满足会员国的期望。
Stable regular budget resources are needed
[...] to ensure that the Branch can adequately meet [...]
the expectations of the Member States.
会议收到题为“东亚和东北亚次区域办 处 在 满 足 本次区域的 优先重点需要方面发挥的作用”的文件(E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/4)和题为 “为亚太经社会新设东亚和东北亚次区域办事处确定工作优先事项的专 家会议报告”的文件(E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/1)。
The meeting had before it the documents entitled “Role of the Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia in addressing the priority needs of the subregion” (E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/4) and “Report of the Expert Group Meeting to identify work priorities of the new ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia” (E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/1).
由于国内压力,捐助国的预算捉襟见肘,粮食援助供资机制的 变化对近东救济工处满足穷 人粮食需求构成重大挑战。
Due to domestic pressures, donor countries’ budgets are stretched, and changes in food aid funding mechanisms pose a significant challenge to UNRWA to meet food requirements for the poor.
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表 满 意 , 预计这 种做法会给地区办处和全 国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成部分的任何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 [...]
III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme
management cycle now
[...] allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National [...]
Commissions in the
design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
在罗马尼亚有住所或永久处且年满 18 岁 的欧盟公民,包括选举日当天 年满 18 岁且未被剥夺选举权者,具有选举资格。
EU citizens having the domicile or residence in Romania and being 18, including those who have reached that age on the Election Day, and who have not been deprived of their electoral rights, are entitled to vote.
会议收到题为“北亚和中亚次区域办 处 在 满 足 本次区域各项 优先重点需求方面发挥的作用”的文件(E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/5)和题 为“联合国中亚经济体特别方案 2010 – 2011 年工作计划” 的文件 (E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/INF/4)。
The meeting had before it the documents entitled “Role of the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia in addressing the priority needs of the subregion” (E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/5) and “United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) 2010-2011 Work Plan” (E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/INF/4).
雨季的顶端地带(包括达尔文)也有迷人处 —— 满目绿 色,还有壮观的雷暴,游客相对较少。
The Top End (including Darwin) has its good points during the Wet – everything is green, and there are spectacular electrical storms and relatively few tourists.
女性囚犯的处应具备满足女 性特别卫生需求所需要的设施和物品,包括免 费提供卫生巾和正常供水以便供儿童和女性个人护理使用——尤其是对参与烹 制饮食的女性和怀孕、哺乳或者例假时的女性。
materials required to meet women’s specific hygiene needs, including sanitary towels provided free of charge and a regular supply of water to be made available for the personal care of children and women, in particular women involved in cooking and those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or menstruating.
最后,我们敦促叙利亚当局与其人民一道,启动 一个公开、透明和包容各方的进程, 处 理 他 们的满,从而保障他们的基本政治权利与自由,包括他们 [...]
Finally, we urge the Syrian authorities to initiate an open, transparent and
all-inclusive process with their people in
[...] order to address their grievances and, in turn, guarantee [...]
their fundamental political rights
and freedoms, including their rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.
11.3 秘书处代表答复称,第 IV 篇的转账建议是因为急需提供补充资金,确保制作法定文
[...] 件,加强教科文组织在非洲及阿拉伯地区某些办 处 , 满 足 安 保需要并在总部安装新的通讯 系统,以便落实执行局最近作出的决定和总部委员会提出的建议。
11.3 The representative of the Secretariat responded that the proposed transfers from Part IV resulted from the urgent need to provide additional funds and to ensure the production of
statutory documents, to reinforce selected
[...] UNESCO field offices in Africa and the [...]
Arab States, as well as to meet security
requirements and to install a new communication system at Headquarters in order to implement the recent decisions of the Executive Board and recommendations of the Headquarters Committee.
鉴于老挝 人民民主共和国已正式报告了其 2009
年的氟氯烃消费量,而为了计算履约基准而对任何 一年根据第 7
[...] 条报告的数据进行修订都必须由执行委员会审议,秘 处 建 议 ,使该 满足 2 020 年之前所有履约目标的供资数额确定为根据第 [...]
7 条报告的 2009 年消费量和 2010 年 估计消费量之平均数,即
210,000 美元,或根据调查提交的 2009 年和 2010 年消费数据, 即 280,000 美元(秘书处在其对执行委员会的建议中提到了这两个选择方案)。
Given the fact that the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic had officially reported its HCFC consumption for 2009 and that any revision to the reported Article 7 data for any given year for calculating the baseline for compliance would have
to be considered by the
[...] Implementation Committee, the Secretariat suggested that the level [...]
of funding to enable the country
to meet all the compliance targets up to 2020 be either based on the average of their 2009 consumption reported under Article 7 and their estimated 2010 consumption, which would be US $210,000, or at US $280,000 as submitted based on the 2009 and 2010 consumption data from the survey (the Secretariat presented both options in its recommendation to the Executive Committee).
委员会将继续考虑采取其他办法处 理 未 满 足第 1373(2001)号决议要求的国 家的情况,以增进它们与委员会的合作和对话。
The Committee will also continue to consider additional ways of addressing the cases of States that do not meet the requirements of resolution 1373 (2001), with a view to increasing their cooperation and dialogue with the Committee.
通过负责管理文化公约的常规方案可获得的资源相对有限,这继续对秘 处满足 缔 约国期望值的能力构成影响,这不仅体现在履行法定义务,亦体现在该组织的 [...]
The relatively modest resources available through the regular programme for
managing the Culture Conventions continues
[...] to affect the Secretariat’s capacity [...]
to meet State Parties’ expectations, not
only in terms of fulfilling statutory obligations but also the Organization’s capacity-building and conservation actions which are overwhelmingly dependent on fluctuating extrabudgetary resources.
埃尔伍德先生解释称:“我们将进一步在雅加达之外一些合适的地区选址设立办 处 , 从 而 满 足 当地客户和候选人对我们独特专业招聘服务的需求。
Mr. Ellwood explained: "We will look at further office locations outside of Jakarta where we feel there is a demand from our clients and candidates for our unique and specialist approach to recruitment.
资金短缺造成了财政形势严峻,影响了 经常性预算、紧急呼吁和周转资金、一些项目账户 上的赤字和结构性赤字越来越大,所有这些都使得 工处满足不 了难民数量自然增长带来的需求。
The critical financial situation had resulted from funding shortfalls affecting the regular budget, emergency appeals and working capital, growing deficits in a number of project accounts and the structural deficit, all of which had made it impossible to meet the needs arising from natural growth in the number of refugees.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) [...]
索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g)
声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant
has substantially
[...] met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established [...]
a legal interest
in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
值得注意的是,本办处在教 育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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