

单词 满堂灌

See also:


a sell-out (capacity audience)
whole audience

(main) hall
large room for a specific purpose
of the same clan
relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family


majestic appearance

install (software)
record (music)

External sources (not reviewed)

这些因素包括教师的知识与信 念,如教学重点是什么,学生的学习方式如何,怎样组织 堂 , 如 何 满 足不 期要求。
Such factors include teachers’ knowledge and their beliefs about what is important to teach, how students learn, and how to manage student behaviour and meet external demands.
这些问题在男监区得到响应,那里两个可用的水龙 头整天用灌满储水 池和囚犯的杰里罐。
These concerns were echoed in the men’s quarter where the two available taps were used
[...] all day to fill the storage tank and [...]
the prisoners’ jerry cans.
Then we regain a kind of paradise that empowers and humanizes us.
斜坡,山灌丛,长满草的 地区,有时在林缘;海拔100-1700米。
Slopes, valley scrub, grassy areas, sometimes [...]
at forest margins; 100-1700 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan,
Hunan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Thailand, Vietnam].
松林,林缘,石灰石山腰,竹灌丛 , 长 满 草 的地区,草地,小路边;海拔500-1800米。
Pinus woodlands, forest margins, limestone
[...] hillsides, bamboo thickets, grassy areas, grasslands, [...]
trailsides; 500-1800 m. Guangdong,
Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan [N India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].
耶鲁大学国际和职业体验负责人;耶鲁大学本科学院副院长 Jane
[...] Edwards:“我们从耶鲁的学生身上发现,将来自全世界的优秀青年齐聚 堂 , 在 充 满 挑 战 性的 堂 环 境中学习并建立友谊有助于培养新一代的全球领袖。
Jane Edwards, Associate Dean of Yale College, Dean of International and Professional Experience, Yale University: “We know from the experience of Yale students that programs which bring together the most talented young people from
around the world to learn and to
[...] create friendships in a challenging classroom environment can forge [...]
a new generation of global leaders.
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家、环境保护主义者和水资源管理专家,以及大约
30 个有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机
[...] 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济 委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际 灌 委 员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the preparations for the World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, environmentalists and water management specialists from 32 countries, as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), the
[...] International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International [...]
Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
考虑到阿 拉伯地区的需求,应该特别强灌溉 方 法,荒漠化,以及自然灾害有效管理、水资源综合管 [...]
Taking into account the needs of the Arab region, special emphasis
[...] should be given to irrigation methods, desertification, [...]
education and research for efficient
management of natural disasters and integrated management of water resources as well as ethics of water use.
Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen Johan
[...] Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两位同学用挪威语以相声的形式分享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得 满堂 喝 彩
Mr. Tobias Judin from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed up on this theme where he on behalf of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan Willgohs presented the organization, and finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr Liu Sicong and Ms Yong
Chunhong, impressed the audience with their mastery of
[...] Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance [...]
about learning Norwegian.
冷杉林,河海滩,满草的地方灌 丛 沿 边缘; 3900-4300米青海,四川,西藏,云南北部。
Thickets along margins of Abies forests, river beaches, [...]
grassy places; 3900–4300 m. Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, N Yunnan.
树林覆盖的山坡,灌丛里的长满草 的 地方; 1800-3000米。
[...] slopes, grassy places in thickets; 1800--3000 m. Yunnan.
林缘,灌木,长满草的 山坡,高山草甸,河滩地下; 2500-5300米甘肃,湖北,内蒙古,青海,四川,新疆,西藏,云南 [...]
[E哈萨克斯坦(Tarbagatai 山),吉尔吉斯斯坦,巴基斯坦北部,塔吉克斯坦,克什米尔 ].
Forest margins, under shrubs, grassy mountain [...]
slopes, alpine meadows, floodlands; 2500–5300 m. Gansu, Hubei, Nei Mongol,
Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Kashmir, E Kazakhstan (Tarbagatai Mountains), Kyrgyzstan, N Pakistan, Tajikistan].
所有型号的锚栓用于潮湿的钻孔中,不需要折减承载能力,100 M12以上的所有型号锚栓,甚至可以用 灌满 水 的 钻孔中。
Even in wet drill holes it is possible to fit all sizes of
anchors without any reduction of load-bearing capacity, from anchor size 100 M12 even
[...] in drill holes filled with water.
同花大顺 – 在同一手牌中同时出现A-K-Q-J-10同花顺 –
在同一手牌中,同时出现五张同花顺子,如:梅花4-梅花5-梅花6-梅花7-梅花8四张相同的牌 –
[...] 同一手牌中有四张相同的牌,如梅花10-红桃10-黑桃10-方 块 1 0 满堂彩 –在同一手牌中,出现三张相同的牌,以及一对相同的其他牌,如:方块Q-红桃Q-红桃5-方块5-黑桃5同花 [...]
在五张牌中,所有牌的花色都相同:如红桃5-红桃7-红桃10-红桃2-红桃J顺子 – 五张不同花色的牌形成顺子,如梅花8-方块9-红桃10-黑桃J-方块Q三张相同的牌 - 如:梅花8-红桃8-黑桃8双对子 – 两对相同的牌,如:红桃7-方块7-梅花10-方块10单对 - 只有一对相同的牌,如:梅花K-红桃K其它牌 – 这是您手上发到的最高点的牌。
Royal Flush – 10, Jack, Queen, Kind, Ace all from the same suitStraight Flush – Five cards
straight, all in the same suit, ex: 4
[...] of clubs, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8cFour of a Kind – Four cards [...]
of the same rank, ex: 10c, 10h, 10s,
10dFull House – Comprised of a pair of one rank and three of a kind of another rank: Qd, Qh, 5h, 5d, 5sFlush – Any five cards, all sharing the same suit. 5h, 7h, 10h, 2h, JhStraight – Five cards straight, from different suits. 8c, 9d, 10h, Js, QdThree of a Kind - Three cards of the same rank, ex: 8c, 8h, 8sTwo Pair – Two pairs of two cards of the same rank, ex: 7h, 7d, 10c, 10dPair - Two cards of the same rank, ex: Kc, KhHigh Card – This is your highest card in the hand you were dealt.
300座的堂坐满了家 长、学生、老师和嘉宾。
The YCIS Beijing auditorium was a full house [...]
with all 300 seats filled with parents, students, teachers, and community members.
当日,1600座的浦西综艺大厅宾满堂 , 世 界知名的菲律宾声乐家、菲律宾Bayanihan舞蹈团、Banda [...]
The 1600-seat Entertainment Hall at the Puxi side [...]
of the Expo site drew capacity crowd all awed by the powerhouse production
prepared by the Cultural Center of the Philippines with renowned vocalists, Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company, Banda Kawayan, Ballet Philippines and the UST Singers.
Ms Lee指导出席的学生与职员们进行几次的欢笑练习,顿时让整个 堂 充 满 爽 朗 的欢笑声。
Ms Lee made the students and staff practice a few
[...] exercises and the entire hall erupted in hearty [...]
[...] (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、堂县 政府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 [...]
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social
Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian
[...] City Government, Jintang Country Government [...]
(2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous
Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
(b) 香 港 教育學院 一直進行多項研究計劃,以堂 學習研究和 變 異 理 論架構作為工具,發展建基於實證的課程,改善學校教 與學的質素, 並 促進教師的專業發展。
(b) The Hong Kong Institute of Education has been conducting a number of projects using Learning Study and the Theory of Variation as tools for evidence-based curriculum development, improving teaching and learning in schools and contributing towards teachers’ professional growth.
这是家具和设备所需资源减少(833 900 美元)的净结果, 这项资源减少的原因是
[...] 2010-2011 年预算为翻修司法大堂编列 的一次性费用减 少。
This is the net result of a decrease in the requirements for furniture and equipment ($833,900) due to
the reduction of the one-time costs provided for in the 2010-2011 budget for the
[...] renovation of the Great Hall of Justice.
然而,我们这款最经典的腕表之一终究赢 满堂 喝 彩
But it paid off with the birth of one our most iconic watches.
Does the irrigation layout meet agronomic needs?
在第二十二次会议上,执行委员会为下述项目核准了 1 175 340 美元的经费,即对 PT Candi Swadaya Sentosa
[...] 的气雾剂灌装线进行技术转换并在该厂建立 灌 装 中 心,满 足 2 0 个小公司用碳氢化合物气雾推进剂装灌的需要。
At its 22nd Meeting, the Executive Committee approved funding of US $1,175,340 for a project for the conversion of the aerosol filling line at PT Candi Swadaya
Sentosa and establishment of a filling
[...] center in the plant to satisfy the needs of 20 smaller [...]
companies to fill with hydrocarbon aerosol propellant.
石质,满草的山腰灌丛, 很少森林; 1400-3000米西藏,云南 [不丹,印度,缅甸,尼泊尔,泰国 ].
Stony, grassy hillsides, thickets, rarely forests; 1400-3000 [...]
m. Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand].
在这座城市的其他地方,还可以看到夹在公寓楼间的中国古代庙宇,从中飘出的香烟 满 街 道 ;葡国 堂 和 壁垒矗立于山顶,俯瞰城市繁忙的景象;殖民建筑与现代化办公楼及设施并肩耸立;来澳飞机降落在这座城市的国际机场,而与此同时,古老的中国帆船在铜色的水中像五百年前一样向前航行。
Elsewhere in the city, old chinese temples squeeze between apartment blocks and from
there the smell of burning incense
[...] wafts onto the streets; Portuguese churches and fortresses [...]
sit on hilltops overlooking
the bustling movement of the city; colonial architecture stands side by side with modern office tower blocks and facilities, and incoming aircraft climb down from the sky above to land on the city's International Airport while old Chinese junks cut through the copper waters in much the same way they did five hundred years ago.
在关于南部非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的高层会议上,来自赞比亚、津 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们与联合国系统 的九名行政长官共聚堂,会议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 面面临的主要挑战并明确联合国系统在支持各国工作方面的作用。
The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho met together with nine United Nations system Executive Heads, had the objectives of identifying key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts.
挂图中的数据包括农村地区的农村人口规模和增长速度、农业人口规模、 农业区和农田、森林面积灌溉面 积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 [...]
活跃人口和化肥的使用;以及城市地区的城市人口规模和增长率、人类住区占据 的土地面积、生活在贫民窟中的城市人口、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、二氧化
碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。
The data contained in the wallcharts include, for the rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size of the agricultural
population, agricultural area and
[...] cropland, forest area, irrigated areas, access to [...]
improved water and sanitation, economically
active population in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the urban areas, size and rate of growth of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, access to improved water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy.
我们当前的任务主要是两个方面:一方面是如何通过创新的具体行动落实这些价值观, 另一方面是通过不灌输和不断重申来传播这些价值观念,特别是传递给子孙后代。
The current challenge is dual: to
translate them into reality through concrete
[...] action and to re-instil and regularly [...]
reaffirm these values, especially in succeeding generations.
山地的森林,灌木,潮湿的满草 的山腰中; 1900-4300米甘肃,湖北,青海,陕西,四川,新疆,西藏,云南 [E阿富汗,西北部的印度,巴基斯坦,克什米尔 ].
Montane forests, among bushes, moist grassy mountainsides; 1900–4300 m. Gansu, Hubei, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [E Afghanistan, NW India, Kashmir, Pakistan].




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