

单词 满堂彩

See also:


whole audience
a sell-out (capacity audience)

(main) hall
large room for a specific purpose
relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family
of the same clan


majestic appearance

(bright) color
lottery prize

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,我们这款最经典的腕表之一终究赢 满堂 喝 彩。
But it paid off with the birth of one our most iconic watches.
同花大顺 – 在同一手牌中同时出现A-K-Q-J-10同花顺 –
在同一手牌中,同时出现五张同花顺子,如:梅花4-梅花5-梅花6-梅花7-梅花8四张相同的牌 –
[...] 同一手牌中有四张相同的牌,如梅花10-红桃10-黑桃10-方 块 1 0 满堂彩 – 在 同一手牌中,出现三张相同的牌,以及一对相同的其他牌,如:方块Q-红桃Q-红桃5-方块5-黑桃5同花 [...]
在五张牌中,所有牌的花色都相同:如红桃5-红桃7-红桃10-红桃2-红桃J顺子 – 五张不同花色的牌形成顺子,如梅花8-方块9-红桃10-黑桃J-方块Q三张相同的牌 - 如:梅花8-红桃8-黑桃8双对子 – 两对相同的牌,如:红桃7-方块7-梅花10-方块10单对 - 只有一对相同的牌,如:梅花K-红桃K其它牌 – 这是您手上发到的最高点的牌。
Royal Flush – 10, Jack, Queen, Kind, Ace all from the same suitStraight Flush – Five cards
straight, all in the same suit, ex: 4
[...] of clubs, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8cFour of a Kind – Four cards [...]
of the same rank, ex: 10c, 10h, 10s,
10dFull House – Comprised of a pair of one rank and three of a kind of another rank: Qd, Qh, 5h, 5d, 5sFlush – Any five cards, all sharing the same suit. 5h, 7h, 10h, 2h, JhStraight – Five cards straight, from different suits. 8c, 9d, 10h, Js, QdThree of a Kind - Three cards of the same rank, ex: 8c, 8h, 8sTwo Pair – Two pairs of two cards of the same rank, ex: 7h, 7d, 10c, 10dPair - Two cards of the same rank, ex: Kc, KhHigh Card – This is your highest card in the hand you were dealt.
Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen Johan
[...] Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两位同学用挪威语以相声的形式分享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得 满堂 喝 彩。
Mr. Tobias Judin from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed up on this theme where he on behalf of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan Willgohs presented the organization, and finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr Liu Sicong and Ms Yong
Chunhong, impressed the audience with their mastery of
[...] Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance [...]
about learning Norwegian.
延展掉車隧道需要建造隔牆或鑽孔樁,而在大會堂附 近施工時,使用機械設備將會受到限制,務求盡量減少對 大堂的表演和彩排活動造成的影響。
Diaphragm walls or bored piles would be required for the EOT, and in working in the vicinity of the City Hall, use of
mechanical plant would be restricted for minimizing the impacts on the
[...] performance and rehearsal activities at the City Hall.
娱乐方面,从山间活动到沙滩运动更可以衍生到令人为之振奋的购物 堂 , 马 来西亚多姿 彩 , 充 满 惊 喜 的生活充分展现在其文化与自然景观上。
Offering leisure options from rolling mountains to sandy beaches to exciting shopping districts, Malaysia is full of surprises, eclectic cultures and natural wonders.
这些因素包括教师的知识与信 念,如教学重点是什么,学生的学习方式如何,怎样组织 堂 , 如 何 满 足不 期要求。
Such factors include teachers’ knowledge and their beliefs about what is important to teach, how students learn, and how to manage student behaviour and meet external demands.
有 关可衡量、可报告和可核实的争论 满 政 治 色 彩, 要 想取得进展的唯一途径是集中在细节上,清晰地 定义可衡量、可报告和可核实的含义。
With the debate around MRV being politically charged, a way of making some progress may be to focus on details – clearly defining what is meant by measurable, reportable and verifiable.
该部门的资本是沙特尔,位于北部其中的touristiest的建筑是大 堂 , 美丽 的 彩 色 玻 璃窗户。
The capital of the department is
Chartres, located in the north where the touristiest
[...] building is the cathedral, with its magnificent [...]
stained-glass windows.
芳香水疗:在奢华满布音乐和彩 的 私 人会所中用特有疗法让您享受极致理疗体验。
Aromatic Hydrotherapy: a luxurious private chamber for two with music and colour therapy for the ultimate treatment experience.
RIO汇集了动物园的生动的​​人物形象,一个暖心的故事,丰富 彩 的 背 景, 满 活 力 的拉丁音乐和当代音乐,和家庭友好的歌曲和舞蹈。
RIO brings together a menagerie of vivid characters, a
[...] heart-warming story, colorful backdrops, energizing [...]
Latin and contemporary music, and
family-friendly song and dance.
Then we regain a kind of paradise that empowers and humanizes us.
现在Rainbow House(彩虹屋)里满了儿 童的欢声笑语,这正是治疗的重要部分。
Now Rainbow House is filled with the sound of children's laughter and singing, a key part of the treatment.
这些不想要的吸收在染料被印 制时可以防止满意的色彩再现,在胶 片生产时被修正。
This unwanted absorption, which could
[...] prevent unsatisfactory color reproduction when [...]
the dyes are printed, is corrected in the film’s manufacture.
耶鲁大学国际和职业体验负责人;耶鲁大学本科学院副院长 Jane
[...] Edwards:“我们从耶鲁的学生身上发现,将来自全世界的优秀青年齐聚 堂 , 在 充 满 挑 战 性的 堂 环 境中学习并建立友谊有助于培养新一代的全球领袖。
Jane Edwards, Associate Dean of Yale College, Dean of International and Professional Experience, Yale University: “We know from the experience of Yale students that programs which bring together the most talented young people from
around the world to learn and to
[...] create friendships in a challenging classroom environment can forge [...]
a new generation of global leaders.
前往观赏彩虹峡谷(Rainbow Gorge)五颜六色的沙质岩层、以及位于玛希诺号沉船以北 彩 的 教 堂 崖 和 沙堆。
See Rainbow Gorge with its coloured sand formations, as well as the
[...] multi-coloured Cathedrals and Pinnacles which [...]
lie to the north of the Maheno wreck.
用喜庆的大热主题作为装饰,这里是最流行的美式 彩 粉 丝的 天 堂。
Decorated in a festive Big Top
[...] theme this is a paradise for fans of the [...]
most popular American games.
委员会随后审议了关于给予塞浦路斯另外两处财产重点保护的申请:特罗多斯地区彩绘教堂和帕福斯(遗址一:Kato Paphos 城;遗址二:Kouklia 村)。
The Committee then considered requests for the granting of enhanced protection for the other two Cypriot properties: the Painted Churches in the Troodos Region and Paphos (Site I: Kato Paphos town; Site II: Kouklia village).
鉴于特罗多斯地彩绘教堂受到 1935年《塞浦路斯文物法》相关规定的保 护,特别是鉴于涉及如下问题的“控制区”的相关规定:对区域内部或近邻 地区的所有开发项目实施严密的政府监管;从国民警卫队的作业规划中排除 特罗多斯地彩绘教堂;列 有详细清单和充足的消防计划;被纳入军事规划 和培训方案,特罗多斯地彩绘教堂 符 合 得到承认其独特的文化及历史价 值、并确保其获得最高级别保护的充足的国内法律和行政措施的保护的条 件;塞浦路斯共和国以法律形式批准《第二议定书》,执行了《第二议定 书》第四章的规定
By being protected by the relevant provisions of the 1935 Cypriot Antiquities Law, and particularly in virtue of the provisions on the so-called “Controlled Areas” related to the close governmental supervision of all development projects either in or within close proximity to those areas; the exemption of the Painted Churches in the Troodos Region from the operational planning of the National Guard; having a detailed inventory and adequate fire protection plans; and being included in military planning and training programmes, the Painted Churches in the Troodos Region [...]
complies with the condition
of being protected by adequate domestic legal and administrative measures recognizing its exceptional cultural and historic value and ensuring its highest level of protection; and as the Republic of Cyprus implemented the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Second Protocol by the law ratifying this Protocol
自1991年3月OASIS第一家寓意释放都市女性的店铺在伦敦开张以来,OASIS自信而散发光芒,因其绚烂 彩 、 充 满 趣 味 又饱含女人味的时尚风格,广受全球时尚人士的追捧。
Altogether, it's OASIS...with a head office in East London, 300 stores throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland and 79 stores across 19 countries, including Asia, the Middle East and Russia.
300座的堂坐满了家 长、学生、老师和嘉宾。
The YCIS Beijing auditorium was a full house [...]
with all 300 seats filled with parents, students, teachers, and community members.
如果俄罗斯继续推 行现行政策,侵犯格鲁吉亚的领土完整,违反 2008 年 8 月 12 日签订的停火协议,
[...] 在被占领的地区实行军事化,拒绝一切对话要求,不承认格鲁吉亚政府,对格鲁 吉亚使用侵略性的满军事色彩的言 论,那么俄罗斯将很难改变第比利斯将其视 [...]
By continuing the policy of violating Georgia’s territorial integrity, breaching the ceasefire agreement of 12 August 2008, further militarizing the occupied regions, rejecting all offers of
dialogue, not recognizing Georgia’s
[...] Government and pursuing aggressive military rhetoric [...]
against Georgia, Russia will hardly manage
to change the perception of Tbilisi that Russia is a hostile State.
来自世界各地的买家对保值作品的需求越来越大, 满 神 秘 色 彩 的 现 代 艺术作品由此在买家之间引发了激烈竞价,但具备如此多优势的作品其实非常 罕见:米罗本人也认为该作品是他艺术生涯中的关键作品,而知名的艺术评论 家罗萨琳·克劳丝(Rosalind Krauss)则将它形容为凝聚了米罗创作特色的作 品,因为“人们能够在单幅画作中同时发现对人体形象和宇宙标记的刻画”。
But very few works possess quite so many assets: this was considered by Miro himself as a key work in his career, described by the famous art critic Rosalind Krauss as a total synthesis of his work, because “within it we find, exceptionally, the representation of human figures and cosmic signs reunited in one solitary image”.
思邦设计的福州商场,同样会赋予来访者相同的感受,即步入一个令人惊叹的宽敞中庭,里面 满 活 跃的 色 彩 和 灯 光。
The experience of entering Spark's proposed mall in Fuzhou is equally dazzling as a voluminous atrium filled with vibrant colour and light greets the visitor.
[...] Hall)和新颖奇特的大教堂区(Cathedral Quarter),在那里你可以发现圣安妮大 堂 ( St Anne’s Cathedral)彩色玻璃奇观。
Top places to visit include the brand spanking new entertainment
complex, Waterfront Hall, and the bohemian Cathedral Quarter
[...] where you’ll find the stained-glass wonder of St Anne’s Cathedral.
柯达提供一系列强大彩色加 网解决方案,旨 满 足 端到 端 彩 色 精 确印刷的需求,适用于各种传统和数码环境。
Kodak offer a range of powerful color and screening solutions designed to meet end-to-end color accurate production requirements suitable for conventional and digital environments.
当日,1600座的浦西综艺大厅宾满堂 , 世 界知名的菲律宾声乐家、菲律宾Bayanihan舞蹈团、Banda [...]
The 1600-seat Entertainment Hall at the Puxi side [...]
of the Expo site drew capacity crowd all awed by the powerhouse production
prepared by the Cultural Center of the Philippines with renowned vocalists, Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company, Banda Kawayan, Ballet Philippines and the UST Singers.
鉴于帕福斯(遗址一:Kato Paphos城;遗址一:Kouklia村)受到1935年《塞 浦路斯文物法》相关规定的保护,特别是鉴于涉及如下问题的“控制区”的 相关规定:对区域内部或近邻地区的所有开发项目实施严密的政府监管;从 国民警卫队的作业规划中排除帕福斯(遗址一:Kato Paphos城;遗址一: Kouklia村);列有详细清单和充足的消防计划;被纳入军事规划和培训方 案,帕福斯(遗址一:Kato
Paphos城;遗址一:Kouklia村)符合得到承认其 独特的文化及历史价值、并确保其获得最高级别保护的充足的国内法律和行
[...] 政措施的保护的条件;塞浦路斯共和国以法律形式批准《第二议定书》,执 行了《第二议定书》第四章的规定; 特罗多斯地彩绘教堂(塞 浦路斯共和国
By being protected by the relevant provisions of the 1935 Cypriot Antiquities Law, and particularly in virtue of the provisions on the so-called “Controlled Areas” related to the close governmental supervision of all development projects either in or within close proximity to those areas; the exemption of Paphos (Site I: Kato Paphos town; Site II: Kouklia village) from the operational planning of the National Guard; having a detailed inventory and adequate fire protection plans; and being included in military planning and training programmes, Paphos (Site I: Kato Paphos town; Site II: Kouklia village) complies with the condition of being protected by adequate domestic legal and administrative measures recognizing its exceptional cultural and historic value and
ensuring its highest level of protection;
[...] and as the Republic of Cyprus implemented [...]
the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Second
Protocol by the law ratifying this Protocol
在这座城市的其他地方,还可以看到夹在公寓楼间的中国古代庙宇,从中飘出的香烟 满 街 道 ;葡国 堂 和 壁垒矗立于山顶,俯瞰城市繁忙的景象;殖民建筑与现代化办公楼及设施并肩耸立;来澳飞机降落在这座城市的国际机场,而与此同时,古老的中国帆船在铜色的水中像五百年前一样向前航行。
Elsewhere in the city, old chinese temples squeeze between apartment blocks and from
there the smell of burning incense
[...] wafts onto the streets; Portuguese churches and fortresses [...]
sit on hilltops overlooking
the bustling movement of the city; colonial architecture stands side by side with modern office tower blocks and facilities, and incoming aircraft climb down from the sky above to land on the city's International Airport while old Chinese junks cut through the copper waters in much the same way they did five hundred years ago.
我们张开双臂欢迎中国旅行者,并提供一些世界上最好的旅游目的地和最好的大学,而我们知道,去美国的访问者会发现我们有无比美丽的国家公园,我们 满 精 彩 娱 乐 的城市,我们提供高品质、实惠客户体验的商店和餐馆。
We welcome Chinese travelers with open arms and offer some of the best tourist destinations as well as universities in the world, and we know that visitors to America will find our national
parks to be of unparalleled beauty, our
[...] cities to be full of great entertainment, [...]
and our shops and restaurants to provide high
quality, affordable customer experiences.
从左边到右边,唯一比较‘现代’的部分是对整个楼道的一个像草稿一样的透视图,画法非常潦草随意,像是没有画完,或者像是另一个人画的,然后再给我画,而旁边有一只拢中小鸟,原本希望画的色彩浓郁一些,笔法更加工整,可是那时突然我想起了摄影,一张没有被拍的 彩 饱 满 的 照 片被冲洗了出来,如果面临抱怨,也一定是抱怨这张照片的技术问题,而不是审美问题:模模糊糊,低精度,无所谓。
Next to it is a wispy bird. I had originally planned to make the colours a little more vivid, the lines a little smoother, but at that moment I suddenly thought of photography.




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