

单词 满分

满分 noun ()

perfect score n

External sources (not reviewed)

Equinix 在其阿什本园区的试点评估中得分达 95 分以上(满分 100 分), 大大超过了获得国际正常运行时间协会“管理与运营网站奖”所需的 80 分。
Equinix received a score of 95+ out of a possible 100 on the pilot assessment of its Ashburn campus, significantly exceeding the score of 80 that is required to receive an Uptime Institute M&O Site Award.
公司首席运营官徐斌先生就项目的开展情况和完成情况向各位专家进行了介绍,专家组专家在认真审核项目验收资料后纷纷表示我司在此项目上严格按立项要求进行了实施并圆满的完成了该项目,在考评表上给 满分 的 考 评。
The company 's chief operating officer, Mr. Xu Bin is the progress of the project and completed to the experts were introduced, the group of experts to carefully examine the project acceptance information expressed after the Division I in this project strictly according to project
requirements were implemented and the successful completion of the project, the appraisal
[...] table gives the full appraisal.
除两份报告外,所有报告都对“内部控制”或“财务业务”或两者给予“满 意”或“分满意”的评分。
All reports except two showed a satisfactory or partially satisfactory rating on either internal controls or financial operations or on both.
第二,报告只公布了评级为不满意的 国家办事处名单,但评级为分满意 的 办事处名单也应该公布。
Second, the report made public the names only of those
country offices rated unsatisfactory; it would be important to have also the names of
[...] offices rated partially satisfactory.
第 1964(2010)号决议只是分满足了非洲联盟 向安理会提出的关于非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索 [...]
特派团)核定兵力的请求,即从联合国分摊会费中拿 出资金加强对特派团的一揽子支助措施,对索马里实 行海上封锁或是建立禁飞区,以及切实对捣乱者实施 制裁。
[...] 1964 (2010) only partially addressed the request [...]
submitted to the Council by the African Union regarding the
authorized strength of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), on an enhanced support package for the Mission from United Nations assessed contribution, and on the imposition of a naval blockade of and no-fly zone over Somalia, as well as effective implementation of sanctions on spoilers.
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表 满 意 , 预计这 种做法会给地区办事处和全国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成 分 的 任 何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
(c) 与合作伙伴一道开展工作,精简捐助国和捐助组织向该次区域提供的双 边技术援助,以避免重复并分满足 需 要。
Work with partners to streamline bilateral technical assistance being provided to this subregion by donor States and organizations, in order to avoid duplication and fully address needs.
然而,根据新 的内部司法系统和相关行政法律问题产生的当前和预期工作量,一般法律事务司 确定,共需要 13
[...] 个专业职等员额和 6 个一般事务职等员额,才能分满足 整个 组织对这种法律支持的需求。
However, based on the current and expected workload arising from the new system of the administration of justice and related administrative legal issues, the Division has determined that it requires a total of 13
Professional level posts and 6 General Service
[...] level posts to fully meet the demands [...]
arising from the entire Organization for such legal support.
除了建议采取措施改善地域代表性和性别平衡,以 分满 足 大 会第 35 C/93 号决议第 5 [...]
和第 6 段中的要求以外,工作人员协会还建议总干事提交一份报告,介绍她打算如何主要通 过高级管理人员的《绩效协议》(或者说,任务合同)、人力资源行动计划和传播活动来衡
In addition to the measures proposed to improve the
[...] geographical distribution and gender [...]
balance of staff with a view to complying
fully with the General Conference’s request in paragraphs 5 and 6 of 35 C/Resolution 93, ISAU suggests that the Director-General submit a report on how she intends to evaluate and achieve the improvements requested, such as the use of “performance agreements” (or mission contracts) of senior officials, human resources action plans and communication activities.
[...] 划(MAB)的代表对国际水文计划和人与生物圈计划之间的密切合作以及联合活动的成果分 满意, 尤其是在教科文组织的总部外办事处。
The representative of UNESCO’s
Man and the Biosphere (MAB)
[...] Programme expressed great satisfaction with the close collaboration [...]
between IHP and MAB and
with the results of joint activities, especially in UNESCO’s field offices.
经过了2年的学习生活之后,苏尼对澳大利亚的教育质量和生活方式都 分满 意。
After living and studying in Australia for nearly two years, Sunil is delighted with both the quality of the education he is receiving and the lifestyle Australia offers.
但该企业决定选用 HFC-134a 技术,因为除不能得 到药用等级的碳氢化合物气雾剂推进剂,或需要证实使用此推进剂制造的气雾剂新产品的
[...] 相应文件外,还因为它已对 HFC-134a 推进剂进行了测试,并对测试结果 分满 意。
However, the company decided to select HFC-134a technology because, in addition to its inability to find pharmaceutical-grade HAP or the respective documentation needed to certify the new aerosol product
based on its use, it had already run tests with the HFC-134a propellant
[...] and was quite satisfied with the results [...]
为了分满足这 些市场的要求,我们在美国和德国设立了专业的食品实验室。
To serve these markets properly, we have set up specialized food labs in the U.S. and Germany.
(b) 提倡采取一种协调综合的方针防止和打击人口贩运活动,主要途径是 根据诸如《巴勒莫议定书》等相关的国际文书,制定区域性倡议或行动计划,融 入立足人权的方针; (c) 推动制定敏感体察性别和年龄问题的对策,充分尊重受害妇女、儿童 和男人的人权,分满足他 们的需要,以便根据相关的国际文书,加大保护、援 助和康复的力度,特别注意受害人身份的保护,增进他们获得住所、医疗和心理 社会协助以及康复服务的机会,并在这方面酌情与政府间组织和非政府组织进行 合作
(c) To promote the provision of gender- and age-sensitive responses which adequately address the needs of women, children and men as victims, in full respect of their human rights, in order to enhance the level of protection, assistance and recovery, with special attention to the identification of victims and their access to shelter, medical and psychosocial assistance, and rehabilitation in line with relevant international instruments, and to cooperate in this regard with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as appropriate
但太平 洋岛屿论坛秘书处指出,太平洋岛屿国家和领土政府面临的发展挑战以及在克服 这些挑战方面迄今取得的进展缓慢日益表明,如不大量增加援助,即使不是大部 分太平洋岛屿国家和领土都不能 分满 足 这 一需求,至少也是许多国家和领土都 不能满足这一需求。
However, according to the secretariat of the Pacific Island Forum, the development challenges faced by Governments of Pacific Island countries and territories and their slow progress in overcoming these to date, increasingly indicates that many if not most Pacific Island countries and territories will be unable to adequately meet this demand without significantly increased assistance.
还似宜规定,这种决定应当在一段合理的时间内作出,以避免在指定机构经证 明不能分满足要求的情况下程序出现不必要的拖延。
It also seems pertinent to specify
that such decisions
[...] should be taken within a reasonable period, in order to avoid the needless prolongation of the proceedings should the appointing authority prove not to be sufficiently responsive.
(c) 推动制定敏感体察性别和年龄问题的对策,充分尊重受害妇女、儿童 和男人的人权,分满足他 们的需要,以便根据相关的国际文书,加大保护、援 助和康复的力度,特别注意受害人身份的保护,增进他们获得住所、医疗和心理 社会协助以及康复服务的机会,并在这方面酌情与政府间组织和非政府组织进行 合作
(c) To promote the provision of gender- and age-sensitive responses which adequately address the needs of women, children and men as victims, in full respect of their human rights, in order to enhance the level of protection, assistance and recovery, with special attention to the identification of victims and their access to shelter, medical and psychosocial assistance, and rehabilitation in line with relevant international instruments and to cooperate in this regard with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as appropriate
我们对该生产线的快速无故障启动和优化 分满 意。
We are extremely satisfied with the fast and trouble-free start-up and optimization of the production line.
委员会敦促缔约国确保涉及儿童权利的各部门资源配置仍然充足和公平, 同时考虑到有需求的那些城市需要财政支持以充分确保所有儿童的所有权利得到 实现,而且分满足特 别是教育和心理健康服务的预算要求。
The Committee urges the State party to ensure that its allocation of resources to all sectors covering child rights remains high and is equitable, bearing in mind the need for financial support to those municipalities which require it in order to ensure fully the realization of all rights of all children, and that the budget requirements, particularly in education and mental health services, are fully met.
实地项目:提高国家统计体系编制和传播残疾统计数据的能力(1);增强决策者的知识 基础以协助实现千年发展目标(1);加强国家统计体系编制和传播经济统计数据的能力 (1);加强国家统计体系编制和传播性别统计数据的能力(1);加强国家统计体系编制和 传播生命统计数据的能力(1);增强国家统计体系将其统计体系现代化以 分满 足 客 户 需求的能力(1);提高对衡量非正规部门和非正规就业工具的认识并改进其应用(1);增 强具有特殊需要的一些国家的国家统计体系编制基本统计数据的能力(1)。
(ii) Field projects: improved capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate disability statistics (1); improved knowledge base for decision makers in support of the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (1); strengthened capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate economic statistics (1); strengthened capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate gender statistics (1); strengthened capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate vital statistics (1); increased capacity of national statistical systems to modernize their statistical systems to fully meet client needs (1); improved awareness and application of instruments to measure the informal sector and informal employment (1); improved capacity of national statistical systems of selected countries with special needs to produce basic statistics (1).
苏尼对于在澳大利亚渡过的时光 分满 意 ,现在已经把这里当成了自己的家。
Sunil has enjoyed his time in Australia so much that he now considers Australia home.
援助受害者并不要求发展新的领域或分支,而是需要确保现有的医疗照顾 和社会服务系统、康复方案及立法和政策框架能够 分满 足 包 括地雷受害者在内 的所有公民的需要,这一点并没有改变。
It remains valid that victim assistance does not require the development of new fields or disciplines but rather calls for ensuring that existing healthcare and social service systems, rehabilitation programmes and legislative and policy frameworks are adequate to meet the needs of all citizens — including landmine victims.
监督厅认为,选举援助信托基金和支持政治事务信托基金中的 快速反应资金分满足了 该司当前的资金需求。
OIOS is of the view that the Trust Fund for Electoral
Assistance and the
[...] rapid response component in the Trust Fund in support of political affairs meet the current funding needs of the Division.
领先几十年的这一技术分满足了 客户对纤维质量的高要求。
We have been offering pioneering solutions for many decades to meet the high requirements of our customers on fiber quality.
在出现业务储备金无法分满足的 需要的情况下,高级专员可以核可两年 期方案预算之下的补充预算,并在任何支柱之下发出特别呼吁,此种调整应报告 常设委员会每一次随后的会议供审议。
7.5 The High Commissioner may, in the case of new needs that cannot be met fully from the Operational Reserve, approve supplementary budgets under the Biennial Programme Budget and issue special appeals under any pillar, with such adjustments being reported to each subsequent meeting of the Standing Committee for consideration.
在 2004 年和 2005 年剩下的时间里,按照 2004 年 履约协助方案咨询小组的讨论,环境规划署资料交流中心在提供服务时始终把这些国家当 作优先对象,环境规划署将与区域履约协助方案小组合作主动与这些国家联络并向它们提 供服务,以帮助确保这些重点国家的信息需要得到 分满 足。
While UNEP’s Information Clearinghouse has always had always given priority to such countries when delivering services, in line with the 2004 CAP Advisory Group discussions, for the remainder of 2004 and 2005 UNEP will pro-actively contact and outreach its services to such countries in cooperation with the Regional CAP teams to help ensure that the information needs of these priority countries are sufficiently met.
为此,在不改变重要的 30 天期限限制前提下, 最好能考虑修正附件二,让委员会能够灵活决定何时已经 分满 足 了 翻译要求, 从而可以审议除名申请和综合报告。
To that end, without altering the important 30-day time limit, it would be helpful if consideration were
given to amending annex II
[...] so as to give the Committee the flexibility to determine when the requirements for translation have been met sufficiently [...]
to allow for consideration
of the delisting petition and the comprehensive report by the Committee.
进行这种缩 减的同时要重新调整联海稳定团,以确保它 分满足 当 前的需求,其中包括支持政治进程、巩固国家权力 机构、国家能力建设以及加强并可能设立负责维护法 治的机构。
Such a reduction would need to be accompanied by a reconfiguration of MINUSTAH in order to ensure an adequate response to current needs, including support for the political process, the consolidation of State authority and State capacity-building, as well as the strengthening and possible creation of institutions responsible for upholding the rule of law.
国际社会必须尊重其在《巴 巴多斯行动纲领》和《毛里求斯战略》中对小岛屿发 展中国家所做的承诺,在 2012 年可持续发展大会上 应当分满足小岛屿发展中国家的需求,并反映在大 会成果文件中。
The international community must honour the commitments it had made to small island developing States in the Barbados Programme of Action and the Mauritius Strategy and their needs should be adequately addressed at the 2012 Conference on Sustainable Development and reflected in its outcome document.




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