

单词 满公

External sources (not reviewed)

减少大量垃圾邮件造成的沉重网络负担,这些垃圾邮件对依赖网络维护里 满公 交 系统运行的员工造成了很多麻烦。
To reduce network suffering under the weight of enormous amounts of e-mail spam, causing frustration among employees who relied on the Internet to keep Richmond’s public transit running
Read the full announcement!
[...] 速开始长期机构改革,以便处理冲突的根源,建立和 平解决争端的机制,以及国家能满 足 公 众 的 期望并 被问责。
We also need to ensure that longer-term institutional reform gets under way quickly so that the causes of conflict are addressed, mechanisms to
resolve disputes peacefully are in place and States
[...] are both able to respond to public expectations [...]
and are accountable.
秘书处必须完成大会给它规定的任务,并优先关 注同各国人民全面发展和消除贫困有关的任务,以便 实现一个满公正、 平等和团结的世界。
The Secretariat must fulfil its mandates from the General Assembly and prioritize those related to the comprehensive development of peoples and the fight against poverty in order to attain a world of abundant justice, equality and solidarity.
您可以在里满公园 ( Richmond Park) 看到野生鹿,在温布尔顿公地 (Wimbledon Common) 打高尔夫球,在伦敦海德公园 (Hyde Park) 划船,或参加众多免费的周末音乐节去畅享音乐。
You can see wild deer in Richmond Park, play golf on Wimbledon Common, go boating in Hyde Park, or enjoy a variety of music at one of the many free weekend music festivals.
虽然制度不够得力和政治工作薄弱,许多国家的政府尚不 满 足 公 民 的 优先需 要,但是民主原则在世界各地的传播,广大民众对民主生活越来越大的贡献,反腐败的 斗争以及目前在许多国家正在开展的非集中化进程都可以大力促进为实现有效、公平和 可持续的全民教育打下了坚实的基础。
While inadequate institutional capacity and weak political processes still prevent many governments from responding to the priorities of their citizens, the spread of democratic principles around the world, the growing contribution of civil society to democratic processes, the fight against corruption and the process of decentralisation that is ongoing in many countries all have the potential to contribute greatly to building a solid foundation for the achievement of effective, equitable and sustainable Education for All.
环境监测及信息公开为可持续发展的制度建设奠定了基础,帮助实现 上述政策目标满足公众对清洁环境日益增长的需求。
Environmental monitoring and public reporting forms the basis for institutions for sustainable development that will be able to realize those policy ambitions and meet the rising public demand for a cleaner environment.
例如,可以说全球金融危机导致可以审议一些新的专题,其中包括促使 私人资满足公共需 要的各种手段,例如通过公私伙伴关系和私营部门提供国 [...]
It may be suggested, for example, that the global financial crisis has pointed to several new topics that might be considered,
including various means of engaging
[...] private capital for satisfying public needs, [...]
for example through public-private partnerships
and private sector provision of State services, financial contracts and consumer insolvency.
上文所述满足公共利 益而实施的公用工程包括:(a)为满足国家利益而实施的 工程――得到国会的批准;(b)为满足地方行政区的地方公共利益而实施的工 程――得到本行政区议会的批准;(c)为满足一个以上的省和/或自治市公共利益 而实施的公用工程――得到相关各省/市议会的批准(如有分歧,由中央政府决 定);(d) 为满足同一个省内一个以上的市和/或村公共利益而实施的公用工程―― 得到市和/或村议会的批准(如有分歧,由省议会决定)。
Public interest is declared: (a) for national interest works – by the Parliament; (b) for local interest works of the territorial administrative unit – by its council; (c) for the public interest of more than one raion and/or municipalities – by their councils, and in case of divergences – by the Government; (d) for public interest works of more than one city and/or village in one raion – by the councils of the cities and/or villages, and in case of divergences – by the raion council.
报告将载有满足《公约》 所要求的文字和透明原则而需要的所有信息, 并将包括气候技术中心与网络所收到的请求和所开展的活动的信息、关于应答这 [...]
些请求的效率和效能的信息,以及关于正在开展的工作和工作中的经验教训及最 佳做法的信息。
The report will contain all the information [...]
necessary to meet the principles of accountability and transparency required
by the Convention and shall also include information on requests received and activities carried out by the Climate Technology Centre and Network, information on efficiency and effectiveness in responding to these requests, and information on ongoing work as well as lessons learned and best practices gained from that work.
这个新框架更好满足了公众的 期待并使国家具备了高效和 现代的医疗系统。
This new framework provides for a better response to public expectations, and for the nation to benefit from an effective and modern health service.
[...] 亚欢迎该国愿意接受技术合作,注意到该国遭受自然灾害,面临粮食危机和国际 金融危机,使满足本国公民需 要的能力更加困难。
It welcomed the State’s readiness to benefit from technical cooperation and noted that the country was facing natural disasters, a
food crisis and the international financial crisis, which
[...] complicated its ability to respond to the needs of its citizens.
安全手册及演习都完满足严格的SOLA S 公 约。
The Safety briefings and drills are all fully compliant with the strict SOLAS requirements.
2005 年公约很快就得到了通过,特别是得 到了整个欧洲共同体的支持,人们对 2005 年公约充满期待,因为公约含 有很多承诺和机遇, 特别指出在民间社会团体推动这些承诺的履行,并保证促进国际合作,这是该公约的核心内容, [...]
2007 年 7 月 10 日至 12 日在马德里 (西班牙)召开的国际合作会议上各国专家曾经提到的发展创新合作关系。
With regard to expectations related to the implementation of the 2005 Convention, which has been ratified at an especially rapid
rate, in particular by the
[...] European Community as a whole, it abounds in promise and opportunities, [...]
in particular regarding the
involvement and contribution of civil society in its implementation, as well as the promotion of international cooperation, fundamental pivot of the Convention, which will include in particular the integration of culture in sustainable development, cooperation for development and the establishment of innovative partnerships as the international experts mentioned at the expert meeting on international cooperation, which took place in Madrid (Spain) from 10 to 12 July 2007.
[...] 任法官与审案法官在服务条款和条件上的差别没有理由继续存在,应从 实公平和圆满执行 完成工作战略的角度出发加以解决。
The President therefore notes that the continued differences in the terms and conditions of service of the permanent and the ad litem judges are no longer
justified and should be addressed in the
[...] interest of both equity and the successful implementation [...]
of the completion strategy.
可与最优秀的国际教育体系媲美的教育体系, 使 公 民 获 得 满 足 其 需求和 卡塔尔社会需要的必要资源。
An educational system that is the equal of the most outstanding international educational systems and will equip citizens with the wherewithal to meet their needs and the needs of Qatari society.
古巴再次强调它所提出的建议,并表示希望国际社会的要求能得满足,以取公平和 持久的和平,让中东人民建设一个更美好的未来,保障巴勒 斯坦人民在一个自由、独立和主权的国家生活并充分行使人权的权利。
Cuba re-emphasized its recommendations and expressed hope that the requests of the international community be met with a view to achieving fair and lasting peace that would allow to build a better future of the people in the Middle East, guaranteeing the rights of the Palestinian people to live in a free, independent and sovereign State fully exercising their human rights.
根据罗马尼亚修订《宪法》第 40 条第 3 款规定,有选举权且于选举日当 天至少满 23 岁的欧公民,包括选举日当天满 23 岁 者,如果在其打算参加 竞选的行政单位内有住所,并有资格加入政党,则享有被选举权。
EU citizens having the right to vote and who have turned at least 23 years of age on the Election Day, including those who have reached that age on the Election Day, have the right to be elected if they have the domicile in the area of that administrative-territorial unit where they intend to be elected and if they are entitled to be members of the political parties, according to art. 40, paragraph 3 of the Romanian Constitution, republished.
在罗马尼亚有住所或永久住处且满 18 岁的欧公民,包括选举日当天满 18 岁 且未被剥夺选举权者,具有选举资格。
EU citizens having the domicile or residence in Romania and being 18, including those who have reached that age on the Election Day, and who have not been deprived of their electoral rights, are entitled to vote.
外部经济因素必然 会影响国家发展,但各国的国内政策能 满 足 普通 公民的 愿望,向他们提供机会,消除实现普遍经济 增长的障碍,满足他们的需求,这些才是更重要的。
While external economic factors could certainly affect a country’s development, it mattered more whether national domestic policies responded to the aspirations of ordinary citizens, provided them opportunities, removed obstacles to broad-based economic growth and addressed their needs.
根据《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》第 30 条第 2 款(c)项,各公约缔约 国应当作出具体努力,向发展中国家和经济转型期国家提供技术援助,以协助 它满足执行该公约方面的需要,并应为此努力,向联合国筹资机制中为此目 的专门指定的账户提供充分的经常性自愿捐款。
Pursuant to article 30, paragraph 2 (c), of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, States Parties to the Convention shall make concrete efforts to provide technical assistance to developing countries and countries with economies in transition to assist them in meeting their needs for the implementation of the Convention and, to that end, to endeavour to make adequate and regular voluntary contributions to an account specifically designated for that purpose in a United Nations funding mechanism.
影响我们经营的问题时有发生,对于支 公 司 业 务目标 满 足 业 务需要 的特定问题公司将 慎重考虑,然后向政府提供意见或建议。
After careful consideration, the Company will offer opinions and recommendations to governments on particular issues to support our business goals and needs.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确满足上 述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行公约》 提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
答:十三)约,有两个天使,一边一个:一个写下来的优点,其他的缺点,而Doḳiel,天使长,重量平衡,对每一个其他两种以及另一名,Pyroel(“火天使”),试图用火的人的作品,无论是消费或没有;则属于正义的灵魂得救的人进行的;发现在那些 公 正 的 ,谁将 满 足 他 们的处罚。
According to the Testament of Abraham (A. xiii.), there are two angels, one on either side: one writes down the merits, the other the demerits, while Doḳiel, the archangel, weighs the two kinds against each other in a balance; and another, Pyroel ("angel of fire"), tries the works of men by fire, whether they are consumed or not; then the just souls are carried among the saved ones; those found unjust, among those who will meet their punishment.
虽然妇女在最高基本机构中的人 数保持稳定,但是三名行政要员中没有一名妇女,而且基层民主机构和大多公 共部门不满足妇女至少占 30%的定额,使人看到政策和方案中还没有解决两性平 等问题。
Although women’s representation in the highest institutions of Government has remained steady, the absence of women among the three top positions of the executive branch and the failure to meet the agreed quota of 30 per cent in women’s representation in public service shows that gender has not been fully taken into account in public policies and programmes.
海矿资公司认为已满足国 际海底管理局所提 出的要求,并且相信自身具备技术和财务资源,能够为该区域的勘探和管理局在 此方面的工作做出积极贡献。
GSR believes it fulfils the requirements set out by the International Seabed Authority and is confident that it has both the technical and financial resources to make a positive contribution to the exploration of the Area and the work of the Authority in this respect.
由于Axiom公司成功展示了其平台的表现、性能以及强大的数据管理基础架构,再加上其它大型金融机构的推荐,摩根大通决定选择Axi om SL公司的平台满足其资本计算、英国监管报告和内部管理报告需求。
After successful demonstration of Axiom's performance, functionality and strong data management infrastructure, supported by references from other
large financial institutions, JPMorgan
[...] Chase selected Axiom SL to address its capital calculation, [...]
UK regulatory reporting and
internal management reporting needs.
由《框架公约》的科学 和技术咨询附属机构定期审议系统观测的情况,支持《框 公 约 》 满 足 气 候观 测这一基本需求的一个重要环节是相关全球观测系统开展合作并予以协助,特 别是全球气候观测系统、全球地面观测系统和全球海洋观测系统。
Systematic observation is regularly considered by the Framework Convention’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, and a key component in supporting the Framework Convention in meeting essential needs for climate observations has been the cooperation and contributions from relevant global observations systems, in particular the Global Climate Observing System, Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) and Global Ocean Observing System.
最后报告中的意见反映了“顾问收到的各种观 点”,顾问建议,这些观点“应与下述总体结论一并考虑:对执行支助股以及该 股人员开展工作支持缔约国执行公 约 》 的方 满 意 度 很高。
This final report contained options reflecting “a range of views expressed to the consultant” which the consultant recommended “should be considered against the overall finding that there are high levels of satisfaction with the ISU and with the manner in which its staff carry out their work to support the States Parties in implementing the Convention.




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