

单词 满世界

满世界 adverb ()

everywhere adv

See also:

世界 n

world n

世界 adj

global adj

External sources (not reviewed)

所有会员国的支持对于确保人权方案真正构 成联合国第三大支柱满足世界各地 人民的合法要 求很有必要。
The support of all Member States was necessary to ensure that the human rights programme truly
constituted the third pillar of the United Nations and responded to the legitimate
[...] demands of people in all parts of the world.
第二十一世纪的联合国只要能满足 世界 广大 人民的发展需要就能体现其重要性。
The United Nations of the
[...] twenty-first century will be relevant as long it responds to the development needs of great sections of the world population.
新的变化是否满足世界各地 法院的要求还 有待观察,因为法律界更愿意接受在法院可以接受的 可核查的证据。
It remains to be seen whether new
[...] changes will satisfy courts around the world, because the legal [...]
community is more inclined
to welcome verifiable evidence that could be acceptable in a court of law.
这一全球伙伴关系致力于通过基于实效的分析和创 新性方案拟满足世界最脆 弱的利益攸关方——妇女和儿童——的营养需要。
This global partnership is committed to meeting the
[...] nutrition needs of the world’s most vulnerable [...]
stakeholders, women and children, through
evidenced-based analysis and innovative programming.
这些固有的优势,帮助FPC的满足世界 上 最 严格的电网规格的要求,其中包括德国的BDEW2008。
These inherent benefits
[...] help FPCs fulfill the world’s strictest grid [...]
code requirements, including the German BDEW 2008.
鉴于2011 年的财务困难状况,大会和董事会再次呼吁经常捐助方尽可能增 加对基金的捐助,以向董事会提供必要的资金 满 足 世界 各 地酷刑受害者及其亲 属日益增长的需求。
In the light of the difficult financial situation faced for 2011, the General Assembly and the Board have also reiterated their call to regular donors to increase, as much as possible, their contributions to the Fund in order to provide the Board with the necessary resources to meet the growing needs of torture victims and the members of their families worldwide.
值 得关注 的是,在过去 一段时间,教育培训 的重点 不 仅放在 从 数 量 和 技术方面紧跟劳 动力市场的 需求上,而
[...] 且王国政府还 认 真思考当地就业所需的技术水平, 满 足 世界 各 地 的社会需求和区域需求。
It is remarkable that in the last period of time the education-trainings have been focused on the demand of labour markets not only in quantity and techniques but the Royal Government also has thought
carefully about the levels of skills required by local employment in order to meet the social
[...] and regional requirements of the world.
他希望看到各方加强国际合作满足 世界各国 人民实现发展权和根据《德班宣言和行动 纲领》消除一切形式歧视的愿望,而不是强加得不 [...]
到国际法认可或无视社会、文化和宗教差异的条件 或有争议的概念。
He looked forward to enhanced international
cooperation in meeting the aspiration of
[...] the peoples of the world to realize the right [...]
to development and to combat all forms
of discrimination in accordance with the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and without imposing any conditionalities or disputed concepts that were not supported by international law or failed to take into account social, cultural, religious and religious differences.
为了更好满 足世界不同地区、特别是发展中国家不同受众和合作伙伴的需求,新闻部继续大 力注重广播、电视和印刷等传统通信手段,同时尽一切努力利用互联网和新媒体 平台带来的机会,包括利用社交网站和移动设备。
To better address the needs of its varied audiences and partners in different parts of the world, particularly in [...]
the developing countries,
it maintained a strong focus on traditional means of communication — radio, television and print — while at the same time making every effort to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the Internet and new media platforms, including social networking sites and mobile devices.
我们强烈呼吁所有世界贸易组织成员加紧谈判, 满 完 成 世界 贸 易 组织多 哈一轮谈判。
We strongly
[...] call on all World Trade Organization members to intensify their negotiating efforts to bring the World Trade Organization Doha Round to a successful [...]
满足这些 需要世界遗产委员会批准了一系列新的有关确定和 开展世界遗产保护优先事项活动的计划。
To address these needs, the World Heritage Committee approved [...]
a new system of programmes to establish and implement priority
actions for the conservation of World Heritage properties.
这可能是教科文组织对加满都峡谷 世界 遗 产 遗址不断给予支持的最具 体的例子。
This is perhaps the most concrete illustration of UNESCO’s ongoing support
[...] for the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site.
比如说在半导体材料方面,以高 纯度硅酮为主的元件片材料为代表,涉及导电材料、陶瓷和树脂的包装材料等;在光电子学方面,则是在以DVD为代表的光存储用的光学材料、以光纤为代表的光 通信材料,使用于液晶投影仪的镜片,棱镜等,另外还有太阳电池各个领域 满 足 着 世界 的 需 求。
For example, semiconductor materials are represented by the high-purity silicone-based component material, involving conductive materials packaging materials of ceramics and resin, etc; In the optoelectronics field, we can meet the needs of the world on the following materials: the optical storage materials represented by DVD, optical communication materials represented by optical fiber, lenses and prisms used for LCD projector, and solar cells.
稳健的网侧逆变器为达到最高可靠性而设计,确 保输出高质量电能,同满足全世界 范 围 内最 苛刻并网标准,诸如谐波、闪烁和故障穿越等要 求。
Designed for the highest-level reliability, the robust line inverter ensures future-proof electricity quality to meet the most stringent international network requirements for harmonics, flicker and FRT.
以科技融合工程技术,锲而不舍、追求完美,在 满 活 力 的 世界 范 围为客户利益创造最佳解决方案。
Emerson is where technology and
engineering come together to create solutions for the benefit of our customers,
[...] driven without compromise for a world in action.
愿这个美好的约定能够成真,也愿更多人能来关注像赖静这样的智障人士!因为流淌在血液中的爱将我们每个人都紧紧地连在一起,在 满 爱 的 世界 里 ,“他们”和“我们”并无不同,他们就是我们。
May this beautiful promise come true one day and that more and more people care about people with intellectual disabilities like Lai Jing!
由于你们学习不同语言和不同文化的特殊性质,你们对一个 满 可 能性 的 世界 打 开 你们的心灵。
By the very nature of your study of different languages and cultures,
[...] you’re opening your minds to a world of possibilities.
在此基础上,我们将紧急再次接触,力争到 年底就模式问题达成一项协议,以能 满 早 日结 束 世界 贸 易 组织多哈发展议程, 取得宏伟、均衡、注重发展的成果。
On this basis, we will urgently re-engage and strive to reach agreement by the end of the year
on modalities that lead to a
[...] successful and early conclusion to the World Trade Organization [...]
Doha Development Agenda with
an ambitious, balanced and development-oriented outcome.
世界满怀希望地看着我们,我 们没有权利让世界失望。
The whole world looks to us with [...]
hope, and we do not have the right to let the world down.
所有会员国对文件31 C/4重世界遗产满意, 并重申了它们继续开展这一活动的决 心。
All the Member States welcomed the emphasis placed in document
[...] 31 C/4 on preserving the world’s heritage and reaffirmed [...]
their commitment to pursuing that activity.
我们将与世界各地的 187 个成员、联合国、民
[...] 间社会及私营部门合作,兑现千年承诺:建设一个没 有贫穷和饥饿,保健和教育均得到加强,可以创造高 收入工作及恢复更清洁环境的世界——一个所有公 民都有机会而且满希望的世界。
We will work with our 187 members across the world, the United Nations, civil society and the private sector to deliver the Millennium promise: a world that overcomes poverty and hunger, strengthens health and education,
creates well-paid jobs and restores a cleaner
[...] environment — a world where all citizens have access to opportunity and hope.
本报告是根据经济及社会理事会第 E/2010/8 号决议编写的,理事会在该决
议中请秘书长向其 2012 年实质性会议提交报告,汇报烟草控制问题特设机构间
[...] 工作队工作情况,以及烟草控制问题特设机构间工作队特别会议的成果,该会探 讨了进一步加强多部门和机构间对策 满 足 有 关执 世界 卫 生组织《烟草控制框 架公约》需求的可能性。
The present report is submitted pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution E/2010/8, in which the Council requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its substantive session of 2012 on the work of the Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Task Force on Tobacco Control and on the outcome of a special meeting of the Task Force that explored the possibility of further strengthening multisectoral and inter-agency
response to the needs related to
[...] global implementation of the World Health Organization’s [...]
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
几天前,在匹兹堡 20 国集团首脑会议上世界 最大 的 20 个发达和发展中经济体为解决这场危机, 同意改革全球金融架构,满足二十一世纪的需求。
A few days ago, at the Group of
[...] Twenty (G-20) summit in Pittsburgh, the 20 largest economies of the world, both developed and developing, addressed this crisis by agreeing to [...]
reform the global
financial architecture to meet the needs of the twenty-first century.
苏斯博士的满想象力的世界从未 像现在这样的生活的创造者,卑鄙的我,这在视觉上壮观的冒险! 12岁的特德会尽一切努力找到一个真正的的现场Truffula树,以留下深刻的印象,他的梦想的女孩。
Twelve-year-old Ted will do anything to find a real live Truffula Tree in order to impress the girl of his dreams.
Magazines International)总裁兼首席执行官Duncan
[...] Edwards表示:“我们一向对扩展我们的国际出版份额 满 了 兴 趣,这 世界 级 品 牌的系列产品为我们提供了一个卓越的机会,使我们可以切实地丰富我们现有的全球顶级杂志网络。
Duncan Edwards, president and CEO, Hearst Magazines International, said, "We've always been interested in expanding our
international publishing holdings
[...] and this portfolio of world-class brands provides an exceptional [...]
opportunity for us to add
substantially to our existing global network of top magazines.
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一满足多 样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和被边缘 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion [...]
of non-violent, participatory practices
and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
我们承诺作出努力,确保发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家,充分参 世界 贸易体系,满足这 些国家经济发展需要,并再次承诺为发展中国家的出口提供 [...]
We are committed to efforts designed to ensure that developing countries,
especially the least-developed countries,
[...] participate fully in the world trading system in order to [...]
meet their economic development
needs, and reaffirm our commitment to enhanced and predictable market access for the exports of developing countries.
会议由粮农组织副总干事 James Butler
[...] 先生宣布开幕,他赞扬食典委自 1963 年第 一届会议以来,针对不断变化世界 形 势, 圆 满 开 展 了食品标准制定工作,因为自那时 以来,地球人口翻了一番,全球食品贸易额是原有数额的 [...]
22 倍。
The Session was opened by Mr James Butler, Deputy Director-General, FAO, who
complimented the Commission on
[...] the successful work in food standards setting in a changing world since its first [...]
session in 1963, as
the earth’s population had doubled and the value of global food trade had multiplied by 22.
几十年来,许多国家都在实施核电计划,使核 电目前已占世界供电量的 15%;这些国家还承诺努力发展能力,并推动在 世界 发展核电,满足能源需求。
Many countries have been conducting nuclear power programmes for several decades, as a result of which nuclear power currently provides more than 15 per cent of world electricity supply, and they have undertaken to pursue the development of their capacities and to promote the worldwide development of nuclear power to meet energy needs.




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