

单词 滞纳金

See also:


overdue (payment)
in arrears


bring into
pay (tax etc)
nano- (one billionth)
reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing
surname Na

External sources (not reviewed)

欠 缴数额约 453 万美元,包滞纳金逾 47.5 万美元(见表 2)。
Outstanding payments amount to approximately $4.53 million, including over $475,000 [...]
in late payment fees (see table 2).
截 至 2010 年 5 月 4 日,伐木公司已向利比里亚政府总共支付 863 万美元,未缴款 项共计 453 万美元,包括超过 475 000 美元滞纳金。
As at 4 May 2010, logging companies had paid a total of $8.63 million to
the Government of Liberia with
[...] outstanding payments totalling $4.53 million, including over $475,000 in late payment fees.
若于学生合同上规定的超过截止日期7天以后收到课程费用,则将收取每天50新加坡元 滞纳金。
A late payment of S$50 per day will be imposed for course fees received later than 7 days after the due date stated on the student contract.
一个易于使用,功能齐全的条例草案,以帮助提醒你按时交纳票据,避 滞纳金。
An easy-to-use, full featured Bill Reminder to help you pay bills in
[...] time and avoid late fees.
本次活动的合格消费是指花旗礼享卡在活动期间内刷卡消费中可以累计积分的消费交易,合格消费中不包括房地产类、汽车销售类、批发类、医院类、学校类、慈善机构类、代扣代缴类、船只销售类、法庭费用类、政府机构类、大型企业批发类、烟草配送类、保险销售类、保险业和保险金类、直销类、当铺类、县乡优惠-房产汽车类、县乡优惠-批发类、县乡优惠-超市加油类、三农商户类消费,也不包括网上消费、银行费用(包括信用卡年费、信用卡利息及罚息、预借现金及手续费、逾 滞纳金 及 其 他各类依《花旗银行信用卡(个人卡)章程》及《花旗银行信用卡(个人卡)领用合约》约定的费用)以及花旗银行规定的其他项目。
Qualified spending in this promotion refers to Citibank Rewards Card transactions that can accumulate reward points within the promotional period, excluding spending in the following categories: real estate, auto mobile sales, wholesale, hospitals, schools, charities, withholding and remittance of fees, vessel sales, court fees, government agencies, wholesale by large-scale enterprises, tobacco distribution, insurance sales, insurance industry and premiums, direct sales, pawnshops, county and township preferences – real estate and automobiles, county and township preferences – wholesale, county and township preferences – supermarket and refueling, and merchants involving peasants, agriculture, and rural areas.
并且,由于预算管理的年度化,在某些情况下 金 的 记 录 滞 后 于 合 同所规定的时间,因此就无法对资金的流动进行及时的监控。
Furthermore, as a result of having budget management on
an annual basis, in
[...] some cases the funds were committed late, and after the contractual commitment, meaning that [...]
any financial deviation
could not be detected in time.
滞纳时, 有可能不支付治疗费保险。
Individuals may be denied coverage in the case of delinquent payments of insurance premiums.
人道主义协调制度和共同 规划程序的金、包括资金筹措停滞 不 升,赶不上所需经费的增长速度。
Funding for the humanitarian coordination system and common [...]
planning processes, including financing, has flattened and not kept pace with requirements.
鉴于全金融危机,滞不动 的筹资水平以及未 来筹资的不确定性,可能危及开罗议程的充分执行。
Given the global
[...] financial crisis, stagnating funding levels and the uncertainty of future funding, the full [...]
implementation of the
Cairo agenda may be in jeopardy.
[...] 用和人口老龄化,它还有其它一些原因,其中包括世界危机所引发的投资利息急剧下降,退 休人员养金停滞造成退休人员纳 费 没有增加,还有就是本组织的合同政策将许多顾问合 [...]
同和不满 6 个月的短期合同人员排斥在该基金之外,更不用说《医疗保险基金条例》第
2.1(b) 段规定之有关排外合同的条文。
It is also a consequence of the sharp drop in
interest earned on investments owing
[...] to the world crisis, stagnation in pensions and therefore of [...]
premiums, and the Organization’s
contract policy, which excludes the many consultants and holders of contracts for fewer than six months from the Fund, not to mention the contractual exclusions for which Article 2.1(b) of the Rules of the UNESCO Medical Benefits Fund provides.
我们消灭天花,根除小儿麻痹症方面已取得重大 进展,已经通过发放蚊帐和使用室 滞 留 喷 剂,在纳试点地区将疟疾发病率降低了 70%。
We eradicated smallpox, we have made significant progress in the fight to eradicate polio, and we have reduced
the incidence of malaria in
[...] selected pilot districts of Ghana by as much as 70 per cent [...]
by distributing bednets and conducting residual spraying.
2006 年 1 月,联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)向援非社提供了 589 934 美元,用于管理乍得的 Gaga 难民营;难民署还提供了 312 086 美元的金用于滞留在 乍得的 29 694 名中非共和国难民遭遇粮食保障方面的灾难。
In January 2006, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) provided $589,934 for the management of Gaga camp in Chad and $312,086 to avert a food security disaster for 29,694 refugees from the Central African Republic in Chad.
(a) 联合国总部的工作人员可以获得监察员和调解服务,维 纳 、 金 沙 萨 、 喀土穆、内罗毕和圣地亚哥的工作人员可以通过区域办公室获得这些服务。
(a) Access to ombudsman and mediation services is available to United
Nations employees at Headquarters and, through regional offices,
[...] to staff in Vienna, Kinshasa, Khartoum, [...]
Nairobi and Santiago.
12 尽管来自援助捐赠机构的金处于停 滞 状 态 ,但私营部门是农业研发 活动中的动态因素,但它们付出的努力与发展中国家的贫困农民几乎没什么直接关系。
Indeed the FAO and
[...] CGIAR have launched an endowment specifically [...]
to ensure that these genetic materials across the world
can be properly maintained.12 While funding from the aid donor community is stagnating, the private sector is the dynamic element in agricultural R&D, but little of its effort is of direct relevance to poor farmers in developing countries.
在不妨碍任何自愿补充捐款的情况下,本公约缔约国至少每两年向 金纳 一 次 款, 其金 额由大会根据适用于所有国家的统一的纳款额百分比加以确定。
Without prejudice to any supplementary voluntary contribution, the
States Parties to this Convention undertake
[...] to pay into the Fund, at least every [...]
two years, a contribution, the amount of
which, in the form of a uniform percentage applicable to all States, shall be determined by the General Assembly.
另外还作了其它一些解释说明,如预算的编制和为 确定合同业务及差旅等各种开支项目的购买力下降情况所进行的研究,以及对包含了各种因 素(工资、任职地调整额,养恤金和医疗 金纳 款 及 其它纳款)的人事费的计算。
Other explanations had been provided with regard to the preparation of the budget and to the studies carried out so as to identify the loss of purchasing power under different headings, such as the contractual services and travel, as well as to the calculation of staff costs, which included various components – salaries, post adjustments, pensions and contributions to the Medical Benefits Fund and other allowances.
在美国,我们已经看到,监管经滞 后 于 金 融 创 新的曲线,我们也知道我们的监管没有跟上正规银行系统之外的金融中介的发展步伐。
In the United States, we have seen that regulation
[...] can often be behind the curve of financial innovation, [...]
and we learned that our regulation
did not keep up with the pace of financial intermediation outside of the formal banking system.
(iii) 如果公司依据第三条第一款所作的投资出现净亏损,并且此投资在该政府的会 员资格终止之日仍然被公司持有,并且亏损额超出了在该日之前所 纳 的 储备 金金额, 该政府应根据公司要求偿还在决定回购价格时如果将这些亏损考虑在 内而减少的股本回购价格部分。
(iii) if the Corporation sustains a net loss on the investments made pursuant to Article III, Section 1, and held by it on the date when the government ceases to be member, and the amount of such loss exceeds the amount of the reserves provided therefore on such date, such government shall repay on demand the amount by which the repurchase price of its shares of stock would have been reduced if such loss had been taken into account when the repurchase price was determined.
[...] 政支出继续保持有力势头,因为各国政府维持刺激经济增长的开支,以减轻全球 经济金融危机的滞后影 响,支持目前的复苏。
Fiscal spending continued to be robust in the majority of countries, as Governments maintained stimulus-related
expenditures to cushion the lagged effects of the
[...] global economic and financial crisis and support [...]
the ongoing recovery.
他还注意到,这些方案通常列明对潜在受益人的要求,包括已居住的期限, 工作的证明以及某些情况下包括社保 纳金 证 明 ;年龄组别和国籍(当调整身份 方案将来自与东道国有文化和历史联系国家的移徙者作为对象时)。
He also observes that these programmes usually specify requirements of potential beneficiaries, including length of residence, proof of work and, in some instances, proof of social welfare contributions, age range and nationality (when the regularization programmes target migrants from countries with cultural and historical connections with the host country).
尽管如此,在全球优先 事项和挑战相互竞争的背景下,为找到艾滋病治疗办 法提供的金已处于停滞不前状态,甚至有所减少。
Despite this, funding to find a cure and treatment for AIDS has reached a plateau or even decreased against a backdrop of competing global priorities and challenges.
执行委员会第六十次会议决定,应将不提交第六十一次会议的国家淘汰计划或最终 淘汰管理计划的付款金纳入有关国家相关的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划。
At its 60th meeting the Executive Committee decided that funds for tranches of
NPPs or TPMPs not submitted to the 61st
[...] meeting should be integrated into the relevant [...]
HCFC phase-out management plans of the concerned countries.
还应把外联金纳入法 庭核心资金的主流。
Funding of outreach should also be mainstreamed into the core funding of the court.
纳 金伯利 进程办公室信以为真,为非法进口的科特迪瓦毛坯钻石签发了金伯利进程 证书,之后这些钻石带着纳的金伯 利 进程证书出口到国际钻石交易中心。
This misled the Ghana KP Office into issuing KP certificates for illicitly imported Ivorian rough diamonds, which were later exported as Ghanaian KP-certified stones to international [...]
diamond trading centres.
联合国儿童基金会驻卢旺达代表诺阿拉 . 斯 金纳 ( N o al a Skinner)表示,该计划不只是‘去机构化’。
UNICEF Representative to Rwanda Noala Skinner said the initiative will not stop at ‘deinstitutionalization'.
这次峰会 一年过后,千年发展目标差距工作组 2011
[...] 年的报告 强调指出,全球发展伙伴关系取得进展的速度和规模 令人关切,特别是,2011 至 2013 年官方发展援助的 预算金增加的速滞后尤 其令人关切。
One year after the summit on the Millennium Development Goals, which called for a sustained international drive towards their achievement and for a strengthened global partnership for development, the 2011 report of the Millennium Development Goals Gap Task Force emphasizes that the pace and scale of the progress made by the global partnership for development is cause for
concern, especially
[...] because of the lagging rate of increase in budgeted resources for official development [...]
assistance in the period 2011 to 2013.
继副部长发言后,主席帕特里克·麦 金纳 先 生(澳大利亚)宣布会议开幕,对与会 者前来印度尼西亚表示欢迎,并代表执行委员会感谢印度尼西亚政府主办本次会议。
Following the statement by the Deputy Minister, the meeting was opened by the Chair, Mr. Patrick McInerney (Australia), who welcomed members to Indonesia and, on behalf of the Executive Committee, thanked the Government of Indonesia for hosting the meeting.
资产管理一直 不是优先事项,反映于以下方面:缺乏对相关特派团资产事务人员的指导和咨询
[...] 意见,造成工程资产数据库错误;未能查明储存过量、储存 滞 或 陈 旧的情况; 缺乏恰当的行动确保储存得到正当管理;缺乏对编纂和分类工作的支助,从而无 [...]
Asset management has not been a priority, demonstrated by the lack of guidance and advice provided to relevant mission asset personnel, resulting in engineering asset
database errors, lack of identification of
[...] excess stock, slow moving or obsolete stock [...]
and appropriate action to ensure the stocks
are properly managed, and lack of support with codification and classification to ensure a consistent description of assets, thus ensuring homogenous recording of the assets in the database.
在社会保险的资金投入方面,巴拿马采取了一些重要的、有创新意义的措 施,包括:提高丧失劳动力抚恤金和养老金的上下限;每年提高养老金和抚恤金 的标准;设立信托基金,并由国家负责提供资助直到 2060 年;对现有融资和资 金分配机制进行改革,为丧失劳动能力者、老年人和死者建立综合保险机制,通 过将个人储蓄和纳金额纳入保 险系统,形成一个新的次级保险体系,从而形成 一种新的养老金筹集和发放模式。
A number of important innovations have been introduced with respect to financial benefits: the minimum and maximum disability and old age pension benefits have been increased; an annual bonus has been introduced for pensioners and retirees; and a trust fund has been set up that the Government will pay into until 2060.
这次罢工影响了伊洛冶炼厂和南方铜厂的夸霍内矿、必和必拓拥 有的秘鲁最大铜锌矿安塔米纳、斯特拉塔公司、加拿大巴里克黄金公司拥有的彼纳金矿、博尔坎的 Andaychagua 银锌矿以及 Freeport-McMoRan 的绿山铜矿。
The strike affected production of the Ilo smelter and the Cuajone mine of Southern Copper, Antamina, Peru’s biggest copper-zinc pit, owned by BHP Billiton, and Xtrata,
the Pierina mine of
[...] Canada’s Barrick Gold, the silver-zinc mine of Volcan’s Andaychagua, and Freeport-McMoRan’s Cerro Verde mine.




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