

单词 滞期费

滞期费 ()

demurrage charge (shipping) (currency)

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 船和货机合同,处理关于包船合同的若干争议,包括解决总额超过 100 万美元的 违约赔偿以及扣留滞期费争议
The incumbent would handle the complex ship charters and cargo aircraft contracts on a daily basis and handle several disputed ship chartering contract cases, involving the
resolution of disputes on liquidated damages
[...] and detention and demurrage charges in an aggregated [...]
amount of more than $1 million.
设立这一员额的好处很明显, 可保证在规定时间范围内提交结关材料,促使货物按时放行,从而减少因集装箱 愈期停留而收滞期费的现象。
The benefit of establishing this post would be evident in terms of customs clearances submitted within the accepted time frame, and
therefore goods would be released on time, reducing the chances
[...] that demurrage would be charged for overdue containers.
行预咨委会还获悉,由于没有这样一项《协定》,苏丹港当局拒绝允许特派团的 口粮免税结关,导致口粮过期,造成高昂 滞期费 用。
The Committee was further informed that in the absence of such an Agreement, the authorities in Port Sudan had
refused to clear the Mission’s rations on a duty-free
[...] basis, leading to expiry of the rations and high demurrage costs.
(b) 其他用品、服务和设备项下超支 21 222 400 美元,主要是因为:㈠ 建
立“空中桥梁”,以清理联合国所属装备和特遣队所属装备从苏丹港和奥贝德运 往达尔富尔地区的积压;㈡ 租赁两架飞机(1 架伊尔-100 和 1
[...] 架安-12),以支持 杰奈纳的“空中桥梁”;以及㈢ 由于限制货物从苏丹港运往其他地点 滞期费、 报关费及保管费增加
(b) Overexpenditure of $21,222,400 under other supplies, services and equipment, due mainly to: (i) the establishment of the air bridge to clear the United Nations-owned equipment and contingent-owned equipment backlog of shipments from Port Sudan and El Obeid into the Darfur region; (ii) contracting of two aircraft (1 L-100 and 1 An-12) to support the air bridge in El Geneina;
and (iii) increased demurrage
[...] charges, customs clearance fees and storage fees resulting [...]
from restrictions on the movement
of cargo from Port Sudan to other locations
由 于关闭卡尔尼过境点以及需要把所有集装箱货物装到货盘上,致使存 费 、 滞期 费、运输费和装卸货盘费的支出增加约 198 [...]
万美元,其中包括 638 230 美元的装 卸货盘费用。
The closures of the Karni crossing and the requirement to palletize all container shipments contributed to
increased expenditure in the form of
[...] charges for storage, demurrage, transportation and [...]
palletization of some $1.98 million,
including $638,230 for palletization costs.
开发计划署表示, 2003 年至 2006 年期间,由于黎巴嫩初步出现动乱以及随后的战争局势,其氟氯烃 费量 出现了滞。
UNDP advised that between 2003 and 2006 the consumption of HCFCs stagnated due to the initial instability and subsequent war situation in Lebanon during this time period.
[...] 中心支助、外地网络支助和维和部/外勤部应用程序支助费用比 期费 用 增长 5%。
Call centre support, field network support and DPKO/DFS application support costs are estimated as 5 per cent growth
[...] against the previous period costs.
他们的期滞留对该地区的水资源和牧草资源带来了 更大的压力。
Their protracted stay has placed [...]
greater strain on the area’s water and pasture resources.
2009 年 6 月,美国国际贸易委员会发表了一份关于向古巴出售农产品的报
[...] 告,承认限制两国之间贸易的因素包括:古巴进口商支付条件困难;由于 Alimport 公司的官僚增加了储存滞港费用; 需要前往古巴的出口商获得许可证的程序复 杂拖沓;对古巴商人的旅行限制;美国法律对停靠古巴港口的外国船只的惩罚; [...]
In June 2009, the United States International Trade Commission published a report on sales of agricultural products to Cuba in which it was recognized that the constraints on trade between the two countries included: difficult
payment terms for Cuban
[...] importers; additional costs incurred by Alimport for storage or demurrage owing to bureaucratic [...]
obstacles; the complex
and drawn-out licensing process for exporters who need to travel to Cuba; travel restrictions affecting Cuban negotiators; and penalties under United States law for foreign ships that have docked in Cuban ports and for the Cuban Government’s purchases from certain countries for geopolitical considerations.
例如过去二十年,撒哈拉以南 非洲的一些国家(例如刚果、南非、加蓬、马拉维和利比里亚)以及日本的人均 水产品费量停滞或下 降,而每年人均水产品消费量在东亚(从1961年的10.6千 克到2009年的34.5千克)、东南亚(从1961年的12.8千克到2009年的32.0千克)和 北非(从1961年的2.8千克到2009年的10.6千克)有着最实质性的增长。
For example, per capita fish consumption has remained static or decreased in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. the Congo, South Africa, Gabon, Malawi and Liberia) and in Japan in the last two decades, while the most substantial increases in annual per capita fish consumption have occurred in East Asia (from 10.6 kg in 1961 to 34.5 kg in 2009), Southeast Asia (from 12.8 kg in 1961 to 32.0 kg in 2009) and North Africa (from 2.8 kg in 1961 to 10.6 kg in 2009).
[...] J. Dubner博士表示:“一级预防心脏性猝死是拉丁美洲 期滞 后 的 一个课题。
Dr. Sergio J. Dubner, Principal Investigator of the Study, commented,
"Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death is a
[...] subject that is long overdue to come to the [...]
forefront in Latin America.
以往,未使用休假日负债是根据截至报告日 期的期费用计 算的,不进行贴现或其他调整。
Previously, the liabilities for unused vacation days
were directly calculated on the basis of amounts accrued as at
[...] the reporting date without discounting [...]
or other adjustments.
本次活动的合格消费是指花旗礼享卡在活动期间内刷卡消费中可以累计积分的消费交易,合格消费中不包括房地产类、汽车销售类、批发类、医院类、学校类、慈善机构类、代扣代缴类、船只销售类、法庭费用类、政府机构类、大型企业批发类、烟草配送类、保险销售类、保险业和保险金类、直销类、当铺类、县乡优惠-房产汽车类、县乡优惠-批发类、县乡优惠-超市加油类、三农商户类消费,也不包括网上消费、银行费用(包括信用卡年费、信用卡利息及罚息、预借现金及手 费 、 逾 期滞 纳 金 及其他各类依《花旗银行信用卡(个人卡)章程》及《花旗银行信用卡(个人卡)领用合约》约定的费用)以及花旗银行规定的其他项目。
Qualified spending in this promotion refers to Citibank Rewards Card transactions that can accumulate reward points within the promotional period, excluding spending in the following categories: real estate, auto mobile sales, wholesale, hospitals, schools, charities, withholding and remittance of fees, vessel sales, court fees, government agencies, wholesale by large-scale enterprises,
tobacco distribution, insurance sales,
[...] insurance industry and premiums, direct sales, pawnshops, [...]
county and township preferences
– real estate and automobiles, county and township preferences – wholesale, county and township preferences – supermarket and refueling, and merchants involving peasants, agriculture, and rural areas.
自那时以来,尽管预计境内流离失 所者将在营地期滞留以 及饥饿、营养不良和疾病将 长期存在,但政府确信必须恢复以前受冲突影响地区 [...]
的经济活动,因而在非常短的时间内将 95%的境内流 离失所者成功地遣返他们原来居住的村镇。
Since then, despite dire
[...] predictions of the longterm concentration of internally [...]
displaced persons (IDPs) in camps and of
hunger, malnutrition and disease, the Government, convinced of the need to restore economic activity in the formerly conflictaffected areas, has successfully returned 95 per cent of the IDPs to their own villages and towns within a very short period.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号
[...] 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两期拟议 方案预算中的特别政治任务 费 多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for
special political
[...] missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special [...]
political missions in
the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
此数目与上一个双年度期滞留在 暂记账户的 500 万美元相比,显然高出很 多。
This amount is considerably higher than the $5 million that remained in the suspense accounts at the corresponding time of the last biennium.
最近三年来私人费和投资停滞不前 ,因此政府必须采取扩张性的货币、财 政和收入政策,以支持需求的恢复。
When private consumption and investment stagnates, as has been the case for the past three years, governments must use expansionary monetary, fiscal and incomes policies to support the recovery of demand.
一旦氟氯烃淘汰管理计划获得核准,毛里求斯 政府环境和可持续发展部将就如何处理船 滞期 使 用 的氟氯烃的淘汰问题与国际海事组织 交换意见。
Upon the approval of the HPMP, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development the Government of Mauritius will communicate with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on how to handle the phase-out of HCFCs used for ship demurrage.
目前这 个办法的实施过程被一些国家工作队视为 滞 而 费 钱。
The current process to implement the approach is
[...] perceived as heavy and costly by some country teams.
难民署全面实施有关自愿回返的全球建议后, 大量期滞留的难民开始重返家园。
The implementation by UNHCR of
global recommendations on voluntary return had led to the repatriation of a number
[...] of refugees in protracted situations.
私人消费预计只略微加强,因为工资和信贷增 滞 后 ,消 费者信心依然不强。
Private consumption is projected to strengthen only modestly, as wage and credit
[...] growth are lagging and consumer confidence remains [...]
在向总干事递交的申请中,应具体 地说明项目预计开始实施与完成的 期 、 费 用 概算、会员国或私立机构承诺提供的 资金额或预计可从会员国或私人机构获得的资金额。
The request submitted to the DirectorGeneral must show specific
scheduled commencement and
[...] termination dates for the implementation of projects, cost estimates, and [...]
promised or expected funding
from the Member States or private institutions.
该案所涉及的一些问题包括Platts争议、石油贸易协议、 滞费 、 船 只的适航性,以及其他数量与质量上的问题。
The issues involved include Platts’ disputes, oil trading arrangements, demurrage, seaworthiness of vessels, and other cargo quantity and quality issues.
[...] 色列占领方对进入加沙的物品征收税费和强制推行 货盘化和期费造成的。
He noted that UNRWA had incurred additional expenditures as a result
of the taxes levied by the Israeli occupation on items entering Gaza and through
[...] compulsory palletization and demurrage.
(d) 主任称,就第5
[...] 条的执行向个别缔约国提供支助和咨询意见而产生的 工作人员旅费仅为期费用的约40%。
(d) The Director reported that staff travel expenses for the purpose of providing individual
States Parties with support and advice on Article 5 implementation would total only
[...] about 40 percent of projected costs.
然而,考虑到这些估算值将在2008年夏季确定,某些专家想 要知道秘书处是否打算修改其ZRG估算结果,其中包括考虑到当前指标显示通货膨胀 率较低以及在某些情况下发达经济体出现通货紧缩,是否修改第四部分中的 期费用 追加额。
However considering that these estimates were determined in the summer of 2008, certain experts questioned whether the Secretariat had any intentions to revise its ZRG estimates, including anticipated cost increases in Part IV of the budget, especially considering that current indicators now show lower inflation levels and in some cases deflationary levels for advanced economies.
此外,我们亦时常处理各种海上货物运输纠纷、燃料纠纷、装卸时间 滞 船 费 纠 纷 、起租及停租的申索、船舶维修的申索、履约保证、商品纠纷、CIF及FOB合同、贸易融资及跟单信用证、货物保单、拖运或货运代理合同、跨境速递业务以及海上的人身伤亡申索等。
Examples of the matters with which we regularly deal are: cargo claims, bunker disputes, laytime and demurrage disputes, hire and off-hire claims, ship repair claims, performance warranties, commodity disputes, CIF and FOB contracts, trade finance and documentary credits, cargo policies, haulage and freight forwarding contracts; cross-border courier business as well as claims for loss of life / personal injury sustained on board vessels.
(i) “两个空间碎片问题:卫星运营的 期费 用 和 减弱再入大气层处置危 害”,由国际空间安全促进协会观察员介绍。
(i) “Two space
[...] debris issues: long-term cost of satellite operations [...]
and refining re-entry disposal hazards”, by the observer
for the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety.
那些移徙者的背景和 随
[...] 后产生的所涉影响 也 各不相同:有些人期滞 留 在 邻 国和其他第一庇护国境内,然 [...]
后 再转入大 韩 民 国作为最终的目的地;另 一方面,有些人只 是 简 短地在第一庇护国过境,然 后 再 抵 达 最后的目的地国。
The background of those on the move and the ensuing complications may also be
different: on the one hand, there are those
[...] who stay for a long period in a neighbouring [...]
country and other first-asylum countries
before moving to the Republic of Korea as the final destination; on the other, there are those who transit only briefly in first-asylum countries before reaching the final destination country.
产生差异的主要原因是特派团核定兵力增加了 1 890 名军事特遣队人员和 1 500 名警员;一项经商 定的适用于在海地服务的所有联合国人员的财政援 助和补偿一揽子计划的所需经费增加,向需要在任务
区外进行强制性休息和休养的所有联海稳定团人员 发放津贴, 部署临时出差的非联海稳定团工作人员, 提供临时住宿以及支付为牺牲同事举行追悼会的费
[...] 用; 更换和重置特派团资产和重建方案的 期费 用;在圣多明各设立一个支助办事处;和扩大现有的减少 [...]
The main causes of variance were an increase in the authorized strength of the Mission by 1,890 troops and 1,500 police; additional requirements in support of MINUSTAH staff related to an agreed financial assistance and compensation package applicable to all United Nations personnel serving in Haiti, the payment of allowances to personnel required to take a mandatory rest and recuperation break outside the Mission area, the deployment of non-MINUSTAH staff on temporary duty assignment, the provision of temporary living accommodation, and the cost of memorial services held in honour of fallen colleagues; the replacement
and re-establishment of Mission assets
[...] and the initial requirements of the reconstruction [...]
programme; the establishment of
a support office in Santo Domingo; and the expansion of the community violence reduction programme.




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