

单词 滙款

External sources (not reviewed)

事實上,今年8月底,跨境貿易結算的人民 滙款 總 額 已高達人民幣2,542億元,比7月份上升13.79%,更比今年1月份大升62.53%,表明以人民幣結算已漸漸成為香港商家的普遍趨勢。
Actually, the total remittance of the Renminbi for [...]
cross-border trade settlement amounted to RMB254.2 billion at the end
of August this year, representing an increase of 13.79% from that in July and a sharp increase of 62.53% from that of January.
随 时 随 地 于 网 上 查 询 户 口 结 余 、转 账 、缴 付 账 单 、预 设 过 数 日 期
[...] 、设 立 或 续 存 定 期滙 款 、买 卖 外 币 /黄 金 等 [...]
,上 网 一 click 即 可 。
Check account balances, make transfers, pay bills,
preset forward-dated transfers , place
[...] or renew time deposits, remit funds [...]
or conduct foreign exchange/gold trading online
round the clock - all with just one click.
服 務 只 限 於 香 港 及 中 國 內 地 均 為 營 業 日 的 星 期 一 至 五滙 款 賬 戶 必 須 有 足 夠 結 餘 , 且 必 需 正 確 填 寫 收 款 銀 行 及 收 款 人 資 料 , 不 適 用 於 大滙 款 , 法 令 規 範 之 特 定 交 易 或 需 向 相 關 之 監 管 機 構 申 報 的 交 易 。
There must be sufficient funds in the remittance account and valid information of the beneficiary bank and beneficiary must be provided.
滙彩股份滙彩貸款之代價將以本公司按發行價每股0.10港元配發及發行合共843,500,000股新股份(「代價股份」) [...]
The consideration for the Colour Asia Share
[...] and the Colour Asia Loan is to be settled [...]
by the allotment and issuance by the Company
of a total of 843,500,000 of its new shares (the “Consideration Shares”) at an issue price of HK$0.10 per share.
投資銀滙集存款和海 外資金,為投資項目融資。
Investment banks channel savings and foreign funds to finance investment projects.
根據正式協議,本公司有條件同意購買滙彩,以及由覃先生轉讓完成上述購買及 轉讓時滙彩貸款。
Pursuant to the Formal Agreement, the Company has conditionally agreed to purchase the Colour Asia Share
together with the assignment by Mr. Qin of
[...] the Colour Asia Loan as at the completion [...]
of the said purchase and assignment.
滙 掛 鈎 保 本 投 資款 」 內滙 期 權
Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit is embedded with FX option(s).
(iii) 根據股東於股東特別大會上通過之普通決議案,於收購滙彩股份及轉 滙 彩 貸 款 完 成 後,本公司將配發及發行 843,500,000股本公司每股面值0.10港元之新股份作為代價股份,發行價為每股0.10港元。
(iii) pursuant to an ordinary resolution of the Members passed at the SGM, the Company will allot and issue 843,500,000 new shares of HK$0.10 each of the Company at an issue price of HK$0.10 each as the Consideration Shares upon the completion of the acquisition of the Colour Asia Share and assignment of the Colour Asia Loan.
The impairment of trade receivables, foreign exchange [...]
differences, recognition of financial guarantee contract, loss on
disposal of items of property, plant and equipment and loss on disposal of intangible assets are included in “Other expenses” on the face of the consolidated income statement.
款 利 率 及 滙 率 將 根 據 市 場 變 化 而 不 時 調 整 [...]
, 本 行 保 留 權 利 隨 時 更 改 上 述 利 率 及 滙 率 優 惠 , 恕 不 另 行 通 知 。
Interest rates and exchange rates are [...]
subject to review according to changes in market conditions from time to time. The
Bank reserves the right to change the above interest rates and exchange rate offers at any time without prior notice.
於結算日後,本公司將購買由覃先生全資擁有之私人公司滙彩亞太有限公司(「滙彩」)全部已發行股本(「滙彩股份」), 以及由Strategic Media International Limited(
[...] 本公司之控股股東(「控股股東」)之實益擁有人覃輝先生(「覃先生」)) 轉讓完成上述購買及轉讓時滙彩應付覃先生之股東 款 之 所 有利益( 滙 彩 貸 款 」 )
Subsequent to the balance sheet date, the Company will purchase the entire issued capital of Colour Asia Pacific Limited (“Colour Asia”), a private company wholly owned by Mr. Qin (the “Colour Asia Share”) together with the assignment by Mr. Qin Hui, being the beneficial owner of Strategic Media International Limited (the controlling shareholder of the Company (the “Controlling Shareholder”)) (“Mr. Qin”) of all the benefit of the
amount of the shareholder’s loan due by Colour Asia to Mr. Qin as at the completion of
[...] the said purchase and assignment (the “Colour Asia Loan”).
於資產負債表日,對於外幣貨幣性項目採用資產負債表日即期滙率折算,由此產生的滙兌差額, 除 屬 於 與 購 建 符 合 資 本 化 條 件 的 資 產 相 關 的 外 幣 專 門款 產 生 的 滙 兌 差 額 按 照款 費 用 資 本 化 的 原 則 處 理 外,均 計 入 當 期 損 益。
The exchange differences arising from the above translation, except the ones relating to foreign currency borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets eligible for the capitalization shall be dealt with according to the principle of borrowing cost capitalization, are recognized in profit or loss.
款項滙至中 國境外須受中國政府的外滙管制。
Remittance of funds out of [...]
the PRC is subject to the exchange restrictions imposed by the PRC government.
全 新 资 金 」 指 客 户 于 推 广 期 内 存 入 之 其 他 银 行 支 票 、 透 过 本 地 同 业 滙 入 或 以滙 滙 入 之 存 款 , 从 而 增 加 客 户 存 放 于 恒 生 银 行 有 限 公 司 ( 「 本 行 」 ) 的 存 款 总 额 。
New Funds" refers to funds newly deposited into Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") using a cheque drawn on any other bank, inward CHATS or T/T during the Promotion Period, thereby increasing the aggregate deposits placed by the customer with the Bank.
對於向林木、淡水基建、化工和能源行業的客戶提供 款 , 滙 豐 嚴 格遵守行業指引內有關這些行業的借貸和投資指引。
HSBC adheres to sector guidelines governing lending and investing [...]
for the forestry, freshwater infrastructure, chemicals
and energy industries before credit is advanced to customers in these sectors.
滙豐「特約商店分期款」之金額 滙 豐 信 用卡之可用餘額為上限,最高不可超過其信用額度,若有超過信用額度者,則超過信用額度之全部金額需加計於當月最低應繳金額。
The Policy shall be valid for the available balance of the Card, and the maximum amount shall not exceed the credit limit of the Card.
外 币款 利 率 及 滙 率 将 根 据 市 场 变 化 而 不 时 调 整 , 本 行 保 留 权 利 随 时 更 改 上 述 利 率 及 滙 率 优 惠 。
Interest rates and exchange rates are subject to review according to changes in market conditions from time to time.
滙豐「特約商店分期款」專 案時,將 滙 豐 銀行就申請人所購買的商品/服務之全部價款一次墊付予特約商店,並由客戶自滙豐銀行核准之日起,以每一月為一期,分期償還「分期付款每月應攤還金額」。
Under the Policy, HSBC shall advance the contract store, at one time, the lump [...]
sum of the purchase, including the total
amount of product/service purchased and the service charge.
述六間款機構為香港㆖滙豐銀 行有限公司、㆗ 國 銀 行( 香港)有 限公司、東 亞 銀 行有限公司、花旗銀 [...]
行、星 展銀行( 香 港 )有限公司及 渣打銀 行。
DMC is a non-profit-making entity
[...] owned and operated by six lending institutions participating [...]
in the Scheme, namely, The Hong
Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, The Bank of East Asia, Limited, Citibank, N.A., DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank to help the Government recover the loans.
借 款 費 用 是 指 本 集 團 因 借 款 而 發 生 的 利 息 及 其 他 相 關 成 本,包 括 借 款 利 息、折 價 或 者 溢 價 的 攤 銷、 輔 助 費 用 以 及 因 外 幣款 而 發滙 兌 差 額 等。
If the Group has retained control of the financial asset, it recognizes the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognizes an associated liability.
至於非貨幣項目滙兌差 異,例如歸類為可供出售金融資產的股票等,均列入 權益 的公 平 值儲 備內。
Translation difference on non-monetary items, such as equities classified as available-for-sale financial assets, are included in the fair value reserve in equity.
於二零一一年十二月三十一日,倘美元對巴西里奧貶值╱升值百分之一,而其他變數維持不變, 本年度之稅後利潤將增加╱減少958,000美元(二零一零年:2,068,000美元),主要因美元計值 之應付款之外滙收益╱虧損導致。
As at 31st December 2011, if US dollars had weakened/strengthened by 1 percent against Brazilian real with all other variables held constant, post-tax profit for the year would have been US$958,000 (2010: US$2,068,000)
higher/lower, mainly as a
[...] result of foreign exchange gains/losses on translation of US dollars denominated trade payables.
客戶自選基金、債券或高息投資存款價值港幣70,000元的得獎者須於得獎通知書發出日起一個月內到任何滙豐分行選擇並以滙豐決定的市價認購一隻基金或一隻債券、或以滙豐決定的息率開立一個高息投資 款 , 及 /或 滙 豐 決 定的市價進行有關的外幣兌換,買入總值不超過港幣70,000元。
Unit trusts, bonds or Deposit Plus worth HK$70,000 at customer’s choice will be offered to winner who may select to buy unit trusts, bonds or Deposit Plus available at any HSBC branch within one month after the issuance date of the winning notification, according to the prevailing market price at the time of subscription/deposit placement and/or prevailing foreign exchange rate if foreign exchange is required on the date of subscription/deposit placement at the Bank’s discretion, subject to a maximum amount of HK$70,000.
除了分析各国所采 取的政策和法律决定之外,本研究报告的目的还在于具体说明秘密拘留的定义, 秘密拘留是如何为酷刑或不人道和有辱人格待遇创造条件的,以及秘密拘留的做 法如何给受害者及其家人留下无法磨灭的烙印的。
In addition to the analysis of the policy and legal decisions taken by States, the aim of the study was also to illustrate, in concrete terms, what it means to be secretly detained, how secret detention can facilitate the practice of torture or inhuman and degrading treatment, and how the practice of secret detention has left an indelible mark on the victims, and on their families as well.
這 些情況包括:擁有人是否已採取措施聘用一個專責的地產發展 商負責統籌和監管整個發展過程、擁有人有否對該地產發展商 作出清晰和正確的指示、擁有人是否與該地產發展商之間有任 何查核滙報機 制以確保有關指示得到遵從,以及擁有人是否 有任何理由相信有關指示會不獲遵從。
These circumstances may include whether the owner has taken steps to engage a responsible property developer to co-ordinate and supervise the whole development process, whether the owner has given clear and correct instructions to the property developer, whether the owner has put in place any checking and reporting mechanism with the property developer to ensure compliance with those instructions, and whether the owner has any reason otherwise to believe that the instructions would not be complied with.
於二零一二年三月三十一日,若港元兌人民幣減弱╱增強了5% ,而所有其他變數保持不變, 則 本 年 度 的 除 稅 後 盈 利 將 會 增 加 ╱ 減 少8,996,000港 元(二 零 一 一 年:8,231,000港 元),主 要 是 由 於 換 算 人 民 幣 計 值 銀 行 結 餘 及 現 金、賬 目 及 其 他 應款 項 產 生 的滙 盈 虧 及 換 算 人 民 幣 計 值 借 貸 產 生 的 外 滙 盈 虧 所 致。
At 31 March 2012, if Hong Kong dollars had weakened/strengthened by 5% against the Renminbi with all other variables held constant, post-tax profit for the year would have been HK$8,996,000 (2011: HK$8,231,000) higher/lower, mainly as a result of the foreign exchange gains/losses on translation of Renminbi-denominated bank balances and cash, accounts and other receivables, and the foreign exchange losses/gains on translation of Renminbidenominated borrowings.
尽管许多受害者认为,秘密拘留夺走了他们生命中几年 的光阴,并且留下了无法磨灭的烙印,这常常表现在其生计方面以及更经常的是 其健康方面的损失,但他们几乎从未获得任何形式的补偿,其中包括身心的康复 及赔偿。
Although many victims feel that the secret detention has stolen years of their lives and left an indelible mark, often in terms of loss of their livelihood and frequently their health, they have almost never received any form of reparation, including rehabilitation or compensation.
以下表格顯示在資產負債表日其他變量保持固定的情況下,美 滙 率 的 合理可能變化導致本集團稅前利潤(由 [...]
於 貨 幣 型 資 產 ╱ 負 債 公 允 價 值 的 變 動 )和 權 益 變 化 的 敏 感 性。
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity at the
balance sheet date to a reasonably possible change
[...] in the US$ exchange rate, with [...]
all other variables held constant, of the Group’s
profit before tax (due to change in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities) and the Group’s owners’ equity.
有效的風險管理端視(其中包括滙 豐 能 否透 過壓力測試及其他技巧,設法防範其所採用的 統計模型所無法偵測的事件;以滙 豐 能 否成 功應付營運、法律及監管和訴訟方面的挑戰, 特別是有關反洗錢、《銀行保密法》和美國外 國資產控制辦公室調查的最終解決方案。
Effective risk management depends on, among other things, our ability through stress testing and other techniques to prepare for events that cannot be captured by the statistical models we use; and our success in addressing operational, legal and regulatory, and litigation challenges, notably the ultimate resolution of the AML, BSA and OFAC investigations.
4.1.18 如有任何重大之實際、懷疑或涉嫌欺詐,而又涉及財務報告之不 當或不道德行為,或任何虛報資產事項,並且未曾透過管理層向 委員會提交報告者,委員會需就該事項 滙 豐 集 團風險總監滙 豐集團財務董滙報。
4.1.18 To report any significant actual, suspected or alleged fraud (involving misconduct or unethical behaviour related to financial reporting) or misrepresentation of assets, which has not been included in
a report submitted by Management to the
[...] Committee, to the HSBC Group Chief Risk Officer and HSBC Group Finance Director.




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