单词 | 滑落 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 滑落 verb —slide vless common: roll v • slip v See also:滑 v—slip v • slide v 滑—smooth • cunning • surname Hua 落—settlement • whereabouts • fall onto • write down • rest with • leave out • fall or drop • get or receive • be missing • leave behind or forget to bring • (of a tide) go out • (of the sun) set • decline or sink • lag or fall behind 滑 adj—slippery adj
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填 料活塞柱 (24)上;如果滑动困难,用橡胶锤重敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。 graco.com | Intake check valve [...] assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, [...]firmly tap on top of [...]housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen. graco.com |
不過,樓價是否確實 正在滑落,目前尚屬言之過早。 legco.gov.hk | However, it is too early to say whether prices are actually on a downward trend. legco.gov.hk |
不過,是否因為做得不足夠或不夠全面,所以令他在最近的民意調查中 得分大幅滑落呢? legco.gov.hk | However, I wonder if it is because the measures are not good enough or not comprehensive enough, his opinion poll ratings have seen some sharp decline in some recent surveys. legco.gov.hk |
喜爱刺激的人士在爱尔兰一定会得到满足-这个国度的险峻地形非常适合高 山 滑落 、 蹦 极、洞穴探险、爬山、滑翔和跳伞。 discoverireland.com | Adrenalin junkies will get a good hit in Ireland – the [...] country’s dramatic landscape makes it perfect for abseiling, bungee, caving, mountain [...] biking, hand gliding and skydiving. discoverireland.com |
所有这一切的背后是3G市场的缓慢增长,最新数据显示中国移动的市场份额 5 月 滑落 到 38.5%,比第二大运营商中国联通(HKEx: [...] 762; NYSE: CHU)高出不足6%。 youngchinabiz.com | All this comes against the backdrop of a slowing 3G [...] market, where the latest data shows that China [...] Mobile’s share slipped to 38.5 percent [...]in May, or less than 6 percentage points [...]ahead of the second largest player, China Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU). youngchinabiz.com |
举日本为例,这类措施已使该国运输部门的排放量从 2001 年高峰期滑落。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such measures had already made it possible to reduce the emissions of the transport sector in Japan, for example, from the peak reached in 2001. daccess-ods.un.org |
当骑车过程中受到撞击或坠落时一个合适的头盔应不会在您的头上自由旋转 或 滑落 到 眼 睛以下。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | When pulled or pushed, a properly fitted helmet does not move [...] around the head or slide over the eyes beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这些趋势在 20 世纪下半叶 依然存在,在 1980 年代尤其明显,在此前的 1970 年代,商品价格和经济略有上 涨,但在 1980 年代,商品价格和经济增长双双滑落。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those trends continued in the second half of the twentieth century, especially during the 1980s, when commodity prices fell with economic growth after some gains in the preceding decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
用一只手固定住打印纸,防止其从纸槽 中 滑落。 printronix.com | Hold the paper to [...] prevent it from slipping down and through [...]the paper slot. printronix.cn |
縱使如此,《民意網站》今日發放的數據,尤其巿民對本港前途信心 的 滑落 、 對 中國前途信心的提昇、以至對中央政府的信任程度在十月底歷史性超越本地政府,都是非常重要的民情發展。 hkupop.hku.hk | Nevertheless, the findings released today could have very important meaning, especially when people's trust in the central government has surpassed that of the local government - first time ever according to POP's record. hkupop.hku.hk |
用一只手固定住打印纸 (以免它从纸槽中滑落), 同时用另一只 手从上面抽出打印纸。 printronix.cn | Hold the paper in place with one hand (to [...] prevent it from slipping down through the [...]paper slot) while pulling it through from above with your other hand. printronix.cn |
当渡船驶到大江的江心时,他腰中悬挂的宝剑突 然 滑落 出 来,掉进了江里。 chinesestoryonline.com | When the boat reached the middle of the river, his [...] sword suddenly slipped out and fell [...]into in the water. chinesestoryonline.com |
键盘能够以各种动画效果显示如:淡入 和 滑落 等。 javakaiyuan.com | The plug-in also comes with a PHP file upload files for server -side processing . javakaiyuan.com |
1.5~1.8-沒有試驗驗證的更少的精確計算,在生産工藝中較少的精度,不太重要的聯接,哪裏可 能 滑落 不 會 導致任何特別的後果。 mitcalc.com | 1.5 to 1.8 - Less accurate calculation without experimental verification, lesser [...] accuracy in production technology, less important [...] couplings, where possible gliding does not cause any [...]special consequences. mitcalc.com |
本作者乃寶華綜合經濟研究院院長暨國立清 華大學科技管理學院榮譽教授 俄羅斯官方公佈今年 1 9 月的總體經濟 表 現 其 中 第 3 季 的 GDP 國 民 生 產 毛 額 Gross Domestic Product 成長率表現良好 同 比成長幅度達 4.8% 不但優於第二季的 3.4% 也創下去年第二季以來的最大增幅 原因除了 去年同期旱災造成農業生產大幅滑落 基期 相 對偏低之外 也由於寬鬆的貨幣政策 持續帶 動俄羅斯企業投資與民間消費支出的擴張 故 近期俄羅斯整體經濟受惠於政策刺激內需經濟 有方 表現相對歐美經濟體穩定 apecscmc.org | ) According to the official statement released by the Russian government on the overall economic performance from January to September, Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) had a good performance in the third season, expanding 4.8% from a year earlier; this is not only higher than the 3.4% of the second season, but it also becomes the largest increase since the second season of last year. In addition to the relatively low base period of last year due to a sharp fall in agricultural production caused by droughts, the reasons for this increase also include the easy monetary policy, which has been driving the economy’s corporate investments and private consumption expenditure towards the way of expansion. apecscmc.org |
數位相片、影片和音樂檔會對電腦的儲存設備造成沈重的負擔,而內接式硬碟機容量的減少會造成效 能 滑落。 seagate.com | Digital photos, video and music files can tax your computer's storage, causing performance to decline as its internal hard drive fills to capacity. seagate.com |
中国最大的房地产门户网站搜房网(NYSE: SFUN)和领先的网络游戏公司网易(Nasdaq: [...] NTES)的最新财报显示出增长日益放缓的现实,前者面 临 滑落 向 亏 损的危险,后者需要控制其快速上升的成本。 youngchinabiz.com | The latest earnings results from real estate and online game bellwethers SouFun (NYSE: SFUN) and NetEase (Nasdaq: NTES) are showing a [...] broader story of slowing growth, with the [...] former in danger of slipping into the red while [...]the latter needs to rein in its rapidly rising costs. youngchinabiz.com |
该防雨罩可以快速滑落遮盖 相机,以防止突然的雨淋,并有快捷拉伸给予保护。 kata-bags.cn | The cover slips quickly over a camera [...] to protect it from sudden showers and is secured by quick pull of the drawstrings. kata-bags.us |
即使玻璃上仍有水漬,也能確保清洗過程中不會干擾駕駛者,而水亦不會從玻璃頂 部 滑落。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | As a result, no water is splashed onto the windscreen during spraying to disrupt the driver's visibility, while at the same time cleaning the windscreen perfectly. The water also remains on the windscreen, thus ensuring it is cleaned without troubling the occupants, even with the roof down. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
封裝業者在進入傳統淡季以及資訊新舊產品交替的時點,營收普遍較2 00 4 Q 4 滑落 , 就 年成長率來看,封裝業依舊呈現小幅成長。 tsia.org.tw | Packaging revenue, in general, declined from Q4 2004 due to the traditional low season and the transition of IT products. tsia.org.tw |
经济危机通过多个渠道传导到世界各地的许多发展中国家:国际贸 易滑 落,国 际旅游缩减,商品价格下滑,资本外流到更安全的国家,利率上升,移 [...] 民汇款减少,国际援助和官方发展援助受到制约。 daccess-ods.un.org | The economic crisis was transmitted to many developing countries around the world through a number of [...] channels: decreases in [...] international trade, diminishing international tourism, falling commodity prices, [...]capital outflows to safer [...]countries, increased interest rates, shrinking migrant remittances and constraints on international aid and official development assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用黑色涂胶织物的窄背带不仅舒适,而且可防止三脚架从肩 上 滑落。 manfrotto.cn | Strap is in narrow black rubberized fabric for comfort and to [...] avoid the tripod slipping on your shoulder. manfrotto.us |
國 泰 航 空 九 月 份 的 乘 客 及 貨 運 量 大 幅 下 跌 , 與 去 年 同 期 比 較 , 乘 客 量 下 降 了 百 分 之 十 二 點 一 , 僅 錄 得 八 十 七 萬 一 千 一 百 廿 六 人 次 ; 而 貨 運 量 則 跌 了 百 分 之 十 二 點 二 , 至 六 萬 一 千 四 百 廿 噸 , 此 乃 受 全 球 經 濟 滑 落 及 美 國 恐 怖 襲 擊 影 響 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific Airways saw passenger and cargo numbers decline substantially during September due to the general economic slowdown and the impact of the US terrorist attacks on travel and tourism demand. swirepacific.com |
当用三脚架工作时候,底部的开启也非常方便。该防雨罩可以快 速 滑落 遮 盖 相机,以防止突然的雨淋,并有快捷拉伸给予保护。 kata-bags.cn | The cover slips quickly over a camera to protect it from sudden showers and is secured by a quick pull of the drawstrings. kata-bags.us |
至於製造業另一主要業務-記憶體,由於國際大廠也都突破之前轉向0.11μm的瓶頸,使得市場供應量大增,而Intel新晶片組延緩推出導致DDR2轉換在2005Q1尚未發揮效果,加上淡季效應,使得Q1的DRAM價格快 速 滑落 , 相關廠商營收反逐 月 滑落。 tsia.org.tw | The breakthrough of multinationals into 0.11μm has boosted memory supply. Intel’s delay on launching its new chipsets, deferred DDR2 transition effect, plus the low season effect, have deteriorated DRAM price and Memory revenue in Q1. tsia.org.tw |
技術要素:1、插拔式角度調節結構,方便穩健,同時保證三腳角度單獨可調2、獨特的升降管微調結構,可以視相機的重量來調整其升縮3、兩節升降管設計,使 拍攝角度達到最低限度4、扳扣式腳管鎖緊方式,更方便,更快捷5、雲台的扳手保險銷設計,讓你的相機不會因為誤操作 而 滑落 6 . 原 裝偉峰6662A腳架 帶保修卡說明書掛牌參數:最大工作高度:1626mm最小工作高度:533mm折合高度:560mm自重:1340g腳管最大直徑:23mm節數:4節最大負重:4公斤 買前必讀:親愛的買家,您好! tw.evershooting.com | Technical elements: 1, plug angle adjustment structure, robust and convenient, while ensuring that the tripod angle individually adjustable, unique fine-tune the structure of the lift tube, depending on the weight of the camera to adjust liters shrink 3, two lift tube design, so that shooting angle of at least 4, Quick Lock leg locking way, more convenient, more efficient and 5 the PTZ the wrench insurance pins design, so your camera will not fall because of misuse 6. original WEIFENG 6662A tripod manual with warranty card listed parameters: maximum working height: 1626mm Minimum working height: 533mm equivalent height: 560mm weight: 1340g foot maximum tube diameter: 23mm section: 4 Maximum load: 4 kg Read before you buy: Dear buyer, Hello! evershooting.com |
對礦產進行勘探、開發及生產運營涉及多項風險,包括環境風險,如因無法預測或異常的地質環境、岩層 突裂或滑落、火 災、水災、地震或其它環境事件產生的風險,以及政治及社會動蕩所產生的風險。 southgobi.com | Exploration, development and production operations on mineral properties involve numerous risks, including environmental risks, such as unexpected or [...] unusual geological operating conditions, [...] rock bursts or slides, fires, floods, [...]earthquakes or other environmental occurrences, [...]and political and social instability. southgobi.com |