单词 | 滂沱大雨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 滂沱大雨—torrents of rain [idiom.]See also:滂沱—pouring flooding 滂沱n—bucketn 大雨n—rainn rainstormn 大雨—heavy rain
在大雨滂沱时,水塘收集所得的雨水或会满溢。 devb.gov.hk | At the time ofheavy downpours, overflow of rain-water collected [...] at reservoirs may occur. devb.gov.hk |
堪培拉阳光充足,年均降雨量 630 毫米,降雨大部分落入该地区西部。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Canberra gets a lot of sunshine and receives an [...] annual average rainfall of 630mm, most [...]of it falling in the west of the territory. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
由于鱼易腐烂,远距离冷藏运输以及大型和更快速航运的开发促进了物种种类和 产品类型增多的贸易和消费,包括活鱼和新鲜鱼。 fao.org | Owing to the perishability of fish, developments in longdistance refrigerated transport and large-scale and faster shipments have facilitated the trade and consumption of an expanded variety of species and product forms, including live and fresh fish. fao.org |
岛上的土壤层极浅,因此极易在伐木后被大雨冲入海洋和湖泊中。 teebweb.org | Soils are very shallow, and very vulnerable to being washed into the [...] sea and lake byheavyrain after logging. teebweb.org |
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。 discoverireland.com | This beautiful Victorian city hasstacks of things to do, too – you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores. discoverireland.com |
该气候现象之后经常伴有大雨,引发严重的洪涝灾害,对自然、 人文和经济环境经常产生有害影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Drought is often [...] followed by heavyrainfall,which causes serious [...]flooding with harmful consequences on the environment, [...]the population and the economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪,其中最吓人的是一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐烂尸体和硫磺味道。 discoverireland.com | For more dramatic history, you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of spectres, the most terrifying being a small hunched creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulphur. discoverireland.com |
大雨还多次造成积水成涝,大大影响另外一个楼里的 世卫欧洲办。 daccess-ods.un.org | The heavyrains also causedrepeated [...] sewage floods which greatly affected the WHO/Europe office situated in a different building. daccess-ods.un.org |
有报道说,最近大雨过后道路上出 现的新裂缝就是这些活动造成的。 daccess-ods.un.org | New cracks that appeared in [...] roads after recent heavyrain have been attributed [...]by some reports to those activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些代表团还表达了 对容许腐烂和内部损坏的关注,并要求把横向适用于新鲜水果和蔬菜食典标准的排除腐 烂和使产品不适于消费的任何其他类型变质的规定,同样应适用于苹果,因而提议删除 这种容许限量或与横向规定相一致。 codexalimentarius.org | These delegations also expressed their concern on allowances for rotting and internal breakdown and requested that the provisions that exclude rotting and any other type of deterioration that make the product unfit for consumption, which apply horizontally to Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, should also apply to apples, and therefore proposed that such tolerances be removed or aligned to the horizontal provisions. codexalimentarius.org |
热带风暴天鹰引发了大雨和洪水,10 岁的洪灾幸存者罗伊(化名)与家人失散。 unicef.org | Flood survivor Roy (name changed), 10, was separated from his family during Tropical Storm Washi. unicef.org |
例如,大雨侵袭毁林地区可能会造成某 个国家灾难性的山泥倾泻、大规模破坏以及数百人丧生;但是在成功养护大量森 [...] 林植被的邻国却几乎没有受到影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Heavy rains hittingdeforested [...] areas, for instance, may result in disastrous mud slides, massive destruction and hundreds [...]of deaths in one country, whereas a neighbouring country that managed to preserve much its forest cover is hardly affected. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国际地球母亲日一周年之际,我们仍然对在海 [...] 地、智利、印度尼西亚和中国发生的地震,以及巴西的大雨和山崩造成的破坏性影响感到困惑。 daccess-ods.un.org | This first anniversary of International Mother Earth Day finds us still perplexed at [...] the devastating effects of the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Indonesia [...] and China andthe rains and avalanches in Brazil. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而, 利比里亚的暴雨越来越大,雨季越来越长,严重限制了基建项目和其他发展活动 的实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, Liberia’s [...] increasingly heavy rainfall andexpanding rainy season seriously [...]restrict implementation of infrastructural [...]projects and other development activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管遭遇大雨天气,职业业余配对组和业余组车手的竞赛精神均未受到影响,在男子组业余类别的 [...] 17 强中,有超过半数的车手参赛迎接挑战。 lamborghini.com | Wetconditions failed to damp the [...] spirits of the Pro Am and Am competitors, with more than half the 17-strong grid challenging [...]within the Am category of the gentleman driver series. lamborghini.com |
虽然夏季气温可达 40°C,较高的湿度令人感到闷热,但十月到三月间的倾盆大雨往往会浇散高温。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Sydney is blessed with a pleasant climate, rarely dropping below 10ºC at night and with average summer temperatures of around 25°C. [...] Summer temperatures can [...] reach 40°C and high humidity can make it oppressive, butheavydownpours often breakthe heat [...]between October and March. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
白天的炎热已经消退,刚好在她们跳舞结束的时候,倾盆大雨从天而降。 unicef.org | The heat of the day has disappeared, and after their dance, as if on [...] cue, a torrential downpourcrashesover the [...]tin roof. unicef.org |
定期检查存放的货物,在风暴、暴雨、大雪之后进行附加检查并采取适当的措 施。 highvolt.de | Also take appropriate action [...] after storms, heavy rainor snow and so on. highvolt.de |
定期检查存放的货物,在风暴、暴雨、大雪之后进行附加检查并采取适当的措 施。 highvolt.de | Check stored goods at regular intervals. Also take appropriate action [...] after storms, heavy rainorsnow and so on. highvolt.de |
简介 首播日期: 2011.10.20 青春是一场大雨。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2011.10.20 [...] Adolescence islike a heavyrain. justlatte.com |