


blanch (cooking)





investigate the origin of sth.
trace a river upstream back to its source


go back to the source

External sources (not reviewed)

大多数代表团都反对这项提议, 认为它是多余的、 或者不符合国家限制法规。
The proposal was rejected by most delegations as being either
[...] redundantor retroactiveor incompatible [...]
with national statutes of limitations.
[...] 价格不仅受更高饲料价格的影响,还受引入更严厉的环境、食品安全、可动物福利规则的影响。
Future prices might be influenced not only by higher feed prices but
also by the introduction of more rigorous regulations on the environment, food safety,
[...] traceability and animal welfare.
与此同时, 在未采用这种可 统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地位的精炼厂和冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
This interpretation is a clarification of an existing standard and shall have immediate effect and it should
[...] be accounted for retrospectively.
[...] 这些保障措施涉及到罪名和刑罚的合法性、无罪推定、刑事法律的往原 则(除非刑法已变得更宽松)、获得公平审讯的权利、向更高法庭上诉的权利以及 [...]
Those safeguards concern, for instance, the legality of the offences
and penalties, the presumption of
[...] innocence, the non-retroactivity of criminal law, [...]
except where it has become more lenient,
the right to a fair hearing, the right to appeal to a higher court and the right to apply for pardon.
董事可放弃接收任何会议通告而任何有关放弃 可预先应用或
A Director may waive notice of any meeting and any such waiver may be
[...] prospective orretrospective.
其中的一些会员国还尤其反对对会费分摊比 额表进行,因为这会“对本组织的预算规划和计划执行带来不必要的困难,也会对 [...]
Some of these countries also underscored their
[...] opposition toany retroactiveadjustment to [...]
the scale of assessment as it would “bring
unwanted difficulties in budget planning and programme delivery of the Organization and would seriously harm the stability and predictability needed in United Nations system financing”.
案例可们近期对能源法草 案的干预。
An example can be traced totheir recent [...]
intervention on a draft of the energy law.
他们可以根据该信息 ,查看生产成 功批量和优化新酿酒的精确标准”。
They can go back, seethe exact [...]
metrics that produced a successful batch and optimize the new brew based on that information.
在营养教育法方面,本国通过在农业和食品工业部网站上公布相关法规、 在广播电台、电视台播放由各相关部门的国际监管原则组成的、关于消费者权益 保护的第 105-XV 号法律(2003 年
3 月 13 日通过)、成立政府专门负责消费者权 益保护的协调委员会,经常发布有关农产品和食品消费者的信息,同时,关于动 物鉴定与登记的第 231-XVI 号法律(2006 年
[...] 7 月 20 日通过)旨在确保牲畜及动物 来源产品的可
With regard to alimentation education methods, there is a constant information on the consumer of agricultural and food products through the means of publication of the legal provisions on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, broadcasting information on the radio, TV stations about the provisions of the Law No. 105-XV from 13.03.2003 on consumer protection, which comprises international regulation principles of the respective sector, formation of the Coordinating Council in the filed of protection of consumers by the Government, with the provisions of the Law No. 231-XVI from 20.07.2006 on
identification and registration of animals, which
[...] ensures traceability of life stocks and [...]
of products of animal origin.
7.12 如果批准治疗用药豁免的决定经过审查被推翻,这种撤销豁免资格的决定不具有运动员在获准治疗用药豁免期间取得的成绩不得取消,该撤销豁免资格决定在通知运动员 [...]
之后不晚于 14 天内生效。
7.12 If the decision regarding the granting of a
TUE is reversed on review, the reversal
[...] shall notapply retroactively and shall not [...]
disqualify the Athlete’s results during
the period that the TUE had been granted and shall take effect no later than 14 days following notification of the decision to the Athlete.
此外,相反的推 定会造成严重的法律稳定性问题,并且在表示同意受条约约束的时间和确定有关 的保留无效的时间之间在可础上造成法律上的无效性。
Moreover, the opposite presumption would pose serious problems of legal stability and retroactively create a legal void between the time of expression of consent to be bound by the treaty and the time of determination of the nullity of the reservation in question.
[...] 响的文献、研究及其他经济体系的经验;(二)进行卷调查,以了解香港零售 业及饮食业的职级及薪酬架构、报酬及福利条件、工资及其分布和工作时數等(统称为 [...]
评估实施法定最低工资对零售业及饮食业中的细分行业及不同规模企业的薪酬阶梯連 锁反应的影响。
The objectives of this Study are as follows: (i) to review and summarise the relevant literature, researches and experience in other economies on the
knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies;
[...] (ii) to conducta retrospective surveyto examine [...]
the rank and pay structures, remuneration
packages and fringe benefits, wage and its distribution, working hours, etc (collectively known as “organisational structures”) of the retail and restaurant sectors in Hong Kong and their empirical changes; (iii) to examine whether the changes were caused by the implementation of SMW; and (iv) to assess the impact of knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies of enterprises in different sub-sectors and of different sizes in the retail and restaurant sectors.
第三,由于缺乏内部控制系统或可以用来从出口商采地的文件追 查线索,妨碍几内亚当局识别可疑货物(见附件十六)。
Third, the absence of a system of internal control, or a paper trail that can be used to trace diamonds from the exporter back to the mine, prevents the Guinean authorities from identifying suspicious shipments (see annex XVI).
许多细节的拜火教是後来的事态发展,一些职位的基督教和伊斯兰教甚至後,学者分为哪些要素是要 Zo roaster自己的教学。
Many of the details of Zoroastrianism are later developments, some post
Christian and even post Mohammedan, and scholars are divided on what
[...] elements areto betraced to Zoroaster's [...]
own teaching.
Its features include MOF-based model generation from text , with the basic control mechanisms such as: loops, conditional selection, string manipulation , output
elements that reference model to support the model and the text has been generated
[...] between each other "retrospective".
此选项为用户提供一张校准表和一个带序列号的压力表, 该 压力表已经用可家标准与技术研究所的压力表进行 过校准。
This option provides the user with a calibration sheet and a serial-numbered gauge, which has been calibrated with a gauge that istraceable toNational Institute of Standards and Technology.
国际葡萄与葡萄酒局在其自身工作方案中考虑到了若干原则或者食典案文,比如 科学在制定标准方面的作用,当制定该局有关葡萄和葡萄酒行业的可 南方面 的决议草案时,考虑到食品进出口检验标准委员会确立的原则,以及当起草该局关于 葡萄和葡萄酒行业生物技术方面的某些具体定义时,考虑到食典原则和生物技术方面 的定义。
OIV also took into account several principles or Codex texts in its own programme of work, such as the role of science in developing standards, the principles established by the CCFICS on traceability, when developing the OIV draft resolution regarding traceability guidelines in the vine and wine sector, and the Codex principles and definitions on biotechnologies when drafting certain OIV definitions specific to the vine and wine sector with regards biotechnologies.
另外,虽然缔约方采取积极行动来遵守控制措施的做法值得赞扬,但 多边基金没有义务为这些措施提供
Also, while proactive actions to comply with control measures were
commendable, it was not part of the mandate of the Multilateral
[...] Fund toprovide retroactive compensation for [...]
such measures.
在这些市场,消费者在食品新鲜度、多样化、方便程度以及安 全方面正要求有更高的标准,包括质量保证,例如可 包装要求和加工控 制。
In these markets, consumers are requesting higher standards in terms of food freshness, diversity, convenience and safety, including quality assurances such as traceability, packing requirements and processing controls.
本 集 团对以前年度取得的政府补助按照合同规定的项目期限进行了,并相应调减留存收益。
The Group has made retrospective adjustments to government grants received in previous years in accordance with project periods stipulated in relevant contracts and hasaccordingly adjusted downwards the retained profits.
We presume, however, that amendments to legislation
[...] may notbe retrospectiveandthus current [...]
patents would remain valid.
[...] 中解决的缺陷包括:对非公民的权利不够尊重;正当法律程序权得不到保障;自 由和安全权的范围有限;处理国际犯罪的规定没有例外;关于对权利作 出更多减损和限制不符合《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》;缺少对人权受到侵 [...]
Shortcomings in the interim Constitution that should be remedied in the new Constitution include inadequate respect for the rights of non-citizens; inadequate guarantee of due process rights; limited coverage of the
rights to liberty and security; lack
[...] of exception forretrospective criminallaws dealing [...]
with international crimes; provisions
permitting broader derogations and limitations of rights contrary to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; lack of guarantees in relation to effective remedy and reparations for victims of human rights violations; and the lack of enforceability of economic, social and cultural rights guarantees on an equal footing with civil and political rights.
本 集 团 将 根 据 租 赁 开 始 之 时 已 存 在 的 资
料,重 新 评 估 於 采 纳 有 关 修 订 当 日 尚 未 届 满 的 租 赁 的 土 地 分 类,且 倘 若 符 合 金 融 租 赁 的 标 准,可
[...] 确 认 经 过 新 分 类 的 租 赁 为 金 融 租 赁,且 具
The Group will reassess the classification of land elements of unexpired leases at the date it adopts the amendment on the basis of information existing at the inception of the
lease and recognise a lease newly classified as a
[...] finance lease retrospectively if the criteria [...]
of a finance lease is met.
g) 《条例草案》与食物回收法例是否有关 –
谢勵志先生說,《条例草案》订明 新的食物安全管制措施,包括设立食物进口商和分销商登记制度;规定食物
[...] 商须妥为备存交易纪錄,藉以提高食力;赋权订立规例,加强对特 定食物類别的进口管制;以及赋权主管当局作出命令,禁止进口和供应问题 [...]
the FSB provided new food safety control measures, including a registration scheme for food importers and distributors, a requirement for food traders
to maintain proper transaction records to
[...] enhancefood traceability, power to make [...]
regulations for tightening import control
on specific food types and power for the authorities to make orders to prohibit the import and supply of problematic food and order the recall of such food.
(k) 经 签 署 文 件 亦 意 指 经 亲 笔 签 署 、 加 盖 公 司 印 监 或 以 电 子 方 式 或 任 何 其 他 方 式 签 署 之 文 件 ; 而 通 告 或 文 件 亦 意 指 记 录 或 储 存 於 任 何 数 码、电 子、电 动、磁 力 或 其 他 可或 媒 体 之 通 告 或 文 件 , 以 及 可 观 看 之 资 料 ( 不 论 其 是 否 具 体 存 在 )。
(k) references to a document being executed include references to it being executed under hand or under seal or by electronic signature or by any other method and references to a notice or document include a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not.
数量;制定化工行业行为守则以及关于制造、销售和管理前体化学品的准则; 与化学品制造商和零售商订立谅解备忘录;评估国内对前体化学品的合法需 求;为业界和执法机关编写电子学习材料;为化工行业举办研讨会;设立机构
[...] 间前体问题工作组,以制定更好的前体管制办法、 办法以及鼓励自愿 监督非管制物质的措施。
Such measures included extending the number of chemical substances under national control, developing codes of conduct for the chemical industry and guidelines on manufacture, sales and management of precursor chemicals, concluding memorandums of understanding with chemical producers and retailers, assessing the legitimate national needs for chemical precursors, developing e-learning materials for industry and enforcement agencies, holding seminars for the chemical industry and establishing inter-agency precursor
working groups to develop better
[...] precursor controls, backtracking investigations [...]
and measures to encourage the voluntary
monitoring of non-controlled substances.
除 上 面(')所 述 的 采 用法 的 会 计 政 策 变 更 [...]
以 外,根 据 企 业 会 计 准 则 的 有 关 规 定,本 集 团 对 因 首 次 执 行 企 业 会 计 准 则 而 产 生 的 下 述 主 要 会
计 政 策 变 更 采 用 未 来 适 用 法。
Apart from the change in accounting
[...] policieswithretrospective adjustments, [...]
in accordance with ASBE, the Group also implements
changes in accounting policies using prospective application method as set out below.




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