单词 | 溧 | ||||
释义 | 溧—name of a river
英国驻上海总领事馆副总领事Philip Mani先生、江苏省发改委、江苏省股份制企业协会、镇江市上市办、徐州市中小企业管理局、徐州市民营企业发展促进会、大丰市体改办、大丰市企业上市指导办、溧阳市发改委、上海市工商联、上海证券交易所的主要领导在会场前排就座。 boss-young.com | We were honored to have in attendance Mr. Philip Mani, the deputy consul general of British Consulate-General Shanghai, headers of Jiangsu Province Development & Reform Committee, Jiangsu Province Stock Enterprises Association, Zhenjiang Municipal Listing Office, Xvzhou Municipal SMEs Management Bureau, Xvzhou Municipal Private Enterprises Development Promotion Committee, Dafeng Municipal System Reform Office, Dafeng Municipal Listing Enterprises Guidance Office, LiyangMunicipal Development & Reform Committee, Shanghai Federation of Industry & Commerce and Shanghai Stock Exchange. boss-young.com |
长荣交响乐团於2004年起开始出国巡演,至今已创下国内乐团出国巡演的场次纪录,目前海外巡演的足迹包括新加坡、日本东京、韩国首尔、釜山、挪威阿连多、英国伦敦、美国洛杉矶,义大利第里雅斯特、拉维纳、拉维罗、中国上海、北京、厦门、佛山、武汉、长沙、宁波、合川、泸州、自贡、成都、重庆、綦江、南京、溧阳等地。 evergreensymphony.org | The ESO has long since established an outstanding domestic reputation — in September 2004, the ESO began a number of tours abroad, including a public performance at the Esplanade Concert Hall in Singapore, our participation in the "Day of Enthusiasm" Beethoven and Mozart Music Festival in Tokyo, Japan, and our highly successful tour of Beijing and Shanghai in Mainland China. evergreensymphony.org |