单词 | 溜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 溜—slip awayless common: escape in stealth 溜verb—slipv焜—brilliantExamples:灰溜溜—gloomy dejected 滑溜溜—smooth slick 溜冰鞋n—skaten
成45度角倾斜的沙丘高达90米,从上往下滑溜时可听到如汽车飞机般的轰鸣声 [...] — 无法解释而又真实存在的自然奇观。 shangri-la.com | Sliding downfromthe 90-meter-high, [...] 45-degree sand hill, one can supposedly hear the sound of car and aircraft engines, [...]a natural and as yet inexplicable phenomenon. shangri-la.com |
二人很快决定溜了出去,但是当他们到达那里时,他们震惊地发现,持久性有机污染物不仅偷偷出来为好,但发现他的方式进入摔跤环。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The duo soon decideto sneak out, but when they get there, they are shocked to find that Pops has not only snuck out as well, but found his way into the wrestling ring. seekcartoon.com |
湖心岛是北美最大的无车郊外社区,也是进行自行车,滚轴溜冰,沙滩排球和悠闲漫步等休闲活动的绝佳地点。 shangri-la.com | Home to the largest car-free urban community in North America, Toronto Islands are a popular recreational area for bicycling, rollerblading, beach volleyball and beautiful views of Toronto. shangri-la.com |
此外,法拉利亦提供运动器材,包括高尔夫系列、滑雪板和雪橇、滑浪板、滑板、溜冰鞋及头盔。 lyoness.net | Furthermore, Ferrari also provides some of [...] the sports equipment, which includes golf collection, skis & sledge, surf [...] board, skateboard & skate as well as helmets. lyoness.net |
在冬天,我们高兴你会漂亮安排滑雪场,雪橇幻灯片,运行斜坡,自然和人工溜冰场和夜场。 instantworldbooking.com | In winter we delight you will beautifully arranged ski slopes, toboggan slides, running slopes, [...] naturaland artificial skating rink [...]and night skiing. instantworldbooking.com |
当我准备走下美国驻华大使的位置,我离开这个国家时比以往任何时候都更加肯定,世界上没有任何关系象这个关系一样如此充满潜力,如果我们集中我们的精力,就有潜力发挥好的作用,如果我们让这一机会溜走,就有潜力带来损害。 embassyusa.cn | As I prepare to step down as U.S. Ambassador to China, I leave this country more certain than ever before that there is no relationship anywhere in the world, that is so full of potential as this one- potential to do good if we focus our energies, potential to do harm if we let this opportunity pass us by. eng.embassyusa.cn |
您还可到 赖兴瑙岛湖岸上溜旱冰、骑车或慢跑,或者在空中缆绳乐园 感受攀岩带来的强烈刺激。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | You can cycle or jog along the shores of the lakes to the Reichenau Island or experience a rock climbing adventure in the high rope course. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
高刚性与高韧性同时要求的零件,如 脚踏车刹车把手、溜冰鞋底座、脚踏 车轮框。 npc.com.tw | For example, brake lever of bicycle, road roller frame, wheel frame, etc. npc.com.tw |
但是,这个版本的使用不当的解释,其标题和基督教的救世主,并最终打动犹太人本身在英语(见,例如,第贝内特,“重要谈话的授权版本,”伦敦, 1834年,塞利格纽曼,“加班Emendations的授权版本的催产素”伦敦,1839年,本杰明马库斯“(喷泉的生命)难易之旅:顺口溜,更 正和解释说:”都柏林,1854年)。 mb-soft.com | But the impropriety of the use of this version, with its Christian headings and its Messianic interpretations, did in the end impress itself upon the English Jews (see, for example, S. Bennett, "Critical Remarks on the Authorized Version," London, 1834; Seelig Newman, "Emendations of the Authorized Version of the OT" London, 1839; Benjamin Marcus, " (Fountain of Life): Mistranslations and Difficult Passages of the OT Corrected and Explained," Dublin, 1854). mb-soft.com |
当安妮卡返回的宫殿,她的父母担心和过度保护,他们从溜冰以后再不许她。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Annika returns to the palace, her parents are so worried and overprotective [...] they forbid her from skating ever again. seekcartoon.com |
其磨砂粒子是由甜玉米穗轴磨碎造成,因此磨砂粒子极为细小,不会于磨砂过程中造成皮肤负担,无论冬天或夏天都能令肌肤成为鸡蛋般滑溜。 cosme-de.com | As it is extremely small, so will not cause skin burden in the process, whether winter or summer can make the skin become egg-likeslippery. cosme-de.com |
瑞士驻广州总领事洪立焜先生、瑞士国家形象委员 会代表Nicolas Bideau先生、伯尔尼历史博物馆馆长Jakob Messerli先生、广东省人民政府外事办公 室副主任李坚先生、广东科学中心主任王可炜先生出席了开幕仪式,并共同为展览揭幕。 swissnexchina.org | Mr. Ulrich Hunn, Consul General of Switzerland, Mr. Jakob Messerli, Director of Historical Museum Bern, Mr. Nicolas Bideau, Director of Presence Switzerland (PRS), Mr. Li Jian, Deputy Director-General of Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office, and Mr. Wang Kewei, Director of Guangdong Science Center, attended the ceremony to inaugurate the exhibition. swissnexchina.org |
假如你觉得在冰封的海面上溜冰太过冒险的话,那么乘坐公交或者步行前往市中心的溜冰场都是很方便的。 visitfinland.com | If skating on the frozen sea seems too adventurous, the ice-skate rinks in downtown are easily accessible by foot or [...] public transportation. visitfinland.com |
大部分的网页溜览器会自动地接受 cookies;但是通常您得修改您的溜览器作拒绝的设定。 synology.com | Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you may usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies. synology.com |
个人或全家作出承诺,每季尝试一项新活动:雪地健行、远 足、冰壶、单车、保龄球、露营、溜冰、 滑雪、游泳、滚轴溜冰。 cancer-asian.com | Make a personal or family commitment to try a new activity each season: snowshoe, hike, [...] curl, bike, bowl, camp,skate,ski, swim, in-line skate. cancer-asian.com |
可有多大程度的监督﹖有些体育运动具有一定程度的危险性﹐必须在良好的监督之下才可进行﹐例 如游泳﹑溜冰﹑划独木舟﹑冰球﹑网球﹑骑单车和举重。 bcepilepsy.com | Some sports are moderately risky and must be practiced under good supervision, e.g., swimming, skiing, canoeing, hockey, tennis, cycling and weightlifting. bcepilepsy.com |
三菱铅笔的「JETSTREAM」是书写感滑溜的油 性原子笔的先驱。 jp-hotnow.com | Jetstream, a dry-type oil-based ballpoint pen pioneered by Mitsubishi Pencil. jp-hotnow.com |
汽车及运动器材零件用,如汽车保险 杆、溜冰鞋底座、安全面罩等。 npc.com.tw | For low warpage, good surface required applications. For example, housing of heater or fog light, wheel cover, etc. npc.com.tw |
他们喜欢以普遍受欢迎的体育活动为题材的游戏如溜冰游戏,和复杂的奇幻色彩游戏。 cpsc.gov | They enjoy games based on popular sports and activities, like skating, and complex fantasy games. cpsc.gov |
我们的目标是控制在不同角度倾斜您的设备的 溜溜球,并设法捕捉每一级的各种宝石。 cn.moba-app.com | The goal is to control the yoyo by tilting your device at different angles and try to capture various gemstones in each level. moba-app.com |
如果为幼犬提供室外溜狗区 或室外狗窝,请检查不同时段内阳光照射的轨迹。 eukanuba.com.cn | If you have an outdoor dog run or kennel, check the path of the sun during different times of the day. eukanuba.com.au |
SILPURAN® 8630/60可用于生产具有固有溜滑性表面的成型件和半成品。 reports.wacker.com | SILPURAN® 8630/60 can be used to manufacture molded parts and semi-finished products that have very low-friction surfaces. reports.wacker.com |
主要统计资料:动态设施(露天剧场、射箭场、泳滩数目、球场、户外大球场、天然及人造草地球场、硬地足球场、曲棍球场、榄球场、体育馆、滚轴溜冰场、运动场、游泳池场馆、水上活动中心、高尔夫球练习场、障碍高尔夫球场及草地滚球场)数目及静态设施(大型公园、公园/花园/休憩处、儿童游乐场、度假营及露营地点)数目。 censtatd.gov.hk | Major statistics available: No. of active facilities (open air theatres, archery fields, beaches, courts , outdoor stadia, natural & artificial turf pitches, hard surfaced soccer pitches, hockey pitches, rugby pitches, indoor games halls/indoor recreation centres/leisure centres, rollerskating rinks, sportsgrounds, swimming pool complexes, water sports centres, golf driving ranges, obstacle golf course and bowling greens) and no. of passive facilities (major parks, small parks/ gardens/ sitting-out areas, children's playgrounds, holiday camps and camps sites). censtatd.gov.hk |
Sanno Park Tower位于东京中部千代田区核心商务地段,毗邻溜池山王地铁站、五星级商务酒店、服务式公寓、众多日本及外国餐馆、会议设施、诊所、康乐设施等,停车空间充足,让您充分体验便捷带来的愉悦。 executivecentre.com.cn | Located in the heart of Chiyoda district in central Tokyo, Sanno Park Tower offers a prime business address that enjoys quick access to subway Tameike-Sanno Station. 5-star and business hotels, serviced apartments, multiple Japanese and foreign restaurants, conference facilities, clinic as well as ample car parking complete the amenities on offer. executivecentre.com.hk |
VTA 表示,这种老式翻新的电车,只有在圣诞节日期间才会使用,而且免费搭乘,服务路线从圣荷西的 Civic Center 公车站,到 Diridon 轻轨车站,途中经过公园、商业街、溜冰场等市中心娱乐观光区域。 ktsf.com | San Jose, CA – Holiday magic will be in the air starting Friday, November 30 as the VTA “Holly Trolley” unites the nostalgia of the past with the young and young at heart! ktsf.com |
芬兰南部银装素裹的城市,如赫尔辛基和图尔库,为游客提供了不一样的圣诞体验,比如在市中心溜冰,还有那些香气扑鼻、令人垂涎的冬季集市。 visitfinland.com | Snow-covered cities in the south, such as Helsinki and Turku, offer different Christmas experiences for visitors, such as ice-skating in the heart of the city and winter markets that lure you in with their mouth-watering aromas. visitfinland.com |
但是在一个门外汉看来似乎奇怪的是,虽然很清 楚所有这些损失和破坏是由谁造成的,现在似乎却要 他人来支付账单,肇事者却溜之大吉,不需要承担任 何责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | It seems strange, however, from the perspective of a layman, for someone else to be footing the bill, so to speak, when it is clear who the perpetrator was that caused all that damage and destruction and got off scot-free. daccess-ods.un.org |
冬季活动包括滑雪,单板滑雪,溜冰场,雪鞋,越野滑雪,雪军,温泉浴,水力按摩池,而在夏季,有步行道,壁球,游泳池,桑拿浴,滑翔伞,划船,山地自行车,骑马,攀岩,网球,瑜伽,骑自行车和蹦床。 leapfrog-properties.com | Winter activities include Skiing, Snowboarding, Skating Rink, Snowshoes, Cross-Country Skiing, Snow Scout, Spa, Jacuzzi while in the summer you have Walking Trails,Squash, Swimming Pool, Sauna, Paragliding, Canoeing, Mountain-Biking, Horse Riding, Climbing, Tennis, Yoga, Quad Biking and Trampolining. leapfrog-properties.com |