单词 | 溅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 溅—splashExamples:溅射v—sputterv 喷溅v—splashv 溅射—sputtering
一阵震耳欲聋的 巨响,耀目火光四溅,性能强大的质子火箭载着价值不菲的卫星 徐徐升空。 asiasat.com | With an ear-splitting roar and cascades of sparks, the powerful Proton rocket gently lifted its valuable cargo skywards. asiasat.com |
外层包装必须密封,以防止处理时溅溢:(a) 将纸板盒或外层包装封口。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Seal the outer packaging to avoid spillage of the contents during handling: (a) Close the carton box or outer packaging. wastereduction.gov.hk |
非均质的溅镀制程可能导致层厚度的不均匀及模组上的光学瑕疵。 gpsolar.de | A non-homogeneous sputtering processcan cause [...] variations in layer thickness and optical defects on modules. gpsolar.de |
请勿将灯泡放在可能会有水溅上去、儿童接触 得到的地方,或易燃物附近。 viewsoniceurope.com | Do not place the lamp in locations where water mightsplash on it, children can reach it, or near flammable materials. viewsoniceurope.com |
要避免溅起水花,否则 须配戴眼罩或面罩。 chp.gov.hk | Goggles or face shields [...] should be worn if splashingislikely. chp.gov.hk |
切不可把水倒入酸中,这样会引 起飞溅和产生过热。 container.carrier.com | DO NOT PUT WATER INTO THE ACID - [...] this will cause spattering and excessive heat. container.carrier.com |
键盘上的液体可以排出,就算不慎溅洒也不用担心您的键盘损毁。 bigboxx.com | Liquid drains out of the keyboard, so you don¡¦t have to worry about bigboxx.com |
防泼水键盘,即使被水溅湿亦不会流进电脑内部。 panasonic.oa.hk | Spill resistant keyboard protected by seamless sealing panasonic.oa.hk |
日常使用防水功能(达 3 个大气压)表示这类表可防止偶尔溅到的水花进入手表。 citizen.com.hk | Water resistance for daily use (to 3 atmospheres) means the watch is water resistant for [...] occasional accidentalsplashing. citizen.com.hk |
在美国进行的一项关於笔记簿型电脑损坏的调查指出,有72%的笔记簿型电脑损坏的主要原因是携带时掉落引致,液体溅湿的占66%,亦有55%是由桌上掉下,此三个最主要原因均与人为及日常使用有关。 panasonic.oa.hk | This is mainly caused by notebooks being dropped. According to a US-conducted survey, 72% of notebook malfunctions were due to notebooks dropped while being carried, liquid spill caused 66% of damages and 55% resulted from falling off desk or table. panasonic.oa.hk |
确保不要将伺服器放在可能泼溅到液体的地方。 seagate.com | Ensure that the server won’t be in an area where liquids may be spilled on it. seagate.com |
可将有限硬体保固* 延长至 3 [...] 年,并可选购意外损坏服务*,针对有限硬体保固未涵盖的电流突波、液体泼溅及其他危险,提供周密保护。 dell.com | Extend your Limited Hardware Warranty* up to 3 years, and choose Accidental [...] Damage Service* for protection against power [...] surges, liquid spills and other hazards [...]not covered under your Limited Hardware Warranty. dell.com |
此外,贴心的防水设计可保护键盘,避免因意外泼溅而受损。 geniusnetusa.com | In addition, a spill resistant design protects the keyboard from accidentalspills. geniusnetusa.com |
有液体溅到伺服器上或伺服器接触到水。 seagate.com | The server has liquid spilled onto it or is exposed to water. seagate.com |
激光元件 [...] 提供的医疗激光器,具有低泄漏和稳定层,这是制造与IBS技术,离子束溅射。zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Laser Components provides for medical lasers with low leakage and stable layers, which are manufactured with the IBS [...] technology ionbeam sputtering. en.developmentscout.com |
温度计破碎後的溅出物、损坏的电器开关或补牙的汞合金释放均会使人接触水银。 hcphes.org | You can be exposed due to a spill from a broken thermometer, a damaged electrical switches or a released from dental amalgam fillings. hcphes.org |
请以低转速设定来使用蒸锅烹调,高速设定可 能导致热烫食物溅出或冒出泡沫。 nutrimaxorganic.com | Higher speed levels [...] can lead to splashing hot food or [...]liquid to froth up. nutrimaxorganic.com |
最後鱼的表面已经没有水分了,这是加油进去也不再会飞溅,反而更加容易将鱼皮煎得香脆。 daydaycook.com | When the fish is fully cooked, there would not be any water on the surface of fish, and it is the time to add more oil and fry the fish crispy. daydaycook.com |
卡尔·克鲁斯焊接 开发了一种前所未有的标记系统,以避免飞溅在组件内部的顽固的残余物,如从焊接在一起hohlwandiger工件,特别是对管。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Carl Cloos Welding developed an unprecedented mark on the system to avoid splashes stubborn residue inside the component, such as from welding together hohlwandiger workpieces, particularly for tubes. en.developmentscout.com |
高速设定 可能导致液体产生泡沫溅出。 nutrimaxorganic.com | Higher speed [...] levels canlead to splashing of hotfood or [...]frothing up of liquid. nutrimaxorganic.com |
我们在水中游戏,让水花飞溅!Splash and Sing Submarine 是一个有趣而互动的洗澡玩具,更附有不同的海中角色配件。 www1.vtech.com | The Splash and Sing Submarine is a fun interactive bath toy featuring fun sea characters. www1.vtech.com |
本装置已完全密 封以确保维持稳定运作,能完全防止灰尘、雨、雪及 液体泼溅。 idnet.com.tw | The MC55A0 delivers outstanding performance, even after exposure to heat, cold, dust, water — and 1,000 consecutive tumbles in our rotating tumble drum. idnet.com.tw |
这些领域的工人要暴露在危险的辐射热程度下,而且也需要防止熔化的金属飞溅物。 lenzing.cn | Workers in these industries can be exposed to dangerous levels of radiant heat and also require protection [...] from molten metalsplashes. lenzing.com |
如隔油器设於室内,应小心处理,以防油污溅到或污染食物贮存间或调 制区。 bccdc.ca | If the grease trap is indoors, take [...] care to avoidsplashing or contaminating [...]food storage or preparation areas. bccdc.ca |
(b) 能用於在氩水中进行获取溅射或圈球形金属粉末的电射装备; (c) 能用於透过在惰性媒介(例如氮)中将熔体磨碎而“生产”圈球形铝 粉的装备。 stc.tid.gov.hk | (c) Equipment usable for the "production" of spherical aluminium powders by powdering a melt in an inert medium (e.g. nitrogen). stc.tid.gov.hk |
如果液体已溅至这些配件上,请立即拔除本器材插头,并使用纱布或 其他吸水材质,拭乾该液体。 aandd.jp | If liquid does spill on these parts, immediately unplug the device and wipe off the liquid with gauze or other absorbent material. aandd.jp |
下边的形式化的波浪与暗色船体之间保留着一定的距离,好像溅出浪花飞沫,齐天大圣坐这样轻飘的船再恰当也没有。 e-yaji.com | Formalized waves have been carved into the ground material, marking the progress of the boat through the water, and a stroke of sheer genius is exhibited by keeping the waves exquisitely separate from the dark hull of the boat, leaving a line of light between it and the shadows cast by the tops of the waves, suggesting undefined spray and rendering the boat appropriately ethereal and other-worldly for the vehicle of an immortal. e-yaji.com |