单词 | 湿疹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 湿疹 noun —dermatitis nless common: chloasma n • amenorrheaAE n See also:湿 adj—wet adj 湿—moist 疹 n—rash n • pertussis n • tetanus n • diphtheria n
湿疹患者能够做的最重要的事情是:通过每天使用保湿霜来抑制皮疹。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The most important thing [...] sufferers of eczema can do is to [...]apply moisturizer daily to keep the rash in check. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
湿疹的病 因很复杂,因此,我们不能“针对病因进行治疗”,而只能控制症状。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The etiology of eczema is very complicated [...] and as a result we cannot “treat the cause” – only the symptoms can be controlled. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
得了这种病的患者几乎都有直系亲属(父母和兄弟姐妹)有哮喘、花粉症、其他过敏症 或 湿疹 病 史 的情况。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Patients with the condition almost always have [...] immediate family members (father, mother, brother, or sister) with a history of asthma, hay [...] fever, other allergies, or eczema. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
宝宝外耳道的湿疹往往 同时伴有全身其他地方 的 湿疹 , 症 状较重时可以全身应用抗过敏的药物。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Eczema of the outer ear canal often occurs along with eczema of other parts of [...] the body, sometimes making it necessary to [...]use allergy medication to treat the whole body. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
公司为他 生产了许多治疗皮疹、癣和湿疹的药 物。 fresenius100.de | For him, Fresenius produced various compounds [...] for the treatment of rashes, lichen and eczema. fresenius100.de |
大约有10%~20%的婴儿和3%的成年人患有一种被称为 “ 湿疹 ” 或 “特异应皮炎”的皮肤病。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | About 10-20% of infants and 3% of adults have a skin [...] condition known as eczema or atopic dermatitis. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
eczema”在中文里被直译为“湿疹”( 有渗出倾向的皮肤炎症性反应)是对这种皮肤病急性期外观表现的一种形象化描述。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The direct [...] translation of eczema in Chinese – “oozing rash” – is a vivid [...]description of what this condition can look like during an acute flare-up. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
冬春两季通常是急性湿疹发病 的高峰期,因为干冷空气和花粉 是 湿疹 的 常 见诱因,它们可使患者的病情恶化,由于瘙痒而不停地搔抓;有时可能还会发生严重的细菌或病毒感染。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Winter and spring are usually the peak seasons for acute flare-ups, as cold, dry air and pollen are common triggers that lead to patients getting worse and nonstop scratching due to itchiness; sometimes serious infection from bacterium or virus may also occur. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如多动症,自闭症,尿床,绞痛,耳部感染 , 湿疹 , 荨麻疹,蚊虫叮咬,咽喉炎,疣等相关症状,需要父母更多关心。 cn.iherb.com | Attention Deficit [...] Disorder, Autism, Bed-wetting, Colic, Ear Infection, Eczema, Hives, Insect [...]Bites, Strep Throat, and Warts [...]are some of the conditions that concern parents. iherb.com |
尽管我们不了解引起湿疹的确切病因,但是我们知 道 湿疹 患 者 的免疫系统会对某些刺激产生过度反应。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Although we do not know the exact [...] cause(s) of eczema, we do know that the immune system of patients with eczema will overreact [...]to certain irritations. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
长久以来,传统医学一直将其用于舒 缓 湿疹 与 痤疮等皮肤感染。 clarinsusa.com | It has long been used in traditional medicine to relieve skin [...] infections such as eczema and acne. clarinsusa.com |
然而一些不够幸运的患儿成年后仍会患 有 湿疹。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Still some are not fortunate and [...] will suffer from eczema into adulthood. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
另一个孩子则患有严重的湿疹,每天必须治疗叁次。 amccsm.org | The other child [...] suffers extreme eczema and must be treated [...]three times each day. amccsm.org |
甘草还被收入了中国药典,具有消炎杀菌的作用,可用于治 疗 湿疹 和 银 屑病。 clarinsusa.com | It also appears in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia [...] as having anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic properties useful for treating skin [...] ailments such as eczema and psoriasis. clarinsusa.com |
家族中有哮喘病和湿疹病史 的人,患花粉热的可能性会大一些。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | A person is more likely to suffer from hay fever if they have a history of allergies, [...] such as asthma or eczema, in their family. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
导致宝宝外耳道湿疹最常见原因是湿热,如躺着喂奶、喝水、洗澡时水进入耳朵,或是宝宝习惯侧睡,耳朵被压在枕头里,汗液进入耳朵,刺激了耳廓和外耳道肌肤,造成轻度炎症。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | It is usually caused by moisture entering the ear, such as during feeding, bathing or sometimes when children sleep on their sides and moisture (perspiration) is pressed into the ear, irritating the auricle (folds of cartilage of the outer ear) and causing mild inflammation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
月见草油主要用作减轻皮肤瘙痒及相关的皮肤问题( 如 湿疹 和 皮 肤炎)及缓解经前综合症(PMS)的乳房胀痛或其他问题。 nulife.com | Evening primrose oil is used primarily to relieve the [...] itchiness associated with certain skin [...] conditions (such as eczema and dermatitis) [...]and to ease breast tenderness from premenstrual [...]syndrome (PMS) or other causes. nulife.com |
在急性暴发期过后,患者往往会迁延不愈、转化成长期的慢 性 湿疹 , 慢 性期皮肤干燥并出现斑丘疹。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | After an acute flare-up subsides, patients usually experience a long chronic period during which the skin looks dry and patchy. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
鳄梨油 摘录自台湾世茂《芳香疗法配方宝典》P39 颜色: 深绿来源: 果实成分: 维他命、蛋白质、卵磷脂、脂酸用途: [...] 适用各种肤质,尤其是干燥、缺水、 湿疹 的 皮 肤基础油: 可当作基础油,100% [...]Avocado Oil鳄梨油 摘录自台湾中山大学美丽之岛BBS 使用:渗透性佳。 cnonen.com | Avocado Oil extracted from the Taiwan shimao the balmy therapeutics formula dian P39 color: dark green sources: fruit ingredient: vitamin, protein, lecithin, fatty acid usage: it [...] is suitable for all kinds of skin, [...] especially dry, dry, eczema skin base Oil: [...]can be used as a base Oil, 100% Avocado Oil [...]Avocado Oil extracted from the beautiful island of Taiwan zhongshan university BBS use: good permeability. cnonen.com |
湿疹 cn.diagnosispro.com | Eczema en.diagnosispro.com |
全株或根和叶用作治疗风疹,乳腺炎,牙痛,月经过多,痢疾, 皮 湿疹 , 肠 炎,等的药。 flora.ac.cn | All parts or roots and leaves are used as [...] medicine for urticaria, mastitis, toothache, menorrhagia, dysentery, skin eczema, enteritis, etc. flora.ac.cn |
阎医师是百汇的皮肤科主任医师,带领皮肤病医师及皮肤病外科医师团队为患者提供皮肤癌筛查,皮肤肿瘤的外科及激光治疗,窄谱 UVB 照射对治疗严重泛发性银屑病和湿疹 具 有 很好的疗效。 parkwayhealth.cn | As the chief dermatologist at ParkwayHealth China, Dr. Yan is leading a team of dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons to provide skin cancer screening, surgical and laser [...] treatment for skin tumors, narrow-band UVB phototherapy which is effective for [...] treating widespread psoriasis and eczema. parkwayhealth.cn |
汗疱症(也称为“出汗不良性湿疹” ) 是一种常见的皮肤疾病,会在温暖的季节里反复发作。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Dyshidrosis eczema is a common skin [...] disorder that can re-occur in every warm season. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
外耳道湿疹与湿疹一样 都是过敏性疾病。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Just like other forms of eczema, eczema of the external ear canal is an allergic reaction. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
03 ] 与皮肤病学家Karl Herxheimer合作研 制的卡邦尼奥(Carboneol)为皮肤 病药物又添新枝,用于治疗鳞癣和湿 疹。 fresenius100.de | 03 ] Carboneol, which was developed in collaboration with the [...] dermatologist Karl Herxheimer, proved to be a very [...]useful addition to the range of skin care remedies. fresenius100.de |
(但Shirley Price认为由于Vit. E.它可以适度的保存鲜度) [...] 能使用的浓度:100% 生命周期:短 纯甜杏仁油(Sweet almond oil) 摘录自台湾BF [...] 含丰富维他命D及蛋白质,为有效之柔软剂,对肌肤有明显功效,有淡淡的坚果香味;适合成熟及有皱纹皮肤,也非常适合治 疗 湿疹 及 粗 糙、干裂等肌肤病症,常用于身体按摩。 cnonen.com | E. Because it can moderate save freshness) can use concentration: 100% life cycle: short pure Sweet almond oil (Sweet almond oil) extracted from Taiwan contains rich vitamin D BF and protein, for effective softener, skin have obvious effect of a light fragrance, nuts [...] Suitable for mature and wrinkle skin, also [...] very suitable for eczema and rough treatment [...]and other skin diseases, weather-shack, often used in body massage. cnonen.com |
最后来说说“脓疱疹(黄水疮)”,这是一种传染性很高的突发型细菌性皮肤病,它尤其会影响患 有 湿疹 的 皮 肤,或是被咬伤、割伤、擦伤以及被水痘病毒感染的皮肤;通常应当采用抗生素治疗噢 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | It particularly [...] affects skin with eczema or that has been [...]bitten, cut, bruised, or infected with chicken pox; antibiotic [...]treatment is usually recommended. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |