单词 | 湎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 煎verb—fryv煎—sautépan fry湎—drunkExamples:煎熬—suffering torment ordeal 煎熬v—sufferv languishv 煎熬n—torturen agonyn
中心地处密西西比河三 角洲,它是为低薪的非裔美国工人和所有在极端贫困 中煎熬的人,为他们的尊严和人权而奋斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Located in the Mississippi delta, the Center fights for the dignity and human rights of low-wage African-American workers and all those who languish in extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
煎蛋台采用热量和蒸汽,每一次都能煎制出完美多汁和可口的鸡蛋。 antunescontrols.com | The Egg Station uses heat and steam to cook perfectly moist and delicious eggs every time. antunescontrols.com |
如果丙烯酰胺令你担心,那就不要吃或减少吃已知含有丙烯酰 胺的煎炸食物,例如炸薯条和薯片。 cancer-asian.com | If you’re worried about acrylamide, avoid or cut back on fried or deep-fried foods that have been shown to contain it, such as French fries and potato chips. cancer-asian.com |
这个发面煎饺是用小香菇、姬松茸和新鲜小蘑菇做馅,味美极了,饺子皮下面焦香上面暄软,很受欢迎。 maomaomom.com | These delicious mushroom meat pan fried dumplings are made with leavened dough, soft on the top and crunchy on the bottom. maomaomom.com |
由於现时有关丙烯酰胺的资料有限,我们无须改变就基本膳食习惯 所作的健康饮食建议:即应保持饮食均衡,多吃蔬果,不进食过量煎炸 和肥腻食物。 cfs.gov.hk | At present, the data on acrylamide are not sufficient to warrant changes in basic dietary advice on healthy eating, i.e., have a balanced and varied diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and should moderate consumption of fried and fatty foods. cfs.gov.hk |
在抗癌的每个阶段,病童和家人均需接受心理医生与义工的协助,陪伴他们走过身心备受煎熬的历程。 clarinsusa.com | During each step of the struggle, children and their families need support from psychologists and volunteers to help them through this terrible ordeal. clarinsusa.com |
根据他们的文化,亲人被残暴杀害的状况以及逝者没有得到适当安 葬的事实仍使他们备受煎熬。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under their culture, they remain still tormented by the circumstances of the violent deaths of their beloved ones, and the fact that the deceased did not have a proper burial. daccess-ods.un.org |
这也是让 千百万无辜、正受痛苦煎熬的受害者摆脱困境的需 要,我们每天都能从电视屏幕上看到他们企求的目 光。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also the need to answer to the plight of millions of innocent, suffering, victims whose pleading eyes we see daily on our televisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您是一名系统管理员,正在承受着如下的煎熬:发疯地寻找配置某个服务的JBoss AS配置文件;痛苦地敲着冗长的JBoss管理命令行;眼花缭乱地在n个终端窗口中切换对JBoss服务器实例的监控,那么您应该立即停下来,关注一下JBoss社区新开源的项目Jopr。 javakaiyuan.com | If you are a system administrator , are suffering the torment of the following : crazy looking for the configuration a service JBoss AS configuration file ; painfully knocked long JBoss management command line ; dazzling in n a terminal window, switch to the JBoss monitoring server instance , you should immediately stop , look at JBoss new open source community projects Jopr . javakaiyuan.com |
欧陆餐厅贝隆亦将为宾客献上精致盛宴,推出六道菜肴套餐包括烟燻蓝鳍金枪鱼刺身、龙虾浓汤及香煎鹅肝,主菜则可选择智利海鲈鱼或美国USDA西冷扒,最後奉上精选甜品。 yp.mo | The six-course anniversary menu at Belon includes Smoked Blue Fin Tuna Sashimi, Lobster Bisque, Pan Seared Foie Gras, a main course selection of Chilean Sea Bass or USDA New York Strip and a Dessert Sampler. yp.mo |
再者,大约 6 200 名 巴勒斯坦囚犯在以色列监狱中继续忍受煎熬,他们 在监狱中遭受着酷刑和许多其他形式的虐待。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, some 6,200 Palestinian prisoners continued to languish in Israeli prisons, where they were subjected to torture and many other forms of ill-treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过仔细商议及考虑後,我们作了一个艰难痛苦之决定 ~~ 为了不让“小猪”再受痛苦煎熬,我们让牠早些离开、去伊甸园与其他在等待领养期间离世的哥哥姐姐一起过些永无疾病痛苦,只有欢乐的日子。 hk-aac.com | After careful deliberation and consideration, we have made a difficult decision ~ ~ in order to end the pain and torture of "Mini Pig", we let him go in peace, go to join his brothers/ sisters who were passed away while waiting for adoption at the Garden of Eden, there will no pain, no disease, only joy. hk-aac.com |
以上五味,取茯苓192g,粉碎成细粉;牡丹皮用水蒸气蒸馏,收集蒸馏液,分取挥发性成分,备用;药渣与桂枝、白芍、桃仁及剩余的茯苓用90%乙醇提取2次,合并提取液,回收乙醇至无醇味,减压浓缩至适量;药渣再加水煎煮二次,滤过,合并滤液,减压浓缩至适量,与上述浓缩液合并,与茯苓细粉混匀,干燥,粉碎,加入适量的糊精,制颗粒,干燥,加入牡丹皮挥发性成分,混匀,装入胶囊,制成1000粒,既得。 taipio.com | Take Poria 192g, crushed into fine powder; moutan steam distillation, collecting distillates, get volatile components; dregs and cassia twig, peony, peach kernel, and the remaining Poria with 90% ethanol extract 2 times and then combined extract, recovery of ethanol from non-alcoholic flavor, evaporated to moderate amount; dregs plus secondary water boiling, filtration, combined filtrate, evaporated to the amount, combined with the concentrated solution, and Poria powder mixing, drying, crushing, adding the right amount of dextrin, particle system, dry, add Cortex Moutan volatile ingredients, mixing, into the capsule, made 1000. taipio.com |
用全麦面粉做煎饼,上面放水果。 ucsfchildcarehealth.org | Make pancakes with whole-grain flour and top with fruit. ucsfchildcarehealth.org |
在31号下午4点到结束营业,穿上你最好的木乃伊、巫师或是绿色辣椒装,到任何Chipotle买$2的玉米煎饼。 ba-repsasia.com | Come into any Chipotle dressed in your best mummy, witch, or green chili pepper outfit on the 31st between 4PM to close and get a $2 burrito. ba-repsasia.com |
提交人称,他自己也是缔约国违反《公约》第七条的受害者,15 由于两个 哥哥连续失踪,并知道他们两人处于危及生命的条件下和遭到了酷刑,所以一直 倍受煎熬。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.4 The author contends that he himself is a victim of a violation of article 7 of the Covenant,15 in the light of the continuous and severe emotional distress he experienced as a result of the successive disappearances of his brothers, knowing that both of them were exposed to life-threatening conditions and torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们知道,谋 求持久和平的努力有可能受到拒绝阵线势力和恐怖 活动的阻挠,但我们不能让暴力及绝望来决定以色列 和巴勒斯坦儿童是生活在和平之中,还是在冲突中遭 受煎熬。 daccess-ods.un.org | We know that attempts to move towards lasting peace may be met by rejectionists and terrorism, but we must not let the forces of violence and despair determine whether Israeli and Palestinian children will live in peace or languish in conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们提供各种型号,可以为早餐三明治煎制鸡蛋和火腿或者制作定制的鸡蛋卷。 antunescontrols.com | Models are available to cook eggs and grill ham for breakfast sandwiches or to cook made-to-order omelets. antunescontrols.com |
较大的空间和别致的比萨炉让这家美丽纳波利的分店可以提供更多品种的经典南意大利美食,如Melanzane alla Parmigiana(鸡蛋加意大利干酪、番茄酱和罗勒),Paccheri alla Vesuviana(意大利面加青瓜、橄榄油、辣椒和樱桃番茄酱),Filetto alla Casalinga(家常牛排佐意大利香醋)和Branzino all’acqua Pazza(香煎鲈鱼佐大蒜、樱桃汁和新鲜罗勒),还有每天的商务套餐。 diningcity.com | The larger space and special pizza oven mean an extended menu here though the focus remains classic Southern Italian with dishes such as Melanzane alla Parmigiana (Eggplant with mozzarella, tomato sauce and basil), Paccheri alla Vesuviana (Large tube pasta with capers, olives, chili and cherry tomato sauce), Filetto alla Casalinga (Homestyle beef tenderloin in balsamic vinegar sauce) and Branzino all’acqua Pazza (Pan-fried sea bass with onion, cherry tomatoes and fresh basil) featuring alongside daily specials and a set business lunch. diningcity.com |
Made in土佐的雪糕系列包括米饭、盐、黑糖、煎茶、红茶和鸡蛋共六种选择,全以云呢拿雪糕为基本味道——米饭雪糕在细味下,可嚐到一颗颗以日本高知县出产的二期作白米,口感黏韧,米味浓郁;以日本土佐黑潮町的海盐制成的盐味雪糕,保留了海盐的矿物质成份,入口初段甘甜,最後才渗出阵阵咸味,配以米饭雪糕同吃咸味更浓;红茶雪糕亦即是奶茶,吃时就像呷着一杯冰冻奶茶;煎茶雪糕用上来自池川的绿茶调制,茶味甘浓;鸡蛋雪糕每口都是强烈的蛋香和奶香融和,却不会太甜;黑糖雪糕则从边缘已可看见密布的小颗黑糖结晶。 think-silly.com | Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of saltiness to the sweet flavour, with health enhancing minerals – even more so when eaten with rice ice cream; English tea ice cream is like chewing (or sipping, depending on your habit) through an iced white tea; Sencha sourced from Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering of milk and egg, and not too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces. think-silly.com |
在阿波美监狱,主任说,2007 年司法部启动了一个利用学习班培训囚犯的 方案;工作涉及加工咖喱、芥末、煎饼和面包。 daccess-ods.un.org | At Abomey Prison, the director said that a programme of training courses for prisoners in the workshops had been started by the Ministry in 2007; the work involved preparation of gari, mustard, pancakes and bread. daccess-ods.un.org |
煎锅煮法: 用中火加热薄饼直至温暖或热。 sfgourmet.com | Fry Pan: Heat Crepe on medium heat until warm or hot. sfgourmet.com |
在樓上一樓,设有即时煎药服务;而樓上二至三 樓,设立为凉茶店,售卖健康养生凉茶,因为雷生春为着名一级歷史建 筑物,相信可吸引区外人士和游客光顾。 heritage.gov.hk | As Lui Seng Chun is a well-known Grade I historic building, we believe it could attract patronage from tourists and people outside the district. heritage.gov.hk |
利用全新套餐 Bellini 早午餐菜单令您的早午餐更加美味可口,其中包括烤牛肉配橄榄油煎蛋和干胡椒酱或山羊奶酪意大利饺配五朵百合等纯正的意式主菜。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Add some bubbles to your brunch with the Bellini Brunch Menu featuring rustic Italian-inspired main courses like Grilled Chopped Wagyu Beef Crostone with olive oil fried egg & green peppercorn sauce or Goat Cheese Ravioli with Five Lilies. marinabaysands.com |
於平安夜、圣诞节和节礼日当天的特色套餐各包括两款前菜 (如脆金枪鱼卷及软壳蟹伴橄榄酱及蘑菇伴鹅肝酱馄饨) 、三款主菜供食客任选其一 (如烤美国传统火鸡伴板栗馅和野生酸果汁、香煎卡真三文鱼伴蒜子或烤加拿大有骨牛肉) ,还有窝心的甜品选择、即磨咖啡或茶,以及圣诞饼乾和碎肉馅饼,务求令这个圣诞餐饮体验充满着浓厚的节日气氛。 hk.sandsmacao.com | The Christmas Eve, Christmas and Boxing Day Set Menus each feature two starters (such as crispy ahi roll with soft shell crab with brandade dip and mushroom cappuccino with foie gras wonton); three main courses to choose from (traditional roasted U.S. young Turkey with stuffing and wild cranberry sauce, pan-fried Cajun salmon with confit garlic or roasted Canadian prime rib of beef with reduction jus); as well as a warm dessert, freshly brewed coffee or tea, and Christmas cookies and minced pies to finish the seasonal experience with a festive touch. sandsmacao.com |
以上八味,陈皮提取挥发油,药渣备用;其余炙黄芪等七味加水煎煮二次,第一次2小时,第二次煎煮时加入上述陈皮药渣,滤过,合并滤液,静置,取上清液浓缩至相对密度为1.16~1.19(20℃)的清膏,加蔗糖粉446.7g及适量的糊精,制成颗粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成3000g;或清膏加适量的糊精制成颗粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成1000g,即得。 taipio.com | Citrus extract volatile oil, dregs spare; rest material boiling water twice, the first two hours, when second boiling add the residue dried tangerine peel, filtration, combined filtrate, the supernatant was concentrated to the relative density of 1.16 ~ 1.19 (20 ℃) of clear paste, add 446.7g sugar powder and the amount of dextrin, made of particles, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 3000g; or clear paste made of particles increases the amount of dextrin, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 1000g. taipio.com |
四道菜色分别为意大利野菌沙律、自制意粉、顾客自选牛仔柳或香煎鳟鱼,并以合桃忌廉配焦糖香梨及白松露为这个别致的餐饮体验划上一个完美的句号。 yp.mo | The set menu features a warm porcini and chanterelle mushroom salad, home-made tagliolini, and the guest’s choice of veal tenderloin or pan fried ocean trout, and a walnut cream with caramelized pear and fresh truffle for dessert. yp.mo |
早午餐已经成为了纽约生活制度习惯的一部分,不少的居民都懂得走去Norma's (Le Parker Meridien hotel, 118 W. 57th Street; 1 212 708 7460)吃一顿传统的美食,或品尝新的口味,如焦糖巧克力香蕉拿破仑式烘饼,和龙虾露笋煎蛋卷。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Brunch is something of an institution in New York, and long-time residents still sing the praises of Norma's (Le Parker Meridien hotel, 118 W. 57th Street; 1 212 708 7460), which as well as many traditional items provides innovative selections like caramelised chocolate banana waffle napoleon or seared rock lobster and asparagus omelette. homeandaway.hsbc.com |