

单词 渺无人烟

See also:

无烟 adj

tobacco-free adj


nonsmoking (e.g. environment)

External sources (not reviewed)

我拍摄任何题材的照片,渺无人烟 的 悬 崖看日出, 到纯商业演示。
I photograph anything from barren cliffs at sunrise, to pure business presentations.
那样,面对浩瀚 无边的空人也不会显无比渺小”
Then there will also be people who do not shrink from the dreary vastness of space”.
海滨地区以外,西澳大多数地区均为一 无 垠 的 人烟 稀 少 之地:纽拉伯平原、大沙沙漠、吉布森沙漠和维多利亚大沙漠覆盖了该州大部分地区。
Away from the coast most of WA is a huge empty stretch of outback: along with the Nullarbor Plain and the Great Sandy Desert, the Gibson and Great Victoria Deserts cover much of the state.
n. 旅客确认船上包含无烟区,并同意不在无烟区抽烟及如果旅客不遵守承 人 订 立 的 无烟 政 策 ,承 人 有 权 令其 上岸。
Guest acknowledges that the Vessel contains non-smoking sections. Guest agrees to refrain from smoking in those
sections and agrees that Carrier has the right to
[...] disembark the Guest for failure to observe Carrier's non-smoking policy.
这些渺的记忆,无关空气,无关天 空,在某一个时点向着地球表面与更高的天空之间远远飘走。
This elusive memory, which is of neither the air nor the sky, at some point took to drifting endlessly between the earth’s [...]
surface and the higher sky.
不涌时是一弘清澈见底、明净如镜、池底由地下喷出的含硅物质凝结成的五彩缤纷或蔚蓝或橙红的底面;涌泉开始喷涌前,先从池底冉冉 烟 飘 渺 而 上,犹如美女的面纱,渐渐地池中喷出水泡,池面掀起涟漪,轻烟也渐成浓雾,直至池水达到沸点,突然水声澎湃、水花乱溅,几十道晶莹漱艳的水柱,此起彼落地射向崆穹,如银色的烟花,在空中不断爆炸, 人 叹 为 观止!
Philip Chung is not crystal clear when, bright and clean as a mirror, the bottom of the silicon material ejected from the ground condenses into a colorful or blue or orange-red underside; springs start spewing
before the start on
[...] the bottom and slowly smoke misty as if the veil of beauty, spray pool gradually blisters, pool deck set off ripples, smoke gradually became thick fog, until the water reached boiling point, a sudden sound of surging water, spray splashing chaos, dozens of brilliant crystal clear rinse water column, after another to fired Kong Mountain dome, such as silver fireworks exploded in the air constantly, [...]
主席,我當然明白內地處事的方式,越是高調聯署爭取,成功的 機會可能反而渺茫,而很人也覺得他們已經做了可以做的事情。
President, I of course understand that by the way things are done in the Mainland, the more high profile the
signature campaign is, the less likely it will be
[...] successful, and many people feel they have already done [...]
what they can.
人的渺小更本无法阻 挡大自然的力量,所以大家都选择“听山由命”,能活多久就多久。
Humans’ strength
[...] are small and unable to fight with [...]
mother nature.
(c) 在人中促 进和创造有利于健康行为的环境,包括通过职业安全和健康 措施,酌情包括良好的企业做法、工作场所身心健康方案和健康保险计划,建无烟工作场所及安全和健康的工作环境
(c) Promote and create an enabling environment for healthy behaviours among workers, including by establishing tobacco-free workplaces and safe and healthy working environments through occupational safety and health measures, including, where appropriate, through good corporate practices, workplace wellness programmes and health insurance plans
会议 建议 粮农 组 织与 成员 国共 同致 力 于提 高对 粮食 不安 全 和营 养不人 群 的 饮食尤为重要的作物的生产率,其中包括淀粉类主食、豆类、粗粮、蔬菜、园艺 作物和油料作物。
The Conference recommended that FAO work with member countries to increase productivity of crops that are of particular relevance to the diets of food- and nutritionally-insecure people, including starchy staples, pulses, coarse grains, vegetables, horticultural crops and oil crops.
本案所涉的强迫失踪事件发生在1996 年,受人在14 年前遭到任意拘留 之后一渺无音信 ,我不明白这样一起案件竟会不牵涉到侵犯生命权的问题。
European Court of Human Rights, Handyside v. United Kingdom, Judgement of 7 December 1976, Series A, No. 24, para. 41; Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Godínez-Cruz v. Honduras; Series C N, para. 172; Judgement of 20 January 1989.
按照指导准则,需通过在所有室内工作场所、室内公共场所、公共交通 工具以及适当时包括其他公共场所建立 100%的无烟环境,将防止烟草烟 雾扩大到全人民, 加强立法、行政和监管能力。
Protection from tobacco smoke needs to be extended to cover the
[...] [...] whole population by creating 100 per cent smoke-free environments in all indoor workplaces, [...]
indoor public places, public transport, and as appropriate in other public places, reinforcing legislative, administrative and regulatory capacity, in line with the guidelines.
参与的合作伙伴包括:伦敦吸烟与健康行动,华盛顿特区吸烟与健康行动,支持不吸 烟者权利美人,无烟草青少年运动,英国癌症研究院,印度健康桥,国际抗癌联合 [...]
会,国际防痨与肺部疾病联合会,约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院全球烟草控制 研究所,强生公司,辉瑞公司,推动无烟草环境行动,Roswell
Park癌症研究所,欧 洲无烟合作组织,东南亚烟草控制联盟,世界心脏联盟,以及世界肺健基金会。
Partners include Action on Smoking and Health – London, Action on Smoking and Health –
Washington, D.C., Americans for Nonsmokers’
[...] Rights, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Cancer [...]
Research UK, HealthBridge India, International
Union Against Cancer, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute for Global Tobacco Control, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Promoting Action for Tobacco Free Environments (APALTA), Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Smokefree Partnership Europe, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, World Heart Federation, and World Lung Foundation.
但是,据许 多非政府组织报告,它们遇到一些官僚主义障碍和腐败问题,使那些本来就很难 获得体面的生活和生计的脆人群本 已 渺 茫 的 机会受到进一步影响。
Yet many NGOs reported encountering
[...] bureaucratic hurdles and corruption, which are thus affecting the already poor chances of [...]
the most vulnerable to a decent life and livelihood.
我經常說這裏鳥語花香人語渺然, 包括小弟 在內,沒有辦法,若不對動物說動物話,牠們如何明白?
I always say that though the environment here is beautiful and pleasant, no one (including me) speaks like human beings.
屹立烟波浩渺的碧 海的悬崖峭壁和被波涛洗刷过的长约2km的海岸线。
Senkaku Bay offers a scenic view of the rocky, precipitous cliffs stretching along the coastline for about 2 kilometers against the deep-blue of a surging sea.
对于那些罹患艾滋病并且不住在大城市附近 人 ,希渺茫的
For those who become sick with AIDS and do not live near a large town, hope vanishes.
造成慢性阻塞性肺部疾 病的主要原因是吸入烟,无论浓烟 来 自 抽烟还是室内炊烟,减少抽烟和补贴人使用 更清洁的烹饪燃料可预防这一疾病。
Because the primary cause of the disease is smoke inhalation, whether from tobacco use or indoor cooking fires, reducing tobacco use and subsidizing the use of cleaner cooking fuels by poor people can prevent the disease.
对推进乌拉圭控烟进程的心脏病专业医生来说,取得的成效 人 瞩 目 :自乌拉 圭实施全无烟法律 后,心肌梗死的入 人 数 降低超过20%,这与欧洲、北美等地的发现一致。
For the cardiologists who devoted their time to driving Uruguay’s progress in tobacco control, the outcomes have been documented: hospital admissions for myocardial infarctions have
declined by more
[...] than 20% since Uruguay implemented its comprehensive smokefree law – echoing findings in other locations in Europe [...]
and North America.
Yurekli 博士是世界卫生组无烟草倡议的高级经济师,同时兼任加拿大国际发展研究机构国际烟草控制研究 (RITC) 计划的项目负人。
Dr. Yurekli is a senior economist for the World Health Organization's Tobacco Free Initiative and a program leader with the Research for International Tobacco [...]
Control (RITC)
program at the International Development Research Center in Canada.
在英国皇家舰艇“邦蒂号”的一些弃船者(9 名反叛者和 18 名波利尼西亚人) 于 1790 年抵达皮特凯恩(以
[...] 1767 年首见该岛的海军少尉候补军官罗伯特·皮特 凯恩之名命名)时,岛上无人烟。
Pitcairn (named after Robert Pitcairn, a British midshipman who sighted it
[...] in 1767), was uninhabited when castaways [...]
from HMAVBounty (9 mutineers and 18 Polynesians) arrived there in 1790.
委员会建议缔约国采取措施禁止促销烟草产品并制订立法确保所有封闭的公共环 境完无烟草。
The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ban the promotion
of tobacco products and enact legislation to ensure that all enclosed public environments are
[...] completely free of tobacco.
从列入世界遗产名录的国家公园,到奢华的雨林静居 人烟 罕 至 的海滩 无 论 您以哪种方式游览无垠的海岸线,您都会很快发现为何这是澳大利亚生活方式不可分割的一部分。
From World Heritage-listed national parks to luxury rainforest retreats and beaches where you won’t see another person; whichever way you experience our infinite coastline, you’ll [...]
soon discover why
it is an integral part of the great Australian lifestyle.
然而, 为了应对现在和未来的挑战,需要拟定和执行一批新的公共政策,查明和保护城市环境中文化和 自然价值在历史上的层层积淀以及平衡。
However, present and future challenges require the definition and implementation of a new generation of public policies identifying and protecting the historic layering and balance of cultural and natural values in urban environments.
再往西,平原渐渐隐逝在无人烟的 内 地,那里夏季气温可超过 40ºC。
The plains fade into the outback in the far west, where summer temperatures can soar to over 40ºC.
日本代表团虽然不反对该项新工作建议,但建议该标准的范围不应包括西米淀粉, 其加工过程和质量要素与西米粉有很大的差别。
The Delegation of Japan, while not opposing the proposal for new work, suggested that the scope of the standard should exclude sago starch, whose manufacturing process and quality factors were quite different from sago flour.
城市历史景观是文化和自然价值及属性在历史上层层积淀而产生的城市区域,其超越了 “历史中心”或“整体”的概念,包括更广泛的城市背景及其地理环境。
The historic urban landscape is the urban area understood as the result of a historic layering of cultural and natural values and attributes, extending beyond the notion of “historic centre” or “ensemble” to include the broader urban context and its geographical setting.
其實,當局一直指本港農場的禽流感風險大,農場與民居非常接近,但 為何局長不考慮重新規劃,在一渺 無 人 煙 的地方開設雞場,並協助雞農提 高生物安全的預防措施,防止野鳥入侵,整體提高本地雞農的管理質素?
As a matter of fact, the authorities have always said that local farms pose very great threats of avian flu as the farms are very close to the residential areas. However, why can the Secretary not
consider the re-planning of land
[...] use, so that some remote sites can be used for operating [...]
chicken farms, and efforts should
be made to assist chicken farmers in taking precautionary measures to raise the level of bio-security, to prevent the invasion of wild birds and to enhance the management quality of local chicken farmers?
(i) 针对所有员工无烟医疗 卫生机构政策——关于 1 0 0 % 无烟 医 疗 卫生机构的理论、烟草控制常识(尤 其是使用烟草和烟草烟雾暴露造成的危害)和尼古丁成瘾、政策内容、政策要求、投诉程序、所有员工的执 [...]
(i) Tobacco-free healthcare facility policy for all staff – rationale for a 100% tobacco-free [...]
healthcare facility, general
tobacco control (specifically the harms caused by using tobacco and exposure to tobacco smoke) and nicotine addiction, content of the policy, requirements of the policy, the complaints process, enforcement by all staff including key messages to support, consequences of non-compliance (disciplinary process), and cessation support for staff who use tobacco.




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