单词 | 游走 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 游走 —wanderingless common: migrate • unfixed See also:走 v—walk v • go v • leave v • run v • visit v 走—through • go away • change (shape, form, meaning) • die (euph.) • move (of vehicle)
尤其是军火商游走于合 法和非法经 营之间,通过前沿公司的错综复杂的安排掩盖他们的 行踪,这些公司利用通过犯罪得到的收入从事投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | Arms dealers in particular swing between licit and illicit business, covering their tracks through complex arrangements of front companies that invest the proceeds from crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
大家都会很盛行一起去踏青、郊游、 走走 步 道、到海边等等。 4tern.com | During weekends, usually, everyone will go for a outing, such as, [...] jungle trekking, walk to the beach and so on. 4tern.com |
我们不能等待 180 年,或 30 年,恰如巴勒斯坦不能游走几十年在世 界上找不到立足之地。 daccess-ods.un.org | We cannot wait 180 years, or 30 years, just as Palestine cannot be making pilgrimages over the decades to find a place in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国政府很可能继 续成功地在美国和朝鲜之间游走并努 力维护朝鲜半 岛的整体稳定。 crisisgroup.org | China is likely to continue navigating successfully between the U.S. and DPRK while trying to ensure overall stability on the Korean peninsula. crisisgroup.org |
香港的市民要求公平和公正的待遇,但他們也 珍惜能夠優游㆞走到街 ㆖時所感到的那份安全感。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong people want fairness and just treatment and they also value [...] feeling safe to walk the streets without fear. legco.gov.hk |
人们带着好几百年的 历史游走四方,他们将沿着他们熟悉和认可的路线继 续游走。 daccess-ods.un.org | People carry around centuries of history and will continue travelling on the routes that they know and accept. daccess-ods.un.org |
白天在内部监狱主要是囚犯在内墙之 间 游走 , 很 少有监狱工作人员在场。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the day the inner prison was dominated by the prisoners circulating within the inner walls, with very occasional presence of prison staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
以游走于城 市的行为艺术方式,彩虹国王如施魔法般,将多伦多的市民和旅行者吸引到这一神奇的世界,让所有人为之着迷。 ba-repsasia.com | A walking piece of art, the Rainbow King thoroughly enchanted all the people of Toronto to join in the magic that was stationed in many parts of the city. ba-repsasia.com |
否则,细菌会利用受感染的牙周袋作为进入毛细血管的途径 , 游走 到 人 体其他部位,包括胎儿处。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Otherwise, bacteria use the infected pockets as a pathway to enter the blood capillaries and travel to other parts of the body, including the fetus. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
沉浸”是一种经历,一种体验;是人类意识短暂抽离物理世界 , 游走 于 真 实与非真实之间的一种状态,也是人类借助当代科技手段,通往与真实世界平行的另一非线性时空的过程。 shanghaibiennale.org | IMMERSION is an experiment, a free state of mind [...] between real and unreal where human consciousness [...]is drawn away from the physical [...]world to reach non-linear time and space. shanghaibiennale.org |
不论学生原来的背景如何,他们学会毫不费劲 地 游走 于 东方和西方风格之间,自然和自信地应对和沟通。 ycis-bj.com | Regardless of their original background, YCIS students achieve a natural ability to successfully respond and communicate, effortlessly moving between Eastern and Western styles. ycis-bj.com |
上世纪90年代早期,柏林墙推倒以后,Michael Schiefel一直游走在柏林的俱乐部之中,随着一个城 市新文化意识的蓬勃发展,他也收获了巨大的艺术回报。 yugongyishan.com | Michael Schiefel’s apprenticeship in Berlin clubs in the early 1990s after the Wall fell, as the city flourished with a new cultural sense of possibilities, has reaped huge artistic rewards for him. yugongyishan.com |
跟其他同系列的作品一樣,《金色的網XTWPEO》捨棄了視覺焦點,不規則但有條不紊的網線平均分佈在畫布上,讓觀眾的目光流暢地在網線之 間 游走 , 探索畫面上的細節。 ravenelart.com | In Golden-Nets XTWPEO, Kusama creates a whirling cosmos awash with the brilliant light of a myriad stars. Though lacking a focal point, Golden-Nets XTWPEO arrests attention, and provides the [...] opportunity for visual exploration as the [...] viewer’s eye moves harmoniously over the canvas, [...]discovering subtle spirals and undulating [...]waves in the daubed details of the nuanced painted layers. ravenelart.com |
第一次实现了混合头在待密封的工件 上 游走 , 并 将组分混合物涂抹到工件的沟槽中的创举。 sonderhoff.de | For the first time, a mixing head travelled over the work piece to be sealed and applied the component mixture to the groove of the work piece. sonderhoff.de |
此外,政府於2008-2009年度額外撥款1,712萬元,供188間津 助安老院舍和長者日間護理中心改善設施(例如裝置 防 游走 系統 和多元感觀治療設施等),以便照顧患老年癡呆症長者。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, the Government allocated an extra $17.12 million to 188 subsidized RCHEs and day care centres in 2008-2009 so that they could improve their facilities (such as installing anti-wandering systems and multi-sensory facilities, and so on) for serving demented elders. legco.gov.hk |
广受好评及曾经获奖的Post Magazine即将换上全新面貌,除了延续每周日最具火花和吸引力的评论文章,新版编排和设计将令阅读更流畅,加入的新环节则包括每周带大 家 游走 不 同 区域和楼房的物业专题,不容错过。 tipschina.gov.cn | Continuing on our tradition of the city's most fascinating and critical articles to get spark discussions every Sunday, our new design will make navigation easier, will include a few new features, including a new property page that gives a sneak peek into some of the local homes and neighbourhoods. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们将富合地区猴群的季节性游走模 式以及食性看作是食物供给和温度变化之间折中的结果,这些行为特征和其它温带灵长类的相似。 actazool.org | Fuhe are results of compromise between food availability and temperature variations and coincide with the ranging patterns of other temperate monkeys. actazool.org |
沿着Contemporary by Angela Li 艺术空间游走中环 荷里活道,途经文武庙、中区警署建筑群、穿梭具香港地道特色的旧唐楼群、然后是华洋汇集的苏豪区与兰桂坊,观众将在短短十数分钟的路程中沉淀思潮,客观地审视城市发展与个人、社会文化及未来下一代的关系。 office339.com | Start off from Contemporary by Angela Li on Hollywood Road in Central, by way of the Legislative Council Building, Tamar site, Wanchai Waterfront Promenade, and finally reaching the Jockey Club Atrium located inside Hong Kong Arts Centre in Wanchai, viewers will take time to be buried in thoughts, contemplate the connection between urban development and individuals, social culture, and future generations. office339.com |
在提及各国在移民过程的各个阶段保护所有儿 童权利方面应承担的义务时,他主要指处于如下三 类情况的儿童:被已迁徙家人抛弃的儿童、在各国 四处游走的移 民儿童和在接收国的移民儿童,特别 报告员坚持要求关注女孩遭受性暴力和歧视所处的 极其脆弱的境况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling the obligation of States to ensure the protection of all children at all stages of the migration process, who could be divided into three categories (children left behind by migrating family members, children moving across borders and migrant children in host countries), he stressed the special vulnerability of the girl child to gender-based violence and discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有一个人物不得不介绍,就是彩虹城的国王,他的出现俨然成为了彩虹城的亲善大使 , 游走 于 市中心的彩虹城和多伦多周边地区。 ba-repsasia.com | Appearing in Rainbow City and around Toronto was the Rainbow King, Wish Come True Festival’s very own ambassador. ba-repsasia.com |
雙處理器 Mac Pro 型號採用了 QuickPath Interconnect 架置在兩個處理器之間,成為兩者之間的直接通道,令處理器至處理器的數據無需 先 游走到 I/O 集線器。 mammals.org | In dual-processor Mac Pro models, there’s a QuickPath Interconnect between the two processors as well. This connection acts as a direct pipeline, so processor-to-processor data doesn’t need to travel to the I/O hub first. mammals.org |
世界在您身边游走,湛蓝海面闪烁着点点水晶,您还能想象出更美妙的泳池体验吗? msccruises.com.cn | It’s hard to beat a swim in our outdoor pools [...] as the world glides by and the blue of the ocean reflects the aqua of our crystal waters. msccruises.com.eg |
书名指的是古代的乌克兰诗人,他们在乡村四 处 游走 吟 唱史诗歌曲,通常弹奏一种名叫卡巴扎的弦乐器。 wdl.org | The title refers to the ancient Ukrainian poets who traveled the countryside singing epic poems, often playing a stringed instrument, the kobza. wdl.org |
需求模型游 走于各 组织的边界,从内部或外部服务的合同部分到一个组织。 sparxsystems.cn | Several of the features Enterprise Architect provides are useful across any modeling you may decide to undertake. sparxsystems.com |
该系列拥有男女成衣和配饰,其风格完 美 游走 于 精 致摩登与都会雅痞之间。新系列的“Gucci Viaggio”标签由黑色、墨绿色和灰色组成,连同标志性的织带条纹也是黑-灰-黑的组合,彰显与众不同的个性。 gucci.com | Balancing the contemporary values of dynamic elegance and cosmopolitan nonchalance, the line includes an extensive selection of ready-to-wear garments and accessories, for both women and men, distinguished by the new “Gucci Viaggio” label and a focused color palette of black, ink and grey, which even appears on the signature web stripe in a black-grey-black combination. gucci.com |
在能源價格方面 西德州中級原油近月期 貨價格在每桶 79.3 到 98.87 美元之間游走 同 一時期 杜拜原油價格則在每桶 100.03 美元到 113.21 美元之間 然而 西德州原油從 7 月中 到 8 月中的均價比前一個月的均價低了 2.8% 但杜拜原油均價卻上揚了 1.5 apecscmc.org | As for energy prices, the WTI near month futures price moved within the range of USD 79.3 and 98.87 /barrel and Dubai crude prices between USD 100.03 and 113.21 /barrel during the same period. apecscmc.org |
针对巴尔科(BALCO)实验 [...] 室和“港口行动”的重要调查,以及世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)开展的研究都表明,一些商 业网络游走于法 律边缘,显然是为了向运动员提供可提高成绩的物质及方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Key investigations, such as those into the BALCO Laboratory and Operation Puerto, as well as research undertaken by the World Anti-Doping [...] Agency (WADA) have shown that there are [...] business networks operating on the margins [...]of the law with the express purpose of furnishing [...]athletes with performance-enhancing substances and methods. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们用吉他、键盘、提琴等多种乐器,混合随机声音采样,不考虑旋律与和声本身,而是在极简长音和超大声波层 里 游走 , 共 建一道繁盛回旋的曼妙音景。 yugongyishan.com | Their lush arrangements of guitar, keyboard, viola, other assorted instruments and random sound samples often eschew reliable melodies and vocal harmonies in favor of occasional passages of minimal drone or maximal sonic layerings. yugongyishan.com |
对于Rirkrit这样的游牧式艺术家来说(由于父亲是泰国的外交官,他出生于阿根廷,从小就变换不同国家生活,而作为一个成功的艺术家,他在纽约、柏林和清迈都有家,并一 直 游走 于 世 界各地参加展览),连清迈的别墅都很少长时间逗留,更不用说乡下的这个小木屋了。 alternativearchive.com | Rirkrit was a nomadic artist (his father was a diplomat and he was born in Argentina and had lived in different countries since he was little; after becoming a successful artist, he had houses in New York, Berlin and Chiang Mai, and had traveled around the world to attend exhibitions) , he spent little time in his villa in Chiang Mai, not to mention the small wood house in the countryside. alternativearchive.com |