

单词 游击战

See also:


guerrilla warfare


strike v


war n
battle n

External sources (not reviewed)

许多土库曼斯坦士兵开游击战争, 数万人为 了保卫家园而战,土库曼斯坦人民为他们英勇无畏的 行为而自豪。
A great many Turkmen soldiers
[...] fought as partisans, and tens of thousands fought in battles for their homeland, [...]
and the Turkmen
people are proud of their exploits.
民兵对安全部队进行公开游击战争 ,导致多人被杀和许多侵犯人权行 为,近 20 万居民被迫从阿比让流离。
The militia
[...] conducted open guerrilla warfare against the security [...]
forces, resulting in numerous killings and human rights
violations and the forced displacement of nearly 200,000 inhabitants from Abidjan.
准军事一词可适用于多种部队,有的是戍守国家边界,尤其是为打击非法 移民、走私游击战人员 潜入等活动,还有的主要任务是维护国内安全。
Such forces may be intended to
guard the national frontiers, mainly against such activities as illegal migration,
[...] smuggling or guerrilla infiltration.
正义运动与苏丹政府间的敌 对行动仍在继续,前者在丧失杰贝勒穆恩基地后展开 游击战 , 后者对正义运动 的流动部队进行了空中轰炸和地面进攻。
Hostilities continued between JEM and the Government of the
Sudan, with the
[...] former carrying out guerrilla warfare after losing its bases in Jebel Moon and the latter carrying out aerial bombardments and ground attacks against JEM [...]
mobile forces.
目前还没有证据证 实反独联已经或者计划采游击战术。
There is no evidence that the UDD as an organisation has adopted
[...] or aspires to guerrilla tactics.
青年党领导人将谢里夫总统和过渡联邦政府说成 是“叛教者”,继续使游击战术、 简易爆炸装置和定点清除对他们进行攻击。
Al-Shabaab leaders describe President Sharif and the Transitional Federal
Government as “apostates” and have continued to
[...] attack them with guerrilla tactics, improvised [...]
explosive devices and targeted killings.
1976 年,土著人民政党Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti的武装分支Shanti
[...] Bahini,对孟加拉国政府发起了低强 游击战 争 , 以 回应对其自治权的侵蚀、拒绝宪法承认,以及否认他们在政治、经济和社会上的 [...]
In 1976, the Shanti Bahinis the armed wing of the indigenous peoples’ political party, Parbatya Chattagram
Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS), initiated a
[...] low-intensity guerrilla war against the [...]
Government of Bangladesh in response to
the erosion of their autonomy, the denial of constitutional recognition and their political, economic and social marginalization.
摩加迪沙仍有青年党残余, 安全局势仍不稳定,反叛分子也仍有可能对过渡联邦 政府和非索特派团、甚至不幸的是对境内流离失所者 和平民发动恐怖袭击和采游击战术。
Pockets of Al-Shabaab remain in Mogadishu, the security situation remains precarious, and the insurgents are likely to resort to terrorist attacks and guerrilla tactics targeting the TFG and AMISOM forces and, unfortunately, even the internally displaced and other civilians.
在为了反 抗对该国这一区域土著人民权利的侵犯和压制而发动的低强 游击战 争 持续 25 年之后,孟加拉国政府与土著政党 Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti [...]
于 1997 年 12 月 2 日签署了该协定。
The present study assesses progress in the implementation of the major provisions of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord, which was signed on 2 December 1997 by the Government of Bangladesh and the indigenous
political party,
[...] Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti, after 25 years of low-intensity guerrilla war waged in reaction [...]
to violations and
suppression of the rights of indigenous peoples in that region of the country.
(e) 萨尔瓦多报告说,自 1992
[...] 年结束冲突以来,该国经历了私营保安公司 激增时期,其中大多数公司由军官、其他安全机构以及少数曾经参加萨尔瓦游击队战斗的人员组成。
(e) El Salvador reported that it had experienced a proliferation of private security entities after the end of the conflict in 1992, most of which were comprised of elements of
military rank, other security bodies and a small number of persons
[...] that had been fighting for the Salvadorian guerrilla
此外, 我作为一个参加游击队战士复员正式仪式的军事 代表团的团长,将于今年 8 月份再次访问东帝汶,这 将是一个吸取东帝汶人民经验教训的机会。
In addition, my next trip to Timor-Leste next August as head of a military delegation to the official ceremony for demobilizing former guerrilla [...]
fighters will be
an opportunity to draw lessons and learn from the experience of the Timorese people.
据路透社 2009 年 7 月 14
[...] 日发表的一篇报道介绍,2009 年,青年党好战分 子在对索马里部队和非洲联盟部队 游击 式 攻 击 中 取 得了一 战 果。
According to an article published by Reuters
on 14 July 2009, Al-Shabaab militants made
[...] gains in 2009 in guerrilla-style attacks on Somali and African [...]
Union forces.
26 他继续在下文中以信件炸弹为例,称 战游击 队 员可 从中吸收的经验是新形式的袭击能出其不意地震撼敌 人。
26 He goes on to use the letter bombs as an
illustration, saying
[...] the lesson for mujahidin to take away was that using a new form of attack jarred the [...]
enemy because it was completely unexpected.
报告阐述了内部武装冲突如何给该国带来诸多 战 , 包 括 游击 队 组 织完全无 视国际人权法的情况。
The report demonstrates how the internal
armed conflict continues
[...] to pose many challenges for the country, including the complete disregard for international humanitarian law by guerrilla groups.
由于武游击团 伙大量滋生,而且往往分为各个战 派 别,内部动荡越 来越有可能演变为规模更大的区域战争。
With armed guerrilla groups proliferating and often dividing into warring factions, internal instabilities increasingly tend to evolve into larger regional wars.
[...] 捐躯者;要不断地尽心保存和维护军人墓地、纪念标志、纪念碑和方尖纪念碑以游击队员、地战斗人 员和法西斯营地受害者之墓;要加紧搜寻伟大卫国战争 [...]
We therefore urge that the memory of those who died for the freedom and independence of their homeland should be held sacred; that constant care should be taken to duly preserve and maintain military grave sites, memorials,
monuments and obelisks, as well as the
[...] graves of partisans, underground fighters and prisoners [...]
of fascist camps; and that the search
should be intensified for the remains of soldiers and civilians who died at the hands of fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War.
欧洲——第三世界中心把恐怖组 织库尔德工人党/劳工党称作“库尔德民兵”和“库尔 游击 队 员 ”,把 其成员称作“库尔德工人战斗人 员”,还把其恐怖活动称作“库尔德 起义”和“库尔德斯坦工人党的武装斗争”。
Centre Europe-tiers monde refers to terror organization
PKK/Kongra-Gel as
[...] “Kurdish militia” and “Kurdish guerrillas”, its members as “fighters of the PKK” and its terrorist [...]
activities as “Kurdish
rebellion” and “armed struggle of the Workers Party of Kurdistan”.
(d) D 部分题为“复原、大赦和其他事项”,其中述及各种问题,包括国际难 民、境内流离失所者和土战士的 复原,以及 游击 队 和 其他卷入武装斗争的人 给予赦免。
(d) Part D, entitled “Rehabilitation, General amnesty and other matters”, addresses a wide range of issues, including the rehabilitation of international refugees,
internally displaced
[...] persons and indigenous fighters, and the granting of amnesty to the guerrillas and other people [...]
involved in the armed struggle.
塔吉克斯坦还是毒品贸易的路线之一,这就更加重了 击 腐 败的 挑 战 , 并使通过 静脉注射吸毒传播艾滋病毒/艾滋病成为一个关切。
Tajikistan is also a route for the drug trade which
[...] complicates the challenge of tackling corruption [...]
and makes the spread of HIV/AIDS through
injecting drug users a concern.
5 月号 6 月期间,在考卡山谷,海军战队成 员通过儿童收集该地 游击 队 的信 息.8 月,在乔科省,据称,国民军人员询问 13 至 16 岁的四名儿童(他们刚离开 民族解放军)以求获得军事情报。
In August, in Chocó, national army personnel allegedly questioned four children between the ages of 13 and 16 who had demobilized from ELN to obtain military intelligence.
首先,每个人都在想我们如何将引擎从第三人称 击游 戏 转 变为动作游戏,但我们有Marvel Ultimate Alliance游戏的相关经验并且具有核 战 斗 系统,我们重写了它们并将其应用到虚幻技术中,然后它就有效了。
At first everyone was wondering how we were going to turn
the engine from a
[...] third person shooter into an action game, but we had the experience from Marvel Ultimate Alliance as well as the core combat systems and we [...]
rewrote re-wrote them
all and applied them right to Unreal and it took.
[...] 沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛全国委员会分别举行了国家级研讨会,研究制定本国文化 游战 略。
With the support of UNESCO, the National Commissions of the three Baltic States –
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – organized simultaneously a national seminar to devise
[...] national cultural tourism strategies.
从介绍非集中战略实施问题的击 信 息上一下便能清楚地看出,非集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体,而应当被看作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the
information on the implementation
[...] of the decentralization strategy that it should not be seen [...]
as the dismantling of a centralized
bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept.
(c) 还敦促哥伦比亚政府执行适当战略 以 打 击 准 军 事组织解散后成立的 非法武装团体,保证保护平民免受其实施的有组织暴力侵害;并建议安全部队加 强努力,坚定且毫不含糊地预防、调查、起诉和惩处这些非法武装团体,不与这 些团体有任何牵连,不能对其采取容忍或默许态度。
(c) Also urges the Government to guarantee the protection of the civilian population from the organized violence perpetuated by illegal armed groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations, by implementing appropriate strategies to combat them; and recommends increased efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish, firmly and without ambiguity, any links, tolerance or acquiescence by security forces towards these groups
[...] 法行为是准军事组织解散后成立的非法武装团体 游击 队 组 织的成员实施的,特 别是哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军,有些则是由安全部队的成员实施的。
These violations have been attributed to members of illegal armed groups
that emerged after the paramilitary
[...] demobilization and guerrilla groups, in particular [...]
FARC-EP, as well as, in some cases, members of security forces.
另外,大会第六十六届会议就中美洲的可持续旅游业和可持续发展举行了第 一次讨论,并确认考虑到已宣布 2012
年为中美洲可持续旅游年,有必要特别是 通过消费可持续旅游产品与服务来推动发展可持续旅游业,加强生态旅游业的发
[...] 展,同时应保持土著和地方社区文化和环境的完整性,加大对生态敏感地区和自 然遗产的保护力度,此外还需要推动发展可持续 游 业 和 能力建设,为此要考虑 到应对气候变化战和遏 止生物多样性丧失等方面的需要(第 66/196 号决议)。
Also at its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly held its first discussion on sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America and recognized the need to promote the development of sustainable tourism, in particular through the consumption of sustainable tourism products and services, and to strengthen the development of ecotourism, taking into account the declaration of 2012 as the Year of Sustainable Tourism in Central America, while maintaining the culture and environmental integrity of indigenous and local communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and the natural heritage, and to promote
the development of
[...] sustainable tourism and capacity-building, taking into account the need to address, inter alia, the challenges of climate change [...]
and the need to
halt the loss of biodiversity (resolution 66/196).
[...] 人民军在本年度上半年释放多名被绑架警察和政治家等之后难以再释放更多人 员游击队组 织继续无视国际人道主义法并袭击平民;以及因不确定是否举行公 [...]
Other developments which affected human rights were serious irregularities involving the Department of National Security (DAS); on-going tension between the Government and the Supreme Court, including the impasse in the selection of the Attorney General; difficulties in achieving more releases after the release of, inter alia, various kidnapped policemen and politicians by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of ColombiaPeople’s Army (FARC-EP) in the first half of the year; continued
disregard for international
[...] humanitarian law by guerrilla groups and their attacks on the civilian [...]
population; and the political
polarization fuelled by the uncertainty around a possible referendum that could allow President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term.
由于诸如毒品国际组织、准军事化活动 游击 队 一 类极其严峻危险的因素相互作用, 地区政治演变继续从治理的角度传达出极为复杂的信号。
The region’s political evolution continues to transmit highly complex signals in terms of governance because of the interaction of very severe risk factors such as drug cartels, paramilitary activities and guerrillas.
但是,如果棉兰银行抢劫不是法德里所 说的小团伙单独作案,而是唯一真 游击 队 发 起 的有组织的行动,那它就可能会对所谓“小组织 从事暴力行为,大组织争取社区支持”的理论提 出质疑。
But if the robbery were a more organised JAT operation than Fadly suggests, it might throw a spanner in the theory of leaving violence to small groups, while letting the larger organisations pursue community support.




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