









crave for
long for
greatly desire

External sources (not reviewed)

倘若妇女有工作经验,以㆒展所长,如因没有㆟给予机会以致无法投身 为她们带来满足感的事业,实在是浪费。
It is wasteful that women with work experience are not given the opportunity to return to a fulfilling career if they so wish, and be able to apply their skills.
这些国家找各种机会,就不受气候变化影响的基础设施的开发 和能源安全开展合作。
Those countries also had a keen interest in seeking opportunities for cooperation in climate-proof infrastructure development and energy security.
数以十亿计的人升生活水平,而为了增加供应量去满足该需求,推动了全球市场对商品 的 长 远 需 求。
Thedesire of hundreds of millions of people to improve their living standards, and the challenges of growing supply to meet that the resulting demand, underpin the fundamentals of global markets for commodities in the long term.
它们能够帮助塑造中国的行为模式,即,鼓 励中国通过合作而非竞争逐步满足对能源安全
They can help shape the way in which China’s quest for energy security develops by encouraging cooperative rather than competitive behaviour.
尽管安全理事会特别是安理会文件和其他程序 问题非正式工作组不断作出努力试图改变工作方法,
[...] 但正如安全理事会主席的说明(S/2010/507)指出的 那样,所有这些努力都不符合大部分会员国的期许
Despite the continued efforts and attempts within the Security Council to improve its working methods, particularly those undertaken by the Council’s Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, as reflected in the note by the President of the Security
Council (S/2010/507), none of those
[...] attempts meets theaspirationsor the ambitions [...]
of the larger majority of Member States.
(b) 不包括惯常只作为食物或饮品(即为提供能量、营养或水份)而食用或 饮用的产品,亦不包括惯常为满足对味道、质感或气味食用或饮 用的产品。
(b) does not include a product which is customarily consumed only as food or drink (that is to say, to provide energy, nourishment or hydration) or to satisfy a desire for taste, texture or flavour.
巴拉圭政府考虑到了这些因素,因 此将在不久的将着减少现有阻碍获得卫生服务的文化、地理和经济障 碍。
Taking these elements into account, in the near future the Government of Paraguay expects to achieve a significant reduction in the existing cultural, geographic and economic barriers that hinder access to health services.
专家小组认同社会对连接海滨行人通道与日俱增并建议设立覆盖整个范围的行人通道网络,把海 滨与毗邻地区及在该范围可供使用的各种运输工具连 接,达到连接机动与非机动交通工具的整体效果。
An area-wide pedestrian network linking the waterfront with the hinterland as well as to all means of transport modes should be developed, thereby connecting motorised and non-motorised transportation in a holistic way.
他们目 前既不 危 及机构,也 不 危 及公共服务的正常运 行,也不危平和安宁的数百万人的日常生活。
They are currently endangering neither the institutions, nor the regular functioning of public services, nor the daily lives of millions of peoplewho aspire topeace and tranquillity.
[...] 有限,我将不宣读我的发言稿全文,而只是作简略发 言,这是由于我久的实现和平与建立公正国 际秩序的目标仍遥不可及,因而今天有必要在此阐述 [...]
There is a time limit, so I will not read out my entire speech, but only an abridged version,
as certain matters need to be elucidated here
[...] todayas ourlong-hoped-for goals [...]
for peace and a just international order remain elusive.
阿拉伯联合酋长国希望成为人权理事会成员,这表明它坚信人权的重要性, 表明与旨在世界各地促进和保护这些权利的国际努力以及坚信人权理 事会在这一领域所发挥作用的重要性。
The desire of the United Arab Emirates to become a member of the Human Rights Council reflects its firm conviction in respect of the importance of human rights and its keenness to participate in international efforts aimed at promoting and protecting these rights in the world, and its belief in the importance of the role of the Human Rights Council in this area.
几内亚比绍人民与世界上其它各国人民一样,击不公正,消除贫困,生活在和平、尊严和繁 荣之中,并由一个合法的民主政府来治理国家。
The people of Guinea-Bissau, as any other around the world, aspireto overcome injustice and poverty, to live in peace, dignity and prosperity and to be ruled by a legitimate and democratic Government.
在这些年轻的国家中,人民的民族意识增强,人民对自己民族的特性有一这些 都可以清楚地看到,特别是在社会经济改革的痛苦过程中。
An increase in national consciousness of the population and its hunger for a national self-identity in the young states can be noticed, particularly in the conditions of painful socio-economic reforms.
这是为什么我认为越开放,越多的讨论、发生(越多) 辩论,人们就越自由地了解世界正在发生什么,以及中国人民在想什么,美国人民在想什么,非洲人民在想什么,他们关注什么,他们想要什么,我认为这有助于解开对创造力的束缚,回应世界人民的梦想
That’s why I think the more openness there is, the more discussion, debate that occurs, more freely people understand what’s happening around the world and what’s on the minds of the Chinese people, what’s on the minds of the American people, what’s on the minds of people in Africa, what they’re concerned about, what they want, I think that helps unleash the creative forces to respond to those dreams andaspirations of people around the world.
我们必须能够驾驭这次机会,向我们贫穷的兄弟和姐妹明确发出充满希望的 信息,他们不仅因为没有食物而感到饥饿,而且,知道人们已经听到他 们的声音。
Together, we must rise to the occasion and send a clear message of hope to our dispossessed brothers and sisters who are hungry not only for food but also for the good news that their voices are being heard.
为获得独立 和取得基本的公民权利及政治权利,越南人民经受了 严峻的考验,他们现有更大的经济、社会和 文化权利,进一步提高发展水平。
After enduring severe trials in order to gain their independence and secure their basic civil and political rights, the Vietnamese people aspired to enjoy greater economic, social and cultural rights and an improved level of development.
(1) 继续加强华佗再造丸等本集团支柱产品的市场细分和管理工作,提高这些 产品的市场占有率;做好昆仙胶囊(原名「风湿 平胶囊」)、青蒿素、灵芝孢子油、狂 犬病疫苗等本集团新产品的产业化与市场策划及宣传推广工作,努力培育开发新的 二、三线产品。
(1) To continuously enhance the market segmenting and management of the key products of the Group such as Xiao Ke Wan and Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan, so as to increase their respective market share, focus on the industrialization of and make a sound market planning and promotion of new products of the Group such as Kun Xian capsule (formerly known as “Feng Shi Ping capsule”), Artemisinin, Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil and Rabies Bacterin, and endeavored to nurture and develop new tier II and tier III products.
撒哈拉以南非洲以外只有四个国家——阿尔巴尼亚、多米尼加共和国、危地马拉 和东帝汶——其
[...] 55%或以上的未得到满足的需求均来自于妇迟未来怀孕 时间。
Only in four countries outside sub-Saharan Africa — Albania, the Dominican Republic,
Guatemala and Timor-Leste — did 55 per cent or more of unmet need stem from the
[...] desire of women to delay a future [...]
此外,中国政府关于能源安 全的理念亦有进步的迹象,从最初的重商主义行 为,即不信任国际市场际控制石油资 源,逐步演变为有益于国际能源市场及合作的开 放做法。
Furthermore, Beijing’s idea of energy security is showing signs of evolving from a mercantilist approach based on distrust of international markets, and thereforeadesire for physical control of oil supplies, to a more open approach favouring international energy markets and cooperation.
阿巴斯主席和内塔尼亚胡总理几周前在联合国 所作的发言(见 A/66/PV.19)在许多方面不同,但双方 恰巧都表示需要恢复谈判,都支持两国解决方案,以 及都表平、全面地解决持续已久的以巴冲 突。
The statements delivered by President Abbas and by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the United Nations a few weeks ago (see A/66/PV.19) were different in many ways, but they coincided in their shared expression of the need to return to negotiations, of support for a two-State solution and of desire for a peaceful and comprehensive resolution of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
因此,人们在希望经济迅速复苏的同时,到可行的长期解 决办法,促进可持续性,尤其是从关于气候变化、粮食和能源等其他危机的角度这样做。
Hopes for speedy recovery have therefore been joined by a
[...] desire for viable, long-termsolutions [...]
and greater sustainability, especially in
the perspective of other crises concerning climate change, food and energy.
54 该委员会在对加拿大审议时,也就经社文权利的司法待遇和政府在法 庭上提出的论据的性质这两方面提出了类似的关注。55 经社文权利委员会近期对香港和加拿大的审议,反映了该委员会既愿意定期 审议时多着墨关注涉及有效救济的问题、经社文权利在国内法律位阶中的地位问题以及国 内法的恰当解释的问题,以确保经社文权利可得到有效救济。
The Committee has urged that the government of HKSAR cease from advancing these kinds of arguments before courts.54 Similar concerns both about judicial treatment of ESC rights and the nature of governments’ arguments in courts have been raised in reviews of Canada.55 The recent reviews of Hong Kong and Canada show that the CESCR is willing and anxious to pay considerable attention in periodic reviews to the question of effective remedies, the status of ESC rights in the domestic legal order and the appropriate interpretation of domestic law so as to ensure effective remedies to ESC rights.
同 样 地 , 如 果 当 事 人 有 重 大 的 利 益 , 而 律 师住 日 後 的 生 意 的 话 ( 又 或 者 当 事 人 在 财 务 上 支 付 律 师 费 的 能 力 , 要 视 乎 他 是 否 诉 讼 成 功 而 定 ) , 那 麽 , 即 使 律 师 采 用 传 统 的 收 费 孜 排 , 他 也 会 有 压 力 , 他 会 不 惜 一 切 代 价 争 取 诉 讼 成 功 , 情 况 尌 像 采 用 按 条 件 收 费 的 律 师 一 样 。
Equally, where the client‟s interests are significant and the lawyer is anxious to retain hisbusiness in the future (or where the client‟s financial ability to pay his lawyer‟s fees depends on his success in the very case in question), there are pressures on the conventional fee lawyer to win at all costs, just as there are on a lawyer acting on a conditional fee arrangement.
这是我参加的第四个赛季,也是我第二次得奖,这真的令人难以置信,特别是这个赛季对我而言是一次巨大的考验,比赛非常非常困难,而这也是我如自己、为团队和 Michel 赢得比赛的原因。
This is my fourth season and my second title, which is unbelievable, especially as this season has been a big test, very very difficult and that's why I wanted to win so much for myself, the team and Michel.
这些偷渡者的结局依然是有可能在撒哈拉死于溺水于地中海,并 且还受人口贩运团伙的摆布或者被恐怖主义集团利用,作为自己成员混入并在本 [...]
As to the fate of infiltrators, they remain
[...] liableto diefrom thirstinthe Sahara or from [...]
drowning in the Mediterranean and
in the meantime are manipulated by gangs involved in human trafficking or are exploited by terrorist groups in the process of infiltrating their members and moving them between the countries of the region, threatening both internal and regional stability.
罗马尼亚的案例说明,与其他新的欧洲联盟(欧盟)成员国一样,欧盟成员身份可 以作为快速淘汰的另外一个动力,特别是对够在欧盟市场上竞争的技术人 员和公司来说。
The case of Romania shows that, as in other new European Union (EU) member states, the EU membership served as an extra motivation for rapid phase-out, especially among technicians and companies eager to be able to compete on the EU market.
As every tanna at the head of a school, however, had, as stated above, his own mishnaic collection in which the halakot of preceding teachers as well as their controversies were differently expounded, the uniformity in teaching which the redactorsof the Mishnah had desired and which had almost been attained was again lost; for there were as many different teachings as there were Mishnah collections.




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