单词 | 港英政府 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 港英政府—British colonial administration of Hong Kong 1837-1941 and |
在 15 日,《信报》报道,锺树根认为《电讯条例》有需要修改,他直 指这项法例明显是港英政府留下来的恶法。 legco.gov.hk | On the 15th, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported that Christopher CHUNG believed it was necessary to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance, pointing out [...] forthright that this piece of legislation was obviously a draconian law [...] passeddown by theBritish-Hong KongAdministration. legco.gov.hk |
去年总督 彭定康先生㆖任後,港英政府终於顺应民情,提出㆒个稍为进步、但仍然符合民主精神的 [...] 政制改革方案。 legco.gov.hk | After Mr Chris PATTEN became Governor [...] last year, the Governmentfinallybowed to [...]the wishes of the people and put forth [...]a constitutional package that was democratic in spirit though only slightly progressive. legco.gov.hk |
他将 会 回 复 施行前港英政府的积极不 干 预 政 策 , 即 是 以 森林定律让 小部分 人在经济上 受 惠 , [...] 然後再 以 滴漏原 理 来分配 。 legco.gov.hk | He shall restore the positive non-intervention policy previously [...] practised by the formerBritish Hong Kong Government,that is, he [...]shall apply the jungle law to [...]enable a minority of people to be benefited, who will then allocate the benefit to the rest of the people by way of dripping. legco.gov.hk |
很明显,在港英年代,港台亦有批评港英政府,这是铁 一般的事实。 legco.gov.hk | Apparently, in the BritishHong Kong era, it was a hard fact that RTHK levelled [...] criticisms at the British Hong Kong Government. legco.gov.hk |
责任就在於当 年的港英政府,因为当时的渔农处教人如何使用拖网,而不是教人使用其他 各种方法捕鱼。 legco.gov.hk | It was because the Agriculture and Fisheries Department at that time taught fishermen to use trawl instead of any other methods in fishing. legco.gov.hk |
我再重申 ⎯⎯ 虽然劳工及福利局局长不在 席,但因为立法会会有纪录 ⎯⎯ 我再重申,我们很值得看回一段文 章,这亦是过往金融管理局副总裁Tony [...] LATTER ⎯⎯ 我想在席很多 官员也认识他 ⎯⎯ 他所撰写一篇批评强积金制度的文章中指出,他 当年有份参与 ⎯⎯ [...] 正如林焕光先生也有份参与,他指出强积金制度 在当年回归前的构思,当时是有一些阴谋论指当时的港英政府为何不 推出一个中央公积金呢? legco.gov.hk | I reiterate ― though the Secretary for Labour and Welfare is not present, the Legislative Council will put this on record ― I reiterate that an article written by Tony LATTER, the former Deputy Director of the Monetary Authority ― I think many officials present know him as well, is worth re-reading ― he pointed out in an article on criticizing the MPF system that he was involved in drawing up the Scheme back then ― as Mr LAM Woon-kwong was also involved ― he pointed out that in regard to the idea of the MPF system before the reunification, some [...] conspiracy theories at the time [...] questioned why theBritish Hong Kong Government did not introduce [...]a Central Provident Fund. legco.gov.hk |
这是由於当时整个社会仍然受到港英政府管治,立 法局完全没有民选代表,故此,当时的巿政局起了一个相当重要的作用。 legco.gov.hk | As Hong Kongwasstill ruledby the BritishAdministration atthat time, [...] there was no elected representative in the Legislative [...]Council and the Municipal Councils played a very significant role. legco.gov.hk |
从历史来看,英国既然统治了香港 百多年,而英国国民(海外)护照是由目前的港英政府签发,就必须负起道义㆖的责任,收 容将来那些可能有㆒日被拒绝入境的英国国民(海外)护照持有㆟,以免他们流离失所,求 [...] 助无门。 legco.gov.hk | Since Britain has ruled Hong Kong for over a hundred years and the BN(O) [...] passports are issued by [...] the present Britishadministration in Hong Kong, the British Government must assume moral [...]responsibility for [...]their holders and accept those who may one day be refused entry into Hong Kong, lest they would become stateless and have nowhere to go. legco.gov.hk |
废物回收亦是另一个明显的例子,可看出行政长官的确有决心要纠正过去港英政府所遗留下来的一些“苏州屎”。 legco.gov.hk | The waste recovery programme is another typical example demonstrating [...] the Chief Executive's determination to put right the nasty [...] mistakes madeby the British-Hong KongGovernment in the past. legco.gov.hk |
换言之,港英政府已经给本港近岸作业的渔业判了死刑。 legco.gov.hk | In otherwords,the British Hong Kong Government has already sentenced [...] the in-shore fishery of Hong Kong to death. legco.gov.hk |
考虑到《基本法》生效後,根据《基本法》第二十四条二 款 (三 [...] )项,一些港人在内地所生的中国籍子女可拥有香港的居留权,为了给 [...] 予这些有权来港居住的人士来港定居,在九十年代初期,港英政府便向内地 当局提出要求磋商,将这 75 [...]个配额分两期,於 93 年和 95 年增加一倍,加 至150 个,其中 45 个名额是给予有居留权的子女,30 [...]个名额给予长期分隔 的配偶。 legco.gov.hk | After the Basic Law has come into effect, under Article 24 para 2(3) of the Basic Law, persons of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong to the permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) have the right of abode in Hong Kong. So in [...] anticipation of this and to allow these entitled [...] persons to enter Hong Kong forthe purpose [...]of settlement, in early 1990s, the British [...]Hong Kong Government requested negotiations with the mainland authorities on increasing the quota of 75 persons in two stages. legco.gov.hk |
回归以後,调查的方法依旧,但就把问卷用语由港英政府改为特区政府,和把中国政府改为中央政府,而关於英国政府的部分就正式停止。 hkupop.hku.hk | After the handover, the survey method remained [...] unchanged, butthe term BritishHong Kong Government [...]was substituted by HKSAR Government, [...]and Chinese Government was substituted by Central Government, while our survey on people's trust in the British Government stopped. hkupop.hku.hk |
因此,这种自治基本 上是有指引的自治,他们认为《国际人权公约》是没有用的,因为港英政府当时也没有落实;自由和人权是由中央赋予的,并不是生而有之的。 legco.gov.hk | They think that the International Covenant [...] on Human Rights is [...] useless because the BritishHong Kong Governmenthad never put it into practice, and freedom and human rights are granted by the Central Governmentnotsomething [...]inborn in the people. legco.gov.hk |
由於港英政府当年的误 导 ,香港 渔 民 大 量 发展拖 网 渔 船 ,令本港的 渔 业 资源出现 困 境 。 legco.gov.hk | Misledby the BritishHong Kong Government, Hong Kong fishermen [...] vigorously developed trawling fishing, thus greatly depleting local fishery resources. legco.gov.hk |
在战後,港英政府当时面对山头兴建很多寮屋,附近街头兴建了很多木屋,有很多贫穷的居民。 legco.gov.hk | During the [...] post-warperiod, the BritishHong Kong Governmentfaced ascenario [...]where squatters were shooting up on hillsides [...]and a lot of huts were built by the roadsides, into which a large number of poor people cramped. legco.gov.hk |
由於香港的政治地位特殊,九七回归以前,民研计划在这方面的调查包括巿民对港英政府、英国政府、中国政府和台湾政府的信任程度。 hkupop.hku.hk | Due to Hong Kong's [...] very special politicalstatus, before the handover in 1997, our survey covered people's trust in the British Hong Kong, British, Chinese, and [...]Taiwan Governments. hkupop.hku.hk |
直至七十年代中期,港英政府才制定建筑物条 例和设立屋宇署规管樓宇的质素。 procommons.org.hk | The colonial government only responded [...] as late as mid 1970s through enactment of the Building Regulations, as well as the establishment of the Buildings Department. procommons.org.hk |
民研计划在1992年12月开始调查巿民对港英政府、英国政府、中国政府和台湾政府的信任程度。 hkupop.hku.hk | In December 1992, we started to survey people's [...] trust in the British Hong Kong, British, Chinese, and [...]Taiwan Governments. hkupop.hku.hk |
由於政 府 的 架 构 日 渐 庞 大 , [...] 为了改善当时政 府行政 架 构 的 管 理 效 率,前港 英政府根据当时《麦健时 报 告》的建 议,开 始 在 政 府 [...]架 构 内 引入数个政 策 科,即现时的政策 局,使 政 府 架 构 出现了 [...]一个中层 管 理 层 , 以 协 助 统 筹 各 部 门 推 行 政 府 政 策 。 legco.gov.hk | Since the government structure had become more and more enormous, to improve the administrative [...] efficiency of the executive [...] structure of the Government then, the formerBritish HongKong Administration [...]began to introduce some [...]policy branches, that is, Policy Bureaux today, to the government structure as proposed in the MACKENZIE Report. legco.gov.hk |
1926年,新界乡议局成立,由该局办理新界普通的民事案件,因为此局对社区的理解较深,减少港英政府因直接管理新界事务而与居民产生冲突。 huluhk.org | The government believes that the Kuk (or council), made up of locals living in the area, would be more efficient in dealing with local affairs as they are more familiar with the customs in the districts. In addition, having a third-party to [...] deal with New Territories [...] affairs would reducegovernment expenses, and reduce frictionbetween [...]locals and the government caused [...]by any possible differences in policies. huluhk.org |
李 柱铭议员:主席女士,其 实我想 请 问 [...] 林局长,他自己 或 特 区 的 其他高 官 , 或 从前港英政府的高官 , 包括港督 在 内 ,曾否 跟任何 从 外 国 [...]到 访 香港的人, 或 到海外向他 们 说 过 ,根据《基本 法》的安排 [...], 到了 2007 年,第三 届 行 政 长 官 可以由直选产生的,即 是 最 少 会 有这个机 会 ? legco.gov.hk | MR MARTIN LEE (in Cantonese): Madam Chairman, I actually wish to ask the Secretary whether any people, including he himself, or other senior officials of [...] the SAR, or any senior [...] officials ofthe former British HongKong Administration, including former [...]Governors, have ever said [...]to any foreign visitors to Hong Kong, or have ever said to anyone while overseas, that under the Basic Law, in the year 2007, the third Chief Executive may be elected by universal suffrage? legco.gov.hk |
政府今次完全违背过去的惯常做法,没有向立法局提交完整的计划及进行全面谘 询工作,而在㆒个多月之内,仓卒提出动议,迫使立法局议员表态,㆒反过去数十年 对退休保障所采取的拖延态度,我认为目的其实只有两个,㆒ 是要在九七年撤退之前, 通过强制性私营公积金的法案,让港英政府有所交代,另外亦希望企图藉通过动议,「绑 死」立法局,使议员及其他团体无法继续争取㆗央公积金和老年退休金,结束㆒场持 续数十年的退休保障争拗。 legco.gov.hk | Second, by getting the motion carried, the Government wishes to tie the hands of the Legislative Council so that Members and other groups can no longer campaign for the Central Provident Fund (CPF) and the Old Age Pension Scheme (OPS), putting an end to the controversy over the question of retirement protection which has been going on for years. legco.gov.hk |
而为了让㆗国政 府能释除对英国政府的怀疑,小组㆗亦宜包括少数内㆞经济学者;而港英政府应确认 这个小组的代表性,并尽量给予所需的协助和资料。 legco.gov.hk | And, to allay the Chinese Government's suspicion of the British Government, the team should also [...] comprise a handful of economists [...] from China and the Britishauthorities in Hong Kongshouldrecognize [...]the representativeness [...]of the team and provide them with as much assistance and information as possible. legco.gov.hk |
港英政府认为,第一和第二类意见书中反对意见占多数,而21项签名运动涉及的23,866人赞成和295人反对意见,是动员出来的,所以参考价值不大,因此应依据民意调查的结果。 hkupop.hku.hk | Introducing direct elections to the Legislative Council in 1988 was then concluded as inappropriate, because it was alleged that a vast majority of the public was against such an idea. hkupop.hku.hk |
1987年5月,港英政府为准备香港的十年过渡,发表了《一九八七年代议政制发展检讨绿皮书》,提出多个政制改革方案,当中包括在1988年直接选举立法局议员,即所谓「八八直选方案」。 hkupop.hku.hk | In May 1987, in order to prepare for Hong Kong's [...] 10-year transition,the British Hong Kong Governmentpublished the "Green [...]Paper: The 1987 Review [...]of Developments in Representative Government", in which several proposals regarding constitutional reforms were presented, including having direct elections of Legislative Councilors in 1988, or the so-called "1998 Direct Election Proposal". hkupop.hku.hk |
至於刚才保安司提到奥㆞利,这情况可否借助香港政府、英国政府以及本 港旅游界的努力,进行游说工作,使该国政府㆒样平等对待 [...] BN(O)护照持有㆟? legco.gov.hk | As to the case of Austria mentioned by the Secretary just [...] now, can tripartite efforts be made by the Hong [...] Kong Government, the British Government and [...]the local tourist industry to persuade [...]the Austrian Government to give equal treatment to BN(O) passport holders? legco.gov.hk |
香港政府、英国政府在北京大屠杀後都可以拿出勇气去颁布㆟权法 案,我希望现在余㆘来的㆔年多时间,政 [...] 府可以拿出勇气为我们成立㆒个㆟权委员会, 令香港市民相信政府是真正尊重㆟权,并为他们将来㆟权的保障作出各方面的安排。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that, in the less than four [...] years' time, the Governmentwillhave the [...]courage to set up HRC for us, thus reassuring [...]the people of Hong Kong that it really cares for human rights and is making the necessary arrangements for the protection of their human rights in the future. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,无论是香港政府,英国政府,而我更可以肯定的说, 就算是㆗国政府,都不会接纳有违《联合声明》及《基本法》条文的任何建议,这是 至为明显的。 legco.gov.hk | Clearly, Mr President, any proposal that breaches the provisions of the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law would be unacceptable to the Government, the British Government, and I am sure, the Chinese Government. legco.gov.hk |
鉴於第229 章 第 5(2)条所述的徵款和核证机制只涵盖驻港英军所管有的汽 车,第 5(1)(c)条的立法用意并非涵盖英国政府的任何其他车辆, 因此当局建议适应化修改第5(1)(c)条中" 香港政府或英国政府" 的提述,使之包括"香港驻军"而非"中央人民政府"。 legco.gov.hk | Given that the levy payment and the certification mechanism under section 5(2) of Cap. 229 only cover the certification for motor vehicles in the possession of Her Majesty's forces in Hong Kong, the legislative intent of section 5(1)(c) is [...] not to cover any [...] other vehicles of theUK Government,it istherefore proposed to adapt the reference to "Crown …" in section 5(1)(c) to include "Hong Kong Garrison" [...]instead of "Central People's Government". legco.gov.hk |