

单词 港人



Hong Kong person or people

External sources (not reviewed)

廉政公署人员均有接受训练,会按照《基本法》和《港人案条例》的 规定对待所有嫌疑人和证人,确保符合《公约》的规定。
Officers are trained to treat all suspects and witnesses in accordance with the Basic Law and the HKBOROto ensure compliance with the Covenant.
客户可将其人民币存款转账至第三者于恒生开设的人民币户口,亦可 经港人户口,汇款至内地同名的人民币户口,灵活调拨资金。
They can also enjoy added flexibility in fund
allocation by remitting funds from their RMB
[...] accountin Hong Kong toabank account [...]
under the same name in mainland China.
[...] 面的食物消费量數据,因而未能提供港人某些人口组别从非预先 包装饮品摄入的营养素分量。
Owing to the lack of comprehensive food
[...] consumption data in Hong Kong, thenutrient [...]
intake of the whole population and population
subgroups from non-prepackaged beverages could not be quantified.
(4) 除非职训局在香港以外地方运用第12(a)条所指 的立法会拨款执行其职能是为港人练及教育而执 行的,否则职训局不得如此执行其职能。
(4) The Council may not perform any of its functions outside HongKong using any money appropriated by the Legislative Council under section 12(a) unless the functions so performed are for the training and education of Hong Kong persons.
政制及内地事务局首席助理秘书长(7)负责统筹香港特区政府参与 支援四川地震灾区重建的工作,并为香港特区支援四川地震灾区 重建督导委员会提供秘书处支援;与泛珠三角区域合作的事宜; 与澳门特别行政区政府联系;就中央人民政府与香港特区政府的
关系提供意见;与中央人民政府联系;为京港和沪港经济合作会 议提供秘书处支援;香港特区政府驻北京办事处及驻内地经济贸
[...] 易办事处的内务管理支援;处理对内地当局的投诉及在内地遇港人助个案;以及继续就上海世博的相关活动,在香港提供 [...]
PAS(CMA)7 is responsible for coordinating actions taken by the HKSAR Government to support the post-quake reconstruction work in Sichuan and providing secretariat support for the Steering Committee on the HKSAR’s Support for Reconstruction in the Sichuan Earthquake Stricken Areas; cooperation with Pan-Pearl River Delta Region; liaison with the Macao Special Administrative Region Government; advising on the CPG/HKSAR Government relationship; liaison with the CPG; providing secretariat support for the Hong Kong/Beijing and Hong Kong/Shanghai Economic Cooperation Conferences; housekeeping of the Beijing Office and Hong Kong ETOs in the Mainland; handling
complaints against Mainland authorities and
[...] assistance toHong Kong residents in [...]
distress in the Mainland; and providing continued
support and liaison in Hong Kong for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China (Shanghai Expo) related activities.
我希望透过此书,各方面的人士都能以古为监,好好计划将来,更重要的是可以重燃港人业 梦,为本地开拓更大更阔的营商空间。
I also wish this book will re-ignite Hong Kong people’s dream of entrepreneurship, hence creating a larger and wider business space in HongKong.
To raise the public awareness in road safety and promote
the road safety vision of “Zero
[...] Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong’sGoal”, the [...]
Government has introduced to all road users
the general knowledge on road safety and the attitude of proper road use through publicity and education.
为恢港人费意欲,国泰航空发起 「同心为香港」运动,同时亦推出了连串的特别宣传和推广活动,希望藉此挽回 失去的业务。
We also launched a range of special promotions and initiatives aimed at recovering lost business.
Regarding the four cross-strait societies, the net value of Hong Kong people’s feeling towards fellow Hong Kong people is 32 percentage points higher than that towards the Hong Kong SAR Government, that towards Taiwan people is 26 percentage points higher than that of the Taiwan government, that towards Macau people is 3 percentage points higher than that towards the Macau government.
他现为香港大学港人会研究所杰出院士、第一太平公司董事、九仓(控股)有限公司董事及LG Asian Smaller Companies Fund信托人。
He is now a Distinguished Fellow of the HongKong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, Director of First Pacific Company Limited, Director of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited, and Trustee of LG Asian Smaller Companies Fund.
6.2 正如香港特区共同核心文件的相关部分和本报告第3.2至3.4 段所述,《基 本法》及《港人案条例》确认所有香港特区居民的基本人权。
6.2 As outlined in relevant sections of the HKSAR Common Core Document and paragraphs 3.2 to 3.4 of this report, the Basic Law and BORO recognise the basic human rights of all HKSAR residents.
(3) y 尖沙咀巴士总站/天星小輪地段自 20 及 30 年代已是一个交通交汇处港人体回忆 … 不应分割巴士及小輪服务港人际的需要乘巴士转乘小輪 到中环及湾仔,而不是需要一个露天广场。
(3) y The TST bus terminal / Star Ferry area has been a PTI since the
20s and 30s … a
[...] collective memoryof HKpeople … bus service and ferry service should not be segregated HKpeoplehave a [...]
practical need for bus and
ferry transit to Central and Wanchai, not for a piazza.
倘若非港人业务总行设在香港以外地方,而帐目未能显示该行设在 [...]
本港的永久办事处所实得的利润,在进行评税时,该驻港分行的利润将以比例方法计 算,即香港分行的利润在利润总额中所占的比率,相等於此分行的营业额在营业总额中 所占的比率。
Where the accounts of a non-resident whose head office
[...] is outsideHong Kong do not disclose [...]
the true profits of a Hong Kong permanent
establishment, the profits of the branch for tax purposes is taken to be the amount which bears to the taxpayer’s total profits the same proportion as his turnover in Hong Kong bears to his total turnover.
特区政府应考虑到高等教育有助提升港人源的整体竞争力,因此 有责任分担部份教育成本,具体办法是向有关院校提供资助。
The Government should take into consideration that
higher education could enhance the
[...] competitiveness of Hong Kong as a whole, and [...]
therefore it should bear the responsibility
to cover part of the costs through providing government subsidies to the related institutions of higher education.
我们会令九龍东成为更吸引商业活动的地方,使港人,亦令香 港作为全球金融和商贸中心的地位得以持续。
Our effort would make Kowloon East a better place to attract and accommodate the businesses that would benefit people of Hong Kong and sustain Hong Kong’s position as a global financial and commercial centre.
Public rental housing has provided a great number of families with opportunities previously unavailable, and has changed the destiny of many.
港人,他们为城市的市场取向和国际视野而自豪,并在香港身旁,铸就了一个 [...]
Like the
[...] peopleof Hong Kong, they are [...]
proud of the market orientation and world vision of Shenzhen and have made enormous
efforts to develop the city into China’s one and only one entrepreneurial hub in a location adjacent to Hong Kong.
The above two publications are now available for sale in both hardcopy and softcopy (in PDF format), "Hong Kong Population Projections 2004-2033" at HK$28 and HK$21 respectively and "Hong Kong Life Tables 1998-2033" at HK$28 and HK$21 respectively. They can be purchased online at the "Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong" (http://www.statisticalbookstore.gov.hk).
Another publication"Hong Kong LifeTables 1996-2031" describing the present and future mortality conditions ofHong Kong in the form [...]
of life tables is also
available for sale as from today.
(1) y 由政府管理露天广场,恐会淪为另一外佣假日的聚集处……但亦不支持将露天广
[...] 场交由私营机构管理……效法星光大道的管理模式,会将属於港人产夺 去。
(1) y If managed by Government … fear that the piazza will become another holiday meeting point of domestic helpers … also do not support
management by the private sector like the approach of Avenue of Stars … it will take away
[...] the asset thatbelongstoHK people.
T1M首席执行官Ming Chan是港人表示:“香港作为一个东西方文化交融的城市,已经成为众多全球品牌的亚太总部。
Ming Chan, T1M's CEO and a Hong Kong native, stated, "As a city known for its East-meets-West culture, Hong Kong has become the Asia Pacific headquarters for many global brands.
她比许多港人国际 视野,我们每天看新闻,只是留意甲型H1N1流感会不会在社区爆发,远一点的事情已 无力关心了。
When we see the news, we are more concerned about whether the H1N1 flu would become epidemic in our community, we have no more energy to care about other things.
It emphasized our three identities:
[...] citizensof HongKong,Chinese citizens [...]
and Catholics, and encouraged us to know more
about Chinese people, Chinese culture and the relationship between Chinese citizens and the Church in China. It also emphasized the need to explore the wider dimension and meaning of the world and universe, to make use of new sciences and discoveries of the twenty first century (new theories of cosmology, evolution, biology, quantum physics, astronomy, ecology etc.) to further explore on faith, and to develop dialogue with the learned so as to achieve mutual enrichment.
3.7.2 政府的理想是把维港塑造成港人力之港,让 市民可以容易地到达及享用海傍。
3.7.2 The Government’s vision is to make the Victoria Harbour a harbour for the people and a harbour of life, easily accessible for the enjoyment of all.
港人案》第二十 一条之下的权利亦然。
The same applies to Article 21 of the HKBOR.
可 以 这 样 说 , 毋 须 合 理 怀 疑 而 随 意 截 停 的 做 法 可 能 抵 触《港 人案 条 例 》 第 十 四 条 , 该 条 是 关 於 保 障 私 人 生 活 等 等 的 ( 请 一 并 参 阅 《港 人案 条 例 》 第 五 条 ) 。
It could be argued that the practice of random stops without a requirement of reasonable suspicion could be a violation of Article 14 of the Bill of Rights Ordinance which deals with protection of privacy, etc (see also Article 5 of the Bill ofRights Ordinance).
与 英 国 人 相 比 ,港 人育 程 度 仍 是 较 低 , 没 有 那 麽 清 楚 自 己 的 权 利 , 并 且 对 警 方 存 有 畏 意 , 所 以 会 比 较 容 易 受 到 警 方 施 压 々 事 实 上 , 国 际 司 法 组 织 香 港 分 会 会 员 所 得 的 经 验,尌 是 受 疑 人 往 往 会 以 为 吐 露 实 情 可 能 无 人 相 信 而 故 此 不 真 实 作 答 。
This makes them more vulnerable to pressure from the police and indeed the experience of members of JUSTICE has been that suspects will often give untruthful answers because they think that a truthful answer may not be believed.
的机会明显不足,包括:长者、伤残人士或长期病患者,妇女料理家务 者、单亲父母、新港人低收入家庭的孩子。
six groups as having inadequate access to ICT in Hong Kong, including: the elderly, persons with
disabilities and/or chronic illness, female homemakers, single
[...] parents,newarrivals,andchildren [...]
of low income families.
尽管如此,为协助内地新港人居香港及融入本地小区,政府有关 政策局及部门一直向他们提供各项支持服务。
This notwithstanding, the relevant Government bureaux and departments have been providing various support measures to facilitate new arrivals from the Mainland to settle in Hong Kong and integrate into the community.
[...] [...] (2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届港人节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、「祟福皮革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演唱会」、「香港明星足球队多伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All [...][...]
for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨.
Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese International" (2002, 2004 & 2008), "Goldlion - Xian
Special", "Memorial Ceremony of the King in
[...] Xian", "The 3rd Hong KongPeople Tour Festival", [...]
"Nancy Sit Concert", a sponsored
concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: Xian Concert", a contect organised by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Meeting and Signing Ceremony".




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