

单词 温床

See also:


bed n


External sources (not reviewed)

与此同时,欠缺发展、看不到经济进步的前景是产生 暴力和不稳定温床,而它们又进一步使发展倒退。
At the same time, the lack of development and prospects for economic progress creates fertile ground for violence and instability, which further set back development.
显然,对国际法及其准则的尊重是解决国际冲突、 消除紧张局温床的唯一手段。
It is clear that respect for international law and its principles is the only means to solve international conflicts
[...] and eliminate hotbeds of tension.
尽管如此,互联网还是促进了这些企业集团垄断 范围之外的市场和分销渠道的发展,但同时它也为猖獗的盗版现象提供 温床。
Nevertheless, the Internet also allows the development of market and distribution channels outside these conglomerates but effectively increases the piracy phenomena.
因此,科学政策提供的体温床使符 合伦理的科学成为可能。
Science policies thus provide the institutional background against which ethical science is possible.
在今后数年, 对维持治安的需求将继续增多,因为警察在消除安全差距、防止陷于崩溃的国家 成为破坏和平与稳定温床方面 的作用,已成为当今维和行动的关键特点。
The demands on policing will continue to grow in the upcoming years, as the role of police in bridging security gaps and preventing failed States from becoming breeding grounds for spoilers of peace and stability has become a key feature of peacekeeping operations today.
领导人一方面重申谴责一切形式的恐怖主义,不管其借口为何,并重申他们 的承诺,打击阿拉伯世界任何地方的恐怖主 温床 , 将交付赎金给恐怖分子或恐 怖集团或组织定为犯罪,领导人也全然拒绝某些外国和政党,特别是某些西方人 [...]
明他们对恐怖主义的性质、原因和目标的无知,因为对于这种祸害,世界上任何 国家都无法幸免。
While the leaders reiterate their condemnation of all types of terrorism, on
whatever pretext, and renew their
[...] commitment to confront hotbeds of terrorism anywhere [...]
in the Arab world and criminalize
the payment of ransoms to terrorists or terrorist groups or organizations, they also completely reject all attempts by certain foreign States and parties and, in particular, certain Western circles, to intervene in the internal affairs of Arab States on pretexts that include the protection of minorities, which demonstrate their ignorance of the nature, causes and goals of terrorism, from which no country in the world is exempt.
[...] 嫩认为,在反恐怖主义的斗争中要处理这一现象的根 源,尤其要消除紧张状况温床、双 重标准、外国占 领、无知,以及对人权和神圣宗教原则的侵犯。
Notwithstanding the resolutions and steps adopted by the United Nations, Lebanon believes that the struggle against terrorism entails dealing with the
root causes of this phenomenon, especially
[...] by eliminating hotbeds of tension, double [...]
standards, foreign occupation, ignorance
and violations of human rights and sacred religious principles.
肯尼亚政府与执行委员会的上述商定条件业已顾及已核准的鲜切花行业、蔬菜、水 果温床和苗 圃的土壤熏蒸的甲基溴淘汰项目。
These agreed conditions between the Government of Kenya and the Executive Committee have taken into account the already approved
methyl bromide phase-out project in soil fumigation in the cut flower sector,
[...] vegetables, fruit, seedbeds and nurseries.
建立该中心是为了应对时代和新的历史条件下的挑战:该地区各国较弱的社会经济 基础,以及文化、习俗、传统和语言受到不均等的对待,成为民族主义和极端主义倾向发展温床。
The need to establish the Centre was dictated by the challenges of the time and a new historical situation in which the trends of nationalism and extremism draw support from the weak socio-economic base of the countries of the region and the unequal opportunities for the preservation of culture, customs, traditions and languages.
在很多教育机构成为激进行为和招募 儿童温床的实 例,必须打击这一趋势。
There are examples in numerous contexts of educational
[...] institutions being hotbeds for radicalization [...]
and recruitment of children, a trend that must be countered.
古巴强调,一切恐怖主义行为和行动都影响到无辜人民的生活、健康、财产 和安全,侵犯国家主权和领土完整,危及国家机构行使职能和稳定,对国家的生
[...] 产基础设施和经济活动带来严重损害,并创造新的紧张局势 温床 , 有 时还引发 国际冲突,从而进一步破坏国际局势稳定。
Cuba stresses that all terrorist acts and actions affect the life, health, property and safety of innocent people, violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, jeopardize the functioning and stability of national institutions, cause serious damage to the production infrastructure and economic activity of States and further
destabilize the international situation
[...] by creating new hotbeds of tension and, [...]
on occasion, triggering international conflicts.
为了我们的后代,我们的国家和我们的共同未 来,我们必须铲除滋生恐怖行为、制造仇恨和目无法 律现象温床并将恐怖主义的所有支持者绳之以法。
For the sake of our children, our nations and our common future, we must drain the swamps of hate and lawlessness that spawn terror — and hold all those accountable who support it.
她的代表团认为, 一些国家在本国立法中对历史事件妄加解释,其目 的无非是为了实现其政治野心和短期目标,这种倾 向会导致其放弃国际人权义务, 并为推销种族主义 至上论制温床。
Her delegation believed that the tendency, in the national legislation of a number of countries, to incorporate an arbitrary interpretation of historical events, designed to benefit political ambitions and short-term goals, would lead to an abandonment of international human rights obligations and create fertile ground for the popularization of theories of racist supremacy.
( 特别是农业部门) ;改善肯尼亚的国家形象;防止境内流离失所者的营地成为 招募民兵和犯罪团伙温床;以 及推动流离失所者的人权。
The government’s National Reconciliation and Emergency Social and Economic Recovery Strategy prioritizes quick resettlement, citing: promoting development (particularly in the agricultural sector); improving the national image abroad; preventing IDP camps from becoming fertile grounds for recruitment into militias and criminal gangs; and enhancing human rights of those displaced.
因为以色列拥有核军备, 致使其他国家也寻求获得这类武器,因而中东已成为 紧张局势温床。
The Middle East has become a hotbed of tension because Israel possesses nuclear arms, which has led other countries to seek to obtain such weapons.
当然从长远看,消灭冲突的治本之道是帮 助中非各国发展经济,摆脱贫困,实现可持续发展, 从根源上铲除轻小武器非法贩运活动滋生 温床。
Of course, in the long run the fundamental way to eliminate conflict is to help Central African countries develop economically, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development so as to root out the breeding ground for illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons.
同样令人不安的 是,许多国家人民的困苦状况继续成为恐怖主义孳生温床,使其成为当前国际和平与安全面临的最严重 威胁之一。
Equally disturbing, in many countries terrorism continues to feed on the distress of populations and today is one of the greatest threats to international peace and security.
萨赫勒和西非地区的局势有利于现有的地区紧 张、激进化和恐怖暴温床的进 一步发展。
The situation in the Sahel and West Africa region
is conducive to the further development of
[...] existing regional hotbeds of tension, radicalization [...]
and terrorist violence.
突尼斯自 1960 年代起就参加了若干维和行动, 并通过外交渠道或调用本国部队协助解决冲突;突尼
[...] 斯最近又遭受了邻国冲突造成的恶果,因而非常了解 战争和紧张局温床所构成的挑战。
Tunisia, which has since the 1960s participated in several peacekeeping operations and has helped, through diplomatic channels or using its forces, to resolve conflicts, and which has recently suffered the
fallout of conflict in a neighbouring country, understands all too well the challenges
[...] posed by war and hotbeds of tension.
国际关系的现状迫切 要求在预防冲突领域开展集体商定的工作,要求国际 社会各主要成员形成合力,因为 旷日持久的冲突未能 得到解决以及不稳定温床的出 现加剧了对全球安 全的威胁。
The current state of international relations, as failure to resolve longstanding conflicts and the emergence of hotbeds of instability have aggravated the threat to global security, urgently calls for collectively agreed work in conflict prevention and the pooling of the efforts of all major members of the international community.
本届会议是在人类历史的重要阶段举行的。这个 阶段的特点尤其是:持续的全球金融和经济危机造成
[...] 影响;粮食和石油价格上涨;局势紧张和政局不稳温床再度出现,特别是在北非和中东;疟疾、结核病 [...]
和艾滋病毒/艾滋病等大流行病盛行;自然 灾害 增多。
This session takes place at a critical stage of human history, characterized in particular by the impact of the ongoing global financial and economic
crisis; the rising prices of food and oil;
[...] the resurgence of hotbeds of tension and political [...]
instability, particularly in North
Africa and the Middle East; the prevalence of pandemics such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS; and the increasing occurrence of natural disasters.
受冲突、匮乏和不稳定之害 的区域往往是毒贩、恐怖分子以及其它犯罪分子温 床,这些人破坏重建活动,而且危及区域和世界各国 的安全。
Regions wracked by conflict, want and instability are often breeding grounds for drug traffickers, terrorists and other nefarious actors, who in turn undermine reconstruction activities and threaten the security of States in the region and around the world.
Unfortunately, however, country-specific mandates such as that of the “Special Rapporteur”, which are a breeding ground of politicization, selectivity and double standards, still remain, giving rise to deep concern.
认识到贫穷、欠发达和缺少平等机会等社会经济因素为滋生人口贩运问题 提温床这一 事实,并重申全面的预防犯罪政策连同社会、经济、卫生、教 育、司法和人权等方面的政策均须处理贩运人口罪的根本原因
of the fact that socio-economic factors such as poverty, underdevelopment and lack of equal opportunity provide fertile ground for trafficking in persons, and reiterating that comprehensive crime prevention policies, together with social, economic, health, education, justice and human rights policies, must address the root causes of the crime of trafficking in persons
过去 12 个月中,间歇性军事冲突导致更多人口流离失所,法律和秩序普遍 崩溃,给机会性犯罪提供了一温床 , 在 此情况下,法治和尊重人权在达尔富尔 仍是一个令人关切的问题。
Rule of law and respect for human rights remained an issue of concern in Darfur during the past 12 months, in the context of intermittent military clashes leading to new population displacements and a generalized breakdown of law and order, providing fertile ground for opportunistic criminality.
铭记过去二十年间的政治和经济环境为有组织犯罪的增长提供 温床 ,其 原因有政治危机和金融危机,还有资本市场全球化以及通信的不断发展所提供 的机会
that the political and economic circumstances of the past two decades have provided an environment that has encouraged the growth of organized crime as a result of political and financial crises and as a consequence of the opportunities offered by the globalization of capital markets and the continuous evolution of communications
(a) 在第三十八次会议上,原则上核准了拨款 1,595,811 美元(其中 574,492 美 元给德国政府,1,021,319 美元给开发计划署),作为提供给肯尼亚实现完 全淘汰用于鲜切花行业(63.0
[...] ODP 吨)、蔬菜、水果温床和苗圃( 34.0 ODP 吨)的 [...]
97.0 ODP 吨甲基溴的全部资金
(a) At its 38th meeting, to approve in principle US $1,595,811 (of which US $574,492 is to be allocated to the Government of Germany and US $1,021,319 is to be allocated to UNDP) as the total funds that will be available to Kenya to achieve the complete phase out of
97.0 ODP tonnes of methyl bromide (MB) used for soil fumigation in the cut flower sector (63.0 ODP tonnes),
[...] vegetables, fruit, seedbeds and nurseries [...]
(34.0 ODP tonnes)
为防止空调系统成为一大微生物污染源,必须控制温度和湿度,并去除空调系统内聚积的有机污染物质,因为一旦交换机阻塞,将成为培养微生物 温床。
To prevent the air conditioning system from becoming a microbe nest, temperature and humidity must be controlled and accumulated organic matter removed, as clogged exchangers provide good support for the development of microorganisms.
他擔心這項計劃只會在建造工程、管理專營權、零 售業務營運、文化藝術節目、博物館的營運及獲取館藏 等範疇上淪為政治利益分贓及交換利益 温床。
He was worried that the project would merely become a breeding ground for political pie-sharing and exchange of benefits, in areas such as construction works, management franchises, retail operations, arts and cultural programmes, operation of the museums, and acquisition of collections.
[...] Magu博士表示:“我们的项目愿景是引进西方园区中现有的设计理念,借鉴加利福利亚的技术创 温床 以 实 现印度信息产业的发展需求。
Dr. PK Magu, President –Architecture & Planning of Unitech says, “Our aim for this project is to bring concepts that
exist in some of the campuses of the
[...] West – from the hot beds of technology and innovation [...]
in California – to meet the
growing demands of the expanding Indian IT sector.




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