

单词 温州



Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang

External sources (not reviewed)

4,000多年悠久历史温州拥有 丰富的古代文化,如今现代的发展和建筑正为其注入新的活力。
With a history spanning more
[...] than 4,000 years, Wenzhou’s ancient culture [...]
is enriched by its modern-day development and architecture.
七月23日发生了中国自2008年以来最严重的火车意外事故,一辆高速列车 温州 市 附近撞上一辆静止的火车,随後四节车厢掉到叁十公尺高的陆桥下。
In China's worst rail accident since 2008, a high-speed train rammed into the back of a stalled train near the
[...] eastern city of Wenzhou on July 23rd.
温州以美 丽的山峦、弯曲的河流和优美的海岸景色著称。
It is famous for its beautiful mountains, winding rivers and coastal scenery.
温州地区而言,其雄厚民间资金举世公认,据可靠数据,截止2003年年末 温州 民 间 资金是2770亿;保守估计,目 温州 的 民 间资金应在6000亿左右;同时,温商作为浙商中最有活力的组成部分,其敏锐的市场嗅觉被国人所认识:无论是炒房团、购并国企潮,还是炒基团,都展示了温商独有的市场理解力。
Wenzhou region alone, its abundant folk capital, according to the reliable data is universally acknowledged by the end of 2003, the wenzhou private funds is capital is 27.7 million, A conservative estimate, wenzhou folk capital [...]
should be in 60 million,
At the same time, the temperature in the shang as zheshang most dynamic part, its sharp market olfaction are americans know whether place fry building group, merger, state-owned enterprises, or Fried groups, demonstrates the unique understanding market merchants.
国内经济合作办招商处的有关负责人介绍说,参加此次海交会除了展 温州 形 象 外,我市还包装组织了近100个项目参会招商,涉及港口交通、旅游宾馆、商贸物流等11个领域,其中 温州 沿 海产业带为依托对接海西经济区的相关招商项目将会成为热点, 温州 国 际物流基地一期、浙南物流中心、苍南县沿海风电场工程、乐清湾临港产业基地、洞头县鹿西船舶修造基地等现代服务业和临港产业项目近段时间成为热点咨询项目,但是我市还是希望借助此次海交会择优选资。
The person in charge of the domestic economic cooperation do Merchants at
attend the haijiaohui
[...] addition to the show Wenzhou image, the city is also packaging organization nearly 100 participants Merchants involved in port traffic, tourism, hotels, trade and logistics, 11 areas, including Wenzhou coastal industrial belt relying docking Hercynian economic zone investment projects will become a hot spot, as an international logistics base in Wenzhou, southern Zhejiang [...]
logistics center,
Cangnan County coastal wind farm project, Yueqing Bay Harbor industrial base Dongtou deer West shipbuilding base project of modern services and port industries Recently become a hot spot consulting projects, but the city is still hoping the haijiaohui preferential election financing.
[...] News有一篇文章以「基督徒信仰加上中国生产力」为题,把焦点放在中国西南 温州 市 一 间由基督徒商人经营的工厂。
Christian faith plus Chinese productivity" was the title of
a recent BBC news article that focussed
[...] on a factory in Wenzhou City in south-west [...]
China owned by a Christian businessman.
我公司创建于1982年,系国内生产纸、塑软包装成套设备专业厂,曾连续十六次被市人民政府命名“重合同、守信用”单位,九七年被省人民政府授于“重合同、守信用”先进单位、市级先进单位、明星企业、AAA级信用单位,2005年获 温州 市 重合同、守信用单位,并于2003年通过ISO 9001-2000认证,2006年通过欧洲CE认证。
Our company was founded in 1982, and is specialized in producing complete sets of paper, plastic and soft packing equipments and has been appointed as one of enterprise with Honoring Contracts and Crediting by the municipal govermment for sixteen times in succession.
联英律师事务所于1998年4月创建于浙江 温州 市 , 在何连英主任的领导下,从创始之初的五个合伙人八个律师发展到今天有三十余位专职律师近千平方米现代化办公场地的规模,服务范围覆盖民事、刑事、经济、房地产、金融、涉外诉讼及非诉讼法律事务等各个法律层面,是一家综合性律师事务所, 温州 市 市 级文明所。
Associated British law firm in April
[...] 1998 was founded in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, in what even the United Kingdom under the leadership of Director, from the beginning of the five founding partner of eight lawyers has grown to more than thirty full-time today, nearly a thousand square meters of modern law office space the size, scope of services covering civil, criminal, economic, real estate, finance, foreign-related litigation and non-litigation legal affairs in various legal aspects, is a comprehensive law firm and is Wenzhou municipal civilization.
中牧企业在上海浦东新区设有上海中牧商务中心和两大生产基地-金山工厂 温州 工 厂 ,是一家集卫生级阀门,卫生级蝶阀,卫生级管件,卫生级泵,卫生级钢管,卫生级人孔,及管接件的开发与生产于一体的科技型企业。
With a Shanghai business exhibition center(located in
Pudong New Area) and two production bases
[...] Jinshan factory and Wenzhou factory, Zhongmu [...]
Enterprise is a sci-tech enterprrise with
an integration of development and production of sanitary steel tubes, sanitary manholes, sanitary pipe fittings, sanitary pumps, sanitary butterfly valves, sanitary valves and unions.
除了此次雷克萨斯试驾车型给来宾带来了震撼与激情之外 温州 中 升 经销店 温州 凌 通 经销店贴心细致的服务也让来宾对于此次“2011雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅”留下深刻美好的记忆。
In addition to the unforgettable impressions and passion generated by the Lexus test drive
event, the tailored services
[...] offered by Wenzhou Zhongsheng Dealership and Wenzhou Lingtong Dealership [...]
also left the guests
with deep memories of the "2011 Lexus Luxurious Experience".
经过30年的发展温州的包 装工业已经从一个分散的辅助性行业,发展成为包括包装机械、包装材料、包装印刷、塑料包装、纸制品包装等细分领域在内的、门类齐全的现代包装工业体系。
Following 30 years of development, the city’s packaging industry has grown from an auxiliary trade to a modern industry that encompasses various fields, including packaging machinery, materials, printing, plastic packaging and paper packaging.
本次工程建设在天津、石家庄、呼和浩特、太原、昆明、兰州、阿克苏、珠海、深圳、武汉、长沙、郑州、桂林、南宁、海口、三亚(2)、湛江、汕头、重庆、贵阳、拉萨、济南、青岛、南京、杭州、合肥、南昌、 州 、 厦门 、 温州 、 宁波、长春、哈尔滨、大连等34个物理节点安装多业务板卡、思科3560、思科2851等设备;北京网控中心试验室、首都机场、北京ACC、上海虹桥、上海ACC、广州白云(旧)、广州白云(新)、广州ACC等跟随当地其他节点一起安排工程;在9个原有节点主控板升级、6个新增节点、一级节点三个和北京总局空管局等节点安装网络设备MGX8830/B;在北京及上海节点安装MPLS/VPN网管、安全产品及部分节点光端机扩容等。
In this project, multi-service cards, Cisco 3560 switch, Cisco 2851 router and other devices are installed at 34 physical
nodes in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang,
[...] Hohhot, Taiyuan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Aksu, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, [...]
Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Guilin,
Nanning, Haikou, Sanya (2), Zhanjiang, Shantou, Chongqing, Guiyang, Lhasa, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Changchun, Harbin and Dalian.
而在浙江省内建设的光伏示范项目多达 20 余个,分布于浙江省境内各个地区,项目所在地包括杭州滨江、萧山、 州、 德温州等, 建成光伏电站装机容量达 43MWp,其中大部分为国家金太阳示范项目,部分为国家光电建筑示范项目, 杭州火车东站枢纽 [...] [...]
10MWp 光伏电站、长兴经济开发区 10MWp 光伏电站、正泰太阳能 510KWp 光电幕墙项目等在国内颇 具影响力,多个项目荣获中国 10 大工程示范项目。 浙江正泰太阳能通过两年积累,紧随五大央企集团,已成为中国光伏电站开发领域内最大的民营企业,在国内光伏电 站开发领域排名第六,约占国内市场份额的 5%。
It ranks the sixth in domestic PV power station development field, accounting for 5% of domestic market share.
企业生产经营涵盖水泥制品、PVC塑料异型材、塑料门窗、铝材、铝合金门窗、桩基基础施工等行业,下辖浙东(宁波)水泥制品有限公司、浙东(宁波)塑料建筑材料有限公司、浙东 温州 ) 水 泥制品有限公司、浙东(上海)建材有限公司(水制/铝业)、浙东(宁波)基础工程有限公司、浙东(宁波)建材销售有限公司等六家成员企业。
Listed in Chinese Top-100 Building Material Enterprises, the Group covers a land area of over 0.60 million sq. m. and has 3000-odd employees, mainly engaging in production of cement products, PVC sections plastic doors and windows, aluminum materials and construction of pile foundation, etc. It consists of seven enterprises, including ZDOON(Ningbo)Cement Products Co.
负责非洲事务的助理总干事向会议通报, 温 得 非洲城市首脑会议之后,总干事委托 [...]
The Assistant Director-General for Africa informed the
meeting that as a follow-up to the Summit of
[...] African Cities in Yaounde, the Director-General [...]
entrusted him with the responsibility
of an intersectoral committee for cooperation with local authorities, particularly in Africa.
同样,此操作适合温度最高的阶段进行,因为随作 温 度 增 加,母液粘度降低,洗 涤效力增强。
Once again, the warmest stage is favored for this
operation because the effectiveness of
[...] the wash increases with operating temperature due to reduced mother liquor viscosity.
人出席了在以下各地举行的集会,他们代表各类社区和各种观点,并表达 了各种关切:路易斯安那州新奥尔良、纽约州纽约、德克萨斯州埃尔帕索、新墨 西哥州阿尔伯克基、亚利桑州温多 罗克、旧金山湾区、密歇根州底特律、伊利 诺依州芝加哥、阿拉巴马州伯明翰以及华盛顿哥伦比亚特区。
Nearly a thousand people, representing a diversity of communities and viewpoints, and voicing a wide range of concerns, attended these gatherings in New Orleans, Louisiana; New York, New York; El Paso, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Window Rock, Arizona; the San Francisco Bay Area; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Birmingham, Alabama; and Washington, D.C. Information about the process was also posted on the website of the U.S. Department of State (
太空垃圾3D」將帶領觀眾衝上太空,見證日益擁擠的地球軌道,以及極具爆炸性的太空垃圾碰撞場面;然後再與觀眾返回地球,前往美國亞利桑 州温 斯 洛附近,觀察隕石坑的驚人深度,感受一顆隕石從太空高速撞向地球的剎那所產生的超強衝擊力。
The film will then bring audiences back to the Earth for the stunning depth of the Meteor Crater, caused by the incredibly powerful and destructive impact of a meteor that come hurtling through space.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统,
[...] 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区 州 两 个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management
System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at
[...] the district and oblast level.
[...] 学,采用实用的动手学习方法教授科学和数学,与尼日利亚科学和数学教师协会合作鼓励采 用创新的教学法,以及对几州政府 施加影响促使它们对 州 学 校 的科学教育给予更有力的 支持方面,起到了推动作用。
Monitoring and evaluation reports suggest that the project has served a useful purpose in popularizing science, in the adoption of a practical hands-on approach to teaching of science and mathematics, in stimulating innovative teaching methods in collaboration with the associations of science and
mathematics teachers in
[...] Nigeria and in influencing several state governments to provide better support [...]
to science education in their schools.
秘书长作为首长协调会主席,可与《气候变化框架公约》执行秘书密切合 作,并在环境管理小组的协助下,建立一个内 温 室 气 体清算机制以抵消那些不 能通过内部环境措施减少的排放,办法是利用清洁发展机制,但不妨碍通过现有 机制和(或)联合国系统内部已经采取的行动进行的碳抵消。
The Secretary-General, acting as Chairman of the Chief Executives Board, in close coordination with the Executive Secretary of UNFCCC and with the assistance of the Environment Management Group, should launch an internal clearing-house mechanism to offset those emissions that cannot be reduced through in-house environmental measures by using the Clean Development Mechanism without prejudice to carbon offsets made through the existing mechanisms and/or initiatives already under way within the United Nations system.
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a
的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用
[...] HFC-134a 的 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季 温 可 轻 易达到摄氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar
to that of HFC-134a products,
[...] keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily [...]
reach 50 degrees Celsius in the
summertime; and information was provided on similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.
考慮到有關指數相對上輕微,加温 和 的 通脹環境、公務員的穩 定性及士氣因素,以及職方對薪酬調整的要求,我們建議在二零零九至一零 年度,這兩個薪金級別公務員的薪酬維持不變。
In view of the relatively small magnitude, the mildly inflationary environment, stability and morale of the civil service as well as the staff sides’ pay claims, we recommend that the pay offer for civil servants in these two salary bands for 2009-10 should be no change.
从 2010/11 年度拟议预算(A/64/632)第五节 B 部 分提供的资料中,行预咨委会注意到,鉴于联苏特派团在整个任务区执行各项建 设项目的时限、其有限的能力以及旱季进行任何施工时间较短等因素,特派团决 定先兴建一些永久建筑物,以应付因部队重组而来到区总部的工作人员的住宿需 求以及州一级增多的实务人员,然后再替换任何现有的硬墙宿舍。
The Committee notes from the information provided in section V.B of the proposed budget for 2010/11 (A/64/632) that, given the time frame for UNMIS to implement the various construction projects throughout the Mission area, the limited capacity and the short time frame available during the dry season to undertake any construction work, the Mission determined that permanent structures would be built to cater for any shortfalls in accommodation requirements for staff in sector headquarters as a result of the reconfiguration of military units and the additional presence of substantive personnel at the state level, before any replacement of existing hard-wall accommodation.
委员会第四次会议审议了项目 5.6,同时重点关注了建立三个中心的建议--即关于设立地区水下考古中心 (克罗地亚扎达尔)的建议;关于在中国建立亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建议;以及关于在阿贝奥库 塔城奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔总统图书馆建立非洲文化与国际交流研究所(尼日利亚奥 州 ) 的 建议。
At its fourth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.6 focusing simultaneously on the proposal to create the three centres: Proposal for the establishment of a regional centre for underwater archaeology (Zadar, Croatia); Proposal for the establishment in China of a world heritage training and research institute for the Asia and the Pacific region; Proposal for the establishment of an institute for African culture and international understanding at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library in Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria).
委員察悉,在加拿大愛伯達省、安大略省、卑斯省和馬 尼托巴省及美國德克薩州的有限法律責任合夥法例中,每項 均訂有條文,對確實知悉失責行為,但沒有作出合理的努力加 以阻止的合夥人,剔除其作為有限法律責任合夥的合夥人可享 有的保障,而在加拿大安大略省及美國德克薩 州 的 有 限法律 責任合夥法例中,每項亦訂有條文,對理應知道有關失責行為, 但沒有作出合理的努力加以阻止的合夥人,剔除其作為有限法 律責任合夥的合夥人可享有的保障。
Members note that each of the LLP legislation in the provinces of Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia and Manitoba of Canada and the State of Texas of US has a stipulation that removes LLP protection for a partner who has actual knowledge of the default but failed to exercise reasonable diligence to remove it, whereas each of the LLP legislation of the province of Ontario of Canada and the State of Texas of US also has a stipulation to remove LLP protection for a partner who ought reasonably to have known of the default but failed to exercise reasonable diligence to prevent it.




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