单词 | 温室效应 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 温室效应 —greenhouse effectSee also:温室 pl—conservatories pl 室温 n—ambient temperature n • indoor temperature n 效应 n—effect n 效应—effect (scientific phenomenon)
由于海平面上升、风暴增强且频率加大 、 温室效应 影 响 水文循环造成淡水资源枯竭, 以及大规模气候变化造成人口迁移,沿海人口的安全受到威胁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The security of coastal populations is at risk due to sea-level rise, increased intensity and [...] frequency of storms, increased scarcity [...] of freshwater due to impacts of the greenhouse [...]effect on the hydrological cycle, [...]and the threat of large-scale climate change-induced population movements. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些比较研究至今还没有具体研究不同市场实际上、或者 潜在地如何处理京都议定书不直接控制的 致 温室效应 气 体。 multilateralfund.org | These comparative studies have not so far looked [...] specifically at how different markets actually, or [...] potentially, address GHGs that are not directly [...]controlled by Kyoto. multilateralfund.org |
秘书长在关于可持续发展问题世界首脑会议成 果的报告(A/64/275)中,没有深究 温室效应 和 全球 变暖的真正原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | In, his report on the outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable [...] Development (A/64/275), the Secretary-General had not delved into the true [...] reasons for the greenhouse effect and global warming. daccess-ods.un.org |
温室效应造成的生态系统破坏正在世界 各个地区造成巨大的经济破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ecosystem [...] damage due to the greenhouse effect is causing enormous [...]economic damage in various parts of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球变暖潜势”(简称:GWP)规定了一种气体与CO2相比 的 温室效应 ; 例如按100年计算,甲烷的二氧化碳当量为25(依据《IPCC2007第四次评估报告》)。 reports.wacker.com | The GWP (Global Warming Potential) [...] is a measure of how much a gas [...] contributes to the greenhouse effect compared with [...]CO2. For example, the CO2 equivalent [...]for methane over 100 years is 25 (according to IPCC Fourth Assessment Report 2007). reports.wacker.com |
过量的二氧 化碳可造成温室效应,是 导致全球温度升高的气体 之一。 teebweb.org | Carbon dioxide is [...] one of the gases that, in excess, can lead to higher global temperatures due to the greenhouse effect and the potential [...]to ‘capture’ carbon dioxide in [...]vegetation is one important component of a strategy to address the problems of climate change. teebweb.org |
为了应对这一挑战,秘书处一直推动采取相关政策,鼓励交通运 [...] 输方式从公路运输变为铁路和内陆水运,尤其是对于货运,亚太区域 温室效应气体 排放中约有三分之一是货运产生的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to this challenge, the secretariat has been promoting policies which encourage modal shift from road to railway and inland water transport, [...] particularly for freight transport which is responsible for roughly [...] one third of greenhouse gas emissions in [...]the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
本次级方案将利用创新和务实办 法,促进更有效地利用各种资源(包括能源和水)、增加对自然资本 [...] 和人力资本的投资、以及使经济和社会发展与区域和地方污染 及 温室 效应气体排放等环境退化现象脱钩。 daccess-ods.un.org | The subprogramme will use innovative and pragmatic approaches to promote more efficient use of resources, including energy and water, increased investment in natural and human capital, and decoupling economic [...] and social development from environmental degradation, such as regional and [...] local pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
粮食和植物比重较高的饮食料理产业通常使用的密集型资源较少,却占用了较多的土地,导致更为严重 的 温室效应。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Diets high in whole foods and plants generally require fewer resources [...] and make more efficient use of land. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
因为碳不是生物圈中的自然组分,当大气层吸收大量的二氧化碳时,将使全球产 生 温室效应。 esab-cutting.cn | As this carbon is not a natural part of the biological cycle, the atmosphere receives additional carbon dioxide which helps to produce global warming. esab-cutting.net |
因此,严重火灾成倍 增加温室效应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The pandemic fire plague thus renders [...] exponential the greenhouse effect. daccess-ods.un.org |
据 估计,旅游业占全球温室效应气体的 5%,特别是运输方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tourism is estimated to account for 5 per [...] cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, in [...]particular through transport. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽 然在历史中地球的气候已存在变化,但近代人类的活动如燃料开采、农业工业化和土地资源过度开发 等,都加重了温室气体的排放量,导 致 温室效应 不 断增强,促使全球变暖,由此也连带造成极端气候 [...] 变化等现象。 on-the-move.org | Earth’s climate has varied naturally in the past, but the human activities of burning fossil fuels, industrial agriculture and land use are causing a rapid increase in the concentration of GHGs, [...] which is enhancing the greenhouse effect and resulting in [...] hotter overall mean temperature and variable, extreme [...]weather conditions. on-the-move.org |
这 些大气污染物排放量的显著减少能够大大缓 解 温室效应 、 光 化学烟雾、酸雨等环 境问题的加剧,对改善环境质量、提高人民生活质量作用非浅。 switch-china-sme.eu | The obvious emission reduction of such air pollutants will [...] obviously alleviate the environmental [...] problems such as greenhouse effect, photochemical [...]smog and acid rain, which will play [...]a very important role in improving environmental quality and people’s living standard. switch-china-sme.eu |
甲烷的GWP值 为21, 其他的温室效应气体的GWP 值更高。 grubengas.de | The GWP of methane equals approximately 21, [...] for the other greenhouse gases the GWPs are [...]considerably higher. grubengas.de |
虽然 人类活动并不会显著增加水蒸汽在大气层中的浓 度,但会加重温室效应,其 原因在于温室气体造 成的气温上升会导致水蒸汽增加。 on-the-move.org | While humans are not significantly increasing its concentration, it [...] contributes to the enhanced [...] greenhouse effect because the warming influence of greenhouse gases leads to a positive water vapour feedback. on-the-move.org |
为了保护环境和缓解温室效应,巴拿马采取了各种积极措施,通过各种行 动方案来提高能源的使用效率,推动清洁能源的使用,避免砍伐森林,提高工业 生产的环保程度,推动环保科技的创新。 daccess-ods.un.org | Panama is actively pursuing [...] efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions by undertaking projects to boost energy efficiency, use clean energy, [...]avoid deforestation, [...]and employ cleaner production methods and technological innovations. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,臭氧消耗潜能值为零(ODP)。此外,为使 温室效应为零 ,CC系列循环器可采用天然制冷 剂。 huber-online.com | In addtion, [...] to bring the greenhouse effect to zero, Compatible [...]Control circulators are available with natural refrigerants. huber-online.com |
在“地球环境保护是全人类共同的课题”的认识不断提高的今天,通过限制二氧化碳 等温 室效应气体 的排放以便防止地球变暖、通过再生循环利用及减少废弃物以便构建循环型经济 社会、通过化学物质的管理以便防止环境污染等工作变得益发重要。 i-aquos-club.com | Measures to prevent global warming by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, changing economic patterns by reducing and recycling waste materials, and ending environmental pollution by chemical substance control and the like, have become increasingly important. i-aquos-club.com |
为了保护环境和减少温室效应,Huber 制冷器采用天然制冷剂。 huber-online.com | To care for the environment and to reduce the green house effect, Huber cooling devices are fitted as standard with natural refrigerants. huber-online.com |
(c) 异丁烷的全球变暖潜势值较低(100 年的全球变暖潜势值为 3);这不是一种 消费产品,并由于其消费量极低,因此不受任何政府的管制;这是解决与气 雾剂方面的消耗臭氧层物质排放相关的环境问题(消耗臭氧 和 温室效应 )的 一个既定方法 multilateralfund.org | (c) Isobutane has a very low GWP value (100-year GWP is 3); it is not a consumer product and therefore not regulated by any government because of the relatively small consumption [...] volume; it is a [...] definitive solution to the environmental problems associated with ODS emissions by aerosols for both ozone depletion and greenhouse effects multilateralfund.org |
新的节能灯具安装于 Waxdale 工厂,在投入使用的第一年便减少了 776 吨温室效应气体的排放。 scjohnson.com | New, energy-efficient light fixtures were installed at our Waxdale facility, eliminating 776 tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the first year. scjohnson.com |
28 他鼓励对采掘业产生的污染作进一步研究和磋 商,包括关于空气传播的危险物质对全球污染 和 温室效应 的 贡 献及其对人权的影 响和由此产生的域外义务的研究和磋商。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur is pleased to observe the growing consensus among States on the right to the enjoyment of a safe, clean and healthy sustainable environment.28He encourages further studies and consultations [...] on pollution caused [...] by extractive industries, including on the contribution of airborne hazardous substances to global pollution and to the greenhouse effect, the human [...]rights impact thereof, [...]as well as the extra-territorial obligations that arise therefrom. daccess-ods.un.org |
温暖化防止法(日本): 全球变暖对于整个地球的环境都会带来深刻的影响,在对于气候系统不会导致危险的人为干扰的 水准下,使大气中的温室效应气体 浓度趋于稳定,防止全球暖化是人类共同面临的课题,鉴于我 们每一个人自主地且积极地致力于这一课题的重要性,对于全球暖化对策,制定京都议定书目标 达成计划,同时设法推进全球暖化对策,由此来为人类的福祉作贡献。 panasonic.cn | Because global warming has a serious impact on the entire planet, a shared concern affecting all human beings is the need to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a safe level that does not cause dangerous human intervention in the global climate system. panasonic.cn |
缔约方也考虑了有关“其他问题”的议程 项目,其中包括:温室气体 ;部门和源的类别;针 对部门排放的办法;方法问题;外溢 效应。 undpcc.org | Parties also considered an agenda [...] item on “other issues” [...] comprising: greenhouse gases; sectors and source categories; approaches targeting sectoral emissions; methodological issues; and spillover effects. undpcc.org |
这些数字可能无法精确地反映各组织的具体情况、能 力、能源利用效率或为减少温室气体 排放而作出的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The figures may not reflect accurately particular [...] conditions, facility energy efficiency or efforts undertaken [...]by organizations to reduce GHG emissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第十五次缔约方会议之前,马尔代夫呼吁:哥本哈根协议确保通过一个 充足、方便和灵活机制,为易受影响的国家最直接和最紧迫的 适 应 需 求 ,提供资 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳浓度降至不超过百万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 年的全球温室气体排放水平减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to [...] ensure that the most [...] immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and the Copenhagen agreement to help reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no more than 350 parts per million; implying the need for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions [...]reduction by 2020 from [...]1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050. daccess-ods.un.org |
密克罗尼西亚联邦坚定地认为,不采取充分的缓解行动来减 少温室气体排放,又不提供充分的适 应 行 动 经费 来 应 对 气候变化的不利影响,就 是侵犯生命权和自由权以及免于恐惧和匮乏之害的权利的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Federated States of Micronesia was strongly of the view that the inadequacy [...] of mitigation [...] actions to reduce greenhouse gases, together with insufficient funding for adaptation to address the [...]adverse impact of climate [...]change, constituted violations of its right to life and liberty, and its right to be free from fear and want. daccess-ods.un.org |
备选1 :为核算土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业 的 温室 气 体 排放量和清除 量,缔约方应核算 林地、耕地、草地、湿地和住区的人 为 温室 气 体 源排放量和汇 清除量以及从土地利用类别林地、耕地、草地、湿地和住区的土地利用变化产生 的温室气体源排放量和汇清除量。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2. Option 1: For the purpose of accounting greenhouse gas emissions and removals [...] from land use, land-use change and forestry, a Party shall account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks [...]on forest land, cropland, grassland, [...]wetlands and settlements as well as greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from land-use changes from the land-use categories forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands or settlements to any other land-use category. daccess-ods.un.org |
该举措涉及环境署和联合国范围内的多项举措,其 目的是提供令人信服的宏观经济证据,证 明 应 该 大量增加环境投资,以促进可持 续的经济增长,创造体面的就业机会并减少贫穷,同时减 少 温室 气 体 排放,减少 开采和使用自然资源并减少废物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The initiative involves a number of UNEP and United Nations-wide initiatives that are aimed at providing convincing macroeconomic evidence for significantly increasing investments in the environment as a means of promoting sustainable [...] economic growth, the creation [...] of decent jobs and the reduction of poverty, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions, extracting and using less natural resources and creating less waste. daccess-ods.un.org |