

单词 温和性

See also:

温和 adj

benign adj



External sources (not reviewed)

各位部长重申了他们对必须强调所有宗教和信仰 温和性和 通 过 宗教内和 宗教间对话增进理解的坚定信仰。
their strong belief in the need tostress moderation of all religions and beliefs and to promote understanding through dialogue within and across religions.
这款不含色素、香精及防腐剂的温和透明配方含有Glucamate™ DOE-120增稠剂和Glucam™ E-20保湿剂,是渴温和性质和柔肤效果的婴幼儿妈妈们的衷爱之选。
Babies and moms seeking mildness and soft skin will love this color-, fragrance-, and paraben-free, clear, and mild formula containing [...]
Glucamate™ DOE-120 Thickener and Glucam™ E-20 Humectant.
萃取自植物的Glucamate™ VLT增稠剂可在增稠表面活性剂体系的同时保持配方 温和性。
The vegetable-derived Glucamate™ VLT Thickener thickens the
[...] surfactant system while maintaining the mildness of the formula.
这款透明的婴儿洗发水使用Glucamate™ VLT增稠剂,拥有蜂蜜般的长流性, 且 温和性 较 强,适用于婴儿皮肤
This clear baby shampoo uses Glucamate™ VLT Thickener to provide
[...] long, honey-like flow rheology, and remains gentle [...]
for use with baby skin.
这款烷基和烷基醚无硫配方含有适用于敏感肌肤 温和性 加 脂剂,触感轻柔。
This alkyl and alkyl ether sulfate-free formula provides a soft feel with gentle refatting for delicate skin.
我们认为,2005 年 12 月在《千年发展目标》的同时获得通过的题为 “十年行动纲领”的伊斯兰会议组织的路线图文件是 促进穆斯林世界温和性和现代 化的改革蓝图。
An OIC road map document entitled “Ten-Year Programme of Action”, adopted in December 2005, which parallels the Millennium Development Goals, is a document that we consider to be a blueprint for reform promoting moderation and modernization in the Muslim world.
这款透明的婴儿洗发水使用Glucamate™ VLT增稠剂,拥有蜂蜜般的长流性, 且 温和性 较 强,适用于婴儿皮肤 该配方在与水混合后施用于头发时可产生丰富的泡沫。
This clear baby shampoo uses Glucamate™ VLT Thickener to provide
[...] long, honey-like flow rheology, and remains gentle [...]
for use with baby skin.
Chembetaine™ CGF表面活性剂和Sulfochem™ ALS及EA-3表面活性剂具有出色的去污能力、粘度反 和温和性 质 , 可产生丰富、绵密的泡沫,给人以独特的清洁体验。
The use of Chembetaine™ CGF Surfactant and Sulfochem™ ALS & EA-3 Surfactants provides excellent detergency, viscosity response and mildness, with rich, dense [...]
foam for a unique cleansing experience.
本配方综合利用Glucamate™ DOE-120增稠剂和Novethix™
[...] L-10聚合物来提供增稠效果;前者可提高产品 温和性 , 后 者可改善稳定性、平滑的蜜状流动性、提供细腻稳定的泡沫,并加入珠光剂来增强沐浴露的彩虹光泽。
The formulation is synergistically
thickened with Glucamate™ DOE-120 Thickener,
[...] which improves mildness, and Novethix™ [...]
L-10 Polymer, which provides stabilization,
smooth honey-like flow, creamy stable foam, and sharpens the iridescence furnished by the pearlizing agent.
在需要耐温性和挠性的典型密封应用中,使用山都平热塑性硫化弹性体171-73 。
In typical seal applications
[...] requiring high-temperature resistance and flexibility, [...]
use Santoprene™ 171-73 TPV grade.
Technyl Star™ AFX 将极强的流动性和无与伦比的刚化水平(高达 60%)结合在一起,具有超强的刚性、耐 温性和 举 世 无双的可加工性能。
Combining superior flowability together with a currently unmet level of reinforcement
(up to 60 percent), Technyl Star™ AFX offers
[...] unequalled stiffness, temperature resistance and incomparable processability.
这些电阻器在 +85°C
[...] 时的额定功率为 150mW,并具有出色的温性能和高达 0.5% 的耐潮性,因而符合 AEC-Q200 标准,能在苛刻的工作环境下实现高可靠性。
The power rating is specified to
150mW at +85°C which, combined with
[...] the device's high-temperature performance and excellent [...]
moisture resistivity of up to 0.5%,
allows these AEC-Q200-compliant resistors to provide high reliability in harsh environments.
Bulletin 6176M 工业监视器是针对不太苛刻但仍必须保持 温性 、 抗冲 击 性和 抗 振性的环境设计的。
Bulletin 6176M Industrial Monitors are designed for environments that are less demanding but still must
[...] maintain endurance to temperature, shock and vibration.
按照旋转应用下的温性,摩擦特 性和 介 质相容性的不同,不同的密封材料有不同的公差。
Different sealing materials have different
[...] tolerances in terms of temperature resistance, friction [...]
characteristics in rotating applications
or capability to withstand media.
分布单元组的物种组成比较和生态型分析表明:①在我国干旱地区的海拔较低地带,景观自东向西由草原、荒漠草原过渡到荒漠,地理分布单元组亦呈现相应的分布格局,喜湿的物种逐渐减少,耐旱的种类增加;②青藏高原、帕米尔高原寒漠与蒙 温性和 暖 温性 荒 漠啮齿动物物种数和组成相近,物种多样性低;③阿尔泰山地及南麓平原啮齿动物组成较为特殊,寒湿啮齿动物成份最高;④东祁连山地及其北麓以及伊犁谷地、额敏谷地、伊犁天山、准噶尔界山及东麓山前平原的啮齿动物成份较为复杂,物种多样性较高。
They were ①ⅠAa:forest steppe and arid steppe in piedmont of Da Hinggan Mountain, east of Inner Mongolia Plateau and the area around, ⅠAb:arid steppes in Ningxia Plateau, Helan Mountain, center of
Inner Monglia Plateau, Ordus Plateau and the area around, ⅠBa:Qinghai Tibet Plateau not including Qilin Mountain, and Pamir
[...] Plateau, ⅠBb:wide temperature desert from Alxa Desert [...]
to Tarim and Jungar
Basin; ②ⅡA:east of Qilin Mountains, ⅡB:north slope of Qilin Mountain and its piedmont plains; ③ⅢA:Altay Mountain and the plains of south piedmont, ⅢBa:Emin Valley, boundary mountains of Jungar and its piedmont plains, ⅢBb:Tianshan Mountain in Ili and Ili Valley.
汉诺威DVG大厦的15,000平米桁架屋顶必须能够移动,以承受风、冰 和 季 节 性温 度 变 化。
The futuristic 15,000 m² trussed-frame roof of the dvg building
in Hanover must be capable of movement in order to withstand wind, ice and
[...] snow, as well as seasonal temperature changes.
硅橡胶是一种新型的高分子弹性材料,有极好的耐 温 ( 2 5 0- 30 0℃ ) 和 耐 低 温 ( - 4 0- 6 0℃ ) 性 能 ,有良好的生理稳定性,而且能够经受反复多次苛刻和消毒条件,具有极佳的回弹性和永久变形小(200℃48小时不大于50 [%]),击穿电压为(20-25KV/mm),耐臭氧,耐紫外。
Silicone rubber is a new type
[...] of polymer elastic material, has an excellent high-temperature (250-300 ℃) and low temperature (-40-60 ℃) performance, [...]
good physical
stability, and can withstand repeated harsh and disinfection conditions, with excellent elasticity and permanent deformation is small (200 ℃ 48 hours without a breakdown voltage greater than 50 [%]), (20-25KV/mm), resistant to ozone, UV-resistant.
使用了SILRES®BS 5137的矿棉即使在运和建筑施工期间遇受雨淋或环境潮湿的情况下, 仍能长期保持干燥, 保障温性能。
[...] 5137, mineral wool stays dry and thermally insulating over the long term – even if moisture eventually reaches a building’s insulation [...]
or if
insulation materials are exposed to rain, either during transport or construction.
[...] 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a 的产品价格相当;该项 目制和维修 方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产 性 能 与 使用 HFC-134a 的 产性能相 似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季 温 可 轻 易达到摄氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the
project, covering
[...] both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily [...]
reach 50 degrees Celsius
in the summertime; and information was provided on similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.
配制您的润滑油,以达到更好的 温性 能 以 及热稳 性和 氧 化 稳定性。
Formulate your
[...] lubricants for better low-temperature properties and thermal and [...]
oxidative stability.
考慮到有關指數相對上輕微,加 温和 的 通 脹環境、公務員的穩性及士氣因素,以及職方對薪酬調整的要求,我們建議在二零零九至一零 年度,這兩個薪金級別公務員的薪酬維持不變。
In view of the relatively small magnitude, the mildly inflationary environment, stability and morale of the civil service as well as the staff sides’ pay claims, we recommend that the pay offer for civil servants in these two salary bands for 2009-10 should be no change.
(d) 评估反映出非政府组织对几个问题的担心:1)严重的经费不足与制约因素影响 了表达自由、民主与和平处的工作,特别是与国际促进传播发展计划(IPDC)有 关的工作;2) 教科文组织在进行前性的工作和发挥自身道义与政治上的领导作 用,对压制表达自由的政府施加影响方面存在不足;3)实施与地区研讨 和温 得和克+10 会议有关的计划力度不够;4)应使非政府组织参与到关于信息社会的 首脑会议的筹备工作中来,工作的重点应不光是技术,也要包括信息的内容; 5)应更加重视独立的新闻机构的经济发展;6)战略重点应更加明确;7)担心 表达自由、民主与和平处的工作因自由表达工作的有争 性 和 所采取的新的非集 中化行动而变得愈加边缘化。
(d) The evaluation reflected the concerns of NGO’s on a number of issues: (1) Serious underfunding and the constraints that affect FED, particularly those relating to the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC); (2) shortcomings in proactive engagement and use of UNESCO’s moral and political leadership to influence governments
that repress freedom of expression; (3)
[...] insufficiently forceful implementation of programmes related to the regional seminars and Windhoek+10 Conference; (4) involvement of NGOs in the preparation of The World Summit on the Information Society, with a clear focus not only on technologies but also on the content of information; (5) greater emphasis on the development of the economic aspects of independent media enterprises; (6) sharper strategic focus; (7) fear that FED’s work will become more and more marginalized in light of the controversial nature of freedom of expression work and new decentralization efforts.
要想提高温性能2 以及与多元醇的可和性,则必然需要 HFC-245fa,以便达到印度刚 刚采用的严格的节省标准。
HFC-245fa is required to
[...] improve insulation performance2 and miscibility with polyol, in order to comply [...]
with the stringent energy-efficiency
standards recently introduced in India.
我们期待着国际社会在“不同文明联盟”倡议框 架内发挥更有效作用,以加强不同文明、宗教和文化 之间的对话;传播宽容温和及相 互尊重的价值观; 抵制任何表现形式的暴力或极端主义,因为它们有损 我们为传播和平文化和遵守本组织《宪章》所载崇高 原则与宗旨而一道努力的潜在可性。
We look forward to a more effective international role within the context of the Alliance of Civilizations initiative, in order to intensify dialogue between various civilizations, religions and cultures;
[...] the values of tolerance, moderation and mutual respect; and reject any expression of violence or extremism, which undermine our potential to work together to spread the culture of peace and abide by the lofty purposes and principles enshrined in [...]
the Charter of our Organization.
另外,钴的存在 除了增加压缩强度与温性能外 还稍微降低 了性和硬化能力。
On the other hand, its presence reduces the toughness and hardenability somewhat
[...] but increases compressive strength and high temperature properties.
含有BELSIL® DMC 6038和BELSIL® DM 5的眼唇卸妆油能够高效卸妆,其短链的聚二甲基硅氧烷也因良好的相 性 能 使 卸妆过程更 温和。
Makeup remover for eyes and lips containing BELSIL® DMC 6038 and BELSIL® DM 5 can effectively cleanse makeup, with the excellent compatibility of short-chain polydimethylsiloxane rendering the cleansing process gentler.
该产品可同时对露点/湿度、压和温 度 三个参数进行高精度的测量,希尔思仪表为本款产品注入了多项 性 化 的 革新,如用户友好界面,触摸屏,高分辨率的彩色屏幕显示图形或数字信息,数据记录功能(内置的SD卡可记录1亿个数据),业内首创的通过蓝牙实现现场的无线便携式打印,通过USB或SD卡对数据进行转存,并利用希尔思仪表的与高品质传感器设计相结合的软件进行数据分析和报告。
The DP 500 / DP 520 can measure highly accurately three
vital parameters dew
[...] point / humidity , pressure and temperature, and CS Instruments implemented a number of  user-friendly innovations such as the touch [...]
screen operation,
high resolution color screen display for graphics or digital information,data logging capability (100 Mio values on  a SD card), wireless portable printing on site via Blue tooth, data transfer via USB/SD for data analysis with the advanced analysis & reporting software solutions of CS Instruments combined with high quality sensor design.
汞在室温下呈液态,它是良好的电导体,具有高密度及高表面张力,可 随着压和温度的变化在整个液体范围内均一延展/收缩,并且对微生物(包括病原体)和其他害虫都 具有性,因 此是一种可用于许多用途的优良材料(UNEP 2002)。
Being liquid at room temperature, being a good electrical conductor, having very high density and high surface tension, expanding/contracting uniformly over its entire liquid
range in response to changes in pressure and
[...] temperature, and being toxic to micro-organisms (including pathogenic organisms) and other pests, mercury is an excellent material for many purposes (UNEP 2002).
在大多数情况下,技术援助对市场采取整体看法,以冷风机市场的供需双方为目 标,因此对基础设施产生影响并增加项目获得成功的可 性 , 增 加随之对削减能源消和 温室气体排放的影响。
Technical assistance in most instances took a holistic view of the market and targeted both the supply and demand side of the chillers market, thereby impacting infrastructure and augmenting
the potential for
[...] project success and the concomitant impact on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
符合食品接触法规并具有温性能的 威达美丙烯基弹性体的中等熔体流动速率的牌号,为增强薄壁注射成型的食品应用(如冰淇淋盒)的抗冲 性和 透 明 度提供了有效的解决方案。
Vistamaxx propylene-based elastomer
[...] medium-melt-flow-rate grades with food contact compliance and low-temperature performance provide an effective solution for adding impact resistance and transparency in thin-walled injection-molded [...]
food applications such as ice cream containers.




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