

单词 渡期内

See also:


ferry n


cross adj

pass through

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 的候选人和资金有限,因此很难确定委员会能否在 渡期内 填补 8 000 至 9 000 个空缺职位。
Given the slow pace of recruitment, lack of qualified candidates and limited
funding, the Commission’s capacity to fill the 8,000 to 9,000 vacant positions
[...] within the interim period remains uncertain.
我们期待安理会赋予联阿援助 团它所需要的授权,以便在从现在起直至 2014 年年 底的关键渡期内支持阿富汗政府。
We look to the Council to give UNAMA
the mandate it needs to support the Government during
[...] the critical period of transition between now and [...]
the end of 2014.
我们完全赞同主席分发的文件 (S/2011/114)中概述的指导原则,该文件提及在只剩 5 个月就将结束的渡期内完成 所有剩余任务难度很 大。
We fully agree with the guiding principles outlined in the document circulated by the presidency (S/2011/114) regarding the
difficulty of completing all remaining
[...] tasks during the transition period, which will come to an end in only five months.
如果已经采用 TRIPS
[...] 协议规定的知识产权保护标准的最不发达国家希望在 渡期内修 订其立法,应当允许它们这样做。
LDCs that have already adopted TRIPS
standards of IP protection should be free to amend their legislation if they so desire
[...] within this extended transition period.
我们继续在我们的战略伙 伴关系文件上取得进展;该文件概述了我们在 渡期 内和以后的长期合作。
We continue to make progress on our strategic partnership document, which outlines our long-term
[...] cooperation during the transition period and beyond.
在这段渡期内,无 论是根据ST2002(第11版)还 是根据ST2012标准申请ST测 试 [...]
,日 本 玩 具 协 会 都 接 受 。
During this transition period, the Japan Toy Association [...]
will accept toy safety tests based on either ST 2002 (11th edition)
or ST 2012 for ST mark application.
会议还一致任命了由九名成员(包括主席)组成的新的执委会,该执委会将在 今后最多不超过两年的渡期内履行 自己的职责,直至世界大会下一次例会选出新的执委 会。
It also appointed, by consensus, a new Executive Board, comprised of nine members including
the President, which will assume
[...] its function for a transitional period of the next two years [...]
at the maximum, until a new
Executive Board is elected at the next ordinary session of the World Congress.
根据这一建议,在《全面和平协定》签署后六年 渡期内 联 合 国在苏 丹全面行动框架内,本文件第 II 部分提出了一系列在教科文组织主管领域内施以援助的战略 方向。
Underpinning this proposal, Part II of the document suggests a series of strategic orientations for assistance in UNESCO fields of competence, within the framework of the overall United Nations response to Sudan during the post-CPA six year interim period.
[...] 以及组建索马里新政府,都为在经延长的 渡期内必 须维持的政治进程注入了积极势头。
The signing of the Kampala Accord and its subsequent approval by the Somali Parliament and the formation of a new Government
have imparted a positive momentum to the political process that needs to be
[...] maintained in the extended transition period.
然而,在六年的渡期内(到 七月份正式结束),全国大会党拒绝执行许多有意义的规定,因为这些规定会严重威胁到他们对权力的控制。
However, during its
[...] six year interim period (to end formally [...]
in July), the NCP resisted meaningful implementation of many
provisions, because they would seriously threaten its grip on power.
因此,理事会有权随时了解渡期内 所 计 划的和所取得的进 展情况;哪怕这意味着要投入努力起草将一些高度技术性的问题简化的报告。
The governing bodies are therefore entitled to be kept informed on
the planned and effective progress
[...] achieved during the transition phase; even if this [...]
means investing efforts in drafting
reports which simplify some highly technical issues.
决定将独立专家的任期延长一年,尽最大可能向索马里提供人权领域 的技术援助,支持过渡联邦政府和地方当局确保尊重人权的努力,加强人权制 度,履行渡期内尚未 完成的任务,请独立专家就索马里的人权状况和在索马里 境内开展技术合作的情况,向理事会第十三和第十五届会议提交报告
Decides to renew the mandate of the independent expert for a period of one year, with a view to maximizing the provision and flow of technical assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights, in order to support the efforts of the Transitional Federal Government and regional authorities to ensure the respect of human rights and strengthen the human rights regime in its work to complete the outstanding task of the transitional mandate, and requests the independent expert to submit a report on the human rights situation in Somalia and on the status of implementation of technical cooperation inside Somalia to the Council at its thirteenth and fifteenth sessions
还应当指出,脆弱国家需要有一个过渡期, 在渡期内,捐 助方提供资助应当更加灵活,而不应 采取一刀切的政策,因为这种政策只会妨碍有关各国 的进程。
It should also be noted that fragile
[...] States require a period of transition with greater flexibility in donor funding, instead of a policy of one size fits all, [...]
which can only interfere
with the individual processes of each country.
[...] 外,西非经共体领导人鼓励过渡总统和总理加紧努 力,争取在渡期内举行总统选举。
Furthermore, ECOWAS leaders encouraged the Transitional President and Prime
Minister to intensify their efforts aimed at conducting a presidential election in
[...] the course of the transitional period.
该声明提议在选举之前的渡期内 组建 新的全国政府,负责审查选举法的不足之处、修改法律以促进自由和公平的 [...]
环境、处理仍未解决的《全面和平协议》问题,并在达尔富尔缔结一项协议,以 促使更多人参与选举。
The statement proposed the formation of a new national
[...] government in the interim period before the elections, [...]
which would be responsible for reviewing
the shortcomings of the electoral law, legislative changes to promote a free and fair environment, addressing outstanding issues related to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and concluding an agreement in Darfur to allow for increased participation in the elections.
公报还确立了该国为期 12 个月的过渡期, 在渡期内将在 西非经共体的协助下采取以下措施: 第一,审议几内亚比绍的各项法律文书,其中包括该 [...]
国的《宪法》和选举法;以及,第二,国防和安全部 门改革以及其它改革,以便为过渡期结束时举行新选 举以选出一位总统铺平道路。
The communiqué also
[...] established a 12-month transitional period in the country, [...]
during which the following measures would
be taken with the assistance of ECOWAS: first, a review of GuineaBissau’s legal texts, including the country’s Constitution and electoral code; and secondly, reforms in the defence and security sectors and other reforms aimed at preparing the ground for the holding of fresh elections to choose a President by the end of the transition.
总干事承诺将加大工作力度,向巴西利亚办事处提供更多的支持和指导,并铭记办事 处将继续在渡期内摸索 ,在此期间,过去的作法将逐渐被淘汰。
The Director-General is committed to intensifying efforts in providing UBO with increased support and mentoring assistance while bearing in
mind that the Office will continue
[...] to experience a transition period within which past [...]
practices will be gradually phased out.
因此,应考虑在渡期内灵活 地实施新的 概念框架。
A flexible implementation of the new conceptual
[...] framework over a transition period should therefore [...]
be considered.
2005 年 7 月,值此教科文组织俱乐部世界会议(见 172EX/40 Add.号文件)之际,在 总部召开 FMACU
[...] 世界大会特别会议之后,世界联合会经协商一致任命了由九名成员(包括主 席)组成的临时执委会,负责管理在两年 渡期内 的 事 务。
After the extraordinary session of the World Congress of WFUCA, which was held at the Organization’s Headquarters on the occasion of the World Conference of UNESCO Clubs in July 2005 (see 172 EX/40 Add.), the World Federation established a transitional Executive Board, appointed by
consensus and made up of nine members including the President to manage
[...] its affairs for a transitional period of two years.
在政治方面,在延长渡期内,过渡 联 邦 机构根 据 2011 年 6 月《坎帕拉协定》,通过了一项全面的路 线图。
On the political front,
[...] the extended transition period has seen the adoption of a comprehensive road map by the Transitional Federal Institutions [...]
(TFIs), in
accordance with the June 2011 Kampala Accord.
鉴于以往的生活条件和预期人员流动情况,联布办事处人事费用空缺率系 数是,国际工作人员
[...] 15%,国家工作人员 5%,而联合国志愿者 0%,而且在渡期 内都不适用。
Taking into account the living conditions and turnover expected on the basis of prior experience, the vacancy rates factored into the staffing costs for BNUB are 15 per cent for international staff, 5 per cent for
national staff and zero per cent for United Nations Volunteers, while no rate was
[...] applied during the transition period.
渡期内,惠氏仍将继续 RELISTOR 的制造、销售、营销、临床和某些开发及法规活动。
which is continuing manufacturing, sales, marketing, clinical, and certain development and regulatory activities for RELISTOR during the transition.
第 55/236 号 决议为 2001-2003 年期间确定的过渡措施在渡期内将 以等额递增的方式实行, 在 2001-2003 年期间之后,上调两个等级的国家适用两年过渡期,上调三个或三 [...]
Transitions for 2001-2003 specified by the Assembly in its resolution 55/236, also of 23 December 2000, would occur in
equal increments over
[...] the transition period and, after 2001-2003, transition periods of two years [...]
would apply to countries
moving up by two levels and transition periods of three years would apply to countries moving up by three levels or more.
[...] 及对人力资源管理政策和程序的全面审查和更新,将需要一个 渡 期 , 过 渡期内 对空缺率的直接影响可能不明显。
The Administration acknowledges that these changes, which involved a comprehensive review and update of the human resources
management policies and procedures,
[...] will require a transition period during which an [...]
immediate impact on vacancy rates may not be visible.
渡期内对于 印有老标志的外包装物,可以继续使用,但鼓励用CCC标志覆盖旧标志,但过渡期结束后,须用新标志覆盖旧标志(包括过渡期结束前已进入市场的产品)。
For the transition period the old logo printed [...]
on the packaging material, can continue to use, but encourage the use of
CCC mark over the old logo, but after a transitional period to be covered by the old signs with new signs (including transition of products into the market before the end of ).
在和平渡期内早日 解决妇女和女孩的权利和参与问题,这对成功执行第 1325(2000)号决议特别重要。
It is of particular importance for the successful implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) that the rights and participation of women and girls are addressed early in the transition to peace.
海地人不能永 远生活在各方面情况都不确定而需要采取短期行动 满足紧急需要的渡期内。
Haitians cannot live forever
[...] in transitional periods where uncertainty [...]
prevails and short-term actions are taken to meet urgent needs.
2005 年 3
[...] 月,苏丹政府提出了一个《持续和平、发展和减少贫穷框架》,提出了苏丹 在六年渡期内恢复和发展所需的资金,强调了在关键的前两年(2005--2007)所需的资 金。
In March 2005, the Sudanese authorities issued a Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and Poverty Reduction, which presented recovery and
development requirements for Sudan for the
[...] six-year interim period with a focus on [...]
the critical first two years (2005-2007).
我 们希望,在这段延长渡期内,过渡 联 邦 机构将充分 执行载于 9 月 6 日通过的路线图中有关海盗活动的基 [...]
准,包括制定打击海盗活动、劫持人质、支付赎金的 法律框架,划定专属经济区、建立有行动能力的海岸 警卫队、任命一名反海盗协调员等等。
We hope that in
[...] the extended transition period, the TFIs will fully [...]
implement the benchmarks concerning piracy contained
in the road map adopted on 6 September, including the adoption of a legal framework against piracy, hostage-taking, payment of ransom, the demarcation of an exclusive economic zone, the establishment of an operational coastguard, the appointment of a counter-piracy coordinator, and so on.
国际公共部门会计标准》第 13 项标准规定在渡期内,无 形固定资产可以不进行追 溯入账,一方面是因为很难统计清楚不同的资产,另一方面是难以可靠地对其估值。
IPSAS 31 leaves open the
[...] option during the transitional period of not recognizing [...]
intangible assets retrospectively, in
view of the difficulty both of inventorying the various assets and of valuing them reliably.




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