单词 | 渡假 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 渡假noun—vacationn渡假—vacations spend one's holidays See also:渡n—ferryn 渡adv—crossadj 渡—pass through 假adj—fakeadj falseadj artificialadj 假n—vacationn
第二环节是看影片认识当下在纽西兰打工渡假的新兵。 4tern.com | Second video is to look at the present New [...] Zealandworkingholiday makers. 4tern.com |
在纽西兰打工渡假的生涯里,大家都会住在同一个屋檐下、在同个地方工作、结伴到同一个地方玩。 4tern.com | During the workingholidays,youwill need to [...] stay together in a group, work in a same place, travel together. 4tern.com |
执行蒙特利尔议定书多边基金执行委员会第五十六次会议 2008 年 11 [...] 月 8 日至 12 日在卡塔尔多哈的喜来登多哈渡假与会议大酒店举行。 multilateralfund.org | The 56th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the [...] Implementation of the Montreal Protocol was held at the [...] SheratonDohaResort & Convention [...]Hotel, Doha, Qatar, from 8 to 12 November 2008. multilateralfund.org |
在卡通频道播出的电影在10月4 2008 9:00下午的电视14-V的评价和独家的父母警告后,每个商业渡假,有一些更多的图形场景切。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The film aired on Cartoon Network on October 4, 2008 at 9:00 pm with a TV-14-V rating and an exclusive parental warning after each commercial break, with a few of the more graphic scenes cut. seekcartoon.com |
离都会区不远处,您可到访日本着名温泉渡假村之一的富士五湖区草津温泉,除此之外,还有许多令人感到惊喜的景点有待您去发现。 seagate.com | Travel a short distance outside the city and you will find one of Japan's most famous hot springs resorts, Kusatsu Onsen, the Fuji Five Lake region and many more exciting discoveries. seagate.com |
拍摄後,即使将 [行程日期] 设定为 [SET],也不会显示图片是在渡假的第几天拍摄的。 us.leica-camera.com | Even if [TRAVEL DATE] is set to [SET] after taking the pictures, [...] which day of thevacation youtookthem is [...]not displayed. en.leica-camera.com |
槟城是一个渡假岛屿,享有马来西亚「东方之珠」的美誉,到处都有异国美食、美不胜收的海滩、优质大饭店,以及通宵达旦的餐厅和酒吧。 seagate.com | The resort islandof Penang, Malaysia’s [...] “Pearl of the Orient”, overflows with exotic food, fabulous beaches, fine hotels [...]and all-night restaurants and bars. seagate.com |
涉嫌复仇杀4人的前洛杉矶警察Christopher Dorner,周三晚被追捕的警员在San Bernardino山区大熊湖发现,Dorner匿藏的渡假屋被警方围困後起火,警方在烧毁的屋里发现一烧焦了的屍体。 ktsf.com | (AP) Los Angeles police say their department has returned to normal patrol operations, the day after a shootout and fire in the San Bernardino Mountains is believed to have claimed the life of former cop Christopher Dorner. ktsf.com |
现在有迹象显示,嫌犯就在和警方指挥中心一街之隔的渡假屋内匿藏。 ktsf.com | It now appears that Dorner spent most of that [...] time hiding in a vacation cabin across the [...]street from the command post. ktsf.com |
由澳门特别行政区政府旅游局主办的澳门国际烟花比赛汇演在国际间享负盛名,今年,澳门永利渡假酒店成为本届国际烟花比赛汇演的冠名赞助商。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The Macau International Fireworks Display Contest, organized by Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO), has always been a colossal event. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
现在,他是皇后镇附近Glenorchy唯一的布兰凯特海湾渡假庄园的行政总厨。 tipschina.gov.cn | Currently he is Executive Chef at the exclusive Blanket Bay Lodge in Glenorchy, near Queenstown. tipschina.gov.cn |
设计师Agnès b. [...] 位於法国康城与尼斯之间的滨海小城安提布(Antibes)的渡假屋就以此为名,而它刚於香港开设的店子也就是「agnès [...]b. LA LOGGIA」。 think-silly.com | It is also the name of fashion [...] designer Agnèsb.’s holiday home inAntibes [...](between Canne and Nice in France). think-silly.com |
从2004年起本集团积极拓展海外市场,成功赢得多个地标工程项目包括杜拜塔;澳门威尼斯人酒店;美国拉斯韦加斯Cosmopolitan渡假酒店及赌场;美国拉斯韦加斯City Center东方文华及Veer [...] Towers;加拿大多伦多Trump International及香格里拉以及智利圣地亚哥Costanera中心等等。 fareastglobal.com | Since 2004, we have actively expanded geographically towards international markets, and have won many of the prestigious landmark projects, including the world¡¦s tallest [...] tower ¡V Burj Khalifa of UAE; [...] Venetian Macau-Resort-Hotel; Cosmopolitan Resort andCasino; [...]City Center Mandarin Oriental [...]and Veer Towers projects in Las Vegas; 605 W. 42nd Street in New York, U.S.A.; Trump International Hotel & Tower and Shangri-La in Toronto, Canada; and Costanera Center in Santiago, Chile. fareastglobal.com |
张先生现为亚洲邮轮会有限公司董事及港兴船务有限公司顾问。该两家公司均於 香港及亚太区从事提供渡假式邮轮、酒店及博彩设施管理服务,并提供港口及船舶管理 以及码头运作服务之业务。 cre8ir.com | Mr. Cheung is currently a director of the Asia Cruiser Club Limited and a consultant of the Conning Shipping Limited, which are both engaged in the provision of leisure cruise hospitality, hotel and gaming facilities management in both Hong Kong and Asia Pacific region as well as the provision of service of port, vessel management and wharf operation. cre8ir.com |
儿童之家鼓励儿童与父母有恒常的联系,通过回家渡假,日常通电话,或父母到访等,都会令儿童感觉到父母的关怀,未有因分开居住而减少。 motherschoice.com | Throughholiday home stays, daily [...] phone calls and visits from parents, the child will feel that the love and care from parents [...]have not diminished due to the separation. motherschoice.com |
其中有趣的发现是近三分之一的北京富 裕族群热爱海边渡假圣地,然而上海和广州则只有 5.5%及 6%的富裕族偏好此等旅游地区。 mastercard.com | Close to onethird of the affluent in Beijing favored beach resorts, while only 5.5% and 6% in Shanghai and Guangzhou respectively expressed the same preference. mastercard.com |
此外,在 1960 年代,任何大企业的雇员都可以享用由摇篮到坟墓的福利:例如企业 [...] 经营的医院、健康中心及商店;单身或已婚工人宿舍;企业属下各个渡假休憩场所; 企业资助的旅游、运动队及音乐节等等。 hkahe.com | Besides, in the 1960s, the employees of any big enterprises could enjoy welfare from birth to death, such as enterprise-operated hospitals, health centers and shops; [...] dormitories for single and married workers; [...] enterprise-owned resort facilities; enterprise-subsidized [...]tours, sports teams and [...]music festivals, etc. These welfares helped to reduced the number of disputes between employers and employees. hkahe.com |
安栋梁表示,今次与澳门永利渡假酒店的合作,意味着有更多旅游企业参与旅游推广活动,促进澳门旅游业发展。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Antunes expressed that this cooperation with Wynn Macau signified that more tourism related enterprises are participating in promotional activities to enhance the tourism industry of Macau. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
对於出发日期前的日期,会以橙色显示 [-](负数),并且不记录渡假日期。 us.leica-camera.com | For the date before the departure date, [-] (minus) is displayed in orange [...] and theday of the vacationis not recorded. en.leica-camera.com |
VTech Hospitality凭藉集团20年来於消费电话领域的经验及专长,开发专为酒店、渡假酒店及会议中心而设计的创新通讯方案。 vtech.com | VTech Hospitality leverages the Group’s 20 years of experience and expertise in consumer telephony to develop innovative communication solutions customised specifically for hotels, resorts and conference centres. vtech.com |
二零一二年的显着增幅,主要來自获得澳门银河娱樂渡假村第二期的大额工程合约。 hsinchong.com | Allied to its record year end order book, during the year under review, Hsin Chong Construction delivered its contract works to establish a new record year of performance. hsinchong.com |
澳门航空及澳门银河综合渡假城携手举办澳门首个空中幸运大抽奖 ─「空中刮刮乐银家就是您」推广 活动,澳门航空乘客将有机会赢取「亚洲新皇殿」丰富奖品,亲临澳门银河体验皇者礼遇。 yp.mo | Visitors flying on Air Macau will now also have the chance to experience what it‟s like to be treated like royalty with the announcement that Macau‟s leading airline is partnering with Galaxy Macau for “Scratch & Win in the Air”, the first in-flight lucky draw in the market. yp.mo |
屡获国际殊荣、全球最畅销的乐器演奏家Kenny G,将於2012年10月12日星期五,亲临「澳门银河™」综合渡假城的顶级私人会所红伶,以浪漫深情的色士风演奏,触动宾客心灵。 yp.mo | On October 12, multi-award-winning saxophonist and the world’s biggest selling instrumental musician, Kenny G, will be playing his own unique brand of smooth jazz at China Rough,Galaxy Macau. yp.mo |
Raajje TV」通过亚洲五号卫星广濶的 C 波段覆盖,为马尔代夫 120 个岛屿上的有线电视台、 酒店、渡假村及家庭观众免费传送电视服务,并且将广播接入至亚洲区内各主要的电视网络、 酒店网络及观众。 asiasat.com | Raajje TV is distributed free to air, to cable operators, hotels,resorts and home viewers throughout the 120 inhabited islands of the Maldives. With AsiaSat 5, Raajje TV also reaches all major Asian TV networks, hotel networks and TV viewers under the satellite’s pan Asian C-band footprint. asiasat.com |
泰国不仅是每年吸引数以百万计游客前往的渡假天堂,同时也是在21世纪初仍能忠于本地文化和传统的现代国家。 chi.mazars.cn | Beyond its image as a vacation paradise welcoming millions of visitors each year, Thailand is, in fact, at the dawn of the 21st century, a modern country which has remained true to its culture and traditions, while also successfully developing into a leading economic and financial power at regional level, and a significant player in international trade. mazars.cn |