

单词 渠管

See also:

him (dialect)
outer rim of a carriage wheel (old)
how can it be that?
stream or canal
surname Qu

External sources (not reviewed)

自二零零一年十月以來, 曾有十八次渠管事件 ,其中九次是在最近三年內發生(請 參看附件B)。
Since October 2001, the pipes have burst 18 times, with nine bursts occurring in the recent three years (please see Annex B).
現在這數字已與工業來源及非工業來源的損 渠管 的 個案合併,並歸納在 “修葺/勘測損渠管"一欄內。
The combined figures are now reported in the “Defective drainage repair/investigation” column.
卢比肯以其独特的控制闸门和全渠道控制(卢比肯全自动 渠管 理 系 统)在灌溉效率方面世界 领先。
Rubicon leads the world in irrigation efficiency with its
unique water control gates and Total Channel Control® - Rubicon's completely automated
[...] irrigation canal management system.
(viii)修葺/更換破損的管及渠管/進 行 水管工程及裝設防水膜
(viii) Repair/replacement of defective
[...] water pipes and drains/plumbing works and water-proofing [...]
在一些地区,主渠管理者和用水户协会之间的供水合同为用水户协会创建了决定希 望获得多少水并为其付费的理论机制。
In some places, supply contracts
[...] between main system managers (the permit holders) [...]
and WUAs are creating a theoretical mechanism
for WUAs to decide how much water they want to receive and pay for.
因此,国家,甚至党的机构萎缩了,权力和资源日益集 中到了少数个人手中,在很大程度上是在政府以外的机构 渠 道 管 理。
As a result, State and even party institutions have been left to atrophy, while power and resources have become increasingly
concentrated in the hands of a small number of
[...] individuals and are largely managed outside Government institutions and channels.
他还担任过 Compaq 的各种销售渠道管理职位。
He also held
[...] various sales and channel management roles with Compaq.
中西區區議會轄下的食物環境衞生及工務委 員會亦曾對這兩條地渠管時有 滲漏或爆裂而影響附近商戶 及居民的情況,表示關注。
The Food, Environment, Hygiene & Works Committee of the Central and Western District Council has expressed concern over the frequent leakage or bursting of these two pipes which have affected the commercial tenants and residents nearby.
我们甚至安排的折扣,如果你想尝试我们 渠 道 管 理 合 作伙伴之一。
We have even arranged for discounts if you wish to
[...] try one of our channel management partners.
然 而 , 根 據 屋 宇 署 的 執 法 經 驗 , 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
Nevertheless, based on the experience of BD’s enforcement action, the most common irregularities found in the sub-divided flats in these 116 target buildings include formation of unauthorised door openings that contravene the fire-resisting construction requirements of the means of escape, installation of partition walls that block the fire escape routes, sub-standard drainage works that result in water seepage and excessive installation of partition walls and/or thickening of floor screeding that result in overloading of the floor screeding.
由於蘋果持續關渠道管理, 因而有助其充分利用第四季的強勁增長,進一步縮短與Samsung的差距。
Apple's continued
[...] attention to channel management helped it take full [...]
advantage of the strong quarter to further close the
gap with Samsung, which saw some inventory build up for its smartphone range.
在 2010 年,屋宇署為 286 幢「樓宇更新大行動」(更新行動)第二類別的目標 樓宇開展了修葺工程,工程的範圍主要涉及根據《建築物條例》(第 123 章)發 出的法定命令所規定進行失修樓宇結構及損 渠管 的 修 葺工程。
In 2010, the Buildings Department (BD) commenced repair works for 286 Category 2 target buildings under the Operation Building Bright (the Operation). The scope of works mainly involves the repair of
dilapidated building
[...] structures and drainage defects as required by statutory orders issued under the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123).
(b) 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
As regards the existing UBWs which constitute less serious contravention of the law and pose lower potential risks, the BD will analyse information collected from the Reporting Scheme, conduct objective risk assessment and then formulate follow-up plans for progressive enforcement after dealing with the first round targets.
在其职业生涯中,李昕也曾在微软中国担任OEM市场营销主管,在新浪担 渠 道 管 理 副 总经理,并曾任因特尔中国市场开发经理。
During his professional career, Steven has also worked with Microsoft as their OEM
Marketing Lead, and as the Deputy
[...] General Manager for channel management at Sina, and [...]
as the Market Development Manager for Intel, in China.
高性能无线网络领域的领导企业Xirrus(R)今天宣布启动Xirrus联盟网络(XAN),旨在帮助无线网络技术领域 渠 道 、 管 理 服 务、咨询服务及技术合作伙伴为企业用户提供一流的移动解决方案。
Xirrus(R), the leader in high-performance wireless networks, today
announced the Xirrus Alliance Network (XAN)
[...] to empower channel, managed services, consulting [...]
services, and technology partners
of wireless network technology to deliver best-in-class mobile solutions for the enterprise.
报告指出,企业必须通过技术创管 理 和 渠 道 管 理 ,从内部提升企业综合管理实力,做到“勤练内功”;同时,企业在金融危机过程中,也应考虑“走出去”,在企业外部寻找扩张发展机会,通过增强对供应链上下游的控制,国内国外的并购整合,抓住市场,加强企业在行业内的竞争力,做到“亦练外功”。
The report states that enterprises must
internally enhance comprehensive management level through technical
[...] innovation management and channel management while [...]
externally explore opportunities
for expansion and growth, seize the market and enhance industrial competitiveness through further controlling the upstream and downstream of supply chain and conducting the M&A and integration worldwide.
随着竞争的加剧,产品差异化变得越加困难,如何通过有效的合作联盟、服务战略、价格和收益管理、销售计划以 渠 道 管 理 来 赢得市场成为了交通运输和物流的营运者和基础设施提供者制胜的关键。
As competition intensifies and product differentiation becomes increasingly difficult in the transport and logistics industries, it is even more important to create effective
alliances, service strategies, pricing and revenue management, sales
[...] plans and channel management in order to win [...]
market share.
凭借其在工作中积累的丰富IT领域市场开拓 渠 道 管 理 经验,深厚的技术功底以及扎实的团队领导能力,在公司中历任ITSM技术支持经理,大中国区渠道及合作伙伴管理总监,华东区分公司总经理等职,承担了大量的业务拓展和战略决策工作。
Based on his rich experience in business
[...] development and channel management within the IT industry, as well as his solid technical expertise and exceptional team management capability, [...]
Mr. Luo had effectively
held positions including ITSM Technical Support Manager, Director of Channel and Partner Management - Greater China, and General Manager of East China, undertaking vast responsibilities in business development and strategic decision-making.
会议还普遍接受,要求豁免的国家只要通过外 渠 道 向行 使 管 辖 权 的国家 发出通知就够了。
It was also generally accepted that it
was sufficient for the State claiming immunity to notify the
[...] State exercising jurisdiction through diplomatic channels.
这就意味着您无需进行集成操作:MDM 中定义和管理的数据模型可自动应用于 Web 内管理、跨渠道商务、订管理和 客户服务等其他模块。
This means no integrations are necessary: data models defined and managed in
MDM are automatically available for Web
[...] content management, cross-channel commerce, order management and customer [...]
[...] 措施并列出其优先次序,以支持不断变化的需求;决定增强措施或功能是否将需 要通过联合国工作队或供应商渠道 推行 ; 管 理 与 供应商之间的合同,以确保按 照联合国需要而确定的该系统新功能得到适当许可证和及时纳入;监督与项目有 [...]
The incumbent would work with the peacekeeping missions and Headquarters to identify, design and prioritize new functions and/or enhancements to the system to support evolving needs; to determine whether such enhancements or functions will need to be
channelled through the United Nations
[...] team or the vendor; to manage the contract with the [...]
vendor to ensure proper licensing
and timely incorporation of new functions into the system, as determined by United Nations needs; to supervise the business analysts, developers and technical support staff associated with the project; and to establish standards of service and procedures.
为了在竞争中取得成功,企业需要具有丰富经验和战略眼光、能充分利用数字工具并且非常善于 渠 道 工 作 管 理 的 电子商务领导人才。
To compete, businesses need experienced and visionary
e-commerce leaders who can harness the full set of digital tools and who
[...] are comfortable managing in multichannel environments.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)擴闊仁愛廣場與皇珠路之間一 段長約 1.5 公里的屯門公路市中心段,由雙程雙線分隔車道改為雙程三 線分隔車道;(b)興建 1 條長約 450 米的單線行車天橋,由屯興路沿青
海圍延伸,最終與屯門公路往九龍方向行車道連接;(c)拆卸及重建 4 條 現有行人天橋,並在施工期間提供 2 條臨時行人天橋;(d)安裝相關的
[...] 隔音屏障及隔音罩;以及(e)進行相關的土木、結構、環境美化和土力 工程,重置現有設施,以及進行緩解環境影響 渠 務 、 道路照明、管 和交通輔助設施的工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises (a) widening of 1.5 kilometres long of Tuen Mun Road (TMR) between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road from a dual two-lane to a dual three-lane carriageway; (b) construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 metres long, which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi circuit to merge eventually with the TMR Kowloon-bound carriageways; (c) demolition and reconstruction of four existing footbridges, and provision of two temporary footbridges during the construction period; (d) installation of associated noise barriers/enclosures; and (e) associated civil, structural, landscaping and geotechnical works,
reprovision of existing facilities, environmental
[...] mitigation, drainage, road lighting, water mains and traffic aids works.
您不一定非得经营 500
[...] 强大公司才需要完善的灾难恢复解决方案," Acronis 渠道销售主管 Eric Dougherty 说。
You don't need to be running a Fortune 500
company to require a bullet-proof disaster recovery solution," said
[...] Eric Dougherty, director of channel sales at Acronis.
(v) 在管理混獲和減少丟棄之技術與實踐的使用和維護上,提供充分的訓練予漁
[...] 民,使漁民自行開發解決方案;捕到活混獲物種之處理、復甦和釋放技術、 基本法規和政策,並提供溝通方法使 渠 等 混 獲 管 理 和 減少丟棄之工作能為目 標對象所知悉。
(v) provide adequate training to fishers in the use and maintenance of technology and practices that are used in the management of bycatch and reduction of discards, techniques that allow fishers to develop their own solutions, the handling, recovery and release of bycatch species captured alive, basic legislation and
policies and communication techniques to
[...] allow their bycatch management and discard reduction [...]
work to be elucidated to appropriate target audiences.
[...] (97.6%)、清潔家居(93.7%)、把罐、樽及飯盒等垃圾放進有蓋的垃圾桶內(85.5%),以 及保渠道和水管暢通 和沒有滲漏(84.0%)。
Many respondents had commonly carried out environmental hygiene practices such as keeping windows at home open to maintain good indoor ventilation (97.6%), cleaning home (93.7%), putting rubbish like cans,
bottles and lunch boxes in a covered litter bin (85.5%)
[...] and keeping drains and pipes free from blockage and leakage [...]
Cegedim Dendrite首席执行官Laurent
[...] Labrune解释说:“我们业已证明具备最佳能力,以最少的投资,前瞻性地支持sanofi-aventis的业务模式朝着 渠 道 客 户关 管 理 、 主要客户以及KOL(关键意见领袖)管理的方向发展。
We have demonstrated the best capability to proactively support sanofi-aventis' business model
evolution towards multichannel CRM,
[...] Key Account and KOL management, with the lowest investment," [...]
explained Laurent Labrune,
Chief Executive Officer of Cegedim Dendrite.
全球最大、專攻數據倉庫、大數據分析及綜合式市場推廣管理解決方案的廠商Teradata Corporation
[...] (天睿公司,美國紐約證券交易所交易代碼:TDC), 及其子公司——全球領先以雲端為基礎的整合式市場推廣軟件供應商Aprimo®,宣布該公司在權威分析機構Gartner發表的《 渠 道 市 場推 管 理 魔 力象限》 (Magic Quadrant for Multi-Channel Campaign Management, MCCM) 報告中獲列入「領導者」象限。
Aprimo®, a global leader in cloud-based integrated marketing software and parent company Teradata Corporation (NYSE: TDC), the world・s largest company focused on data
warehousing, big data analytics and
[...] integrated marketing management, , today announced new positioning by Gartner, Inc. in the :Leader・s Quadrant; of the :Magic Quadrant for Multi-Channel Campaign Management; [...]
(MCCM) report.
与此同时,通过表格 D 及 其渠道向麻管局提 交的关于未列入清单化学品 以及非法制造方法的信息证实,现在仍然流行使 用既有的制造方法,利用包括药物制剂形式在内 的伪麻黄碱和麻黄碱制造去氧麻黄碱。
At the same time, information about non-scheduled chemicals and illicit manufacturing methods submitted to the Board on form D and through other channels confirms the continued popularity of methamphetamine manufacture from pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, including in the form of pharmaceutical preparations, using established manufacturing methods.
我们的战略运营经验能够帮助客户在许多领域做出重大正确的战略决策、实现企业的业绩提升,这些领域包括战 管 控 , 客户 渠 道 战 略,供应 管 理 ,兼并与收购等。
Our Strategy & Operations practice helps clients make major strategic decisions and implement business improvements in
areas such as Strategy &
[...] Governance, Customer & Channel Strategy, Supply Chain Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, [...]
and more.




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