单词 | 渐渐地 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 渐渐地—over timeSee also:渐—gradual • imbue 渐 adv—progressively adv • orderly adj
这一领域的经验显示,会员国逐渐地 制 定政策和建立体制对促进实施国际标 准最为有效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Experience in this field indicates that an incremental approach of policy and institutional development by Member States is most effective in promoting the implementation of international standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
逐渐地,会员国希望这些组 织提供比以往水平更高的专门知识。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Increasingly, Member States want these organizations to provide a higher level of expertise than before. unesdoc.unesco.org |
东帝汶补充说,经济状况的 [...] 改善,特别是妇女经济状况的改善将 逐 渐地 改 变 各种态度,其结果将会减少早 婚、女孩辍学和基于性别的暴力行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was added that advancement in economic [...] conditions especially those of women, would [...] soon allow for gradual change in attitudes, [...]resulting in the decrease of early [...]marriages, girls’ school dropout and gender based violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您的办公室正在渐渐地从传 统桌面电话过渡到统一通信或 IP 电话系统,转换器是一个理想的解决方案。 jabra.cn | Enablers are an ideal solution if your office is slowly transitioning from traditional desktop telephony to a Unified Communications or IP telephony system. jabra.com |
认识到有必要逐渐地形成一致商定的国际标准,约束常规武器的进口、出口、 研制、生产和转让,即常规武器转入非法市场 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing the need for evolving commonly agreed international standards for the import, export, development, production and transfer of conventional arms and their diversion to the illicit market. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些代表团还要求开 发署逐渐地不再 采用传统的小型妇女项目,而是采用更为上游的、战略性的政治 方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those delegations also asked UNDP to move away from traditional, small-scale women’s projects towards a more upstream, strategic and political approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织在协调全民教育合作伙伴和维持其集体干劲方面的重要牵头作用, 逐 渐地 得到了其国际合作伙伴及会员国中的合作伙伴的更广泛的接受和认可。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s central leadership role in coordinating EFA partners and maintaining their collective momentum gradually gained wider acceptance and recognition among its international partners and in member states. unesdoc.unesco.org |
渐渐地他们捞起这些湿滑的 东西,看水怎么流掉。 ipaworld.org | Gradually they began to lift [...] up the slippery stuff and watch how the water ran off. ipaworld.org |
在交通日益繁忙且气候条件多变的情况下,沥青路 面 渐渐地 失 去 了它们的机械性能。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Under increasing traffic and diverse weather conditions, asphalt [...] road surfaces progressively lose their [...]mechanical performance. exxonmobilchemical.com |
从非正式逐渐地 转向 正式的工作是必要的,而经济多样化也是必要 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A gradual transition from informal [...] to formal work was necessary as was economic diversification. daccess-ods.un.org |
一定要逐渐地增加纤维的摄入量,让您的身体有时间来适应这种调整。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Be sure to increase your fiber intake gradually, giving your body time to adjust beijing.ufh.com.cn |
虽然发达国家是逐渐地老龄 化,但这些国家仍面临着老龄与失业及退休金 制度的可持续性之间关系所造成的挑战;而发展中国家却同时面临发展问题和人 口老化问题。 monitoringris.org | Though developed countries have been able to age gradually, they face challenges resulting from the relationship between ageing and unemployment and sustainability of pension systems, while developing countries face the challenge of simultaneous development and population ageing. monitoringris.org |
整个体系需要 全面并逐渐地适应 当前的现实要求,即在联合国主 持下形成一个单一条约。 daccess-ods.un.org | The entire system needed to be comprehensively and progressively adapted to presentday realities, in a single treaty under United Nations auspices. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这种消极后果只会逐渐地触及 到对此负有主要责任的发达国家 的人民生活方式和活动,但是受到全球变暖影响最严重将是全球温室气体排放占 [...] 比最小的最不发达国家和小岛屿国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the negative consequences [...] will only gradually touch on the lifestyles [...]and activities of the people in developed States [...]which are most responsible, the least developed countries and small island States which have contributed least to global greenhouse gas emissions will be worst affected by global warming. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其是对于这些激励措施而言,有理由相信,随着市场竞 争、技术进步以及学习曲线效应,提高能效水平的成本会 逐 渐地 明 显 下降, 并且越来越多的更加先进的节能技术和产品会在市场上出现。 efchina.org | Particularly over the term of these incentives, it is reasonable to expect that the cost of efficiency will decline significantly through innovation and competition as well as through the learning curve effect of increased production of more efficient designs and products. efchina.org |
由于两法庭正逐 渐地完成 其工作,所以需要开展更多这类活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | More of these activities will be needed as they gradually move towards the completion of their work. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国提供从小学到大学的免费教育,使青年 人能够逐渐地在有 必要机会并具备必要知识的情况 下作出他们自己的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Free education from the primary level to university can allow for the youth to gradually make their own decisions to the degree that they have the opportunities and knowledge to do so. daccess-ods.un.org |
准则1.6 所提到的“可适用规则”首先是1969年、1978年和1986 年《维 也纳公约》中的有关规则,和一般的适用于保留和解释性声明的习惯规则(本实 践指南企图按照委员会的职权将其逐 渐地 编 纂 和拟订 ) ;以及那些关于国家和国 际组织能够就条约提出的其他单方声明的规则,这些规则不在实践指南内。 daccess-ods.un.org | (4) The “rules applicable” referred to in guideline 1.8 are, first of all, the relevant rules in the 1969, 1978 and 1986 Vienna Conventions and, in general, the customary rules applicable to reservations and to interpretative declarations, which this Guide to Practice is intended to codify and develop progressively in accordance with the Commission’s mandate, and those relating to other unilateral statements which States and international organizations may formulate in respect of treaties but which are not covered in the Guide to Practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
但现在,他们渐渐地开始 适应,感觉更安全了。 unicef.org | But now, little by little, they are beginning to adapt and to feel more secure. unicef.org |
在这种观点看来,千年将无法启动,突然透过一个启示, 但 渐渐地 通 过 人类的努力。 mb-soft.com | In this view, the millennium will not start suddenly through an [...] apocalypse, but gradually through the efforts [...]of human beings. mb-soft.com |
在经历了 18 个月逐渐地削弱卫生、 生计和基础设施的封锁之后,加沙人道主义局势在去 年 12 月 27 日以前就已经非常令人不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | After eighteen months of closure, which steadily weakened health, livelihoods and infrastructure, the humanitarian situation in Gaza before 27 December last year was already very worrying. daccess-ods.un.org |
渐渐地,刚 度和经济保护主义的政府宽松的自己。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Gradually the stiffness and [...] economic protectionist governments loose yourself. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
2009年,将要实施新的欧盟农药立法,在欧洲共同市场将 逐 渐地 禁 止 许多以 危害特征为基础的农药。 ipen-china.org | New European Union pesticide legislation adopted in 2009 will progressively ban numerous pesticides within the European Community based on their hazard characteristics. ipen-china.org |
但是,大多数情 况下,最好对系统进行过量充注,然后 逐 渐地 去 除 制冷剂,直至达到正确的充注量为止。 secop.com | However, mostly it will be more appropriate to overcharge the system and then gradually draw off refrigerant until the correct charge has been obtained. secop.com |
为了防止滥用支配地位,发展中国家应 逐 渐地 对 这种做法制定一项对策, 因为兼并管制条例执行起来成本高昂,这一领域的规章制度只能在成功执行了其 它规定之后才可以执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | To prevent its abuse, developing countries should take their time in developing a response to this practice, as merger control regulations were very costly to implement and this area of regulation should enforced only after the successful enforcement of other provisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
行走于喧嚣的尘世里,在越来越适应都市生活的同时,我们 却 渐渐地 舍 弃 了自然的生活步调。 sunislandclub.com | Living in the hustle and bustle of cities, we always pride ourselves in being adaptable to the urban lifestyle. sunislandclub.com |
尽管如此,挪威渐渐地开始 成立其他剧院,首先在特隆海姆和斯塔凡格,而从20世纪70年代开始,新成立的剧院遍及挪威大部分地区。 norway.org.cn | Gradually, however, other theatres were [...] established, first in Trondheim and Stavanger, and from the 1970s throughout most of Norway. norway.or.kr |
财政方面,谨慎的财政管理在遇到金融危机的 时候使得负债比率处于比较适度的水平;而且,为了防止经济过热,大多数新兴市场国家已经开始逐 渐地控制赤字。 bbvaresearch.com | On the fiscal front, prudent fiscal management in the run up to the crisis has left debt ratios on comfortable levels and most EMs are on their way to gradually rein in their deficits as part of their cooling efforts. bbvaresearch.com |
在总结报表中特定的注意事项将逐 渐地 被 包 括或被显示在网站首页上是可以被请求的。 diniargeo.cn | Specific notices in summary form are progressively included or displayed on the website pages hosting the specific services that may be requested. diniargeo.com |
新的发展规划应能够满足最新的建筑法规,并且应当符合雨水收集、卫浴设备的用水 效率标准以及中水回用的可能性等方面最新要求。当然,只有随着更多新建筑的兴建 以及更多的人经常清洗其浴室及厕所,这类法规的成效才能 逐 渐地 全 部 显现出来。 wrdmap.org | New development should meet the latest building regulations and these should incorporate the latest thinking on such issues as rainwater harvesting, water efficiency standards for sanitary fittings, possibilities for grey-water recycling, etc. The full effect of such regulations is of course only felt over time as more new properties are built and more people have their bathrooms and toilets refurbished. wrdmap.org |