

单词 渊泓

See also:

deep pool

rare, literary classifier for a large body of clear water

vast and deep

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,政府不會檢討的,當然是現在的西九龍,包括昨天拍賣的 泓 道 地皮 一帶的沿海土地。
Moreover, what will also be excluded from government review is certainly the West
Kowloon project, including the land along the waterfront of
[...] the site in Hoi Wang Road which was [...]
sold in yesterday's auction.
(d) 至於把 其 他服務的 收費包括在管理費內的 問題, 競 諮 會經考慮 電 訊 管理局局長泓景臺的 個 案所作出的報告後 認 為
(d) On bundling charges for other services with management fee, having considered the report of the Telecommunications Authority on the Banyan Garden case
委员会在第六十届(2008 年)会议上收到特别报告员的初次报告(A/CN.4/ 598),探讨发生灾害时的人员保护情况的演变,查明关于这一专题的法 渊 源, 以及此前在这个领域编纂和发展法律的情况。
At the sixtieth session (2008), the Commission had before it the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/598), tracing the evolution of the protection of persons in the event of disasters, identifying the sources of the law on the topic, as well as previous efforts towards codification and development of the law in the area.
可是,在 去 年泓 景 臺 事件中 , 電 訊 管 理局經調 查後表 示 , 因 管 理公司並非電 訊 牌照的 持 牌 人,所以即使將 固 網 服 務 包括在管 理 費 內可能 會 將 競 爭者置 於重大 的 不 利 位 置 , 但 《 電 訊 條例》 內 的 反 競 爭 行為條文亦不適 用於該個案。
However, in the incident involving the Banyan Garden last year, the Office of the Telecommunications Authority said after investigation that since the management company is not a telecommunications licensee, even though the inclusion of fixed-line telephone service in the management fee may place other competitors in a very disadvantageous position, the provisions on anti-competition behaviour in the Telecommunications Ordinance were still not applicable to this case.
自适应移动平均线,平均方向性运动指数,平均运动指数怀尔德指标,布林通道线,双指数移动平均线,鲍洛格线指标,分形自适应移动平均线,云图指标,移动平均指标,抛物线状止损和反转指标,标准偏差指标,三重指数移动平均线,可变指数动态平均指标,平均真实范围,熊市力量,牛市力量,蔡金振荡器,商品通道指数,DeM 指标,劲道指数,MACD指标,动量指标,振荡器移动平均线,相对强弱指数,相对活力指数,随机指标,三重指数平均,威廉百分比范围,离散指标,资金流量指数,能量潮指标,成交量柱状图,加速器振荡器,鳄鱼指标,OA振荡指标,分形指标,GATOR 振荡器,市场促进指数。
Adaptive Moving Average, Average Dierectional Movement Indey, Average Movement Index Wilder, Bollinger Bands, Double Exponential Moving Average, Envelopes, Fractal Adaptive Moving Average, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Moving Average, Parabloic SAR, Standard Deviation, Triple Exponential Moving Average, Variable Index Dynamic Average, Average True Range, Bears Power, Bulls Power, Chaikin Ocillator, Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker, Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strenght Index, Relative Vigor Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Triple Exponential Average, William's Percent Range, Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow Index, On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator Oscillator, Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, Fractals, Gator Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index.
泓格公 司提供了各式各樣的CANopen主站解決方案,涵蓋嵌入式控制器、PCI及PCIe插槽的版卡、PCI [...]
ICP DAS provides various [...]
solutions for CANopen Masters such as embedded controller, PCI and PCIe boards, PCI 104 boards, and USB interface modules.
在新闻部 的一贯支持下,联合国维持和平电台在塞拉利昂向公共服务实体的转型 受到了重视,霍加狓电台是刚果民主主义共和国一个至关重要的全国广 播,该电台的现状和未来计划也得到了突显。
The transition of the United Nations peacekeeping radio to a public service entity in Sierra Leone, a process the Department of Public Information has been supporting, was highlighted, as was the current status and future plans for Radio Okapi, a vital nationwide broadcaster in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
他亦認為,除了增 加新的旅遊景點以外,政府當局及旅發局亦應利用適合的機 會,例如再有兩隻大熊貓到港,推廣香港的旅遊業。
He also opined that in addition to adding new tourism attractions, the Administration and HKTB should also make use of suitable opportunities, such as the arrival of another two Giant Pandas, to promote Hong Kong's tourism.
特别报告员回顾说,他的报告所采用的方 法首先是为了审视《国际法院规约》第 38 条所承认的国际法的各渊源;只有 在缺乏这渊源产 生的规则时,才作为逐渐发展的事项,借鉴国内实践提出条款 草案。
The Special Rapporteur recalled that the methodology adopted in his reports was firstly to examine the sources of international law recognized in article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice; only in the absence of a rule derived from one or the other of those sources could domestic practice serve as a basis for proposing draft articles as a matter of progressive development.
土力加固 工程將會分階段進行,以減少工地範圍及對泓道交通的影響。
The ground improvement works will be conducted in phases to minimise the size of the works area and the impact
[...] on the traffic on Hoi Wang Road.
該社區會堂 2006 年周末平均使用率達
[...] 78%,由於荔枝角 社區會堂附近的新屋苑( 包泓景臺 、昇悅居、宇晴軒、碧海藍天和海 [...]
麗邨) 近期相繼落成,會堂服務的人口不斷急劇增加,擬建社區會堂有 助紓緩該會堂的壓力,並可為美孚新邨、盈暉臺和清麗苑約
50 000 名 居民提供舉辦社區活動的場地。
In light of the recent completion of a
number of new residential estates in the
[...] vicinity (including the Banyan Garden, [...]
Liberte, The Pacifica, Aqua Marine and Hoi
Lai Estate), the population served by the LCKCH has been increasing rapidly and the proposed CH will help relieve the pressure on the LCKCH.
泓 景 臺 的 管 理 費 , 除 了包括固 網電話費外 , 也包括了屋 苑 內 醫務所 的 月費。
Apart from fixed-line telephone service charges, the management fee charged by the Banyan Garden also includes a monthly fee charged by the clinic in the housing estate.
(i) 泓景臺的 個 案所涉 及的事宜 並 非 一 般競爭的 問題,而主要 涉 及地產發展商在出售有關物業或入伙前,必須預早以簡 單易明的方式 公 開 包括在管理費內的所有服務的 細 節 。
(i) COMPAG was of the view that the issues identified in the Banyan Garden case were not general competition issues and a comprehensive competition law was not the answer to resolving the issues identified.
自加入德勤中国后陈泓为亚 太区的科技、媒体和电信行业内的多家企业提供上市,审计及咨询的服务。
Since joining Deloitte China, Jimmy has assisted many TMT companies in the Asia Pacific region with initial public offerings and audit and advisory services.
參訪一開始,先泓格科 技專案經理林勤喻先生為大家做簡短的公司介紹和全產品概述,接著 泓 格 科 技研發副理游尚明先生為大家講解整個HVAC的架構以及冰水主機結 泓 格 科 技自行開發的圖控系統『Smart 2』的軟體操作。
Then Mr. Cony Yu ¡V the assistant manager of R&D department- illustrated the whole framework of HVAC and demonstrated how to operate the chiller via Smart 2 ¡V a graphic control software developed by ICP DAS.
因為根據估計,對 於泓道的 地皮,第一是發展商會盡量利用其地積比率,第二是有“發水” [...]
的問題,將來的樓宇高度一定會相當高,而根據發展商過往的做法,一定會 盡取景觀,會建成的樓宇好像一塊屏風般。
To people in West Kowloon, this is disastrous news because insofar as
[...] this site in Hoi Wang Road is concerned, [...]
it is estimated that firstly, the developers
will utilize the plot ratio as fully as possible, and secondly, there will be the "inflating" problem, and the buildings will be very tall in the future and according to the past practices of developers, they will certainly try to capture as much view as possible and so, the buildings to be completed would only resemble a screen.
泓先生 是德勤中国电子商务行业的领导合伙人,同时也是德勤中国科技 传媒和电信行业的华东区领导合伙人。
Jimmy is the ecommerce sector leader and also the Easter China TMT Industry leader of Deloitte China.
泓淋科 技集团有限公司 (股票代号:1087) 于2010年11月在香港联合交易所主版上市,主要从事于设计、研发、制造及销售自主品牌 泓 淋 」 的产品以及发展广泛的产品组合,包括信号线组件、电源线组件、线缆(主要用作信号传输)及连接器产品。
HL Technology Group Limited (stock code: 1087), listed on the Main Board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Nov 2010, is engaged in the design, research and development, manufacture and sale of our their “Hong-lin” brand name products and has developed an extensive product portfolio covering signal cable assembly, power cord assembly, wire & cable (primarily for signal transmission purpose) and connector products.
沿深旺道及泓道各個地點亦繼續實施局部 臨時交通管理計劃,以便拆除影響高鐵隧道 工程的障礙物、土力加固或遷移公用設施工 程等等。
Also, some minor TTMSs are being implemented at various locations along Sham Mong Road and Hoi Wang Road to make room for removal of tunnel obstructions, ground improvement works or diversion of existing utilities.
泓教授 评论说:“就具体措施来说,也许中国仍然想为正 常贸易留余地。
Professor Shi Yinhong commented that, “In respect of concrete measures, maybe China still wants to leave some room for financial transactions for normal trade.
全美中國研究協會」(American Association for Chinese Studies, AACS)本(2012)年10月12日至14日假喬治亞理工學院舉辦第54屆年會暨年度學術研討會,駐亞特蘭大辦事處高安處長偕主任曾 泓 、 組 長邱建義應邀出席年會開幕典禮及年會晚宴,該晚宴並由威斯康辛大學Edward Friedman教授以「中國的野心、美國的利益、台灣的命運及亞洲的未來」為題發表專題演講。
Director General Anna A. Kao of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Atlanta was invited to attend the 54th Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies (AACS), which was held at Georgia Institute of Technology, Oct. 12-Oct. 14, 2012.
夾帶著高規格的配備與穩定的WinCE 6.0作業系統泓格XP AC_CE於2009年8月正式問世!在PAC的發展進程中,XPAC_CE可以說是將PAC的穩定特色發揮到極致的控制器。
With a high-quality hardware equipped and the high-stability operation system WinCE 6.0 Embedded, XPAC-CE is launched by ICP DAS in 2009!
这是LEXUS雷克萨斯品牌连续第五次举办这一全国性品牌体验及试乘试驾活动,在此活动中,济南 泓 雷 克 萨斯专营店邀请的各界客户共同感受了雷克萨斯品牌所带来的绿色环保理念及激情难忘的驾驭体验。
Focusing this year on the theme “Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing” the 2011 Taste of Lexus brand experience and test drive event, now in its 5th consecutive year, invited customers from various backgrounds to the Jinan Tianhong Lexus dealership to share both the unforgettable Lexus driving experience and the company’s latest environmental technology.
林先生是新加坡交易所上市公司ARA 资产管理有限公司的总裁兼执行董事,并担任新加坡上市公司置富产业信托、新达产业信托,以及香港上市 泓 富 产 业信托和马来西亚上市的AmFirst产业信托的董事。
Mr Lim is presently the Group CEO and Executive Director of Singapore-listed ARA Asset Management Limited and Director of the managers of Singapore-listed Fortune REIT and Suntec REIT, Hong Kong-listed Prosperity REIT and Malaysia-listed AmFIRST REIT, as well as Chairman of APM Property Management Pte Ltd and Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Services Pte Ltd.
同时泓淋高 品质的产品也成为同行业中的典范 泓 淋 的 产品被LG﹑SAMSUNG﹑AOC﹑HAIER﹑PANASONIC等世界知名大公司广泛应用于Internet、各类通讯仪器、数码产品、通信、电力传输、配电以及各种电子家电产品、信息产品和电子零组件,高频信号线被广泛用于制造高端数字和模拟视听电子设备。
The products are widely used in Internet , various types of communication equipment, digital products, power transmission/distribution, and various of electronic appliances, data communication devices and electronic components. Main customers are LG ,SAMSUNG﹑AOC﹑HAIER﹑PANASONIC, and etc. High-frequency signal wires are widely used in the manufacture of high-end digital and audio/ video electronic devices.




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